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25 Items
Grimwades Winton earthenware mug Lest We ForgetGrimwades Winton earthenware mug, hand-enamelled entitled Lest We Forget. The Triumph of Right over Might AD 1918. On reverse, Great Britains Trump Cards showing a Mark I male tank and aeroplanes
Souvenir ashtray - L As des As with an embossed image of a French bi-plane and the French Ace Georges Guynemer. Commemorative Ware
Booths bone china flared beaker. Hand-enamelled transfer. Portrait of Britannia entitled The Flag which never comes down. Royal Coat of Arms on reverse. Commemorative Ware
WWI Red Cross invalid feeding cup with spoutFirst World War Red Cross invalid feeding cup with spout (slight damage to spout).. Commemorative Ware
Red Cross brassard - stamped Army Medical Service. Firearms & Equipment
Bone china cup and saucer - WWIBone china cup and saucer manufactured by Diamond China, England. Shows the flags of the Allies, the centre vignette shows a Royal Naval battleship with an aeroplane
China sugar bowl One with Britain, Heart and Soul. A Canadian soldier surrounded with maple leaves with The Maple Leaf Forever on reverse. Manufactured by Minerva China, Staffs
WWI - patriotic glazed pottery jug - Sir John FrenchFirst World War c. 1914 patriotic glazed pottery jug with a portrait of FM Sir John French with artillery/cavalry backdrop and a cavalry trooper on reverse. Manufactured by Lambert Watson & Son
Childs patriotic pottery tank entitled Bank In The TankChilds patriotic glazed pottery tank entitled Bank In The Tank. Commemorative Ware
Portraits - Kitchener, French, Joffre, Wahis and Allied flagSons of the Empire and Our Allies. The centre shows portraits of Kitchener, French, Joffre and Wahis and Allied flags
Seat of War Shows the European sector of the WarSeat of War. Shows the European sector of the War, c. 1914. Commemorative Art
Facsimile of signatories - State of Belgium foundedA souvenir of the Great War. The centre-piece shows a facsimile of the signatories on the document signed in 1830 on the establishment of the State of Belgium and the guaranteeing of its neutrality
Doulton & Co bone china butter dishDoulton & Co. bone china butter dish - with special message from The Right Honourable David Lloyd George. On base - a message from the Girls of Staffordshire. Commemorative Ware
Patriotic ashtray showing a British Tommy on a battlefield, the Union Jack fluttering beside him. Commemorative Ware
Brass ashtray showing French, British and Belgian soldiers clasping hands. Trench Art