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lightning Sailing ShipClipper under full sail
Neidpath Castle C20Neidpath Castle, Peebles
Ataturk Reforms LanguageTurkey : dictator Kemal Ataturk introduces westernisation of the Turkish language
Tower Bridge / ScaffoldingDismantling the scaffolding on the eve of completion
Advert / Frys ChocolateFrys Five Boys chocolate - Desperation, Pacification, Expectation, Acclamation, Realisation - Its Fry s
Robin Hood & Merry MenRobin & his Merry Men hunting in Sherwood forest
Night Watch / AmsterdamThe Night Watch by Rembrandt Van Rijn, Amsterdam
Kings Lynn / South GateKings Lynn, Norfolk: the South Gate
Advert / Mackesons StoutMACKESONs STOUT Milk stout
Arkwrights Mill / DerbyAn exterior view of Arkwrights Cotton Mill, Cromford, Derby
Chinese Abacus 1814A man uses a " swan-pen" - a Chinese version of the abacus
Lancashire Weaver / 1890SA weaver in a Lancashire cotton mill
Stirling Castle 1904Stirling Castle, from the Kings Knot
Peruvian QuipuA quipu of ancient Peru
Goddess of UnderworldHel, daughter of Loki & goddess of the underworld
Craniometer / Mid C19A cranionmeter holds a skull in place
Longwy Steelworks, FranceAn overhead view of the rolling mills at Longwy Steelworks in France
Play / Ibsen / Hedda GablerA series of simple sketches of Eleonora Duse
Ride of the ValkyriesThe ride of the Valkyries
Oyster Stall, EnglandA bowler-hatted oyster seller watches while a workman, with his cap on the side of his head, helps himself to Cleethorpes oysters : probably in Lancashire
Advert / Elephant CoffeeElephant Brand French Coffee
Logging Railway / 1904Horses are used to pull large tree trunks on railway carriages in California, U.S.A
Whistle and I ll ComeOh, whistle, and I ll come to you ! Parkinss dream of the thing on the sea-shore
Llandudno / Prom 1930SLlandudno: the promenade
Blackpool Opera HouseInterior view during a performance of Gilbert & Sulivans The Pirates of Penzance
Siegfried Forges NotungInstructed by Mime, Siegfried forges the magic sword Notung with which he will slay the dragon Fafner
Helensburgh / ScotlandHelensburgh
Seaside Fashions 1878Princess line dresses: one is short & more practical for walking, the other has a stand up collar, lacing down the central back seam, buttoned panels at the sides & a train
Lady NelsonLADY FRANCES NELSON Originally Frances Woolward, she met Horatio Nelson in 1785 and married him in 1787
Covent Garden 1905Covent Garden : horse-drawn carts and wagons arrive, piled high with fruit and vegetables for the dining tables of London
John Earl ShrewsburyJOHN TALBOT, first earl of SHREWSBURY soldier and statesman
Hard Boss Scolds ClerkI have no more time ro spare, said Mr Goldie. " You came late to begin with." ; a hard boss scolds his elderly employee, who has filled the bin with paper
Corsica / Bastia / LiebigBastia: the old city
EARL OF BALCARRESSailing ship of the East India Company
Sheep at Seatoller. A sheepdog herds them up outside a stone building
Pinafore / Programme 2Inside pages of the programme for the original production, naming George Grossmith as Sir Joseph Porter
French Philately ManualAlbert Laplanches popular guide to stamp collecting
Roslin Castle 1880SRoslin Castle, Midlothian
Thames / Southwark / St PaulThe Thames at the Southwark foreshore, with St Pauls Cathedral in the background
Oswald Sets up CrossKing Oswald of Northumbria sets up a cross at Hefenfelth (Heavens Field) before a battle & is victorious. The cross becomes a site of miracles & healing
Constantinople TakenFOURTH CRUSADE : The Crusaders under Baudouin take Constantinople
VIANNEYJEAN-BAPTISTE VIANNEY French parish priest, much harassed by demons
Castration / C17ThA patient is pinned down and involuntarily castrated
Beethoven I(Schmid)Ludwig Van Beethoven in a Wood
Mens underwear / 1912An advertisement for Porosknit mens summer underwear. Always keeps you in cool comfort
Advert / Pochin PanshinePochins Panshine
Roman Rotary QuernA Rotary Quern used by the Romans for grinding corn. A number were found intact at the bakery in Pompeii
Advert / Press Pall MallPoster for Pall Mall Budget, new series, illustrated
Advert / Salad Cream 1932Crosse & Blackwell Salad Cream
Germany / Offenburg / DrakeOffenburg: statue of Sir Francis Drake
Play / Corneille / Le CidRodrigo and donna Jimena in the play written by the French playwright Pierre Corneille
Puritan WomanA young Puritan reads The Bible, but allows herself a touch of vanity in her dress
ARAB DHOWArab dhow, used in various forms in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and the east coast of Africa
Train of TomorrowThe railway train of tomorrow will be totally streamlined for greater speed and economy
Spain / Barcelona C1910Barcelona: Plaza de Cataluna
Pains Hill / Surrey / 1750Pains Hill, Surrey: a scene in the gardens
Oxford / Magdalen / CloisterOxford: Magdalen College the cloisters Date: 1903
Circular Bath / BathThe Circular Roman Bath at Bath, Somerset. The existence of the remains were secret until 1755, when hot water came rushing out of the Roman masonry
3 AFGHANSThree Afghan men in colourful dress
Booksellers, Paris QuaySelling books out of trunks and suitcases on the Paris quay
18th Century HaymakersA farming family bring in the hay
Shepherds of Les Landes in south-western France, using stilts to help them keep an eye on their flocks
Two American FlagsTHE AMERICAN POLKA The rival flags are featured on the cover of this topical musical piece
Kniepp CureDiagrams to show the Kniepp cure, which involves the knee jet, head infusion and walking barefoot in wet grass
Ightham Mote / Kent / 1905Ightham Mote, Kent
Mafeking CelebrationsThe Relief of Mafeking is celebrated in Commercial Road, Portsmouth. " Men and women, danced sang and shouted.."
Boer War : Spion KopBATTLE OF SPION KOP A British night attack takes this strategic obstacle to the advance on Ladysmith; but they are unable to hold it and have to abandon it
Boer War; StormbergBATTLE OF STORMBERG Gatacre, misled by guides, runs into trouble when he attacks the Boer position and suffers heavy losses
Wwii / Ats / RefreshmentA group of women of the A.T.S. along with members of the army, queue at a refreshment van and enjoy a cup of tea during a break from work
Sailing & Steam ShipsSailing ships and one small steam ship, close to an unspecified dock with a lighthouse on the right
Man in RickshawA man wearing a pith helmet being transported by rickshaw, probably in India
Apache War PartyApache war party
Apache BasketmakerAn Apache woman of the American southeast sits inside the basket she is making, weaving it from inside out : it will be used to store grain or vegetables
Lucille Grahn / DryadeLUCILLE GRAHN Ballet dancer in Eoline, ou La Dryade
Ransom Money PaidRansom money is paid to Turks to release captured French knights
Chinese Money TreeThe money tree of the Chinese god of riches
Spanish FishermenFishermen of Andalucia salt and pack their catch in barrels
Tom Walls / Cig CardTOM WALLS English actor and director, later in character roles
Irene Vanbrugh / PlayersIRENE VANBRUGH English stage actress, seen here in The Admirable Crichton
George V WedsHe weds Princess Mary of Teck at St James Palace, London
Franchot Tone / MgmFRANCHOT TONE American actor of stage and screen
Chimneysweep (Petherick)London characters: the CHIMNEY SWEEP walks the streets with his brushes, offering his services - for every home is heated with coal fires which clog the chimneys with soot
Kathleen O regan / SignedKATHLEEN O REGAN Irish film actress
Raquel Meller / PostcardRAQUEL MELLER Spanish film actress and singer