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Wrong Collection

Background imageWrong Collection: NFS training / instructional photo, use of hose, WW2

NFS training / instructional photo, use of hose, WW2
How not to make a length of rolled up hose flat -- dont jump on it!

Background imageWrong Collection: Jorrocks and the Bull

Jorrocks and the Bull
HANDLEY CROSS; OR MR JORROCKSs HUNT Jorrocks on the wrong side of a bull

Background imageWrong Collection: Horse That Took The Wrong Turning- At Epsom, by H. M. B

Horse That Took The Wrong Turning- At Epsom, by H. M. B
Maverick horse galloping the opposite direction to the rest of the race. Bateman (1887-1970) was a popular artist and regularly contributed to the Sketch, the Tatler and the Bystander

Background imageWrong Collection: Out of wrong side of bed / W H Robinson

Out of wrong side of bed / W H Robinson
Post War Britain: Health and happiness at home. Simple precaution to prevent getting out of bed on the wrong side in the morning - a makeshift wall

Background imageWrong Collection: Dinosaurs / Noahs Ark

Dinosaurs / Noahs Ark
NOAHs ARK - God got his figures wrong - the Ark isn t big enough to take the dinosaurs !

Background imageWrong Collection: Absence of Mind by H M Bateman

Absence of Mind by H M Bateman
A senile old man has put his golf club into the the hole instead of the vibrent red flag, much to the annoyance to the players behind him. Date: 1922

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Scotsmen wearing wrong kilts after going for a swim Date

Comic postcard, Scotsmen wearing wrong kilts after going for a swim Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Nelson turns a blind eye - Battle of Copenhagen

Nelson turns a blind eye - Battle of Copenhagen
Admiral Lord Nelson ignoring the signal from Sir Hyde Parker to stop fighting. He is looking though his telescope with his blind eye (popularising the phrase to turn a blind eye )

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Waiter with tray in hotel corridor - early morning call Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Waiter with tray in hotel corridor - early morning call Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Couple chatting on a bench Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Couple chatting on a bench Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Woman talks about her husband Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Woman talks about her husband Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Little boy and teacher - grammar lesson. Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Little boy and teacher - grammar lesson. Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Handley Page HP.81 Hermes IVA G-ALDK

Handley Page HP.81 Hermes IVA G-ALDK (msn 12, XJ281, Helena'), of Britavia at Blackbushe Airport. ALDK was damaged beyond repair 8 May 1956, on landing at Drigh Road, Karachi

Background imageWrong Collection: Cartoon, Something Wrong - number of Irish MPs

Cartoon, Something Wrong - number of Irish MPs
Political cartoon, Something Wrong - John Bull considering the number of Irish MPs Date: 1891

Background imageWrong Collection: GEC workers campaigning, GEC Headquarters, London

GEC workers campaigning, GEC Headquarters, London
GEC workers campaigning outside the GEC Headquarters in London during a lockout from the Keith Blackman works at Tottenham, 18 March 1970. Date: 1970

Background imageWrong Collection: German soldiers spotting buildings far in the distance

German soldiers spotting buildings far in the distance, not realising that it's a setup consisting of a miniature country town coursing the perspective to be all wrong. Date: 1941

Background imageWrong Collection: Mussolini's Secret Weapon Disclosed!

Mussolini's Secret Weapon Disclosed!
A new secret weapon devised for the use of the Italian forces in Albania. Date: 1941

Background imageWrong Collection: HUGH LATIMER, SAVED

HUGH LATIMER bishop of Worcester, saved by an act of God from a falling tree, only to die by the hand of man for having the wrong religious views. Date: 1485? - 1555

Background imageWrong Collection: ORGANIST & CHOIRBOY 1904

A choirboy rushes in to Monsieur Achille, the organist, who is playing the wrong kind of music: "Stop, it's not a funeral, it's a wedding!" Date: 1904

Background imageWrong Collection: JEANNE-MARIE ROLAND

JEANNE-MARIE ROLAND French revolutionary who, having the misfortune to be the wrong kind of revolutionary, dies by the guillotine Date: 1754 - 1793

Background imageWrong Collection: The Balkans a false note in the European concert Date: 1909

The Balkans a false note in the European concert Date: 1909

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Woman with wrong kind of salts Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Woman with wrong kind of salts Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Hotel guest and landlady - Seek and ye shall find Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Hotel guest and landlady - Seek and ye shall find Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Woman on the phone Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Woman on the phone Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Sale of wrong product - customer and barber Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Sale of wrong product - customer and barber Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Middle aged couple in bed Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Middle aged couple in bed Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Girl and boy, nurse and baby

Comic postcard, Girl and boy, nurse and baby Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Father takes the wrong pram Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Father takes the wrong pram Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, Posting a letter in the wrong box Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Posting a letter in the wrong box Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, drunkard on wrong train - speak to the driver! Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, drunkard on wrong train - speak to the driver! Date: 20th century

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic postcard, woman takes wrong turning in blackout, WW2

Comic postcard, woman takes wrong turning in blackout, WW2 - Gents toilet! Date: circa 1940s

Background imageWrong Collection: Complaints from a irate passenger as the train starts to depart the platform

Complaints from a irate passenger as the train starts to depart the platform, realising that his luggage is not with him, and gets a quick reply " your on the wrang train!" Date: 1917

Background imageWrong Collection: Being nervous and cross-examined by Mr. Garrow

Being nervous and cross-examined by Mr. Garrow
Being nervous and cross-examined by lawyer Mr. Garrow in court. More Miseries

Background imageWrong Collection: Mae West in She Done Him Wrong (1933)

Mae West in She Done Him Wrong (1933) Date: 1933

Background imageWrong Collection: No. 3 Commando Memorial Plaque, Merville Battery

No. 3 Commando Memorial Plaque, Merville Battery
The taking of the Battery was the task of the 9th Parachute Battalion, and despite a complicated plan that went very wrong from the first jumps at 0020 hours on D-Day

Background imageWrong Collection: Cartoon - A Family Wash

Cartoon - A Family Wash, showing all the things that can go wrong on wash day. 19th century

Background imageWrong Collection: BADLY SMOKING CHIMNEY

Beginning fires for the winter - something wrong with the chimney: a blocked chimney pours smoke back into the room causing people to cough and choke Date: circa 1850

Background imageWrong Collection: NATURE VERSUS SCIENCE

SCIENCE DEFEATED BY NATURE A train is halted by snow. - Ah, but its because its the wrong kind of snow, the railwaymen explain... Date: circa 1850

Background imageWrong Collection: READING STRUWWELPETER

A young girl improves her sense of right and wrong by reading Struwwelpeter, or Shockheaded Peter. Date: circa 1870

Background imageWrong Collection: Dot Stephens music hall vocalist and dancer

Dot Stephens music hall vocalist and dancer
Dot Stephens vocalist and dancer. Here dressed as ?Mother?s Sailor Boy?. Travelling between halls, she stepped out of the wrong side of the train and had both feet amputated

Background imageWrong Collection: Men burnt alive at a party

Men burnt alive at a party
During reign of Charles VI of France - a practical joke goes horribly wrong when a number of men are burnt alive in their costumes at a party. Date: 29th January 1392

Background imageWrong Collection: The Girl Who Took The Wrong Turning by Walter Melville

The Girl Who Took The Wrong Turning by Walter Melville
Promotional postcard for The Girl Who Took The Wrong Turning by Walter Melville. First produced at the Standard Theatre, 1st October 1906. The wording is full of innuendo. Date: circa 1906

Background imageWrong Collection: Favourite Sayings - Cart before the horse

Favourite Sayings - Cart before the horse
Black and white lantern slide of a man putting a horse the wrong way round between the shafts of a cart.Two men stand at the side, one pointing to what the man is doing

Background imageWrong Collection: Caricature of Norman Angell, writer and politician

Caricature of Norman Angell, writer and politician
Caricature of Sir Ralph Norman Angell (1872-1967), writer, lecturer and Labour politician. Best known for his book, The Great Illusion (1910), arguing against war from an economic point of view

Background imageWrong Collection: Comic Postcard - Suggestive poster and girl

Comic Postcard - Suggestive poster and girl
Humorous Postcard - a satire on the play The Girl who took the Wrong Turning (Theatre Royal)

Background imageWrong Collection: Buckle of Isis

Buckle of Isis
BUCKLE OF ISIS Since Isis was the greatest of the Egyptian divinities, this buckle carrying her insignia meant that no wrong could be done to the wearer

Background imageWrong Collection: Susi - with calendar

Susi - with calendar
Susi - with a calendar for November, tearing the pages out in the wrong order. 1950s

Background imageWrong Collection: The Impossible Person by Inez Topham 1926

The Impossible Person by Inez Topham 1926
Children on a tennis court notice a child happily walking passed them wearing the wrong attire. Date: 1926

Background imageWrong Collection: Getting a Document Stamped At Somerset House by H M Bateman

Getting a Document Stamped At Somerset House by H M Bateman. This illustration shows the red tape of Somerset House, tax offices

Background imageWrong Collection: Music cover, Gone Wrong! A Maddening Medley

Music cover, Gone Wrong! A Maddening Medley. Written, composed and arranged by Charles Wilmott and G W Hunter. Featured on the cover are all the songs included in the medley. circa 1880s

Background imageWrong Collection: Duport-Dutertre

MARGUERITE LOUIS FRANCOIS DUPORT-DUTERTRE French revolutionary states- man who belonged to the wrong party which of course meant he had to be guillotined. Date: 1754 - 1793

Background imageWrong Collection: Clapham Junct Signals

Clapham Junct Signals
The signalman at Clapham Junction - Londons busiest station - is responsible for a huge array of signals : pulling the wrong one could result in catastrophe... Date: 1885

Background imageWrong Collection: How to Wrap Baby 1881

How to Wrap Baby 1881
The right and wrong ways of wrapping a baby: the one on the right will restrict movement and impede limb development. Date: 1881

Background imageWrong Collection: De Groofs Fatal Crash

De Groofs Fatal Crash
DE GROOFs device is launched from a balloon over Cremorne Gardens, London. Unfortunately, something goes terribly wrong, and he plunges fatally to the ground. Date: 9 July 1874

Background imageWrong Collection: Her First Jump

Her First Jump
Suffragettes back the wrong horse (Labour). Date: 1906

Background imageWrong Collection: Schrepfer and Spirits

Schrepfer and Spirits
Johann Georg Schrepfer (also known as the baron de Steinbach) (1730-1774) conjures spirits at Dresden, but shoots himself when things start to go wrong Date: 1773

Background imageWrong Collection: Man with umbrella in the snow on a Christmas card

Man with umbrella in the snow on a Christmas card
Man with a black umbrella blown the wrong way, in the snow on a Christmas card. He has dropped some of his shopping, and two children are laughing at him. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageWrong Collection: Cartoon, Uneasiness, WW1

Cartoon, Uneasiness, WW1
Cartoon, Uneasiness, showing a naturalised German couple living in France. The man reads his newspaper, looking for reassurance, while his wife asks what is wrong. Date: 1915

Background imageWrong Collection: The Wrong Theatre, by Bairnsfather

The Wrong Theatre, by Bairnsfather
The Wrong Theatre Whenever that German searchlight is turned on our trench, we have a lot of trouble with Private Harold Montgomery (the ex-famous actor)

Background imageWrong Collection: Dennis breakdown lorry, demonstrating wrong method

Dennis breakdown lorry, demonstrating wrong method
Firefighters operating a Dennis breakdown lorry (commissioned at HQ on 3 April 1936), demonstrating the wrong method of lifting and towing the front axle

Background imageWrong Collection: Cricket Fielding (wrong!)

Cricket Fielding (wrong!)
A fielder demonstrates the incorrect way of fielding to stop the ball as he should be using the long barrier method. Date: 1888

Background imageWrong Collection: Cricket the right and wrong way of batting

Cricket the right and wrong way of batting
A batsman demonstrate the correct way of batting; straight play and then the incorrect way; cross play Date: 1892

Background imageWrong Collection: WW2 poster, G R Notes are the Key Notes

WW2 poster, G R Notes are the Key Notes
WW2 poster, G R [Goods Received?] Notes are the Key Notes of harmonious store keeping. Wrong information and careless handling causes discord. Design by Victor Hicks. Date: 1940s

Background imageWrong Collection: Robinson Magician

Robinson Magician
William Ellsworth Robinson, stage name Chung Ling Soo, enjoyed a successful career as a stage magician until his catching-a-bullet-in-his-mouth trick went fatally wrong... 1861 - 1918

Background imageWrong Collection: Georg Wicelius

Georg Wicelius
GEORG WICELIUS German churchman who converted to Lutheranism but soon realised that Luther had got it wrong and rejoined the true faith. Date: 1501 - 1573

Background imageWrong Collection: Mistaken identity - Gentleman and Jewish woman

Mistaken identity - Gentleman and Jewish woman
Mistaken identity - " Good Morning Mis Voss!" " My name is not Voss. It never Voss and it never vill be!". Date: 1900

Background imageWrong Collection: Scorchers Progress - Trafalgar Square - Errant city cyclist

Scorchers Progress - Trafalgar Square - Errant city cyclist
The Scorchers Progress III - " Twas in Trafalgar Square" - London - An errant city cyclist causing havoc with his fellow road-users

Background imageWrong Collection: The Fight Interrupted - by Mulready

The Fight Interrupted - by Mulready
The Fight Interrupted - a schoolmaster breaks up a playground scrap between two boys, although he has seized the wrong culprit! Reproduction of a painting by William Mulready. Date: 1816

Background imageWrong Collection: Satirical cartoon, Locomotion Plate 2

Satirical cartoon, Locomotion Plate 2, A few small inconveniences Theres nothing perfect. Showing a man in a steam powered walking machine with things going wrong all around him. circa 1835

Background imageWrong Collection: Around the world with Broadhursts globe-circling success, W

Around the world with Broadhursts globe-circling success, What happened to Jones by Geo. H. Broadhurst, author of Why Smith left home, The wrong Mr. Wright, The house that Jack built, etc. Date c1900

Background imageWrong Collection: Broadhursts hilarious sufficiency, What happened to Jones b

Broadhursts hilarious sufficiency, What happened to Jones by Geo. H. Broadhurst, author of Why Smith left home, The wrong Mr. Wright, The house that Jack built, etc. Date c1900

Background imageWrong Collection: What happened to Jones Broadhursts hilarious sufficiency

What happened to Jones Broadhursts hilarious sufficiency : by George H. Broadhurst, author of Why Smith left home, The wrong Mr. Wright, etc. Date c1899

Background imageWrong Collection: A Professor of Languages

A Professor of Languages A Language Student returns to his College, but his grasp of the vernacular of his cabby seems less that First Class as he appears to have underpaid his driver

Background imageWrong Collection: Community singing

Community singing
The man who sang the words of the wrong verse. Date: 1928

Background imageWrong Collection: Boy repairing a clock -- Something Wrong with the Works

Boy repairing a clock -- Something Wrong with the Works

Background imageWrong Collection: Driving on the right hand side / W H Robinson

Driving on the right hand side / W H Robinson
A difficulty which confronts the British motorist abroad is driving on the right hand side of the road

Background imageWrong Collection: Dea(r) Ex Machina, by W. S. Hutton

Dea(r) Ex Machina, by W. S. Hutton
Illustration showing a fashionable lady trying to work out what is wrong with her car

Background imageWrong Collection: No, Colonel, You ve got the wrong number by Merlin Enabnit

No, Colonel, You ve got the wrong number by Merlin Enabnit
Back view of a dark-haired pin up girl by Merlin Enabnit (1903-1979). She is wearing a transparent pink and blue dress and speaking on a red telephone

Background imageWrong Collection: Herault De Sechelles

Herault De Sechelles
MARIE-JEAN HERAULT DE SECHELLES - French lawyer, writer and revolutionary statesman who made the wrong moves and was guillotined for alleged treason

Background imageWrong Collection: Prisoners Regrets

Prisoners Regrets
A revolutionary in prison looks back with nostalgia to the early, heroic days of the Revolution, before everything started to go wrong

Background imageWrong Collection: Hunting in the Snow 2 / 2

Hunting in the Snow 2 / 2
ONE OF THE WRONG SORT Who goes out with hunters because it is the fashion " Confound the snow is not hunting bad enough without this..."

Background imageWrong Collection: Something Wrong Somewher

Something Wrong Somewher
SOMETHING WRONG SOMEWHERE A shopkeeper and his wife can t get their books to balance

Background imageWrong Collection: Pointing Fingers 1933

Pointing Fingers 1933
Cast off by the husband she loved, Margaret stumbled down the street past the prying eyes of the neighbours : they, too, believed the wicked lies a jealous girl had spread

Background imageWrong Collection: Tradesman Balances Books

Tradesman Balances Books
Theres something wrong somewhere - a tradesman and his wife try to balance the books

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