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Passed Collection

Background imagePassed Collection: Wind in Willows / Grahame

Wind in Willows / Grahame
Wind in Willows/Grahame

Background imagePassed Collection: Badger & Mole / Willow

Badger & Mole / Willow
Badger & Mole on their way to rescue the Toad: " Crossing the hall, they passed down one of the principal tunnels". Date: First published: 1908

Background imagePassed Collection: Admiral Nelson and Captain Hardy during Trafalgar

Admiral Nelson and Captain Hardy during Trafalgar
During the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805, it was shortly before Nelson was mortally wounded that a shot struck the fore brace bits on the quarter deck and passed between Nelson and Hardy

Background imagePassed Collection: His Masters Vice

His Masters Vice
Bonzo asleep with his head in a glass after helping himself to the Masters drinks supply. Date: circa 1922

Background imagePassed Collection: Tower Bridge 1930S

Tower Bridge 1930S
A close-up photograph of Tower Bridge, a bascule bridge and a famous London landmark, closing after a steamship has passed through it

Background imagePassed Collection: Fruits of Idleness

Fruits of Idleness - a young man has passed out from drinking too much alcohol. circa 1830s

Background imagePassed Collection: Boats at Boulters Lock, Berkshire, 1907

Boats at Boulters Lock, Berkshire, 1907
Photograph showing the crowd of boats queuing for Boulters Lock, Berkshire, on Ascot Sunday, 1907. The day this picture was taken 1300 boats passed through the lock

Background imagePassed Collection: Wwi / Italy / Sacile Advance

Wwi / Italy / Sacile Advance
Following their victorious crossing of the Piave and Monticano, British troops passed through Sacile over hastily-made pontoon bridges

Background imagePassed Collection: Fox Meet in Street Aldin

Fox Meet in Street Aldin
All involved in the fox hunt make their way along the street, while a mongrel dog and lesser folk are passed by

Background imagePassed Collection: Cartoon of David Lloyd-George as Queen Victoria, 1911

Cartoon of David Lloyd-George as Queen Victoria, 1911
Cartoon of David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, then Liberal Chancellor of the Exchequer, who had just passed the National Insurance Act and thereby earnt The Bystanders scorn

Background imagePassed Collection: Valves Used Between London and New York 1927

Valves Used Between London and New York 1927
One of the great valves in which speech was passed by radio between London and New York, America

Background imagePassed Collection: Policeman Bringing Four Dogs to Battersea Dogs Home 1919

Policeman Bringing Four Dogs to Battersea Dogs Home 1919
Four dogs roaming the streets without muzzles are brought into Battersea Dogs Home by a policeman

Background imagePassed Collection: Holy Trinity Church

Holy Trinity Church, in Marylebone, Westminster, London, is a Grade I listed former Anglican church, built in 1828 by Sir John Soane

Background imagePassed Collection: Fruits of Freedom, A Free America, WW2 patriotic cover

Fruits of Freedom, A Free America, WW2 patriotic cover
Fruits of Freedom, A Free America, WW2 patriotic postal cover envelope passed by US Army Examiner Date: 1941

Background imagePassed Collection: How syphilis is passed on, 1920s projection slide

How syphilis is passed on, 1920s projection slide

Background imagePassed Collection: Raiders Passed!

Raiders Passed!
An illustrated front cover for Raiders Passed!, written by John Hunter, no. 1 in the pulp fiction series, The Sexton Blake Library. Date: circa 1940s

Background imagePassed Collection: Comic Score Card for Bridge Playing Card Game No. 6

Comic Score Card for Bridge Playing Card Game No. 6 Date: 1920s

Background imagePassed Collection: Miss Mollie Dangar

Miss Mollie Dangar
A portrait pencil drawing of Mary Beatrice Dangar, or Miss Mollie Dangar, the later wife of A. Denis Wigram Allen, an Australian solicitor and aviator

Background imagePassed Collection: Cameo portraits of seven Allied Generals

Cameo portraits of seven Allied Generals
Posted from the BEF in France the card shows the team United against the Barbarians'. Passed by Censor 1332. WW1 Date: 1915

Background imagePassed Collection: Len Murray Lionel Baron Epping Forest 1922 2004

Len Murray Lionel Baron Epping Forest 1922 2004
len, murray, lionel, baron, epping, forest, 1922, 2004, british, labour, socialist, socialism, politics, political, politician, trade, union, leader, tuc, trades, congress, display, campaign

Background imagePassed Collection: Hunterian Museum Royal College Surgeons Iln Import

Hunterian Museum Royal College Surgeons Iln Import
hunterian, museum, royal, college, surgeons, iln, import, 21, dec, 07, 1845, 18th, century, medical, collection, built, john, hunter, specimen, bought, government, death, passed, housed, research

Background imagePassed Collection: A sing-song in the British Embassy at Madrid

A sing-song in the British Embassy at Madrid, during the early stages of the Spanish Civil War, 1936

Background imagePassed Collection: Salmon in Canada - Canning

Salmon in Canada - Canning
Photograph showing a long stream of cans of salmon rolling through the machine, each turn hermetically sealed in closed tins in which the fish is preserved. Date: late 1890s

Background imagePassed Collection: WW2 era - Comic Postcard - That ll stop your careless talk

WW2 era - Comic Postcard - That ll stop your careless talk
The Caption is P raps that ll stop your careless talk!. Three little kids cover-up a younger toddlers mouth with a spotty hankerchief

Background imagePassed Collection: Passed by the censor

Passed by the censor. Article in Britannia & Eve, 1942, giving advice about writing to men posted abroad in wartime. Date: 1942

Background imagePassed Collection: Gas Bus

Gas Bus the first one [in photo] was in public service between Kingston and Epsom Downs yesterday [2 Nov 1939]

Background imagePassed Collection: THE TAUBE HAS PASSED

LE TAUBE EST PASSE A German aircraft has just passed, machine-gunning civilian women.. fact ? or French propaganda ? Date: 1916

Background imagePassed Collection: Heinkel He162A-2 Red 2

Heinkel He162A-2 Red 2 (Werknummer 120227 / Air Min 65 / VN679 / 8472M). One of eleven He 162s captured and delivered to the Royal Aircraft Establishment

Background imagePassed Collection: Happy Easter - German greetings card

Happy Easter - German greetings card showing a young lad, his large green shorts held up by red braces, wheeling a basket of Easter Eggs passed a group of rather non-plussed chickens! circa 1910s

Background imagePassed Collection: Travel Through Egypt

Travel Through Egypt
Girls of Araby. Arabian women in traditional costume carrying fruit and wine. Hilda Dix Sandford illustrated this image as her ship passed through the Suez Canal en rooute to Australia circa 1908

Background imagePassed Collection: LFCDA-LFB Southwark training school squad group photo

LFCDA-LFB Southwark training school squad group photo
Recruit squad group photograph (listed as 12/87), with Station Officer instructor Trevor Dean. After the recruits have passed their final exams they are deemed probationer firemen

Background imagePassed Collection: GLC-LFB Southwark training school squad group photo

GLC-LFB Southwark training school squad group photo
Recruit squad group photograph (listed as 14/79), with Station Officer instructor, after the recruits have passed their final exams and are now deemed probationer firemen

Background imagePassed Collection: Colonel Victor Barker

Colonel Victor Barker aka Valerie Arkell-Smith (1895-1960) a woman who passed herself off as a man and did not tell his wife when they married

Background imagePassed Collection: Intoxication - drawing by Paris-based artist Jan Olitzki

Intoxication - drawing by Paris-based artist Jan Olitzki - a woman has passed out under the effects of a heavy night on the tiles - in so doing her top has unfortunately descended

Background imagePassed Collection: Passed by the Censor

Passed by the Censor
Officers of an unknown battalion and regiments pose for their official photograph. Nobody can see who they are however as they are all wearing gas masks

Background imagePassed Collection: A Sectional Boat used by Sir Henry Morton Stanley in Africa

A Sectional Boat used by Sir Henry Morton Stanley in Africa
Engraving of a sectional boat, used by Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) during his 1874 expedition to central Africa, being carried by a number of local porters

Background imagePassed Collection: Wwi / Italy / Sacile Bridge

Wwi / Italy / Sacile Bridge
An Italian donkey temporarily blocks traffic on a pontoon bridge at Sacile. During their northward advance, all the British troops and transport passed over this bridge

Background imagePassed Collection: School Certificate

School Certificate
G Percy Carter of the Asylum for Fatherless Children Reedham, Surrey passed " Excellent" in Geometry of the first grade for children in elementary day schools

Background imagePassed Collection: Solar Eclipse 1919

Solar Eclipse 1919
The eclipse of the sun - a photograph taken by British observers in Brazil, showing the prominence, like an explosion, which passed around the sun

Background imagePassed Collection: Thames wherry being passed by a steam ferry - Essex, England

Thames wherry being passed by a steam ferry - Essex, England
Thames wherry (with many-times-repaired sails) being passed by a steam ferry - off the coast of Essex, England. Date: 1911

Background imagePassed Collection: Death of King George V - the last bulletin

Death of King George V - the last bulletin, 20th January 1936. Date: 1936

Background imagePassed Collection: Couple water skiing passed the Hotel Saint Georges, Beirut

Couple water skiing passed the Hotel Saint Georges, Beirut
A couple water skiing passed the Hotel Saint Georges, Beirut, Lebanon. Date: circa 1911

Background imagePassed Collection: The Farmers Wife by Eden Phillpotts

The Farmers Wife by Eden Phillpotts (4 November 1862 29 December 1960). First produced at the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, on 11th November 1916 and at the Royal Court Theatre, on 11th March 1924

Background imagePassed Collection: Mourning card, King George V

Mourning card, King George V
Mourning card, In Loving Memory of His Majesty King George V who passed peacefully away January 20th 1936. R.I.P. Date: 1936

Background imagePassed Collection: Reform / 1832 / Birmingham

Reform / 1832 / Birmingham
Political Unions gather at New-Hall Hill, Birmingham, to press the case for the Reform Bill. The Bill was passed successfully through the House of Lords on 7 June 1832. Date: May 1832

Background imagePassed Collection: Cartoon, Ten centuries have passed, WW1

Cartoon, Ten centuries have passed, WW1
Cartoon, Ten centuries have passed. An allegorical female representing the medieval period holds the famous sword named Durandal (or Durendal), from the time of Charlemagne

Background imagePassed Collection: WW2 birthday card, dog in uniform

WW2 birthday card, dog in uniform, passed by censor (inside). Date: circa 1942

Background imagePassed Collection: China - Hong Kong shweing peak and peak railway

China - Hong Kong shweing peak and peak railway
Lantern slide of Hong Kong shweing peak and peak railway

Background imagePassed Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- A Resolution

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- A Resolution
Recruitment poster, printed by A Thom and Company, Dublin. A Resolution passed in the Trenches

Background imagePassed Collection: Envelope from Firminy, near Dunkirk, WW1

Envelope from Firminy, near Dunkirk, WW1
Envelope containing a letter dated 29 January 1915 from the architect and artist Ormerod Maxwell Ayrton (1874-1960) to his uncle Alfred Ayrton at Lloyds Bank, Chester, England

Background imagePassed Collection: Searchlight command by G. H. Davis

Searchlight command by G. H. Davis
Searchlight command: the men who point the way for Britains anti-aircraft guns and night fighters during the Second World War

Background imagePassed Collection: James Richardson

James Richardson
JAMES RICHARDSON - traveler in North Africa, wearing the Ghadamsee costume in which he passed unnoticed among the indigenous populace. He died of fever exploring Tchad. Date: 1806 - 1851

Background imagePassed Collection: One Encore too many - Boy performer collapses backstage

One Encore too many - Boy performer collapses backstage
One Encore too many - A young boy performer collapses backstage and is tended to by his female co-star, a kindly clown and another older member of the ensemble

Background imagePassed Collection: Anywhere to escape from the wife

Anywhere to escape from the wife
Wife (to Lion Tamer who has been out late) - " You Coward!" Date: 1892

Background imagePassed Collection: An American Republic-Ford JB-2 Loon

An American Republic-Ford JB-2 Loon, designed from a reconstructed V-1 that had failed to explode and was taken to the US from England, has passed the experimental stage

Background imagePassed Collection: Aqueduct on the Bridgewater Canal at Barton

Aqueduct on the Bridgewater Canal at Barton, opened in 1761. People regarded it as a marvel and flocked from afar to see boats sailing over the bridge whilst barges passed below

Background imagePassed Collection: Flying Globe and Air Balloon

Flying Globe and Air Balloon
Two fanciful technical drawings. Above is a Globe Volant (Flying Globe) in which Giroud de Villette and M Rozier passed over Paris on 19 October 1783

Background imagePassed Collection: Lassoing a cattle thief

Lassoing a cattle thief Date: 1926

Background imagePassed Collection: Trinity College Bridge

Trinity College Bridge
University Entertainment: A college man in mortar board & gown has just passed under the bridge, built by James Essex in 1764-5, in a punt. Date: 1819

Background imagePassed Collection: Workers Reply to General Sir Douglas Haig, WW1

Workers Reply to General Sir Douglas Haig, WW1
Workers Reply to General Sir Douglas Haig -- the wording of a Resolution passed at the Trade Union Conference at Caxton Hall on 18 July 1916

Background imagePassed Collection: Drunk Outside NY Saloon

Drunk Outside NY Saloon
Having taken advantage of drinks for just three cents, a man passes out on the pavement outside, watched by a barefoot child. Date: 1891

Background imagePassed Collection: After Party / Asleep 1911

After Party / Asleep 1911
A waiter starts to clear things away, while all the guests seem to have fallen asleep or passed out... Date: 1911

Background imagePassed Collection: Ark of Covenant is Built

Ark of Covenant is Built
The Ark of the Covenant is built according to the exact instructions of the Lord, passed on to Moses

Background imagePassed Collection: I passed by your window

I passed by your window
The Modesty Blind

Background imagePassed Collection: Humourous Russian postcard

Humourous Russian postcard
Laughing at the Fat Pig - a humourous Russian postcard poking fun at a rotund Russian farmer (possibly having had a vodka too many) who has fallen asleep in the pig sty

Background imagePassed Collection: Charles Edward, 2nd Duke of Albany

Charles Edward, 2nd Duke of Albany, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1884-1954), as a member of the Borussia Corps of Bonn University in about 1904

Background imagePassed Collection: Royal Procession in Regent Street, London, 1874

Royal Procession in Regent Street, London, 1874
Engraving showing the scene in the Quadrant, Regent Street, as Queen Victoria, in her Royal carriage, passed by, 1874

Background imagePassed Collection: Nice and Savoie

Nice and Savoie
In return for French help in freeing Italy of the Austrians, Savoie and Nice are passed to French hands : the citizens of Nice, now French, proceed to the vote (scrutin). Date: summer 1860

Background imagePassed Collection: Immigrants at Ellis Island, New York, 1911

Immigrants at Ellis Island, New York, 1911
Photograph showing a potential immigrant being rejected by US officials, one of whom is marking him with chalk to signify his rejection, Ellis Island, New York, 1911

Background imagePassed Collection: Wash Day on Board a Sailing Ship in the Tropics

Wash Day on Board a Sailing Ship in the Tropics
Illustration of the crew of a large sailing ship washing their clothes

Background imagePassed Collection: Paris Sightseeing

Paris Sightseeing
Sightseers view Paris from the stern of a bateau-mouche : they have just passed Notre- Dame and the Ile de la Cite. The fox is not interested

Background imagePassed Collection: NO 10 DOORWAY / 1930S

NO 10 DOORWAY / 1930S
The famous front door of No 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister. Many important world leaders have passed through this doorway

Background imagePassed Collection: Grand Junction Canal

Grand Junction Canal
Two monkey barges pass in this canal which links the Oxford Canal with the Thames at Brentford. The horses have just passed, one coming this way, the other going that way

Background imagePassed Collection: Carlton Club Banquet: Drinking Lord Beaconsfields health

Carlton Club Banquet: Drinking Lord Beaconsfields health
The Carlton Club Banquet at the Riding-School, Knightsbridge, London showing a toast to Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), Lord Beaconsfield

Background imagePassed Collection: The Prince of Wales opening the Mersey Tunnel

The Prince of Wales opening the Mersey Tunnel, connecting Birkenhead with Liverpool. After the opening ceremony the royal train passed through the Mersey tunnel

Background imagePassed Collection: The Leap Frog Railway

The Leap Frog Railway
An amusing illustration of the latest sensational railway design, the Leap Frog railway. The railway consists of a track about five hundred feet long

Background imagePassed Collection: Explosion at Regents Canal

Explosion at Regents Canal, a barge covered in petroleum and gun powder blew up as it passed underneath the bridge on the night of1st of October 1874

Background imagePassed Collection: Clearing up after the explosion at Regents canal

Clearing up after the explosion at Regents canal
Clearing up the debris after a massive explosion caused a bridge over the Regents Canal to blow up

Background imagePassed Collection: Nollet Experiment 2

Nollet Experiment 2
Nollet, at the College de Navarre, Paris, demonstrates how electricity can be generated by stroking a glass globe, and then passed from one person to another

Background imagePassed Collection: Nollet and Gold Leaf

Nollet and Gold Leaf
Jean-Antoine Nollet demonstrates how an electrical charge can be passed from one person to another, enabling the second to attract pieces of gold leaf

Background imagePassed Collection: Colombia Scene

Colombia Scene
Travellers in England, or even those who have passed over the Pyrenees or Alps, can have but a faint idea of the labour and danger of crossing the Andes

Background imagePassed Collection: Game: Seek it Seek It

Game: Seek it Seek It
Seek it, seek it, Tra la la la la, Seek it, seek it, Tra la la la. (A ring is passed from hand to hand.)

Background imagePassed Collection: Paule De Viguier / Page

Paule De Viguier / Page
PAULE DE VIGUIER LA BELLE Lady of Toulouse, so beautiful that the city fathers passed a law requiring her to go out once a day

Background imagePassed Collection: Cable Passed to Hulk

Cable Passed to Hulk
The cable is passed from the works to a hulk at Greenwich, from which it will be passed into tanks for loading aboard the Great Eastern

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