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Water Way Collection

Background imageWater Way Collection: Venice travel poster

Venice travel poster
Attractive poster for the French National Railways, Chemin de Fers de l Est, advertising Venice (or Venise) as a holiday destination

Background imageWater Way Collection: Abadan, Iran - Bawarda Housing Estate and Refinery

Abadan, Iran - Bawarda Housing Estate and Refinery
Abadan, Iran - Bawarda Housing Estate and oil Refinery (the largest in the world at that time). On the Shatt al-Arab Waterway (the southern end of which forms the border with Iraq). Date: circa 1930s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Ashar Creek - Basra, Iraq

Ashar Creek - Basra, Iraq
Ashar Creek and the Whiteley Bridge - Basra, Iraq - WWI era Date: circa 1917

Background imageWater Way Collection: Dredger in Milford Haven Harbour, Pembrokeshire, South Wales

Dredger in Milford Haven Harbour, Pembrokeshire, South Wales
The dredger Beaufort in Milford Haven Harbour, Pembrokeshire, South Wales, with another boat alongside. Dredging involves gathering up sediment from the sea bed and disposing of it elsewhere

Background imageWater Way Collection: A Sectional Boat used by Sir Henry Morton Stanley in Africa

A Sectional Boat used by Sir Henry Morton Stanley in Africa
Engraving of a sectional boat, used by Sir Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) during his 1874 expedition to central Africa, being carried by a number of local porters

Background imageWater Way Collection: Saint-Omer, France - View at Clairmarais

Saint-Omer, France - View at Clairmarais Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Saint-Omer, France - Canal

Saint-Omer, France - Canal close to the Cavalry Barracks Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Indonesia, Jakarta

Indonesia, Jakarta
Indonesia, Pintubesi (Pintu Besi or Pintoe Besi) - a district of Jakarta - on the northwest coast of Java. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Ashar Creek and Coffee Shops - Basra, Iraq

Ashar Creek and Coffee Shops - Basra, Iraq - WWI era Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Arapokina, Papua New Guinea

Arapokina, Papua New Guinea Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Fuel Market, Basra, Iraq - WWI era

Fuel Market, Basra, Iraq - WWI era
Fuel Market, Basra, Iraq - a British officer is being ferried down the Shatt al Arab waterway (which eventually feeds out into the Persian Gulf) in some style Date: circa 1917

Background imageWater Way Collection: The Strand - Basra, Iraq, WWI era

The Strand - Basra, Iraq, WWI era Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Shatt al-Arab - Basra, Iraq

Shatt al-Arab - Basra, Iraq - also known as the Arvand Rud (River) - the waterway leading out into the Persian Gulf. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: River Steamer - Mesopotamia - WWI

River Steamer - Mesopotamia - WWI
River Steamer commandeered by the IWT (Inland Water Tranport) - providing transport to British forces fighting in Mesopotamia during WWI. Shatt al-Arab waterway, Basra, Iraq Date: circa 1917

Background imageWater Way Collection: Shipping on the Shatt al-Arab - Basra, Iraq

Shipping on the Shatt al-Arab - Basra, Iraq - the waterway which eventually leads out into the Persian Gulf. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Ordnance Depot - Basra, Iraq, WWI

Ordnance Depot - Basra, Iraq, WWI
The Ordnance Depot on the banks of the Shatt al-Arab Waterway (which leads out to the Persian Gulf) at Basra, Iraq - WWI Date: circa 1917

Background imageWater Way Collection: Supply and Transport Depot, Basra, Iraq - WWI era

Supply and Transport Depot, Basra, Iraq - WWI era
Supply and Transport Depot on the Shatt al-Arab Waterway (which eventually feeds into the Persian Gulf) at Basra, Iraq - WWI era Date: circa 1917

Background imageWater Way Collection: Russia, Volgograd - A lock on the River Volga

Russia, Volgograd - A lock on the River Volga
Russia, between Volgograd (Zaryzin, Stalingrad) and Rostov (Don). The bow of the RV Anton Tschechov in the Volga-Don Channel, entering a lock. Date: 2010

Background imageWater Way Collection: Defending Willebroek Canal, Belgium, WW1

Defending Willebroek Canal, Belgium, WW1
Belgian troops defending the Willebroek Canal, Belgium, during the German advance on Antwerp, First World War. Showing men resting their rifles on sandbags piled up along the banks

Background imageWater Way Collection: Stockholm, Sweden - Royal Castle / Palace

Stockholm, Sweden - Royal Castle / Palace
Stockholm, Sweden - Royal Castle/Palace Date: circa 1940s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Algeria - Chetma - Waterway

Algeria - Chetma - Waterway Date: circa 1906

Background imageWater Way Collection: Lai Thieu, Vietnam

Lai Thieu, Vietnam
Vietnamese landscape - the village and packed waterway at Lai Thieu (on the road between Siagon (no Ho Chi Minh City) and Thu Dau Mot) Date: circa 1910

Background imageWater Way Collection: Upper Locks and Emergency Dams - Panama Canal

Upper Locks and Emergency Dams - Panama Canal at Gatun, Panama Date: 1923

Background imageWater Way Collection: Bruges, Belgium - The Green Quay

Bruges, Belgium - The Green Quay (Quai Vert) Date: circa 1910s

Background imageWater Way Collection: Molesey Lock at end of boating season

Molesey Lock at end of boating season
Scene at Molesey Lock, near Hampton Court, Surrey, at the end of the boating season. 1892

Background imageWater Way Collection: Italy - Livorno - Fosso Reale

Italy - Livorno - Fosso Reale
A view of the " Scali d Azeglio" (Port of Azeglio), the " Fosso Reale" (Royal Canal) and the " Palazzo dell Aquila Nera" (Black Eagle Palace)

Background imageWater Way Collection: Turkey - Istanbul - The Golden Horn

Turkey - Istanbul - The Golden Horn

Background imageWater Way Collection: City Walls - Beijing, China

City Walls - Beijing, China
The walls of the old city - Beijing, China - built around 1435 - now mostly dismantled

Background imageWater Way Collection: Manchester Ship Canal - The opening of a new dock

Manchester Ship Canal - The opening of a new dock
Officials and local dignitaries on the deck of a steamship at the opening of a new dock for the Manchester Ship Canal - built between 1887 and 1894 - it was (for a time)

Background imageWater Way Collection: Manchester Ship Canal - The dramatic opening of a new dock

Manchester Ship Canal - The dramatic opening of a new dock
The dramatic opening of a new dock on the Manchester Ship Canal. A charge is detonated to break a temporary levee across the entrance to the new dock

Background imageWater Way Collection: Manchester Ship Canal - Following the opening of a new dock

Manchester Ship Canal - Following the opening of a new dock
Dignitaries and guests on the quayside, following the opening of a new dock on the Manchester Ship Canal - built between 1887 and 1894 - it was (for a time) the largest navigation canal in the world

Background imageWater Way Collection: Two Foundations and the South Waterway, New Delhi

Two Foundations and the South Waterway, New Delhi
Unusual views in New Delhi, 1931 on the eve of its inauguration as capital of India. This photograph shows the two fountains and the south waterway flanking the Kings Way (left background)

Background imageWater Way Collection: Steamer Tugs Barges

Steamer Tugs Barges
Demonstrating the power of steam - a tug hauls a string of 18 barges on the Rhine waterway

Background imageWater Way Collection: North-Sea Canal

North-Sea Canal
The Nord-Ostseekanal (or Kiel Kanal) links North Sea and Baltic, enabling Germany to move her warships from one sea to another. Its the worlds busiest artificial waterway

Background imageWater Way Collection: Scene on the Arroyo Chinois, Saigon, Vietnam

Scene on the Arroyo Chinois, Saigon, Vietnam
A scene with boats on the Arroyo Chinois (Chinese Arroyo), a waterway in Saigon, Vietnam

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