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1,391 Items
Whitby Harbour, Yorkshire19th century vintage photograph: Whitby Harbour, Yorkshire, fishing boats in the harbour
WW II - Princess Elizabeth working as a mechanicWorld War II - Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth 2nd training as a secoond subaltern in the ATS - working as a mechanic, taking out the plugs of a car
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill V for victory salutBritish Prime Minister Winston Churchill making his V for victory salute
Photograph of Bell & Three Tuns PH, Holborn, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Left Face on view of the pub
WW II - Admiral Karl Doenitz Donitz, German navyVintage photograph World War II - Admiral Karl Doenitz Donitz, German navy
Back view of three geishas displaying obi sashes. Vintage 19th century photograph
Archery competition, Leamington Spa, 1870Vintage 19th century photograph: Very early image of an archery competition, competitors with bows and arrows, Leamington Spa, 1870
Photograph of Belvedere Tavern, Nunhead, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Right face on view of the pub
c. 1880s South East Asia - Philippines - girls and womenc.1880s South East Asia - Philippines - girls and women - washing and getting their hair done
WW II - partly assembled Focke-Wulf 190 Bremen factoryVintage photograph World War II - partly assembled Focke-Wulf 190 aircraft in the companys Bremen factory, following RAF bombing
Harold Lloyd in the film Safety Last 1923, famous vintage Hollywood movie image
Tomb of Cecilia Metella, along the Appian Way, Rome, ItalyVintage 19th century photograph: Tomb of Cecilia Metella, along the Appian Way, Rome, Italy
Tank of Allied armies in front of Cologne Cathedral, GermanyTank of the Allied armies in front of Cologne Cathedral, Germany, towards the end of world War II
Fort Jamrud, Peshawar, Khyber Pass, now PakistanVintage 19th century photograph, India - Fort Jamrud, Peshawar, Khyber Pass, now Pakistan
c. 1900 Austria Vienna city view with Stephanie Bridgec.1900 Austria Vienna city view with Stephanie Bridge
World War II B25 bomber attacks Japanese shipWorld War II vintage photograph - B25 bomber attacks Japanese ship in China Sea
St. James Street Montreal, Canada19th century vintage photograph: St. James Street Montreal, Canada, pedestrian and horse drawn traffic
Salisbury Cathedral, across river, cows in the foregroundSalisbury Cathedral, viewed across the riveer with cows in the foreground. Vintage 19th century photograph
Vintage photograph WW II - British Churchill tankVintage photograph World War II - British Churchill tank, Italian campaign, crossing of the Senio River
Crossing the Mer de Glace glacier near Chamonix, French Alps19th century vintage photograph: Crossing the Mer de Glace glacier near Chamonix in the French Alps
World War II France and Britain commemorate D-DayVintage World War II photograph - France and Britain commemorate the first anniversay of the D-Day landings on the beach at Arromanches, Normandy
Funeral of King George V 1936, Sandringham, NorfolkFuneral of King George V 1936, procession leeaving Sandringham, Norfolk, where he died
British army in India - NC officers 93rd Highlanders 1864British army in India - NC officers of the 93rd Highlanders 1864
World War II transport planes & gliders ready EnglandVintage World War II photograph - transport planes and gliders ready for takeoff in England, for landings in the Netherlands
Bull fighting in Cordoba, Spain19th century vintage photograph - bull fighting in Cordoba, Spain
Full length Egyptian mummy19th century vintage photograph: Full length Egyptian mummy
Large ships on the Hooghly River, Calcutta, India19th century vintage photograph: Large ships on the Hooghly River, Calcutta, India
Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy, viewed from the canalVintage 19th century photograph - Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy, viewed from the canal
The Arena in Verona, Italy19th century vintage photograph - the Arena in Verona, Italy
World War II ruins in the centre of BerlinWorld War II vintage photograph - ruins in the centre of Berlin, dust cloud from collapsing wall
c. 1900 Holy Land, Palestine, Israel - tomb of Rachelc.1900 Holy Land, Palestine, Israel - tomb of Rachel
Caucasus Georgia Tiflis Tblisi-donkey with load & Armenian dCaucasus Georgia Tiflis Tblisi - a donkey with its load and its Armenian driver. Vintage 19th century photograph
World War II navy ship Pacific war against JapanVintage World War II photograph - navy ship releases a salvo in the Pacific war against Japan
c. 1880s Japan - Honmoku templec.1880s Japan - Honmoku temple
c. 1870s England London - Fresh Wharf - shipsc.1870s England London - Fresh Wharf - ships tied up in the dock
Children on the beach, Robin Hoods Bay, Yorkshire. Vintage 19th century photograph
Rickshaw on coast road, Negishi Yokohama - Mississippi BayRickshaw on the coast road, Negishi Yokohama - Mississippi Bay. Vintage 19th century photograph
Woman being pulled in rickshaw, jinrikisha, JapanYoung woman being pulled in a rickshaw, jinrikisha, Japan. Vintage 19th century photograph
View of the sea at Molde, Romsdal, Norway. Vintage 19th century photograph
Ripon Cathedral viewed from the riverVintage 19th century photograph: Ripon Cathedral viewed from the river
Trafalgar Square LondonVintage 19th century photograph: Trafalgar Square London
Spartan School Of Aeronautics - Spartan School Of Aeronautics. Date: 1950
Spartan School Of Aeronautics 1950 - Spartan School Of Aeronautics. Date: 1950
Switlik Parachutes 1950 - Switlik Parachute Company Inc. Date: 1950
Switlik Parachutes - Switlik Parachute Company Inc. Date: 1950
USAF - U.S.Air Force Recruitment - United States Air Force. Date: 1950
USAF - U.S.Air Force Recruitment 1950 Advert - United States Air Force. Date: 1950
Collins & Aikman CANDALON Aircraft Upholstery - Collins & Aikman Corporation. Date: 1950
Sami people Lappland, Lapland, family group19th century vintage photograph: Sami people Lappland, Lapland, family group
World War II battle for Senio River in Italy, a flamethrowerVintage World War II photograph - 8th Army battle for the Senio River in Italy, a flamethrower in action
Boy, child fakir, India19th century vintage photograph: Boy, child fakir, India
1890s France Paris - Eiffel Tower and Champs de Mars
World War II view of Magdeburg after extensive bombingWorld War II vintage photograph - view of Magdeburg and its cathedral after extensive bombing of the city
WW II - Japanese navy officer surrenders on OkinawaVintage photograph World War II - Japanese navy officer surrenders to American soldiers on Okinawa
WW II - range of bombs, ordnance dropped by RAFVintage World War II photograph - range of bombs ordnance dropped by bombers of the RAF
c. 1880 London - Phillips and Company tea establishmentc.1880 London - Phillips and Company tea establishment - historic London by Dixon and Bool
Mushroom cloud Nagasaki Japan in 1945, atomic bombMushroom cloud following the expolsion of Nagaski atomic bomb, Japan, World War II
World War II - a young captured German soldier in distress - reputed to be only 15 years old
American soldiers shake hands w. Russians River Elbe, 1945 WAmerican soldiers of the First Army shake hands with Russian counterparts as the two sides meet at Torgau on the River Elbe, 1945 World War II
Brothels in the Yoshiwara pleasure district of Tokyo, JapanBrothels in Yoshiwara pleasure district Tokyo, Japan. Vintage 19th century photograph
Surgical instruments found Pompeii, Italy, Mount VesuviusVintage 19th century photograph: Surgical instruments found at the house of the surgeon in Pompeii, Italy, after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Bare-breasted tea house girls, geishas, relaxing, Japan. Vintage 19th century photograph
Young women taking bath at home, late 19thc. JapanYoung women taking a bath at home, late 19th century Japan. Vintage 19th century photograph
Berlin Germany, ruins in Potsdamer Platz 1945Vintaage photograph World War II - Berlin Germany, ruins in Potsdamer Platz following capture by Allied forces 1945
India, from the palace in the fort, Lahore, now PakstanVintage 19th century photograph, India - view from the palace in the fort, Lahore, now Pakstan, Samuel Bourne photogrraph
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as baby in pram with nannyHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as a baby in her pram, with nanny
Arab man smoking with pipe, Egypt19th century vintage photograph: 19th century vintage photograph: Arab man smoking with pipe
The Gol Gumbaz Bijapur, India19th century vintage photograph: The Gol Gumbaz Bijapur, India
1860s India by Samuel Bourne - Trichinopoly - view of the Seringham Pagodas. Tiruchirappalli (also called Tiruchi or Trichy)
World War II Allied trrops march rue de Regence in BrusselsWorld War II vintage photograph - Allied trrops march along the rue de Regence in Brussels to mark one year since liberation
World War II captured German U boat Tower Bridge LondonWorld War II vintage photograph - captured German U boat U776 passes under Tower Bridge London
World War II German aircraft displayed in Hyde ParkVintage World War II photograph - German jet aircraft displayed in Hyde Park following the end of the war
WW II crowds outside The Mansion House, LondonVintage World War II photograph - crowds outside The Mansion House, London, greet President Eisenhower, 12th June 1945
British army in India Royal Horse Artillery Umballa, 1871Vintage 19th century photograph - British army in India - officers of the Royal horse Artillery regiment, Umballa, 1871
WW II King George VI Buckingham Palace, VE Day celebrationVintage World War II photograph - the King, George VI of Great Britain accompanies by the Queen and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, VE Day celebration
Market place in Jaffa, Palestine, Israel Holy Land19th century vintage photograph: Market place in Jaffa, Palestine, Israel Holy Land
c. 1880s India - street scene by Orr and Barton of Bangalorec.1880s India - unidentified street scene by photographers Orr and Barton of Bangalore
c. 1930s street scene in London with bus and policemanc.1930s street scene in London with bus and policeman
British army in India, 6th Regiment Native Infantry 1864Vintage 19th century photograph - British army in India, 1860s - officers of the 6th Regiment Native Infantry 1864
British army India, officers of 12th Bengal Cavalry 1871Vintage 19th century photograph - British army in India - officers of the 12th Bengal Cavalry 1871
World War II British Army take Lingen, GermanyWorld War II vintage photograph - troops of the Wnd British Army take Lingen, Germany
British army in India, 9th Bengal Cavalry 1864Vintage 19th century photograph - British army in India, 1860s - officers of the 9th BBengal Cavalry 1864
World War II Lancaster bombers Bielefeld ViaductWorld War II vintage photograph - Lancaster bombers bomb Bielefeld Viaduct, Germany
World War II satchel charge on Luzon, PhilippinesWorld War II vintage photograph - satchel charge against Japanese soldiers on Luzon, Philippines