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Microscope Collection

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin
ROSALIND FRANKLIN Pioneer Molecular Biologist she made important contributions to understanding the structure of DNA

Background imageMicroscope Collection: RAMON Y CAJAL, Santiago (1852-1934). Spanish

RAMON Y CAJAL, Santiago (1852-1934). Spanish

Background imageMicroscope Collection: RAMON Y CAJAL, Santiago (1852-1934). Spanish

RAMON Y CAJAL, Santiago (1852-1934). Spanish doctor and histologist, Nobel Prize in 1906. Portrait in his laboratory

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Fleming / Photo / Microscope

Fleming / Photo / Microscope
SIR ALEXANDER FLEMING - Scottish bacteriologist at his desk with his microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Under the Microscope / C18

Under the Microscope / C18
Animacules : microscopic creatures as seen under a microscope; the last two rows are human sperm

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Snail teeth

Snail teeth

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Lubbock / John / Graphic 84

Lubbock / John / Graphic 84
SIR JOHN LUBBOCK 1st BARON AVEBURY Liberal MP and writer of popular science books

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Plasmodium sp. malarial parasite

Plasmodium sp. malarial parasite
Scanning electron microscope image of a malarial protozoal parasite. The parasite requires the anopheles mosquito to complete its life cycle

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Scyliorhinus canicula, dogfish

Scyliorhinus canicula, dogfish
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the scales of a dogfish (x 40)

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Manufacture of circuit boards

Manufacture of circuit boards
A complicated multi-component electronic device for manufacturing circuit boards

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Microscope image of the Pasamonte eucrite

Microscope image of the Pasamonte eucrite
Microscopic image of the Pasamonte eucrite showing a basaltic texture. Field of view is 2.5mm across

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Mayfly magnified, with various moths

Mayfly magnified, with various moths
Mayfly magnified through microscope 1, fanfooted or fan-foot moth, Herminia tarsipennalis 2, mayfly 3, scarce burnished brass, Diachrysia chryson 4, green carpet, Colostygia pectinataria 5

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Interior structure of the broad bean, Vicia faba

Interior structure of the broad bean, Vicia faba. Section through the stem between two leaves viewed under a microscope. Structure interieure d'un Pied de Feve

Background imageMicroscope Collection: J Lancaster & Son, Colmore Row, Birmingham

J Lancaster & Son, Colmore Row, Birmingham
J Lancaster & Son, Cameras, Photographic and Scientific Equipment, Colmore Row, Birmingham. circa 1900

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Physiology Laboratory, London School of Medicine for Women

Physiology Laboratory, London School of Medicine for Women, Hunter Street. Date: 1898

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Scientists in a lab examining specimens in

Scientists in a lab examining specimens in jars, through a microscope, with bloated animal and bird corpses on the floor. Copperplate engraving by Daniel Chodowiecki, Berlin, 1787

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Cow tongue under the microscope

Cow tongue under the microscope: veal tongue showing different papillae 1, foliate papilla 2, filiform papillae 3, and fungiform papillae 4

Background imageMicroscope Collection: The Solar Microscope

The Solar Microscope. Date: 18th century

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Nursing classroom

Nursing classroom
An empty classroom at the City & District Infirmary York probationer school founded in 1923. Table at centre with small microscope, and bed on left hand side with large doll. Date: circa 1923

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Scientist Loves Cadburys

Scientist Loves Cadburys
An archetypal scientist, with a flowing beard and surrounded by apparatus, studies a sample of Cadburys Cocoa; he of course concludes that it is the finest available. Date: circa 1890

Background imageMicroscope Collection: WINKELS MICROSCOPE

Winkels microscope Date: late 19th century

Background imageMicroscope Collection: MICROSCOPE LATE C19

Date: late 19th century

Background imageMicroscope Collection: VARIOUS MICROSCOPES

A selection of microscopes Date: 1797

Background imageMicroscope Collection: MICROSCOPE / ENC. BRIT

A selection of microscopes

Background imageMicroscope Collection: ROBERT KOCH / IN KIMBERLEY

HEINRICH HERMANN ROBERT KOCH German physician and pioneer bacteriologist in search of the Rinderpest microbe at Kimberley Date: 1843 - 1910

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Louis Pasteur in his laboratory

Louis Pasteur in his laboratory
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French chemist and microbiologist, in his laboratory. Date: 1885

Background imageMicroscope Collection: The anus of a bot fly

The anus of a bot fly
Scanning electron microscope image of the anus of a bot fly. Image on display in the Darwin Centre at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Coccinella sp. black spotted ladybird

Coccinella sp. black spotted ladybird
Scanning electron microscope image showing the head of a black spotted ladybird (x 9 on a standard 9 cm wide print). This image has been coloured artifically by computer

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Dermatophagoides pteronyssius, dust mite

Dermatophagoides pteronyssius, dust mite
Scanning electron microscope image showing a dust mite (x 250 on standard 9cm wide print). This image has been artificially coloured by a computer

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Zacharias Janssen / W Invt

Zacharias Janssen / W Invt
ZACHARIAS JANSSEN or JANSEN or ZANSZ Dutch spectacle maker who invented the compound microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Advert for Lancaster & Sons bellows cameras 1890

Advert for Lancaster & Sons bellows cameras 1890
Advertisement for 19th century bellows cameras, pocket combination aneroid barometers, selection of scientific equipment compound microscope, achromatic microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Atlanta Microscope. Hartnack Berlin, 1922. Deutches Technikm

Atlanta Microscope. Hartnack Berlin, 1922. Deutches Technikmuseum. Berlin. Germany

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Transmission electron microscope EM9. Signed: Carl Zeiss

Transmission electron microscope EM9. Signed: Carl Zeiss. 1964

Background imageMicroscope Collection: LEEUWENHOEK, Antony van (1632-1723). Dutch naturalist

LEEUWENHOEK, Antony van (1632-1723). Dutch naturalist and optician. First to observe bacteriae. He is commonly known as the Father of Microbiology, and considered to be the first microbiologist. Oil

Background imageMicroscope Collection: WW1 - Austrian Scientists at work in Adana, Turkey

WW1 - Austrian Scientists at work in Adana, Turkey
A pair of Austrian Scientists working in secrecy in Adana, Turkey during the First Work War

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Aquatic microscope

Aquatic microscope. Engraving from John Ellis, Essai sur l histoire naturelle des corallines, et d autres productions marines. Plate XXXIX. Date: 1756

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Tyrophagus casei, cheese mite

Tyrophagus casei, cheese mite
Scanning electron microscope image of a cheese mite (x 170). These creatures are generally considered to be a pest, however they are added to Altenburger cheese to give it flavour

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Ceratodon purpureus, ceratodon moss spore capsule

Ceratodon purpureus, ceratodon moss spore capsule
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a ceratodon moss spore capsule (x 650 on a standard 9 cm wide print)

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Schistosoma nasale, bloodfluke

Schistosoma nasale, bloodfluke
Scanning electron microscope image of a parasitic bloodfluke or flatworm. Coloured artifically by computer

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Dermestes lardarius, larder beetle

Dermestes lardarius, larder beetle
Scanning electron microscope image of a larder beetle (x22). These beetles are important for the damage they do, mainly through feeding on animal matter. Coloured artificially by computer

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Boy Using Microscope

Boy Using Microscope
A schoolboy at Lingfield Secondary uses a microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: ROBERT HOOKE 1635 - 1703

ROBERT HOOKE 1635 - 1703
ROBERT HOOKE English scientist. Author of Micrographia (1665), in which he published results of his microscopic investigations

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Robert Hooke / Microscope

Robert Hooke / Microscope
Robert Hookes microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Campanis Microscope

Campanis Microscope
Campanis microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Adams Universal Microscope

Adams Universal Microscope - made by George Adams Snr. about 1755 for King George III, while he was still Prince of Wales

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Binocular microscope large Best. London, around 1890

Binocular microscope large Best. London, around 1890
Binocular microscope large Best. Signed: R. & J. Beck Ltd London 19901. London, around 1890. The Large Best microscope was the top product of R. and J

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Alexander Dickson

Alexander Dickson
ALEXANDER DICKSON botanist, at work with his microscope : A primrose by the rivers brim, no simple primrose was to him, it was a good deal more. Date: 1836 - 1887

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Scientific Conversazione

Scientific Conversazione
The Society of Apothecaries holds a Scientific conversazione at their council chamber, Apothecaries Hall, in Blackfriars, London. The evening focused on the use of the microscope. Date: 11 April 1855

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Jean Rostand / Photo

Jean Rostand / Photo
JEAN ROSTAND French biologist and writer Date: 1894 - 1977

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Lumiere / Louis / Ils Photo

Lumiere / Louis / Ils Photo
LOUIS-JEAN LUMIERE French chemist, industrialist and pioneer (with his brother) of cinematography Date: 1864 - 1948

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Water flea, Cyclops cyprinaceus

Water flea, Cyclops cyprinaceus.. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Threads of Dutch linen and gold under a microscope

Threads of Dutch linen and gold under a microscope.. Threads of Dutch linen 1 and gold 2 magnified under a microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Crystals of silver solution and Dianas tree

Crystals of silver solution and Dianas tree, camphor, and niter.. Crystals magnified under a microscope- silver solution and Dianas tree 1, camphor 2, and niter 3

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Human finger, skin, blood, serum and salt crystals

Human finger, skin, blood, serum and salt crystals

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Spermatazoa of rabbit, dog, goat and rooster

Spermatazoa of rabbit, dog, goat and rooster

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Crystals of verdigris, boric acid, common salt

Crystals of verdigris, boric acid, common salt, and sal ammoniac.. Crystals of verdigris 1, boric acid 2, common salt 3, and sal ammoniac 4 under the microscope

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Suffragette Flora Drummond Stanhope Toy

Suffragette Flora Drummond Stanhope Toy
A Stanhope or optical toy, a device which allows the viewing of microphotographs without using a microscope. The stanhope was invented in 1857 by Rene Dagron, a French photographer

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Boy with microscope

Boy with microscope
A boy in white overalls, sitting at a table examining something through a microscope. Date: 20th century

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Plague scientist in China

Plague scientist in China
Western doctor or scientist in China during the bubonic plague outbreak; died during research work. Date: 1911

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Boys with Microscope

Boys with Microscope
Two schoolboys with a microscope in a classroom laboratory. Date: early 1970s

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Robert Hookes Microscope

Robert Hookes Microscope
Full-size copy of Robert Hookes Compound Microscope - held at the Science Museum, London

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Papilio palinurus, emerald swallowtail

Papilio palinurus, emerald swallowtail
SEM image of an emerald swallowtails wing

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Pieris rapae, small white

Pieris rapae, small white
SEM image of the wing of a small white butterfly

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Heliconius doris, doris longwing

Heliconius doris, doris longwing
SEM image of Heliconius doris wing

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Papilio palinurus, emerald swallowtail

Papilio palinurus, emerald swallowtail
SEM image of an emerald swallowtails wing

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Dinosaur eggshell

Dinosaur eggshell
Scanning electron microscope image on display in the Darwin Centre

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Ventral surface of a mite from the prostigmatic species

Ventral surface of a mite from the prostigmatic species
Scanning electron microscope image displayed on the glass screens in the Darwin Centre, at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Difflugia Corona

Difflugia Corona
Freshwater Testate Amoebae. Magnification x 450

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Volunteer working at the Natural History Museum, London

Volunteer working at the Natural History Museum, London
Volunteer using microscope to examine zoological specimen

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Diplopoda sp. plate millipede

Diplopoda sp. plate millipede
Scanning electron microscope image of a lateral view of the head of a plate millipede. Image displayed on the glass screens in the Darwin Centre, at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Trypanosomes

Scanning electron microscope image showing a trypanosoma blood smear. They have proved to be of great interest as they have evolved very differently to other better studied organisms

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Taxonomic research in the fish section

Taxonomic research in the fish section
Research on the fish collections at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Hydra sp

Hydra sp
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image showing the stinging tentacles and mouth of the coelenterate Hydra (x 36 on a standard 9cm wide print)

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Atta cethalotes, leaf-cutter ant

Atta cethalotes, leaf-cutter ant
Scanning electron microscope image of a leaf-cutter ant displayed in the Darwin Centre, at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Small fly, species unknown

Small fly, species unknown
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) of a fly head. Image displayed on the glass screens in the Darwin Centre, at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Amphitetras, diatom

Amphitetras, diatom
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image showing the diatom Amphitetras with its ornate silica shell (x5000 on a standard 9 cm wide print). Coloured artificially by computer

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Leptoglossis ferreyraei

Leptoglossis ferreyraei
A pollen grain of Leptoglossis ferreyraei (polar view) from the family Solanaceae, the tomato family

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Leptoglossis lomana

Leptoglossis lomana
A pollen grain of the Leptoglossis lomana (polar view) from the family Solanacea, the tomato family

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Gold in unspecified mineral

Gold in unspecified mineral
Scanning electron microscope image of an elemental map showing the distribution of gold (Au) in mineral samples

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Goyazite

Scanning electron microscope image of the energy-dispersive X-ray spectrum of the mineral goyazite, obtained using Link AN10000 analysis system

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Coccoliths

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of coccoliths, these are the limestone scales surrounding the marine phytoplankton coccolithophores

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Velcro

A trademarked name for a fastening tape made up of a strip of nylon with a surface of minute hooks, that fasten to another strip with a surface of uncut pile. A SEM image

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Amblyomma sp. hard backed tick

Amblyomma sp. hard backed tick
Scanning electron microscope view of a hard backed tick from the family Ixodidae. Coloured artificially on computer

Background imageMicroscope Collection: Copper in unspecified mineral

Copper in unspecified mineral
Scanning electron microscope image of an elemental map showing the distribution of copper (Cu) in mineral samples

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