POE, Edgar Allan (1809-1849). American writer. Historias Extraordinarias (Extraordinary Tales). Spanish edition
Dd home and ChairDaniel Dunglass Home, Scottish-American medium, remains the most enigmatic of all spirit mediums, performing extraordinary feats which have never been explained
High Cup Nick - Teesdale, east side of the Pennines in County Durham Date: circa 1930s
Quincy Copper Mine, Hancock, Michigan - Shaft No. 2Quincy No.2 mine shaft (with the old hoist house at right) at the Quincy Copper Mine, Hancock, Michigan. This amazing structure was eventually replaced with the steel structure at the site today
Jacob Hall, famous Restoration tight-rope performer. A popular entertainer in London from 1662 to 1682. After a portrait by Jacob van Oost. Jacob Hall, celebrated rope dancer temp. King Charles II
Cannibals dancing around a fire, holding human heads and bones, others gnawing on human flesh. Woodcut from The Cabinet of Curiosities, or Wonders of the World Displayed, Henry Piercy, New York, 1836
The Biddenden Maids, 11th century conjoined twinsElizabeth and Mary Chulkhurst, the Biddenden Maids, died aged 34 in 1100. Legendary 11th century conjoined twins or Siamese twins from Kent, England
Henry Welby, reclusive inhabitant of Grub Street, aged 84. The Grub Street Hermit. Woodcut from The Cabinet of Curiosities, or Wonders of the World Displayed, Henry Piercy, New York, 1836
Daniel Dancer, notorious 18th century miser with bag of gold and coins on a bare kitechen table. Born in Harrowweald, Middlesex, 1716-1794
Henry Lemoine, 18th century London hack-writer and publisherHenry Lemoine, hack-writer and publisher of chapbooks, pamphlets, 1756-1812. Married Gothic chapbook publisher Ann Swires in 1786
Gravestone with skeleton inside a tied shroud, 12th centuryAncient monumental stone with skeleton inside a tied shroud, sun and moon, 12th century. Inscribed Johana Tyrry obit. decembri 1169
Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder (c. 1620-1647). Notorious witch-hunter whose career flourished during the English Civil War. Author of the Discovery of Witches
William Sommers, jester to King Henry VIII. Fool or buffoon, died 1560. In feather cap, tunic robe with HR (Henry Rex), holding a horn
The Turk, 18th century chess-player robot hoaxThe Turk, fraudulent robotic chess-player invented by Hungarian inventor Wolfgang de Kempelen 1734-1804. In fact, a man was hidden inside the machine. Given to Maria Theresa of Austria in 1769
Astrologer Jack Adams drawing a horoscope, 17th centuryAstrologer Jack Adams drawing a horoscope for Joan, Queen of Sluts, 17th century. Adams was an astrologer of Clerkenwell in King Charles II's reign
Blash le Manfre, the Water SpouterBlasii de Manfre, Blasius Manfredi, the Water Spouter. 17th century Maltese performer who drank water and spouted wine, beer, oil and milk. Magician, puppeteer and juggler, died aged 72 in 1651
Berholde, a favorite of King Alboin of LombardyBertoldo or Berholde, crafty peasant who became a favorite of King Alboin of Lombardy, 568-572. Bertholde, Prime Minister to Albinus King of Lombardy. Lithograph after a stipple engraving by R
Barbara Urslerin, the hairy-faced woman, 17th centuryBarbara Urslerin, the hairy-faced woman, 1629-1668. Famous bearded lady exhibited in Europe and London by her husband Michael Vanbeck. After a portrait by Richard Gaywood in 1658
Itinerant cake-seller with baskets of cakes, 18th century. Nice New, a well-known character at Reading
Jimmy Gordon, an eccentric character of Cambridge, 1762-1825James "Jemmy" Gordon, 18th century attorney who became an alcoholic vagabond in and out of gaol. Jimmy Gordon, an eccentric character of Cambridge, 1762-1825
Chevalier d'Eon, passed as a woman, 1728-1810Chevalier d'Eon, who many years passed as a woman, 1728-1810. French diplomat, spy, soldier and professional fencer who dressed in women's clothes from 1777
Madame Teresia, the Corsican Fairy, 1743-1790Madame Maria Teresa, the Amazing Corsican Fairy. Depicted with a normal size woman
Matthew Robinson Morris, 2nd Baron Rokeby, 1712-1800. Eccentric aristocrat who loved hot baths and let his estate grow wild. Lord Bokeby, of Singular Eccentricity
John Valerius, born without hands or arms, 18th centuryJohn Valerius, born without hands or arms
Thomas Hills Everett, the enormous baby, 18th centuryThomas Hills Everett, the enormous baby of Enfield. Portrait of the baby at 11 months when he was the size of a 7-year-old with his mother from a handbill advertising his exhibition
John Smith or Buckhorse, 18th century prizefighterJohn Smith, better known by the name of Buckhorse
Miss Hawtin, born without arms, 18th century. Born in Coventry, she exhibited her dexterity cutting decorative watch papers with her feet all over England. From a portrait published 1774
Portrait of Elias Hoyle, aged 113Portrait of Elias Hoyle, of Sowerby, Yorkshire, aged 113. Teetotal journeyman mechanic who worked until 110
Thomas Hudson, 18th century London vagabondThomas Hudson, remarkable for his misfortunes, died 1767. Clerk from Leeds who lost his inherited fortune in the South Sea Bubble in 1720
Thomas Parr, famous aged man of Shrophire, 1483-1635Thomas Parr, who died at the age of 152 years. Old Tom Parr or Old Parr married Jane Taylor at age 80, had an affair with Katharin Milton at age 105, and married Jane Adda (or Jane Lloyd) at age 122
George Romondo, an eccentric mimic, 18th century. Born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1765. Short bow-legged mimic who imitated animal noises, musical instruments, tool sounds in London public houses
Francis Trovillou, the Horned Man, 16th centuryFrancis Trovillou, the Horned Man. Born in Mezieres in the mid 16th century, he grew a horn on his forehead from age 7
Miss Harvey, the Beautiful Albiness, Regency eraMiss Harvey, albino woman with silk hair perfectly white and pink eyes
Joseph Clark, famous contortionist in London, 17th centuryJoseph Clark, the famous posture master, died 1696. London contortionist capable of dislocating bones and grimacing to pass as a deformed person
Nathaniel Bentley, the well-known Dirty Dick, 1735-1809. Owner of a hardware shop on Leadenhall Street who later became a miser and hoarder famous for his filthiness
Foster Powell, the astonishing 18th century pedestrianFoster Powell, the astonishing pedestrian, 1734-1793. Famous for his marathon walks across England, from London to York and back, for a wager
Thomas Wood, the abstemious miller, 1719-1783. Wood became morbidly obese in his 40s from a diet of beer and fatty meat, until he was recommended a diet book by Luigi Cornaro, a Venetian noble
Jeffery Dunstan, Mayor of Garratt, 1759-1797. Work-house foundling who became an old-wig seller and huckster, elected Mayor of Garratt, London, in 1785 until his death in 1797
Joanna Southcott, religious fanatic and prophetess, 18th centuryJoanna Southcott, an extraordinary fanatic, 1750-1814. Domestic servant of Devon who became a prophetess and leader of the Southcottian cult from 1792
Sir Harry Dimsdale, foolish muffin seller, 1807Sir Harry Dimsdale, foolish muffin seller, 1758-1811. Elected Mayor of Garratt following the death of Sir Jeffrey Dunstan in 1797
George Morland, the celebrated painter, 1763-1804. Painter of rustic scenes and landscapes who fell into debt and alcoholism. Lithograph after a stipple engraving by R
Thomas Laugher, commonly called Old Tommy, 1700-1812. Teetotaller, former liquor merchant of Tower Street, London, famous for his great longevity
Margaret McAvoy, an extraordinary blind girl, 1800-1820. Young blind woman of Liverpool famous for her ability to read text and see colours with her fingers. After a portrait in Dr
Bampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Beggars, 18th centuryBampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Beggars, 1693-1759. Notorious vagabond, beggar, vagrant, King of the Gypsies, King of the Mendicants, 18th century
Thomas Cooke, famous 18th century miser with his wifeThomas "Cabbage" Cooke, 1725-1811, with his wife on a stroll. A porter who married a rich widow and bought a sugar-baker's at Puddle Dock
Eve Flegen, the Maiden of Meurs, 17th centuryEve Flegen, the Maiden of Meurs, Dutch woman who fasted for 14 years from age 22 to 36, from 1597 to 1611. Eve Fleigen, who lived on the smell of flowers. Hevavllegen tot Meurs
Daniel Lambert, famous obese man, 1770-1809Daniel Lambert, gaol keeper and dog breeder from Leicester, 1770-1809. Exhibited himself in London in 1806 weighing over 700lb, 320kg. Daniel Lambert, of surprising corpulency
Thomas Britton, the musical small coal-man, 1644-1714. Famous for his concerts, library of antiquarian music, collection of musical instruments. Depicted with his coal sack and measure
Elizabeth Woodcock, who was buried in snow nearly 8 days. Buried in a snowdrift from February 2 to 10, 1799, near Cambridge. Rescued but lost toes and instep to frostbite and died the following year
John Elwes, the Remarkable Miser, 18th centuryJohn Elwes, the Remarkable Miser, 1714-1789. Member of Parliament for Berkshire, famous eccentric and miser. Heir to several fortunes and miserly relatives. Lithograph after a stipple engraving by R
Francesco Battalia, the Stone Eater, 17th century. Born in Rome with three stones in his hands, he lived on a diet of stones and red wine
The Pig-Faced Lady, famous in London circa 1815The Pig-Faced Lady, with fur muff, famous in London circa 1815. "The Wonderful Miss Atkinson
Sam House, the Patriotic Publican or Liberty Boy, died 1785. Ex-cooper and supporter of Whig politician Charles James Fox. He opened a pub called Intrepid Fox on Wardour Street
Matthias Buchinger, German artist and performer, 1674-1722Matthias Buchinger, German artist, magician and performer born without hands and feet, 1674-1722. Matthew Buchinger, the Wonderful little Man of Nuremberg
Count Joseph Boruwlaski and his wife and child, 18th centuryCount Joseph Boruwlaski, the celebrated Polish Dwarf, 1739-1837. A favourite of the Royal Courts of Europe, he married Isalina Barboutan, a companion to Countess Humieska, in 1781
Chevalier Desseasau, remarkable for his vanity, died 1775
Peter the Wild Boy, famous German feral child, 18th centuryPeter the Wild Boy, famous German feral child, 1712-1785. Found in the woods of Haemlin aged 13. Exhibited to King George I and the nobility of England in 1726. Subject of a satire by Jonathan Swift
Floram Marchand, the Water Spouter. 17th centuryFloram Marchand, the Water Spouter. French entertainer who drank water and vomited wine (red, burgundy, white). He was brought to London in 1650 to perform. After a 17th century pamphlet
John Broughton, famous 18th century boxerJohn Broughton, a notorious pugilist. Waterman who became a famous English bare-knuckle prizefighter, 1704-1789. Opened a boxing academy at Haymarket in 1747 and later Broughton's Amhiptheatre
Matthew Lovat, crucified himself at Venice, July 1805. Lovat, a shoemaker, castrated himself with his tools in 1802, and later nailed himself to a cross out a window in 1805
Old Boots, boot-cleaner of Ripon, Yorkshire, 1692-1762. Famous for being able to hold a coin between nose and chin. Shown holding a boot-jack and slippers
Wybrand Lolkes, the Dutch Dwarf and his wifeWybrand Lolkes, the Dutch Dwarf, 1733-1790s, and his wife
Henry Jenkins, who lived to the amazing age of 169 yearsPortrait of Henry Jenkins, 1501-1670. Fisherman and later beggar who lived to the amazing age of 169 years. Self-proclaimed supercentenarian who died 1670 in Bolton-on Swale, Yorkshire
Madrid - Extraordinary General Meeting of industrial guildsSpain, Madrid. Extraordinary General Meeting of the industrial guilds, held in the Salon Capellanes on 13 February 1882. Illustration by J. Comba. Engraving by Capuz
Extraordinary pieces of artillery: view and section of the culverine of Nancy, a triple cannon, a twin cannon and an ancient screwpiece
A Rickshaw boy of Durban in their remarkable costume. Introduced from Japan, the rickshaw became a form of transport in Durban in the late 19th century
Charles MackayCHARLES MACKAY Writer and editor best known for his Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds of which we possess a first edition... Date: 1814 - 1889
White Star Line, RMS Olympic, Tucks postcard, sent from Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912, sailing day of the Titanic?s maiden voyage
Mulberry Harbour Remains Arromaches NormandyThe extraordinary idea of floating concrete harbours across the Channel is said to have been that of Winston Churchill. There were two of them but the one at Omaha Beach was destroyed by a storm
PALLISTER STIGMATASmall poster entitled, Most extraordinary appearances after death! Account of Mrs Pallister with illustration, printed by J. Catnach, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials Date: 19th century
A page from Opal's precocious childhood diary which backs her claim to be a French princess who had emigrated to the U.S. : though truly extraordinary, not all believed it. Date: 1920
BeefeaterA painting of a Yeomen Warder of Her Majestys Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Member of the Sovereigns Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary, popularly known as a Beefeater
Carriage of Count Sebastiani, French Ambassador, in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of Count Lowenhielm in Queen Victoria sCarriage of Count Carl Lowenhielm, Ambassador Extraordinary from the King of Sweden in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of the Marquis of Brignole in Queen Victoria sCarriage of the Marquis of Brignole, Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Sardinia, in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of the Marquis of Miraflores in Queen Victoria sCarriage of Manuel de Pando, 6th Marquis of Miraflores, Ambassador Extraordinary from Queen Isabella II of Spain in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of Count Carl August von Alten, Ambassador Extraordinary from the King of Hanover in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of Prince of Putbus in Queen Victoria sCarriage of Wilhelm Malte I, Prince of Putbus, Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Prussia, Frederick William III, in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Yeoman of the Guard parading at Queen Victoria sYeoman of the Guard parading at Queen Victorias coronation procession.. One hundred Yeoman of the Guard Four and Four. in uniform with pikes
Carriage of Friedrich, Prince of Schwarzenberg, inCarriage of Friedrich, Prince of Schwarzenberg, Ambassador Extraordinary of the Emperor of Austria in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of Count Stroganov in Queen Victoria sCarriage of Count Sergei Grigoryevich Stroganov, Ambassador Extraordinary from the Emperor of Russia, in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of the Prince of Ligne in Queen Victoria sCarriage of Eug??ne Fran??ois Charles Joseph Lamoral de Ligne d Amblise et d Epinoy, Prince of Ligne, representing Leopold I, King of Belgium, in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Carriage of the Turkish Resident Ambassador In QueenCarriage of Sarim Effendi, Turkish Resident Ambassador In Queen Victorias coronation parade
Schleicher ASW17 26, on the grid at a gliding competition in the UK