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29 Items
Irish Literary SocietyCelebration of the 21st anniversary of the Irish Literary Society, London, and the National Literary Society of Ireland at Dublin, 1913. Left to right, front row, includes Agnes O Farrell, A.P
WILL OF THE WISPWILL O THE WISP (feu follet, marsh light &c) depicted as a mischievous spirit, luring victims to an unpleasant death in the marsh circa 1830
Chandelier at the Great Exhibition 1851This ornate chandelier, by R Winfield of the Cambridge Street Works, Birmingham, is exhibited at the Crystal Palace, the Great Exhibition. Date: 1851
Princess Sophia Duleep Singh (1876 - 1948), daughter of Maharajah Duleep Singh and his first wife, Bamba Muller. She was a prominent suffragette and leader of the Womens Tax Resistance League
CHATEAU DE COMPEGNEThis interior view of the chateau de Compiegne gives some idea of its grandiose, even megalomaniac - scale - and this is only the vestibule ! Date: late 18th century
CHATEAU DE CLISSONThe massive Chateau de Clisson, in Loire Inferieure, a strongly fortified citadel designed for practicality rather than prettiness. Date: circa 1840
LE HAVRE WATERFRONTPanoramic view of the waterfront at Le Havre : only one steamboat is evident among the shipping. Date: circa 1835
LE HAVRE, CIRCA 1840A Seine steamboat comes down- river, as a warning to the sailing vessels in the harbour that their days are numbered. Date: circa 1840
FRANCE / CLISSON RUINSRuins of the Chateau de Clisson (Loire-Inferieure) Date: 1818
DIEPPE / BEACH C1860Dieppe: the beach Date: circa 1860
DIEPPE / ST JACQUES C1930Dieppe: the church of St Jacques Date: circa 1930
FONTAINEBLEAU / PUGIN 1829Fontainebleau: the chateau, Cour des Cuisines Date: 1829
THE THEATRE, LILLEThe Theatre (Salle de Spectacle) at Lille. Date: 1835
SEBASTOPOL BATTLE PLANBattle plan showing the fortifications : the Mamelon, and the Malakoff beyond it, are the key defences the Allies have to overcome before they can take the city itself Date: 1854 - 1855
FOIXA picturesque engraving of the capital of the Ariege departement, which is dominated by a medieval castle situated on a high rock Date: 1835
Foix, France, 1835Foix, the capital of the Ariege departement in southwestern France, which is dominated by a medieval castle situated on a high rock. Date: 1835
FRANCE / FONTAINEBLEAUThe garden front, with the ornamental moat Date: 17th century
Ladies at Piano 1851Two fashionably dressed ladies at the keyboard Date: 1851
FRANCE / COULOMMIERSLe chateau de Coulommiers, Seine-et-Marne Date: 17th century
FRANCE / GRAYa river port on the Saone Date: circa 1830
FRANCE / DIEPPEPlace Duquesne, and eglise Saint-Jacques (note, too, the sign for the Hotel du Commerce) Date: circa 1840
FRANCE / DOMREMYThe bridge across the Meuse river, looking toward the house and Church of Joan of Arc
FRANCE / COLLIOURE(Pyrenees Orientales) depicted on the occasion of a Fete patronale, with boats processing round the harbour Date: circa 1845
CHATEAU DE JOINVILLELe chateau de Joinville (Haute Marne), home of the Sires de Joinville and later of the ducs de Guise Date: circa 1840
DIEPPE / PORT / QUAY C1930Dieppe: the quay on a busy day Date: circa 1930
Dieppe, FranceDieppe: the church of St Jacques Date: circa 1860
Honfleur, FranceHonfleur, seen from the water Date: circa 1840
PARANORMAL / APPARITIONSPhantom priests photographed in the Basilica of Le Bois Chere, Domremy, France Date: unknown