Goodbye Old Man, solder and horse WWI"Goodbye, Old Man" A World War One soldier gives his dying horse a parting kiss. Date: circa 1916
WW2 poster, A tous les francais, General de GaulleWW2 poster, A tous les francais (To all French people), from General de Gaulle, based in Liverpool during the Second World War. France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war
WW2 poster, We shall not flag, Winston Churchill speechWW2 poster, We shall not flag, we shall not fail. Winston Churchill speech, 4 June 1940. Date: 1940
Kitchener Poster - Your Country Needs YouPoster, Britons - (Kitchener) wants YOU. Join your countrys army. The classic World War One recruitment poster designed by Alfred Leete. circa 1916
Defenders of the Empire - British Army, Navy and Airforce with the King at the fore. Date: 1924
Victoria Tower on Castle Hill, Huddersfield, YorkshireView of the Victoria Tower on Castle Hill, overlooking Huddersfield, Yorkshire. The tower was opened in 1899 to commemorate Queen Victorias 60+ year reign. Date: 1940s
Soviet propaganda poster - We want Peace" We want Peace!" Soviet propaganda poster - featuring a happy, singing Communist family, waving flags. Date: circa 1950s
Long Live Estonia! A patriotic postcard, featuring a female personification of the State of Estonia, waving the Estonian Flag before a night sky. Date: circa 1920
WWI Poster, The Empire Needs MenWWI Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Poster, design by Arthur Wardle (1864-1949), The Empire Needs Men! Enlist Now. Depicting a lion and cubs, representing Britain and her Empire. Date: 1915
Ww1 Postcard BulldogsPatriotic British bulldogs: We re Ready !
WW2 poster, To Victory -- With Our Help! Pilots profile with Hawker Hurricanes. Printed by Massey-Harris for distribution in England. Date: circa 1942
British National Anthem - Rule Britannia - a British patriotic song, originating from the poem " Rule, Britannia" by James Thomson and set to music by Thomas Arne in 1740. Date: 1905
Czech Republic - 10th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1938A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)
WW2 poster, The British Commonwealth of Nations Together. 1941
WWI Poster, Is your home here? Defend itIs your home here? Defend it! Parliamentary Recruiting Committee poster with a map showing the different regiments and HQs where men can enlist. Date: 1916
Territorial Army poster - Inter-war periodFor England and Freedom! Join the Territorial Army. Recruitment poster Number 8. Chromolithograph after Lance Cattermole, published by His Majestys Stationery Office, 1938. Date: 1938
The Central Powers of WWIWith United Forces (the motto of Emperor Franz Josef I) - patriotic depiction of the Central Powers of WWI - Germany, Turkey and Austro-Hungary
Old man in Stoke pub -1An elderly man sits in the bar of a working class pub in Staffordshire. He has a half pint of mild ale. It is early doors and there is a portrait of the Queen on the wall - 1 Date: 1987
Ww1 Postcard BulldogTheres life in the old dog yet ! - a British bulldog, depicted with a boot, a pair of spectacles and a German helmet
WW1 poster, Enlist in the Navy, All Together - Allied sailors of six nationalities. Date: 1917
WW2 poster, Per Ardua Ad Astra, Winston Churchill speechWW2 poster, Per Ardua Ad Astra. Never in the field of human conflict have so many owed so much to so few. Winston Churchill speech, 20 August 1940. Date: 1940
WORLD WAR I (1914-1918). Poster USA BONDS Third Liberty Loan Campaign. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA (1917), by Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874-1951). Edited by the government of the United States
British Military Recruitment Poster, WW1Recruitment poster, Its Our Flag. Fight for it. Work for it, 1914 (c)
WW2 poster, Back Them Up! Showing a British commando raid on a German-held port in Norway. Date: 1940s
The Personification of Finland (Suomi)The Female Personification of Finland (Suomi), holding aloft the National Flag over the sun rising across the Finnish lakes
In the service of the King - Scouts and GuidesIn the service of the King - A saluting Scout and a Girl Guide, pulling back the Union Flag in patriotic pose. Date: circa 1910
Poster, Britons! Your Country Needs You
Poster, Your King and Country Need You, Enlist Now. Encouraging people to join up and fight in the First World War. circa 1914-1915
Street scene with shops, Crickhowell, Powys, Mid WalesA street scene with shops, in Crickhowell, Powys, Mid Wales. The large corner shop is Bells grocery store, decorated with flags, perhaps to celebrate Empire Day (24 May)
Czech Republic - Sokol Rally in Prague 1929A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)
Yugoslavia - Sokol Rally in BelgradeA rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)
Czech Republic - 6th All Sokol Rally in PragueA rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)
Britains Sea Power Is YoursWorld War Two propaganda poster for the Royal Navy - Britains Sea Power Is Yours - illustrated by ships and warships of all kinds, designed to reassure with a shared sense of patriotism
Ww1 Postcard SoldierTommy guards the flag with bayonet in hand and pipe in mouth!
1902 Coronation Birds Custard Powder advertisementA patriotic advertisement for Birds Custard Powder placed in the Coronation Number of The Graphic celebrating the Coronation of King Edward VII and featuring a crown on top of a packet. Date: 1902
Advertising card for Singer Sewing Machines - showing a good patriotic wife using her sewing machine to produce a white ensign for a Royal Naval Seaman husband. Date: circa 1916
Bulldog and Union JackNow then, what about it ? Standing beside the Union Jack, a British bulldog defies the enemy, Date: 1915
Patriotic dogsAn English Bull Terrier, a Scottish terrier and an Irish terrier make ready for the Coronation as canine representatives of England, Ireland and Scotland
WW2 poster, Back Them Up! Showing a British tank attack in the Western Desert. Date: 1940s
Lion & Unicorn PavilionThe Lion and Unicorn Pavilion at the South Bank Exhibition, containing exhibits on the use of the English language, growth of British parliamentary government, etc
Union Jack Hat & ScarfA patriotic girl wrapped up in a scarf covered with union jacks. She also has them on the brim of her hat. Date: 1917
French Girl Feeds CowA young French girl in patriotic scarf feeds hay to a cow in a field (presumably French also)
Patriotic Finnish GirlA young, blonde patriotic Greek girl wears a brimless fur hat with a flag cap badge & a fur-trimmed scarf whose design is based on the flag of Greece
WW2 poster, Wings for Victory, Lets Go, National Savings. Date: circa 1944
Eagle and American Flag Date: 1915
The Landing Stage at Ahvaz, Iran - WWI Xmas cardA rather unusual Christmas Greetings postcard
WW1 - Home Front - The Queens Work for Women FundAfter the outbreak of WW1, many women in the textile and clothing industry had lost their jobs as export markets closed, posing a direct threat to their job prospects
WW1 - Patriotic - Little Tommy has a pee on a German HelmetTommys Kiddie. WW1 - Patriotic - Little Tommy has a pee in a German Helmet. Date: circa 1916
Patriotism in a British home, WW1A cosy scene in a British home showing a young man (possibly a wounded sailor?) displaying a Union Jack flag to the rest of his family
Map of British Empire showing international cableMap of the British Empire (coloured red), showing the All-British international cable going round the world, enabling telegraphic communication. Date: circa 1902
Military regimental badge brooches advertisement, WW1An advertisement for Charles Packer & Co, goldsmiths and silversmiths, and their selectrion of regimental badge brooches available for 2 2s. each
Illustrated London News Silver Jubilee Number 1935Front cover of The Illustrated London News conjuring up the pomp and pageantry of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of King George V with a parade of liveried riders
WW2 - Laundry - It ll soon be hanging on the Siegfried LineWW2 humour - " Two British soldiers doing their laundry comment that " It ll soon be hanging on the Siegfried Line!". Date: circa 1944
Canadian World War One Patriotic Postcard. " Here Comes Canada!" Date: circa 1916
WW2 poster, Teamwork -- Thanks Pal! Printed by DeHavilland of Canada Ltd for distribution in England. Date: circa 1942
The Last Crusade by Bernard Partridge in Punch WW1The Last Crusade. Coeur-de-Lion (looking down on the Holy City)
Market Jew Street with Davy statue, Penzance, CornwallMarket Jew Street with Humphry Davy statue, Penzance, Cornwall. The name of the street comes from the Cornish Marghas Yow, meaning Thursday Market. The scientist Humphry Davy was born in Penzance
Illustration, A Song of the English, LighthouseIllustration to A Song of the English, a patriotic set of poems by Rudyard Kipling (first published in the English Illustrated Magazine)
WWI Poster, Enlist Today (Welsh version)WWI Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Poster, Be honest with yourself. Be certain that your so-called reason is not a selfish excuse. (Lord Kitchener) Enlist Today (Welsh version). Date: 1916
Tattoo-artist, George Burchett, at work on a TommyA tattoo artist, George Burchett, in his shop near Waterloo station working on the forearm of a soldier, while a lady who has just received a tattoo of her own, admires his handiwork
WWI - The Lion Roused - British Propaganda postcard full of strength, defiance and patriotism. The confidence evident in 1914... Date: 1914
WWI - Wounded soldier in the arms of his nurseWWI - Wounded soldier (who has lost his arm) in the arms of his nurse - Comrades in Arms. Date: circa 1917
WW1 recruitment poster with silhouettesWorld War One recruitment poster with silhouettes -- Remember! England Expects -- the Need is Great Today.... the Navy requires you for its glorious service. Join today
Czech Republic - 9th All Sokol Rally in Prague 19329th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1932
Who Said Germans? - Patriotic Bulldogs in defiant pose against the Kaiser
British and Indian soldiers - WWI allies (2 / 3)Comrades at Arms British and Indian troops fighting together during WWI
Patriotic poster, Buy British - Britain Always FirstBritain Always First - poster celebrating Britihs achievements in breaking speed records on land, water, air and rail
Patriotic poster, Buy British, keep the home fires burningPatriotic poster, Buy British campaign -- Buy British and keep the home fires burning
Old man in Stoke pub - 2An elderly man sits in the bar of a working class pub in Staffordshire. He has a half pint of mild ale. It is early doors and there is a portrait of the Queen on the wall - 2 Date: 1987
WW1 - Winston Churchill - First Lord of the AdmiraltyWW1 - Winston Churchill (1874-1965) - First Lord of the Admiralty. Date: circa 1914
WW2 - USA - Propaganda - We gave for our own, for our allies - relating to the Wartime Bond Scheme to contribute to the war effort. Date: circa 1944
Illustration, A Song of the English, Thames EmbankmentIllustration to A Song of the English, a patriotic set of poems by Rudyard Kipling (first published in the English Illustrated Magazine)
Sea Scout of 1st Suva Group, Fiji, South PacificLeslie G. Keys, Sea Scout of the 1st Suva Group, Fiji, South Pacific, with the British flag. The mat hanging behind him is to be presented to the Chief Scout
Scouts selling Coronation programmesBoy scouts selling Coronation programmes to people lining the route in a London street for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953
WW2 poster, The Girl Who Isn t There must realise that absenteeism lets her pals and her country down. Design by Victor Hicks. Date: 1940s
To England! German dreams of an invasion by sea and airTo England! German dreams of an invasion by sea (warships) and air (a fleet of Zeppelins). Postcard sold to raise money for the German air war effort. Date: circa 1916
Revolution House, Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, formerly the " Cock & Pynet" Inn, where patriotic noblemen plotted to make William of Orange the King
Patriotic Poster - 30th Anniversary of Dien Bien PhuVietnamese Patriotic Poster - 30 Years Commemoration of the Victory against the French at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in May, 1954. Breaking the shackles of Colonial oppression. Date: 1984
Vietnam War - Patriotic Poster - Colonialists Beware!Vietnam War - Vietnamese Patriotic Poster. Colonialists and International Traitors! - You should think carefully before you take on Vietnam Date: 2nd half of the 20th century
WW2 poster, Britains Sea Power, Destroyers in line ahead, maintain it with your savings. Date: circa 1940
Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882). Italian military and politicGiuseppe Garibaldi.1807-1882. Italian military and political. Garibaldis rest after the battle. 1860. On the right, watching the militar, Alexandre Dumas. Risorgimento Museum. Turin. Italy
WW2 leaflet, Warship Week, HMS Victory bulldogWW2 leaflet, Warship Week, The Navy Guards Your Food. HMS Victory bulldog. In support of the National Savings Movement and the Warship Week Campaign. Date: 1942
Ww1 Postcard India JoinsIndia joins the war Date: 1915
WW2 poster, Back him up to the hilt. Your united efforts will put the Win in Winston. Design by Victor Hicks. Date: 1940s