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1 Aug 2006Jolly Dogs of Dogville
2 Aug 2006 Collection10 Items
4 Aug 2006Statue of Rembrandt (1606-1669) by Louis Royer. Amsterdam
5 Aug 2006Typical houses. Amsterdam
6 Aug 2006 Collection10 Items
7 Aug 2006 Collection2 Items
8 Aug 2006 Collection11 Items
9 Aug 2006 Collection2 Items
10 Aug 2006 Collection18 Items
11 Aug 2006Squirrel on a scarecrow
12 Aug 2006 Collection2 Items
13 Aug 2006Bottlenose Dolphin - With nose out of the water
14 Aug 2006 Collection15 Items
15 Aug 2006 Collection2 Items
16 Aug 2006 Collection9 Items
17 Aug 2006 Collection17 Items
18 Aug 2006 Collection36 Items
20 Aug 2006De Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth, the RAFs standard prima
21 Aug 2006Reichstags Dome by Norman Foster (b. 1935). Night. Berlin. G
23 Aug 2006Bottlenose Dolphins - Tail dancing
24 Aug 2006 Collection5 Items
30 Aug 2006The Story of South America: Unexplored Vastness
31 Aug 2006 Collection2 Items
Reichstags Dome by Norman Foster (b. 1935). Berlin. GermanyDome of the Reichstag, seat of the German Parliament, designed by Norman Foster (b.1935). Interior. Berlin. Germany
Egyptian art. Relief depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and threEgyptian art. A house altar depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and three of their Daughters. Relief. Limestone. New Kingdom. Amarna period. 18th dynasty. C. 1350 B.C. Egyptian Museum of Berlin. Germany
Statue-cube of Senenmut and Princess Neferure. EgyptEgyptian Art. Statue-cube of Senenmut and Princess Neferure. Senenmut was architect and royal chancellor during the reign of Hatshepsut and guardian of her daughter, Neferure
Egyptian art. Nefertiti bust. Limestone and stucco. Neues MuEgyptian art. Nefertiti. 14th century B.C. Egyptian Princess, wife of Amenhotep IV Akhenaton. Bust. Limestone and stucco. It is believed to have been crafted in 1345 BC by the sculptor Thutmose
De Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth, the RAFs standard primary trainer throughout the war years - Photo Hugh W Cowin
The Evening Wireless - Komarjan Bridge, WW1The Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. The Evening Wireless - Komarjan Bridge. By Frank Algernon Stewart (1877-1945). 1917-1918
Peter Pan and Wendy. From Playhour (1958-59)
Surrey Yeomanry on Struma Valley Front, Salonika, WW1The Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. Breaking cover - A Squadron raid on Jenimah. By Frank Algernon Stewart (1877-1945). 1917-1918
Kakaraska held, scouts bringing back report under fire, WW1The Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. Kakaraska held, scouts bringing back report under fire, Spring 1918. By Frank Algernon Stewart (1877-1945). 1918
A brush with the Bulgar - Scouts discover enemy, WW1The Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. A brush with the Bulgar - Scouts discover enemy at entrance to Jenimah. By Frank Algernon Stewart (1877-1945). 1917-1918
Going into action, The Barraged Road on Blaga PlaninaThe Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. Going into action, The Barraged Road on the Blaga Planina. By Frank Algernon Stewart (1877-1945). 1917-1918
Amphiaraus in a chariot race. 4th century BC. GreeceAmphiaraus in a chariot race. Greek hero and king of Argos. Relief from Oropo, Attica. 4th century BC. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
Observation - Picket watching Salmah from the Worm, WW1The Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. Observation - Picket watching Salmah from the Worm, North West corner of Gloucester Wood, Winter 1917-1918
Starting the days war - the Gudeli Track, WW1The Surrey Yeomanry on the Struma Valley Front, Salonika 1917-1918. Starting the days war - the Gudeli Track. By Frank Algernon Stewart (1877-1945). 1917-1918
School TeacherPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (8 February 1964)
Norman Gnome
Norman Gnome. From Playhour
Egyptian art. Sphinx of Ptolemy XII Auletes (117-51 B. C. ). EEgyptian art. Sphinx of Ptolemy XII Auletes (117-51 B.C.). Egyptian pharaoh and father of Egyptian Queen Cleopatra VII. Ptolemaic period. Temporary exhibition. Martin Gropius. Berlin. Germany
Egypt. Stele of Herakleion-Thonis. The Naucratis decree (380Egyptian Art. Stele of Herakleion-Thonis. The Naucratis decree (380 B.C.). Royal Decree drafted by order of Pharaoh Nectanebo I (380-362 BC)
German flag at the German Parliament building (Reichstag). Berlin. Germany
Ionic capital. Temple of Artemis Leucophryene. 3rd-2nd centuTemple of Artemis Leucophryene. Late 3rd-early 2nd centuries BC. Built by Hermogenes at Magnesia on the Maeander. Ionic capital. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
Bottlenose Dolphin with mouth open (Tursiops truncatus)
Quadriga by Johann Gottfried Schadow (1764-1850). BrandenburQuadriga, chariot drawn by four horses driven by Victoria Goddess. Copy by the original of 1793, by Johann Gottfried Schadow (1764-1850). Brandenburg Gate. Berlin. Germany
Major General Suspring Robert Rice - Royal EngineersPortrait of Major General Suspring Robert Rice, KCM, GCB, Royal Engineers. This framed drawing contains the Generals rank markings and Generals cap badge.. Thomas Martine Ronaldson (1881-1942)
The Legend of Gudrun: Hagen Slays the Griffin
The Legend of Gudrun: Hagen and the Griffins. Panel from Look and Learn no. 581 (3 March 1973)
Man wearing a toga. Roman statue. 1st century ADRoman statue of a man wearing a toga. 1st century AD. Marble. Found in La Colonna (ancient Labicum), Italy. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
Reichstags Dome by Norman Foster (b. 1935). Night. Berlin. GDome of the Reichstag, seat of the German Parliament, designed by Norman Foster (b.1935). Interior. Night. Berlin. Germany
Egyptian Art. Seated statue of Chertihotep dated ca. 1850 BC. Quartzite. Middle Kingdom. 12th Dynasty. Probably it comes from Asyut. Egyptian Museum (Altes Museum). Berlin. Germany
Egyptian Art. Berlin Green Head (c. 350 BC). Altes Museum. BEgyptian Art. Berlin Green Head (c. 350 BC). Slate. End of 30th Dynasty. Late Period. Altes Museum. Berlin. Germany
Egyptian art. Stele of the tomb of Methethi with his son Ihy with hieroglyphic writing. Detail of Methethi. Around 2400 BC. It comes from Saqqara. Old Kingdom. 5th Dynasty
Nectanebo II (ruled in 360-342 B. C. ). Bust. EgyptNectanebo II (ruled in 360-342 B.C.). The third and last pharaoh of the 30th dynasty as well as the last native ruler of Ancient Egypt. Bust
Operation Gold. Reconstruction of the tunnel built by American intelligence and British between 1954 and 1955 to link the west and east side of the city
Egyptian art. Colossal statues of a pharaoh, his wife and the god Hapi (God of fertility)
Greek Art. Cyprus. Kouros. It comes from Dali. 6th century BGreek Art. Cyprus. Kouros. Statue of a young man dated to 550 BC. Limestone. It comes from Dali (Cyprus). Egyptian Museum (Altes Museum). Berlin. Germany
Germany. Berlin. Cathedral of St. Hedwig. Partial viewGermany. Berlin. Partial view of the Cathedral of St. Hedwig, erected between 1747 and 1773 by architects Wenzeslaus Von Knobelsdorff, Jean Laurent Legeay and Johann Boumann
Buddha statue with dharmachakra mudra gesture. 2nd-3rd centuBuddha statue with dharmachakra mudra gesture. Gandhara. 2nd-3rd centuries AD. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
Berlin Goddess. 580-560 BC. From KerateaBerlin Goddess. 580-560 BC. Kore from the cemetery of Keratea (South of Attica). Detail. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
Apollo Kanachos relief. MiletusRelief depicting a cult statue of Apollo, standing between two torch-bearers. The image of god are a quotation from a famous archaic cult statue by Kanachos. 175-200 AD. Marble
Mosaic with Arabic scripture. 1242-1243. From the Madrasa of Sircali, Konya (Turkey). Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
Lions hunt relief. Sakcegozu Palace. Hitite. 750 BCRelief depicting a lions hunt. 750 BC. Basalt. Detail. From the Palace of Sakcegozu, Anatolia. Pergamon Museum. Berlin. Germany
German Parliament. Facade. Berlin. GermanyGermany. Berlin. German Parliament in the Reichstag building. 1884-1894. Built by Paul Wallot and rebuilt by Norman Foster between 1992-1999. Exterior
Teddy Bear
Young girl cleaning and tidying. Source unknown
Germany. Berlin. Brandenburg Gate crowned by the Quadriga ofGermany. Berlin. Brandenburg Gate, built between 1788 and 1791 by Carl Langhans in classical style. Crowned by the Quadriga of Victory (1793)
Germany. Berlin. Museum of StasiGermany. Berlin. Museum Stasi. Old Ministry of State Security or The Stasi. Awards and emblems of the GDR
Tombstone of a Jewish grave. Jewish Museum. Berlin. Germany
Germany. Berlin. Jewish Museum Berlin. Garden of ExileGermany. Berlin. Jewish Museum Berlin. Built in 1999 by architect estadonidense of Jewish origin and born in Poland, Daniel Libeskind (1946)
Sarcophagus with relief carving a military scene of soldiers of the Red Army and portrait of Lenin
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894). Statue. Berlin. GermanyHermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894). German physician and physicist. Marble statue sculptured 1895 to 1896 by Ernst Herter. Cour d honneur of the Humboldt University Berlin. Germany
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805). German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright. Monument in Gendarmenmarkt, in the city center. Berlin. Germany
Germany. Berlin. German Church (Deutscher Dom). 18th centuryGermany. Berlin. German Church (Deutscher Dom), built in the 18th century by Karl Von Gontard and late 20th century rebuilt after its destruction in World War II. Used as a museum