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Stride Collection

Background imageStride Collection: Sculpture of a Polar Bear by Francois Pompon

Sculpture of a Polar Bear by Francois Pompon
The work " Ours blanc"

Background imageStride Collection: Sweet Lavender by Emily Stride

Sweet Lavender by Emily Stride, nee Mitchell - a bucolic portrait of a girl in a bonnet with a large bunch of sweet-smelling lavender. Date: 1900

Background imageStride Collection: Muybridge - Dog Gallop 1

Muybridge - Dog Gallop 1
Dog (racing hound) galloping - one stride in six phases

Background imageStride Collection: Girls Playing Cricket

Girls Playing Cricket
Two energetic and enthusiastic girls playing cricket. One girl screeches to a halt with her cricket bat, whilst the other tries to catch her out at the wicket!

Background imageStride Collection: Napoleonic War Cartoon

Napoleonic War Cartoon
NAPOLEON OVER-REACHES HIMSELF He makes a giant stride from the Peninsula to Russia - but this time he has gone too far

Background imageStride Collection: Gentle, loving, good, wearing the rose of womanhood

Gentle, loving, good, wearing the rose of womanhood
" Gentle, loving, good, wearing the rose of womanhood" by Emily Mitchell Stride. Date: 1883

Background imageStride Collection: V T Trumper - Cricketer

V T Trumper - Cricketer
Victor T Trumper - Australian Test cricketer

Background imageStride Collection: Nationalen Opposition

Nationalen Opposition
German opposition leaders make united Nationalen Opposition at Bad Harzburg

Background imageStride Collection: Taking a stroll at the Hurlingham Club, Fulham

Taking a stroll at the Hurlingham Club, Fulham
Lady Helen Grosvenor (1888-1970), Lady Castlereagh (1878-1959), Lord Charles Beresford (1846-1919), Lord Hugh Cecil (1869-1956) and Miss Chaplin take a summer stroll at the Hurlingham Club in Fulham

Background imageStride Collection: Comic postcard, Man with suitcase striding off

Comic postcard, Man with suitcase striding off to the sea, leaving wife and baby behind Date: 20th century

Background imageStride Collection: A wet day in the City of London

A wet day in the City of London
Two bowler-hatted city gents stride through puddles on their way to work, City of London. Date: circa 1950s

Background imageStride Collection: Four happy Kashmir children run along banks of River Jhelum

Four happy Kashmir children run along banks of River Jhelum
Four happy Kashmir children run along the banks of the River Jhelum and smile for the camera Date: 1986

Background imageStride Collection: A uniformed Italian naval officer wearing a cape, Venice

A uniformed Italian naval officer wearing a cape, Venice
A uniformed Italian naval officer wearing a cape, strides past the Riva Ca di Dio Forni militari Venezia, Venice, Italy Date: 2013

Background imageStride Collection: Two policemen march in step past Bury St Edmunds Abbey

Two policemen march in step past Bury St Edmunds Abbey, Suffolk Date: 1988

Background imageStride Collection: Footbridge over Tinsley Locks, Sheffield

Footbridge over Tinsley Locks, Sheffield
A man strides over a footbridge at Tinsley Locks on the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal, Yorkshire, England Date: 1996

Background imageStride Collection: Young woman, Ericeria, Portugal

Young woman, Ericeria, Portugal
A young woman carries an umbrella in the rain and hurries through a cobbles street in the harbour of Ericeira, Portugal. Small white fishing boats are hauled up beside the harbour wall Date: 1989

Background imageStride Collection: Charles Coburn

Charles Coburn (June 19, 1877 August 30, 1961) billed here as The Tramp Comedian, Vocalist, Reciter and Story Merchant. The text refers to The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo (1890)

Background imageStride Collection: Winston Churchill visits Prime Minister - Curragh incident

Winston Churchill visits Prime Minister - Curragh incident
Winston Churchill visits the Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith on Monday 26th 1914 following the Curragh incident of 20th March 1914 (also known as the Curragh mutiny)

Background imageStride Collection: A stern pair of Ladies stride down a London Street

A stern pair of Ladies stride down a London Street - they seem to have clocked the photographer and the lady on the left look ready to make her thoughts on the matter known... Date: 1933

Background imageStride Collection: Woman in traditional hat - Hong Kong, China

Woman in traditional hat - Hong Kong, China
Barefoot older Woman in traditional hat - Hong Kong, China. A pregnant Mother with her young child strolls along the quayside behind her. Date: 1950s

Background imageStride Collection: Two Edwardian golfers striding along

Two Edwardian golfers striding along. Date: early 1900s

Background imageStride Collection: Edwardian golfing couple striding along

Edwardian golfing couple striding along
An Edwardian golfing couple striding along. Date: early 1900s

Background imageStride Collection: Elegant lady traveller strolling along the deck of a liner

Elegant lady traveller strolling along the deck of a liner
An elegant lady traveller strolling along the deck of a liner on a windy day

Background imageStride Collection: Race walking in the Bois de Boulogne

Race walking in the Bois de Boulogne
A crowd watch as the race-walkers stride past, having just jumped over a small fence and across and puddle. Date: 1885

Background imageStride Collection: Three little boys heading out to school

Three little boys heading out to school
Adolphus, Timothy and John set out for school quite early. Date: 1898

Background imageStride Collection: Late Victorian actor in Cavalier costume

Late Victorian actor in Cavalier costume of a feathered hat and Cavalier Boots with spurs. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageStride Collection: Deer, trotting 1 / 2 stride

Deer, trotting 1 / 2 stride
Deer, trotting 1/2 stride. Photograph shows six consecutive images of a deer trotting. Date c1881

Background imageStride Collection: The Stride of a century

The Stride of a century. A cartoon celebrating the centennial of the United States

Background imageStride Collection: Silhouette of a couple with golfing gear

Silhouette of a couple with golfing gear
Silhouette of an elegant couple walking along with their golfing gear

Background imageStride Collection: Camel Caravan

Camel Caravan
A camel caravan in Oman - only in the heart of the Arabian Gulf do the caravan bells still sound regularly. The huge, noble camels stride in peace among oven-hot rocks. Date: 1930s

Background imageStride Collection: A Maclaren - Cricketer

A Maclaren - Cricketer
Archie C MacLaren - Cricketer for Lancashire and England

Background imageStride Collection: A hasty stride from Broom hall to West mstr hall

A hasty stride from Broom hall to West mstr hall

Background imageStride Collection: Muybridge - Dog Gallop 2

Muybridge - Dog Gallop 2
Dog (mastiff) galloping - one stride photographed synchronously from two points of view

Background imageStride Collection: Muybridge - Dog Trot 2

Muybridge - Dog Trot 2
Dog (mastiff) trotting : an irregular stride

Background imageStride Collection: Muybridge - Dog Trot

Muybridge - Dog Trot
Dog (mastiff) trotting : One stride, photographed synchronously from two points of view

Background imageStride Collection: Muybridge - Dog Walk

Muybridge - Dog Walk
Dog (mastiff) walking: One stride in ten phases, photographed synchronously from two points of view Date: 1880s

Background imageStride Collection: Sweetheart Roland

Sweetheart Roland
The witch goes an hours walk with every stride

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