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101 Items
Varieties of edible-podded pea, or sugar pea. Chromolithograph, by G. Severeyns, of Brussels, from Ernst Benary, Album Benary. Date: 1876-86
Iris, Iris xiphioides, Anglica. Chromolithograph from Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloembollencultuur, Florilegium Harlemense. Tab 36. Date: 1899-1901
Aspidium filix mas or Male Shield fern. Handcoloured engraving from William Curtis, Flora Londiniensis; containing a history of the plants indigenous to Great Britain
Corns and grains at different stages of development. Lithograph from Carl Correns, Bastarde zwischen Maisrassen, mit besonderer Berhtigung der Xenien. Date: 1901
Pollen grains from various plants. Chromolithograph from Julius Fritzsche, Ueber den Pollen. Tab IX. Date: 1837
Horse chestnut tree; Horse-Chesnut tree. Engraving by John Miller, from John Evelyn, Silva; or, A discourse of forest-trees.Page 166. Date: 1776
Venus flytrap, Dionaea muscipula
Broken Tulip - example of Tulip breaking virus. Illustration from Dr John Hill, Verhandeling over de verdubbeling van bloemen... Uit het engelsch vertaald
Portions of fern. Chromolithograph from John Gilbert Baker and Sir William Jackson Hooker, Synopsis filicum, or a synopsis of all known ferns. Drawn from nature by Mr. Fitch, F.L.S. Date: 1868
Proliferating avens from the Pyrenean Mountains. Illustration from Dr John Hill, Verhandeling over de verdubbeling van bloemen... Uit het engelsch vertaald
Lady Fern, True Maidenhair and Holly Fern. Chromolithograph from Francis George Heath, The Fern Porfolio, all the species of British ferns Date: 1885
Gooseberry varieties. Illustration from George Brookshaw, Pomona Britannica. Plate IV. Date: 1817
Varieties of pea (Pisum sativum) - second. Chromolithograph, by G. Severeyns, of Brussels, from Ernst Benary, Album Benary. Date: 1876-86
Lilium cernuum. Hand coloured lithograph by Lillian Snelling from A. Grove, A supplement to a monograph of the genus lilium by H. J. Elwes Date: 1933
Apparatus used by Ingen-Housz in plant experiments. Illustration (engraving?) from Jean [Jan] Ingen-Housz, Experiences sur les vegetaux.. Date: 1780
Wilmots Late Scarlet Strawberry. Coloured engraving from William Hooker, Pomona Londinensis: containing colored engravings of the most esteemed fruits cultivated in the British Gardens. Vol. I
Zodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid / ErosZodiac with winged male, poss. Cupid/Eros. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy
Grasses. Chromolithograph from Sir William Jackson Hooker, The British Flora, Vol.1. Tab IX. Date: 1842
Mandragora or Mandrake (male). Woodcut illustration from Herbolario volgare Date: 1536
Twelve breeds of pigeon. Drawing / Engraving from Daniel Girton, The new and complete pigeon-fancier; or, Modern treatise on domestic pigeons. Frontispiece. Date: circa 1804
Lilium speciosum. Illustration by Walter Hood Fitch from Henry John Elwes, A monograph of the genus Lilium. Date: 1877-80
Peasants dancing round linden tree (full page). Illustration from Hieronymus Bock, Kreuterbuch. Date: 1560
Sea Island Cotton, Gossypium barbadense. Colour plate by David Blair, F.L.S. from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimen, Medicinal Plants Vol 1 (Nos. 1-69) Ranunculace to Anacardiace? Date: 1880
Varieties of carrot (daucus). Chromolithograph by G. Severeyns, of Brussels, from Ernst Benary, Album Benary. Date: 1876-86
Common snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) colour variation. Illustration from Erwin Baur, Einf in die experimentelle Vererbungslehre. Date: 1919
Stigma of an amaryllis. Illustration from Dr John Hill, Verhandeling over de verdubbeling van bloemen... Uit het engelsch vertaald. / Leerwijze over de voortteeling der plant-gewassen
Proliferating carnation. Illustration from Dr John Hill, Verhandeling over de verdubbeling van bloemen... Uit het engelsch vertaald
Proliferating anemone. Illustration from Dr John Hill, Verhandeling over de verdubbeling van bloemen... Uit het engelsch vertaald
Scurvy Grass, Self-Heal, Shepherds Purse. Coloured plate from Sir John Hill M.D. The Family Herbal (engraving?) Date: circa 1820
Scabious, Meadow Saxifrage, White Saxifrage. Coloured plate from Sir John Hill M.D. The Family Herbal (engraving?) Date: circa 1820
External and internal parts of the human head. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy. Pl
Facial expressions. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy. Plate VIII, of Vol 2. Date: 1750
Movement of sperm and seminal fluid. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy. Plate 1, Volume 2
Formation of planets myth. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy
Mapping eclipse / heavenly bodies, trigonometry. Engraving by J
Infants at play on beach. Engraving by J
First page of first discourse: l Histoire Naturelle. Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy. Date: 1750
The Sciences [?] (header image of first discourse). Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy
A bizarre carnation.. Chromolithograph from Thomas Hogg, A Treatise on the Carnation, and Other Flowers. 2nd edition. Date: circa 1832
Map of the Old Continent (Europe, Africa, Asia). Engraving by J. vander Schley, from Pierre de Hondt, Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere avec la description du Cabinet du Roy
Genera Carduus ( true thistle ) and Centaurea" Genera Carduus (" true thistle" ) and Centaurea. Chromolithograph from Sir William Jackson Hooker, The British Flora, Vol.1. Tab IV." Date: 1842
Common Teasles or Shepherds rod. Woodcut illustration from Herbolario volgare Date: 1536
Cartoon of clay-diggers / peasants and mole. Woodblock by George Cruikshank, from Chandos Wren-Hoskyns, Talpa or the Chronicles of a Clay Farm. An Agricultural Fragment(3rd edition). Frontispiece
Haemanthus incarnatus. Illustration from William Herbert, Amaryllidaceae. Preceded by An attempt to arrange the monocotyledonous orders
Four genera of sea-weed. Engraving by James Peterkin, from William Henry Harvey, A manual of British marine algae. Date: 1849
Portrait of William Henry Harvey. Stipple engraving by F. Holl after Sir Frederick William Burton R.H.A. R.W.S. (1816-1900), from William Henry Harvey, A manual of British marine algae
Portrait of Matthew Hale. Engraving by F. H. van Houe from Matthew Hale, Primitive Origination of Mankind Date: 1677
Portrait of Rembert Dodonee. Illustration from Joseph Desire Hannon, Flore Belge, Phanerogamie, Volume 1. Tinted frontispiece. Date: 1847
Portrait of Charles de l ecluse. Illustration from Joseph Desire Hannon, Flore Belge, Phanerogamie, Volume 1. (1847) Tinted frontispiece. Date: 1847
Experiment on an apple tree. Illustration (prob. Engraving) from Stephen Hales, Statical essays: containing vegetable staticks.. Vol. I, 3rd ed. Date: 1738-40
Satirical print of tulipmania. Etching from De drie t Zamenspracken ---- Roman A
Vine cultivation (viticulture), II. Illustration by Christian Friedrich Boetius, from Johann Matthias Gesner, Scriptores rei rusticae veteres Latini: Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius Date: 1773-1774
Vine cultivation (viticulture). Illustration by Christian Friedrich Boetius, from Johann Matthias Gesner, Scriptores rei rusticae veteres Latini: Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius Tab. I
Scenes of country life, with mythological figure. Engraving by Bernard Picart, from Johann Matthias Gesner, Scriptores rei rusticae veteres Latini: Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius Frontispiece
Japanese Morning Glory (4). Illustration from Bunjiro Fujisawa, Morning Glory. Date: 1902
Japanese Morning Glory (3). Illustration from Bunjiro Fujisawa, Morning Glory. Date: 1902
Japanese Morning Glory (2). Illustration from Bunjiro Fujisawa, Morning Glory. Date: 1902
Japanese Morning Glory (1). Illustration from Bunjiro Fujisawa, Morning Glory. Date: 1902
Arboreal grafting processes, 2 copies: B / W & colourArboreal grafting processes, 2 copies: B/W & colour. Engraving, probably by H. Mutlow, from William Forsyth, A treatise on the culture and management of fruit trees. Plate XI. Date: 1806
Citrus trees in a hothouse. Engraving by Filippo Gagliardi, from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Plate / Page 457. Date: 1646
Limon barbadorus. Engraving / Etching, from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Page 259. Date: 1646
Sea nymphs [?]. Engraving from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Page 447. Date: 1646
Hercules honoured by the Hesperides.. Engraving by Johann Friedrich Greuter, from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Frontispiece. Date: 1646
Limon incomparabilis, Incomparable Lemon. Engraving by Cornelis Bloemaert, from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Page 223. Date: 1646
Hercules, Hesperides, Ladon the dragon, golden apple. Engraving from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Plate 27. Date: 1646
Oak tree: branch and constituent parts. Engraving by John Miller, from John Evelyn, Silva; or, A discourse of forest-trees.Page 69. Date: 1776
Protea: seven varieties. Hand-coloured lithograph by G. Severeyns, from Encyclographie du regne vegetal: sertum botanicum: collection de plantes par une societe de botanistes. Volume 8 Date: 1823-37
Portrait of John Evelyn. Engraving, by F. Bartolozzi. from John Evelyn, Silva; or, A discourse of forest-trees. Frontispiece. Date: 1776
Nerine: six varieties. Hand-coloured lithograph by G. Severeyns, from Encyclographie du regne vegetal: sertum botanicum: collection de plantes par une societe de botanistes. Volume 7 Date: 1823-37
Apples, three varieties. Lithograph from Ebenezer Emmons, Agriculture of New York: vol. 3 - Fruits. Plate XXIII. Date: 1851
Aquatic microscope. Engraving from John Ellis, Essai sur l histoire naturelle des corallines, et d autres productions marines. Plate XXXIX. Date: 1756
Containers for transporting & storing plants & seeds
Corals, with ships / boats in backgroundCorals, with ships/boats in background. Illustration from John Ellis, Essai sur l histoire naturelle des corallines, et d autres productions marines. Frontispiece. Date: 1756
Illustration of growing and managing trees. Illustration (intaglio) from Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau, Des semis et plantations des arbres, et de leur culture. Plate VI. Date: 1760
Pigeons: Antwerp, Dragon. Illustration from John Matthews Eaton, A treatise on the art of breeding and managing, tame, domesticated and fancy pigeons. Date: 1858
Steel bow - additional part for spinal machine. Engraving from Erasmus Darwin, Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life. Vol III Date: 1801
Spinal machine - intended for straightening spine. Engraving from Erasmus Darwin, Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life. Vol III Date: 1801
Cupid with flaming torch and flower. Engraving, probably by (or after) Thomas Holloway, from Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden: a poem in two parts. Page viii, Proem of Vol. 2. Date: 1791-94
Flora at play with Cupid. Engraving by S. Alkin, from Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden: a poem in two parts. Frontispiece for Vol.2. Date: 1791-94
Flora attired by the elements. Engraving by Anker Smith, from Erasmus Darwin, The Botanic Garden: a poem in two parts.Frontispiece for Vol.1. Date: 1791-94
Two animals: wolf and / or dogTwo animals: wolf and/or dog. Woodcut from Andreas Cirinus, De natura et solertia canum liber singularis. Vol I Date: 1653
Entwined vipers and laboratory equipment. Illustration from Moise, Charas, Nouvelles experiences sur la vipere. Title page. Date: 1694
Creatures: a pig (probably white) and a bat. Illustration from Christianus Benedictus Carpzov, Kattologia; das ist, Kurze Katzen-Historie. Date: 1716
Sempervivum tectorum or common houseleek. Illustration from Augustin Pyramus de Candolle, Plantarum succulentarum historia (vol. 1) Date: 1799