A Star Explodes - Norman LindsayA Star Explodes by Norman Lindsay Date: 1932
Chaucers Canterbury Pilgrims on the road* NOTE - FULL FILE IS A LONG PANORAMA - Preview split into 3 sections for ease of viewing * Chaucers Canterbury Pilgrims on the road reproduction of a painting by Stephen Reid (1873-1948) (from left)
Flying for the Summer Week-end by C. E. TurnerIllustration from 1928 by C.E. Turner reflecting the growing rise of civilian flying in the 1920s
SAINT TARCISIUS Roman Christian who was killed by passers-by as he carried The Host through the streets, during a period when Christians were persecuted Date: 3RD OR 4TH CENTURY
Chromolithograph Devotional Card - Saint Gerald MajellaChromolithograph Devotional Card depicting Saint Gerard Majella (1726-1755) - an Italian lay brother of the Congregation of the Redeemer, better known as the Redemptorists
Kenneth Kendall with teddy bearsKenneth Kendall (1924-2012), British broadcaster. He worked for many years as a newsreader for the BBC and other channels, and also hosted the game show Treasure Hunt for Channel 4 (1982-1989)
A pair of AngelsA very beautiful chromolithographic postcard depicting a pair of angels, one bowed in prayer and one holding a long thin scroll. Date: circa 1910s
Kenneth Kendall (b 1924), retired British broadcaster. He worked for many years as a newsreader for the BBC and other channels, and also hosted the game show Treasure Hunt for Channel 4 (1982-1989)
Hungry Peter the pigs dinner party, with Tabitha the cat, Humpty and Dumpty the rabbits, two ducks (the Quacks), and two dogs (Rags and Forager) gathered round a long table. Date: 1914
The Metropolitan Underground, works in progressThe building work in progress at Kings Cross, to host part of the Mertropolitan underground railway
Frances Farmer, American film actress and TV host Date: 1939
St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231). Franciscan friarSt. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) wishing to demonstrate to a heretic who asked him for a miracle, the truth of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar
Paris, France. Procession de la Fete-Dieu. RepresentationParis, France. Procession de la Fete-Dieu (Procession of the Holy Host)
King Oeneus of Calydon in Greek mythologyKing Oeneus of Calydon in helmet. In Greek myth, he introduced wine-making to Aetolia and hosted the Calydonian boar hunt. Oeneus Heros
Anglo-Saxon ecclesiastical habits, 8th century
King David and priests in Anglo Saxon garb
Ticket for the Lord Mayor's Ball, Mansion House, London, 1775Ticket for a Ball at the Mansion House, London, 17 April 1775, hosted by Lord Mayor John Wilkes
Virgin Mary with Santa Ines and Santa Tecla by El Greco (1541-1614) - canvas. Date: circa 1599
Le Ciel - Paris Cabaret Nightclub - Adoration of golden pigLe Ciel - Montmartre, Paris Cabaret Nightclub
The Communion of Saint Theresa of Avila, circa 1670Juan Martin Cabezalero (1633-1673). Spanish Baroque painter. The Communion of Saint Theresa of Avila, circa 1670. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain
La Fete Bat Son PleinThis illustration depicts a party in full swing, with a host or supervisor graciously welcoming a fashionably dressed young lady, accompanied with an older gentleman
Princess Elizaveta Trubetskaya, Parisian salon hostessPrincess Elizaveta Esperovna Trubetskaya (Lise Troubetzkoi, 1834-1907), Russian lady-in-waiting and Parisian salon hostess. Date: circa 1860s
3 15th Century 1485 Animal Art Augsburg Berlin3, 15th, century, 1485, animal, Art, Augsburg, Berlin, calvary, chalice, Christ, Cleopas, Cross, crucified, crucifixion, Crucifixion, with, Mary, death, Deutsches, Historisches, Museum, frame
Cartoon, Reckoning without their host, WW1Cartoon, Reckoning without their host. Defeated at Verdun, Germany, Prussia and Death walk away despondently
Comic postcard, Woman offers man a drink Date: 20th century
Cessna 650 Citation III N600GH (msn 500-0165), of General Host Corp. at Luton Airport, in May1987. Date: 1987
Man sitting down on a startled cat in his chair and being scolded by an old woman. Miseries Domestic
English tourists hunting in the highlands of Scotland, caught by a Scottish gamekeeper in tartan kilt and gaiters. Doctor Prosody taken for a poacher in the neighbourhood of Stirling
Copepod parasite on a sprat, Lernaeenicus sprattaeBlood-feeding copepod parasite on a sprats eye, Lernaeenicus sprattae (Lernaea sprattae). And another strange worm found on an oyster shell
Sumptuous banquet in Abyssinia. A man seated on a sofa serves his guests with a curved knife, while servants bring bread and drink
La Maitresse de Table d Hote
Chicago Worlds Fair 1933 - Entrance, Illinois Host House. 1933
PEARL OF PLAGE 1926A young lady in a matching hat & one-piece bathing costume in a bold geometric print with plunging v-neck & tassel trim is watched by a host of admirers from a jetty. Date: 1926
Sir Henry Morton Stanley GCB (18411904) - a Welsh journalist and explorer who was famous for his exploration of central Africa and his search for missionary and explorer David Livingstone
The Hon. Mrs Ronald GrevilleDame Margaret Helen Greville, Hon Mrs Greville, DBE (18631942), British society host and philanthropist, born Margaret Helen Anderson
Christmas Feasting in reign of Henry VIIIA Christmas banquet in the 16th century during the reign of King Henry VIII. The servers carry huge napkins over their shoulders and are marshalled in by the deputy steward
The Liberation of St. Peter from prison by an angelThe Liberation of Saint Peter is a story told in the Acts of the Apostles in which Saint Peter is rescued from the prison of King Herod by an angel. circa 19th century
Kitch Nativity Scene with AngelsKitch representation of an Angelic Host surrounding the crib of the Infant Jesus. The central eldest Angel is playing a variant of a lute
Pharaoh and his host drowned in the Red Sea - Exodus 14. circa 1690
The Host by Titus Maccius Plautus. Act I. 1518. ColoredTitus Maccius Plautus (250-184). Latin playwright. The Host (Amphitryo). Engraving. Act I. Edition of 1518. Colored
The Host by Titus Maccius Plautus. Act I. 1518Titus Maccius Plautus (250-184). Latin playwright. The Host (Amphitryo). Engraving. Act I. Edition of 1518. Library University of Barcelona. Spain
Cecil Beatons bedroom, his guests and his fantailsThe top photograph shows Cecil Beaton at home with guests at Ashcombe House; from l-r: Miss Tilly Losch, Mrs Harcourt Smith, Sir Alfred Beit, Lady Charles Cavendish, Miss Tallulah Bankhead
Artists Suffrage League PosterA poster designed by Joan Harvey Drew for the Artists Suffrage League, captioned, Won t you let me help you John
LCC-LFB Wilfred Pickles (BBC) at Fire Brigade HQThe BBCs Have a Go radio programme visited the London Fire Brigade with its host, Wilfred Pickles. The picture shows the radio broadcast from the HQs lecture theatre
Mary Churchill in Switzerland, 1946Mary Churchill expresses her gratitude to her host for the wonderful reception they had recived from the people of Berne, during her visit to Switzerland with her father, Winston Churchill. Date: 1946
Lucifereans Defy ChristLucifereans (worshippers of the fallen angel Lucifer) transfix the Christian host (the body of Jesus) with a dagger, as a gesture of defiance Date: circa 15th century
Hughie Green & his Rolls RoyceHughie Green with his Rolls Royce. Born 2/2/1920 in Kent, Green was one of the first great British TV stars, well-known as the host of popular show, Opportunity Knocks
Three angels answer the prayers of the mysterious woman Date: circa 1890s
The Host Who Forgot To Approve The Dish by H M Bateman, this illustration shows a group of people about to have dinner, but the host has forgotten to approve the dish
The Non-Drinking Host by H M Bateman. This illustration has four men sat around a card table
Ostensory silver, 1867. From Lleida Cathedral. The capitularOstensory silver, 1867. Object made by the sons Francisco d Assis. From Lleida Cathedral. The Capitular Museum. Spain. Catalonia. Lleida
Mary is hosted by the virgins of the temple. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
Bath of Turkish SultanA Turkish sultan is tended to in his bath by a host of handmaidens Date: 1840
EUCHARIST, 1500 (SHAW)Eucharist service - the Elevation of the Host Date: circa 1500
West Front of the Cathedral of Prato showing outside pulpitThe West Front of the Cathedral of Prato showing the outside pulpit, with Donatellos frieze of angels. Date: 1905
Tabitha the cat with her biggest party teapot, about to host a tea party. Date: 1914
Elevation of the Sacred Host. Illustration on Gospels of Paris to use of Charles, Duke of Angouleme. Early 16th century. French School
Elevation of the Sacred Host. Page on Gospels of Paris to use of Charles, Duke of Angouleme. Early 16th century. French School
Japanese scouts arriving in Copenhagen, DenmarkJapanese scouts arriving at Central Station, Copenhagen, Denmark. They were welcomed by Christian Holm, President of the Danish Scouts. Also present are Rear Admiral Count Sano and Viscount Mishima
Silhouette of Mr Thomas, LlandudnoSilhouette of Mr Thomas, H.L. Oakleys host at Llandudno. Date: 20th century
Tallulah Bankhead, American actressTallulah Bankhead (1902-1968), American film and theatre actress, and talk show host. Date: 20th century
Tom Breneman, Radio Star and his familyTom Breneman (1901-1948) - popular radio star and presenter of the show Breakfast in Hollywood - pictured with his family outside their Encino home. Date: circa 1945
Tom Breneman talking to Eddie Cantor - Radio ShowTom Breneman (1901-1948) talking to Eddie Cantor (1892-1964) (American " illustrated song" performer, comedian, dancer, singer)
Tom Breneman with eldest guest to his radio showTom Breneman (1901-1948) presents a gift to the eldest guest featured during his popular radio show Breakfast in Hollywood, 105 1/2-year old Miss Sarah Van Dyke of Sacremento, California, USA
Thomas Blyton, researcher into spiritualismThomas Blyton, spiritualist, secretary of the Dalston Association of Enquirers into Spiritualism. He hosted seances by Florence Cook in the early 1870s
Hungry Peter the pig plans for a partyHungry Peter the pig prepares for a party by planning an elaborate menu. Date: 1914
Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA -- the host of the coast. Date: circa 1930s
Three angels sing around crib - Kitsch Christmas postcardThree model angels sing around the baby Jesus lying in a crib in the Manger - fabulous Kitsch Christmas postcard Date: circa 1910
Light Unshaded! Blackout rebels bribe officialAn Upper Class Party is disturbed by an official complaining about the non-blackout of this London address during WWI
Royal Guests at Warwick CastleDuring the Royal Agricultural Societys show, being held in their park, the Earl and Countess of Warwick play host to three Royal Highnesses - the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York
Diphyllobothrium polyrugosum, tapewormDiscovered inside a 3.8 metre killer whale washed up on a beach in Cornwall in 1978
Cukoo and host eggsFrom the collection of ornithologist Edgar Percival Chance (1881 - 1955)
Bulinus sp. snailsSpecimen jar containing snails (Bulinus). These snails act as intermediate hosts for the parasite of the tropical disease bilharzia. Specimens held at the Natural History Museum, London
Raphael (1483-1520). The Mass of Bolsena. 1515. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Stanza di Eliodoro
The King Opens the Olympic Games, 1908Illustration by W. Hatherell showing Edward VII with Queen Alexandra at the opening of the 1908 Olympic Games in London
The Queen entertains the Shah of PersiaThe Queen and Duke of Edinburgh entertain the Shah and Queen Soraya of Persia to luncheon at Buckingham Palace. With them are Prince Charles and Princess Anne. Date: 1955
Sensitive pianist weeps, 1877Herr Pumpernickel, a sensitive German pianist, weeps after performing a composition of his own on the piano. His host and friends look on with concern. Date: 1877
Dolmabahce Palace - view from the BosphorusDolmabahce Palace - Late Imperial Palace on the Bosphorus. Commisioned by Abdul Mecit (1839-61) - architect Nikogos Balyn who in collaboration with his Father completed construction in 1853
Festive Card / BystanderA Christmas card opens, releasing a whole host of festive imagery: dancers, Santa, music, balloons, and plenty of cheer!
A 1930s British film studio by Alfred BestallAn impression by Alfred Bestall of the making of a close-up in a British film studio in the 1930s. A host of lighting and camera men are focused on a single actress
A young girl feeds the birdsA young girl in a pretty pink dress, kneels next to a tree stump and feeds a host of small garden birds out of her hand. Ink drawing with watercolour washes by Malcolm Greensmith
Tallulah Bankhead / HarrisTALLULAH BANKHEAD American film and stage actress, talk show host and bonne vivante, pictured here refusing to play to the gallery
The Canterbury Pilgrims in the Yard of the Tabard Inn, 1387Illustration giving an artists impression of how Chaucers Canterbury Pilgrims may have looked as they stood in the yard of the Tabard Inn, 17th April 1387
Et Angels from MercuryThe angels in the Planet Mercury: " So drew full more than thousand splendours towards us." (Canto V, lines 99-100)