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Chesapeake Retriever, Curly Coated Retriever and Irish Water Spaniel. The Chesapeake retrieves ducks in marsh land for a hunter
LCC-LFB Tooley Street fire station and its crewsBuilt in 1879, and located at 165 Tooley Street, this station remained operational until 1928 when the new Dockhead fire station was opened and the engines and crews transferred there
Three dogs harass a cat. A Scottish Terrier, West Highland Terrier and a Skye Terrier surround a cat that has adopted a defensive posture on top of a fence post Date: 20th century
Dog and Handler wearing gas masks at the battle front
TerriersSmooth Coated Fox Terrier, Wire Haired Fox Terrier, Irish Terrier and a Welsh Terrier. The Welsh Terrier digs a hole under the porch of a house as the other Terriers look on attentively
Scottish Deerhound, guarding a dead deer Date: 20th century
Pointer, in classic pointing pose Date: 20th century
LCC-LFB Merryweather self-propelled Hatfield pumpMerryweather Hatfield pump, with crew. This was one of the first motorised fire engines used by the London Fire Brigade, capable of 30 mph
Two Dachshunds in the woods one burrows as the other looks on Date: 20th century
Sopwith Camel biplanes on an airfield, WW1A long line of Sopwith Camel biplanes of No. 148 Aero Squadron USAS (United States Air Service) on an airfield during the First World War, with pilots and ground crew. Date: 8 August 1918
British transport crossing Sakaltutan Pass, WW1British transport crossing the Sakaltutan Pass during the First World War
Borough of Beddington and Wallington Fire Station, Surrey
LFCDA-LFB Fire Rescue tendersThe 1990s saw a new breed of fire rescue tenders, large and small, introduced into the London Fire Brigade
LCC-LFB West Norwood fire station, SW LondonLocated in Norwood Road, West Norwood fire station was built in 1916
Boston Terrier and French Bulldog, stood on a pavement. Wearing studded collars, both are on leashes Date: 20th century
American troops marching through Liverpool, WW1American troops marching through the streets of Liverpool, UK, on the way to their rest camp during the First World War. Date: 11 August 1918
Collie, Old English Sheep Dog and Smooth Collie, in a natural scene with sheep in the background Date: 20th century
American sailors in Vladivostok, RussiaThe arrival of American sailors from the USS Albany in Vladivostok, Russia, as part of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War. Date: circa 1919
Two Bloodhounds StandingTwo Bloodhounds in a wood on an Autumn day. One dog standing, the other sniffing the ground. Date: 1919
LCC-LFB battery-electric pump-escape at Southwark HQAn early electric wheeled ladder escape vehicle, a Cedes battery-driven pump/50 foot escape, based at Bow fire station, seen here in the drill yard of Southwark Headquarters
Mastiff, gaurding the entrance to a building. the dog is wearing a studde collar Date: 20th century
Police dog in action at a training station. The dog leaps to bite the leg of a man entering the first floor window of a house Date: 20th century
London Fire Brigade street fire alarm and telephone pointIn 1904 the Metropolitan Fire Brigade changed its name to the London Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade street fire alarm call postA passer-by pulls a fire alarm to notify the fire brigade of an incident. By the outbreak of the First World War the London Fire Brigade area was well covered with electric fire alarms
Airdale Terrier and Bedlington Terrier, stand above a beaver they have killed Date: 20th century
Dead American troops, western front, WW1Dead American troops on the western front during the First World War. Date: 28 May 1918
Alexander Carlisle (1854 - 1926)Alexander Carlisle, one of the designers of the Olympic class ocean liners, including the ill-fated Titanic. 1912
Krupp gun at Fort Chemenik, Gallipoli, TurkeyOne of the Krupp guns at Fort Chemenik, Gallipoli, Turkey, with the breech block removed. The two men are officers of the 2nd Kings Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster). Date: circa 1920s
Bull Terrier and English Bulldog, two scary looking dogs stood outside their kennel. The English Bulldog wears a studded collar. Date: 20th century
Anatomical diagram of a Newfoundland dog Date: 20th century
Krupp 6-Pounder Gun 1851Krupps first six-pounder field gun, as shown at the Great Exhibition Date: 1851
LCC-LFB Motorised Fire King fire engineThe Fire King was manufactured by Merryweather of Greenwich. London Fire Brigade purchased the Fire King, one of the first going to Whitefriars fire station
LFB Southwark fire station and Brigade HQ, SE1View of the headquarters building of the London Fire Brigade with an extended turntable ladder on the right. The site was developed in 1911 when the present Southwark fire station was opened
LCC-LFB Attending a car crash on a London streetA typical street scene as the fire brigade attend a car crash in a London street. There is some passing interest but life is carrying on
New Chelsea Fire Station, Kings Road, LondonOpened in 1965, Chelsea Fire Station was the last fire station commissioned to be built by the London County Council prior to the creation of the Greater London Council in 1965
LFB Knightsbridge fire station, SW LondonOpened in 1907, Knightsbridge fire station stands in Basil Street, Knightsbridge, London SW3
American troops in Cunel, France, WW1American troops in action in a street in Cunel, north eastern France, during the First World War, with damaged buildings on both sides. Date: 29 October 1918
Injured American soldier at Boureville, France, WW1An injured American soldier is carried on a stretcher during action at Boureville, Forest of Argonne, north eastern France during the First World War. Date: 26 September 1918
A dog pulling a cart of sticks on a farm in Perce, Quebec, Canada. a man and a small girl look on Date: 20th century
Two dogs and a turtle. A Chihuahua and a Mexican hairless dog look at a passing turtle inquisitively Date: 20th century
Manchester Terrier and Dobermann Pinscher, stood on a grassy hill with flowers Date: 20th century
US Army building the Panama Canal, Central AmericaThe US Army taking part in the building of the Panama Canal, linking the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Date: early 20th century
Two dogs on a basketTwo Pekingese dogs on a basket. One dog looks proud with its chin in the air the other has a more wistful look. Date: 20th century
Captured British tank in Armentieres, France, WW1German soldiers accompany a captured British tank through a muddy street in Armentieres, northern France, during the First World War, with a lorry driving alongside. 1918
American troops at Saint Souplet, France, WW1American troops of the 301st Tank Battalion, going into action at Saint Souplet, northern France, as part of the Somme Offensive during the First World War
American soldiers relaxing in a trench, WW1American soldiers relaxing over a meal in a trench on the western front during the First World War. Date: 1917-1918
American troops resting, Argonne Forest, France, WW1American troops pausing for a rest among shattered tree trunks in the Argonne Forest, north eastern France, during the First World War. They had just recaptured the area from the Germans
American troops near Bazoches-sur-Vesle, France, WW1American troops occupying the line between the Vesle and the Aisne rivers, to the north of Bazoches-sur-Vesle, northern France, during the First World War. Date: 4 September 1918
Three Poodle SpecimensThree Poodles standing together, in front of a green curtain. One, a brown dog, with a Poodle Clip, the second a black, corded dog and a third a white Toy dog. Date: 1919
LCC-LFB horse drawn escape cart and ladderA horse-drawn 50 foot wheeled escape ladder and five man crew in Southwark Headquarters drill yard. These escape ladders could be very quickly slipped by the crew and extended up to a window
Metropolitan Fire Brigade carA Metropolitan Fire Brigade car. This 10-12hp car chassis was purchased in 1903 and converted in Brigade workshops to run as a first aid and firefighting tender
GLC LFB Breathing apparatus communications setBattery operated communications equipment for use with compressed air breathing apparatus sets. Microphones are fitted into the specially adapted full face masks
LCC-MFB Streatham fire station wireless vanWhilst the new Streatham fire station was being built, a sub-station was employed to serve the local area
LCC-LFB Motorised Fire King fire engineThe Fire King was manufactured by Merryweather of Greenwich. The London Fire Brigade purchased the Fire King, one of the first going to Whitefriars fire station
LCC-LFB motorised Hatfield type fire engineA motorised Hatfield-type fire engine. The London Fire Brigade was introducing motorised fire engines and the last horse-drawn appliance (a turntable ladder) would be withdrawn in 1921
LCC-LFB Motorised Hatfield type fire engineThe London Fire Brigade was introducing motorised fire engines and the last horse drawn appliance (a turntable ladder) would be withdrawn in 1921
LCC-LFB Major fire, Grand Hotel, Trafalgar SquareWestminster and Soho firefighters were joined by almost 100 other firefighters as fire engulfed the seventh floor and roof of the Grand Hotel on the corner of Northumberland Avenue
LCC-LFB Wandsworth fire station, SW LondonOpened in 1954, Wandsworth fire station is situated at 45 West Hill (where is still stands). The lack of blue flashing lights and bells on the fire engine dates the picture pre-1965
NFS (Salvage Corps) protective sheets, WW2Salvage sheets put in place by NFS Salvage Corps workers protect goods and equipment from water damage
Montage of images of parish fire pumpsFour examples of manual parish fire pumps
American troops near Beuvardes, France, WW1American troops advancing through gas, and French cavalry going in the other direction, on a country road near Beuvardes, northern France, towards the end of the First World War. Date: 24 July 1918
English Foxhound and American Foxhound, bounding through the woods Date: 20th century
American troops on march to Meaux, France, WW1American troops on the march to the front at Meaux, northern France, during the First World War. Date: July 1918
Live stock market. Dogs for sale in a market in the Philippines, the Igorrotes tribe of the Philippines habitually eat dog flesh Date: 20th century
American anti-aircraft post, Raucourt, France, WW1An American anti-aircraft post in the town of Raucourt, northern France, towards the end of the First World War. Date: 10 November 1918
Dingoes, leap over a tree root a forest, their coats are redish brown with tints of black Date: 20th century
American troops at Varennes-en-Argonne, France, WW1American troops at Varennes-en-Argonne, north eastern France, during the First World War, walking past bombed-out buildings. Date: circa 1918
American troops on front line, Argonne, France, WW1American troops of the 369th Infantry, 93rd Division, in front line trenches in Argonne, north eastern France, towards the end of the First World War. Date: 1918
American pilots near Toul, France, WW1A group of seven American pilots who brought down enemy aircraft near Toul, north eastern France, during the First World War. Date: July 1918
American artillery at Varennes-en-Argonne, France, WW1American field artillery firing a salvo at retreating German columns from the captured town of Varennes-en-Argonne, north eastern France, during the First World War
French army training American troops, WW1Men of the French army training American troops during the First World War. Date: 1917-1918
French trench facing Turkish positions, WW1A French trench facing Turkish positions during the First World War. Date: 1914-1918
Two boys and a dog. One boy pours the contents of a watering can over the dog and other boy, who are sheltering under an umbrella Date: 20th century
Spitz, with white fur raising its front paw Date: 20th century
View of the Arsenal, Constantinople, with HMS CaesarView of the Arsenal at Constantinople, Turkey, with HMS Caesar in the background. Date: circa 1919
American artillery in Argonne, France, WW1American artillery in action in Argonne, north eastern France, during the First World War. Date: 26 September 1918
Wearing the chevrons of honor for services overseas. Two dogs wearing coats with chevron symbols on, with there handlers are paraded before the troops aboard a US naval ship Date: 20th century
American tank on a battlefield, WW1An American armoured tank on a battlefield towards the end of the First World War. Date: 29 October 1918
Captured weapons in Villers-Cotterets, France, WW1Allied soldiers looking at piles of captured German weapons in the main square of Villers-Cotterets, northern France, towards the end of the First World War. Date: 27 July 1918
Officer with American ambulance, Western Front, WW1An army officer standing in front of an American ambulance on the western front during the First World War. Date: 1917-1918
Macready and Kelly, non-stop coast to coast flight, USALieutenant John A Macready and Lieutenant Oakley G Kelly, who were awarded the Mackay Trophy for the first non-stop USA coast-to-coast flight
Whippets. A whippet stands with its tail between its legs as two whippets race each other in the background Date: 20th century