Royal Navy Battlecruiser HMS Hood, sunk by the German Battleship Bismarck at the Battle of Denmark Strait on 24th May 1941. Named after the 18th-century Admiral Samuel Hood (1724-1816)
Bismarck battleshipBismarck, German battleship Date: 1941
Recruitment poster, Join the Royal Artillery and know the pride of being a gunner. 1940s
T class SubmarineInside a British submarine: complex details of the craft in which our underwater crews live and fight
Churchills praise for RAF Pilots" Never was so much owed by so many to so few" - Prime Minister Winston Churchill from a speech made on 20th August 1940
D-Day - British and Canadian troops landing - Juno BeachBritish and Canadian 3rd Division troops land at Juno Beach
Supermarine Spitfire and Hawker Tempest aeroplanesSupermarine Spitfire Mk. 1, Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb, and Hawker Tempest aeroplanes, all in camouflage paint. 1940s
Recruitment poster for the Corps of Military Police - Second World War. circa 1940
RAF Poster, Back Them Up! WW2RAF Poster, Back Them Up!, showing a British Spitfire shooting down a German bomber during the Second World War. 1940s
Poster: Save kitchen scraps to feed the hens! Keep it dry, free from glass, metal, bones, paper, etc. It also feeds pigs. Your council will collect. 1940s
The Sinking of the BismarckThe sinking of the German Battleship Bismarck
H. M. S. Glowworm ramming the Admiral HipperThe 1345-ton destroyer Glowworm ramming the 10, 000-ton German cruiser Hipper after a single-handed duel at point-blank range
Together Poster, showing the armed forces of the British Empire marching together
French poster from General de Gaulle, WW2A French poster with a message to all French people from General Charles de Gaulle, based in London during the Second World War. France has lost one battle, but France has not lost the war
HMS Barham, British battleship, Scapa FlowHMS Barham, a Queen Elizabeth class battleship, launched 1914, served during the First and Second World Wars, sunk by a German U-boat 1941. Seen here with the Fleet in Scapa Flow, Scotland
Poster showing details of the ME109 MesserschmittEnglish poster showing details of the ME109 German Messerschmitt fighter plane, used during the Second World War
HMS Suffolk, heavy cruiser, the ship that shadowed the Bismarck by maintaining radar contact from the evening of 23rd May 1941 for 31 long hours until the early morning of 25th May
Westland Whirlwind aeroplanesWestland Aircraft Ltd, Whirlwind aeroplanes, mostly in camouflage colours. 1940s
HMS Hood, British battlecruiserHMS Hood, a British Admiral-class battlecruiser, launched 1918, served before and during the Second World War, sunk 24 May 1941. Seen here from above. Date: 20th century
D-Day - Landing in France - Omaha BeachAmerican assault troops prepare to disembark their landing craft as it approaches the beach head, Omaha Beach
Propaganda poster for the RAF during World War Two. Victory of the Allies is assured. Intensive bombing of Germanys war industries continues
Britains Sea Power Is YoursWorld War Two propaganda poster for the Royal Navy - Britains Sea Power Is Yours - depicting a British submarine crew at action stations during an attack
D-Day - Supplies pour ashoreA stunning panorama photograph of a French invasion beach with the channel waters thick with US military shipping
Wartime poster, save bread, serve potatoesWartime poster encouraging people to save bread (and you save lives), serve potatoes (and you serve the country). Depicting a loaf of bread inside a lifebelt. 1940s
Lancaster I (4-Merlin) Bomber, seen from three different angles. 1942
Harrogate Ladies CollegeA girls school in a castle: Harrogate Colleges pleasant retreat at Lord Swintons residence near Ripon, Yorkshire at the beginning of World War II
Wings For Victory More Savings - More Wings. Poster encouraging Britains to save money, aiding the war effort, specificially in the construction of new Lancaster Bomber aircraft for the RAF
Home Front - The Royal Navy, The Difficult we can do at once The impossible may take longer Date: 1943
British aircraft camouflage, 1941British aircraft camouflage, showing how the colours appear to merge into their surroundings, 1941. Date: 1941
Wartime poster of Churchills famous words: Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few, referring to the pilots of the Royal Air Force, fighting the Battle of Britain
Back Them Up! World War Two poster issued by HMSO (Her Majestys Stationery Office) featuring RAF Spitfires chasing and downing German fighter aircraft
RAF Poster, Back Them Up! WW2RAF Poster, Back Them Up!, showing the capture of the German submarine U570 by a Lockheed Hudson plane of the British Coastal Command during the Second World War. 1941
Wartime poster, Britain Expects that you too, this day, will do your duty. Suggesting that civilians as well as soldiers have a role to play in the war effort. 1940s
Womens Land Army posterRecruiting poster for the Womens Land Army during World War Two - Be in the Winning Team, Join the Womens Land Army - featuring a smiling land army girl leading two farm horses
Gas proof pram, 1938. A resident of Hextable in Kent, invented a gas proof pram in which a baby could be kept safe during an air raid
Supermarine Type 350 Spitfire aeroplaneSupermarine Type 350 Spitfire H.F. Mk. VI aeroplane in camouflage colours. 1940s
Evacuation - World War Two - Children Safer in the CountryEvacuation - World War Two - Children are Safer in the Country.... leave them there. Governement advice recommending children stay away from the big cities and targets of the bombers. circa 1942
HMS Norfolk, British heavy cruiser, WW2HMS Norfolk, British County-class heavy cruiser, launched 1928, served throughout the Second World War, decommissioned 1950. Date: circa 1940s
Child at receiving centre WWIIBette Malek waits with her doll at the Fulham receiving centre in London during World War II
Chindits crossing the Great Chindwin River, BurmaChindits and their horses crossing the Great Chindwin River, Burma in light ferry boats, the horses alongside!
Parachute Regiment - Sergeant - 6th Airborne Division
Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases, Wanted for Sneezing.. Date: circa 1940
Supermarine Type 365 Spitfire aeroplaneSupermarine Type 365 Spitfire P.R. Mk. XI aeroplane, in blue with black and white stripes. 1940s
RAF Poster, Back Them Up! WW2RAF Poster, Back Them Up!, showing Hurricanes of the RAF cooperating with the Russian Air Force during the Second World War. 1940s
The seat of a hero: Spitfire pilots cockpit, 1940The cockpit, with its amazing array of dials, is the epitome of intensive mechancial warfare of World War Two. Date: 1940
Poster: Dig For Victory NowPoster encouraging people to Dig For Victory Now, and enjoy your own vegetables all the year round. 1940s
HMS Jervis Bay, armed merchant cruiser, WW2HMS Jervis Bay, an armed merchant cruiser which served during the Second World War
HMS Queen Elizabeth, British battleshipHMS Queen Elizabeth, British dreadnought battleship, launched 1913, served during the First and Second World Wars, decommissioned 1948. Date: 20th century
King George VI - Thanking British ChildrenA certificate from King George VI to the children of Great Britain on 8th June, 1946 - issued as a momento for sharing in the hardships and ultimate triumph during World War Two
Italian recruitment poster, Second World War, featuring two soldiers asking the viewer what they are doing for the war effort. 1940s
British tank WWIIBritish Matilda tank in France during World War II
The Battle of BritainA circular painting depicting the brave men of the Royal Airforce on the ground and in action during the Battle of Briatin
D-Day - Glider reinforcement teamA team of paratroopers amuse themselves whilst awaiting the call to take flight in their glider to back up the initial assault phase on the Normandy coast
Carrier Pigeon posterPoster warning people of the dangers of shooting carrier pigeons who may be carrying life or death messages
Empire Air Day PosterA poster for the Empire Air Day on Saturday 20th May 1939 at Warmwell near Dorchester. The Hawker Hurricane planes played a key role in attack and defence during WW2
WWII Poster - PatrioticYour Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution, Will Bring Us Victory, Second World War poster. Date: circa 1940
Westland Wapiti 1 aeroplaneWestland Wapiti 1 of No. 601 (County of London) Squadron, Auxiliary Air Force. 1940s
Handley Page Harrow K6962 aeroplane in camouflage colours. 1940s
Boeing B-17 aeroplanes, one in blue, the other in camouflage colours. 1940s
RAF Poster, Back Them Up! WW2RAF Poster, Back Them Up!, showing a raid by Hudson planes of the Coastal Command on German shipping at Aalesund, Norway, during the Second World War, in which eleven ships were hit. 1941
Yamashita Tomoyuki(1885-1946) General of the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II. 1941
Eternal Flame at Battle of Stalingrad MemorialRussia, Volgograd (Zaryzin, Stalingrad). Battle of Stalingrad Memorial at Mamajev Kurgan Hill. The Memorial Hall of Honour with the Eternal Flame. Date: 2010
Mother Russia Statue - Battle of StalingradRussia, Volgograd (Zaryzin, Stalingrad) - The Battle of Stalingrad Memorial (fought during World War Two between August - January 1942/43)
HMS Iron Duke, British battleship, launched 1912, served as the flagship of the Grand Fleet during the First World War, used as a base ship at Scapa Flow during the Second World War
HMS Royal Sovereign, British battleshipHMS Royal Sovereign, British Revenge class battleship, launched 1915, served in the First World War and part of the Second World War
Wartime poster, Comrades in Arms! Britain and the USSR. Showing the British and Soviet Russian flags flying side by side. A message below says: British Women! You can win this war
HMS Queen Elizabeth, British battleshipHMS Queen Elizabeth, British dreadnought battleship, launched 1913, served during the First and Second World Wars, decommissioned 1948. Date: early 20th century
After World War Two - Heathrow Airport FacilitiesAfter World War Two - The rather basic Heathrow Airport Reception and Communication Facilities. Date: 1946
Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin, GermanyThe Protestant Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedachtniskirche) on the Kurfurstendamm in Berlin, Germany. It was badly damaged in a bombing raid in 1943
D-Day - Bomber giving air support to infantry invasionA B-26 Martin Marauder of the 9th Airforce over the Normandy coast, giving air support to the landing craft on the beaches below
D-Day - Assault of American troopsUS Assault troops wading ashore
World War II evacueesEvacuee train leaving the station with people waving goodbye during World War II
HMS Habbakuk in sectionIllustration showing a cross section of the top secret design for HMS Habbakuk a giant aircraft-carrier built of ice and wood pulp, which was proposed as a secret weapon in the Second World War
Ww2 Clothing CouponsTwo CLOTHING BOOKS containing coupons without which you couldn t buy clothes : note the date - two years after the end of the war !
House to house fighting in Stalingrad, USSRHouse to house fighting during the bitter battle amongst the ruins of the battered city of Stalingrad (Volgograd), USSR
Land Girls WWIILand Girls working as milkmaids milking cows on a farm in Tooting during World War II. Miss Ivy Baldwin (on the left) was a mulitple shop worker)
Land Girls WWIILand Girls, Mrs. Gosden, Miss Peggy Rose and Miss Ivy Baldwin, with a horse and hay cart farming on a farm in Tooting during World War II
Land Girls WWIIA Land Girl working picking strawberries on a farm during World War II
Land Girls WWIIA Land Girl, Joan Coleman, who used to be a city typist, with a forkful of Mangold Wurtzels working on a farm during World War II
Ww2 Gas MaskA man demonstrates how to put on a gas mask
Poster against American capitalism, showing a man in a stranglehold, with a stars and stripes design on the aggressors sleeve. 1944
Winston Churchill and his daughter unite for the war effortMr. Churchill at a London gun site during a raid:drawing made on the spot
Mannerheim line WWIILieutenant Platan, an officer from Helsinki in command of this sector, points forward into no mans land, explaining Finnish strategy during World War II in Finland
Hyde Park Police Piggery WWIIView of the Hyde Park Police Piggery, adjacent to the Hyde Park Police station during World War II. The police officers built for the pigs a spacious pig house and pens