All went well till the wheels came off. Cartoon strip from the Bonzo Annual, 1935 Date: 1935
Ecclesall Bierlow Workhouse, Sheffield, South YorkshireAn unusual view from the doorstep of the Ecclesall Bierlow Union workhouse at Nether Edge, Sheffield, South Yorkshire
EMBALMINGEgyptians embalming their dead with strips of fine linen smeared with gum. In the foreground there are three jars for the organs of the body
Minehead Hobby HorseMINEHEAD HOBBY HORSE Seen here at the opening procession of Sidmouth Folk Week. The horse is made from painted hessian, cloth strips & has a painted mask face
The Royal Mint - Guaging the Silver Strips 1904The bars had been previously rolled through a series of presses to the thickness of the coin into which they were converted. Date: 1904
Fashionable women in cloche hats and fur coats, 1926Fashionable women in short bob haircuts, cloche hats and fur coats. Chinchilla jacket with horizontal and vertical fur strips, jaquette en chinchilla 39. Moleskin jacket, jaquett en taupe 40
Arthur Lee - Steel Bars & Strips For The Aircraft Industry - Arthur Lee & Sons. Date: 1939
Treasure of Cicere. Ca. 2000 BC. Chalcolithic-Bronze Age. Gold. Flat gold sheet. From Santa Comba, La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
View of the Besiktas Sahil Palace, 1800sView of the Besiktas Sahil Palace, the Sultans vacation palace on the European side of the Bosphorus, Istanbul, 1800s
Fragments of Codex Justinianus and DigestaTen strips of parchment manuscripts cut to similar size and shape, probably used to reinforce the spines of later bindings. They all appear to be from Justinian's Codex and Digesta
Belgain Internal circulation PostcardThe card carries extra printed strips at each end that give instructions in French and Flemish about where the card can be used. It was posted in Louvain on 5 June 1874 Date: circa 1870
MANDAN HANGING CUSTOMNATIVE AMERICANS The cutting of young warriors of the Mandan people, hanging from strips of flesh which slowly and painfully tear... Date: 1830s
Three models, two men and one womanThree models posing in a studio, two men and one woman, in smart evening clothes. 1950s
3210 Servicing Commando RAF Memorial ALG B3The RAF Commando Units were trained and organised in a similar way to the Army and Royal Marines Commandos
Woman wearing pillbox hat 1933Blue and white striped pillbox hat and scarf to match. Available to buy at Debenham and freebody. Date: 1933
Woman police officer in reflective uniform, LondonWoman police officer in yellow reflective jacket and dark trousers, holding a white protective helmet with visor. Date: circa 1990s
Floating landing strips for aircraft by G. H. DavisSurface tension seadromes: floating landing strips for aircraft. A revolutionary British invention: a floating aerodrome tested by the Admiralty. 1945
Bonzo the cartoon dog getting stuck in the bath. Cartoon strip from Bonzos Annual, 1935 Date: 1935
PHRYNE, a Greek courtesan, is accused of profaning religious ceremonies, but her lawyer Hyperides wins an acquittal when she strips on the shore before the judges
Tibet - A High Lama Standard Bearer Date: 1907
Luttik Oudorp (House with the shovels) The NetherlandsAlkmaar Luttik Oudorp (House with the shovels) commercial building with rich stepped gable. Use of natural stone in the form of water frames, blocks, strips
Four C14 MenFour men in short garments, three with attached hoods, and with strips of fabric dangling from their arms, seemingly for ornament rather than any practical purpose Date: 14th century
Advert for Debenham & Freebody womens blouses 1937Tailor-mades silk blouses in a varity of of shades and combinations. Date: 1937
Border designs, SMB wallpaper sample bookSix art deco style border designs in an SMB wallpaper sample book. Date: 1934
Bonzos Midsummer Day-dream. Cartoon strip from Bonzos Annual, 1935. 1935
The story of a cold chicken and a hot wasp. Cartoon strip from Bonzos Annual, 1935 Date: 1935
Japan - Three Japanese women washing patterned fabric strips Date: circa 1905
Design for Woven Textile in pink, red and green. Gouache and Pencil on copy paper. Silver Studio. circa 1905
Firefighters at scene of railway fire, West LondonFirefighters at the scene of a railway fire, Acton Lane, West London
Sights at the fair ground. Date c1888
Japan - Geisha girl preparing daikonJapan - Geisha girl preparing (cutting) daikon (white radish), possibly for takuan or bettarazuke dishes. Date: circa 1910s
Ballad / Yonge AndrewYONGE ANDREW He lures the earls daughter with false promises, then strips her of her fine clothes and the money she has stolen for him from her father. Date: traditional
News Stand in Japanese, America, 1907Photograph showing a Japanese-style wooden stand, with strips of Japanese characters hanging from the roof giving the latest news, America, 1907
Drying MacaroniLong strips of macaroni are laid out on poles to dry in the sun somewhere in Italy
Sioux Ordeal of SunNATIVE AMERICANS The Sioux ordeal of looking at the sun, while hanging from strips of flesh which are gradually pulled away
Cutting Room at MintCoin blanks of a specified weight are cut out from strips by presses
Rolling Room 1 at MintRolling room no.1 at the Royal Mint, where gold or silver bars are rolled down into strips of coin thickness