Milk for school children, 1955Before Margaret Thatcher the milk snatcher put and end to free school milk for the over sevens, all primary school children would enjoy their daily third pint ration at school
Sandbanks Chain Ferry No. 1 - Entrance to Poole HarbourThe No.1 steam-powered Sandbanks chain ferry. Sandbanks Ferry is a vehicular chain ferry which crosses the entrance of Poole Harbour in the English county of Dorset
De Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth, the RAFs standard primary trainer throughout the war years - Photo Hugh W Cowin
Communist China - training barefoot doctorsCommunist China - a military doctor trains three young women as so-called barefoot doctors, usually village-based farm workers trained in primary health care and basic hygiene, including acupuncture
The Caverio Map or Caveri Map, circa 1505. This map was one of the primary sources used to make the Waldseem map. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Blitz in London -- sub-fire station, Finsbury, WW2Blitz in London -- firefighters clearing debris at what was their sub-fire station in Hugh Myddleton Primary School, Finsbury, EC1. The building took a direct hit from a high explosive bomb
Playground scene, Junior School, East End of London. 20th century
Bucker Bu 131B - the standard Luftwaffes primary trainer
Tile representation of handicrafts. Catalan school, 17th-18th c. Ceramics. Proc: SPAIN. CATALONIA
THE ACROPOLIS, MYCENAEA general view of the Acropolis at Mycenae. The primary remains at the site are the walls and tombs. The Palace has been almost totally destroyed over time
Stories for Tiny FolkA selection of spines in bold primary colours taken from the 1920s series of Stories for Little Folk books
Pupils in playground, St Lukes C of E PrimaryPupils in a school playground, St Lukes C of E Primary
Military Education / JapanMilitary education in Japanese primary schools A Naval officer presents a model of a warship to students
Bursa, Turkey - Teacher Training School and Primary School. Date: circa 1910s
Spain, Basque Country, Biscay. Somorrostro minesSpain, Basque Country, Biscay. Mining industry. Somorrostro mines. Inclined plane number 1 of Mount Cadegal. Drawing by Nao. Engraving. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
Spain. Biscayan mining industry. SomorrostroSpain, Basque Country. Biscayan mining industry. Somorrostro: perspective of the ore deposits of La Orconera and the new town of La Orconera. Engraving. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
Amy Johnson alongside a Zogling primary gliderAmy Johnson CBE (1903-1941) - pioneering English female pilot (the first woman to fly solo from London to Australia) standing beside a Kegel-built Zogling primary glider, near Wendover
Infant Primary School, England - Schoolgirls in the gardenInfant Primary School, England - Schoolgirls holding hands in a long chain in the garden. Date: circa 1920s
English Electric Canberra E.15 WH983 - CPRoyal Air Force - English Electric Canberra E.15 WH983 / CP (msn SH1708), of No.100 Squadron ('The Tatty Ton')
Elliotts of Newbury EoN Primary, at the SBAC Farnborough airshow in September 1948. Date: 1948
Elliott's of Newbury EoN Type 7 Primary, of the Royal Air Force Gliding and Soaring Association at RAF Upavon. Date: circa 1960
Children in a playground, Dial Park Primary School, smiling for the camera. Date: circa 1970s
Children in a school hallChildren sitting in a school hall, April 1976. Date: 1976
Teachers distributing milk to children, Woolwich, LondonTeachers distributing milk to children at a school in Woolwich, south east London, around the time free school milk was discontinued. The school was distributing milk in defiance of the change
Acland County Council School, Kentish Town 1906Conventional way of teaching where all the pupils are facing the front of the classroom while the teacher is writing on the chalkboard. Date: 1906
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). No deixeu cap arada inactiva ni gens de terra sense treballar (Dont't leave neither inactive plough nor unworked land)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Farmer! Your enemies made you work from sunrise ti susnet to feed them. Now, when the land is yours, work from sunrise to sunset to annihilate them. Poster
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Ni un gra de blat perdut (Not even a lost grain). Poster of the General Direction of Agriculture of the Generalitat of Catalonia. SPAIN. Barcelona
Spanish Civil War Poster Edited By The Departamentspanish, civil, war, poster, edited, by, the, departament, of, agriculture, generalitat, catalonia, about, decree, on, redistribution, lands, 14th, august, vertical, upright, colour, color, mule
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). No envieu els vostres productes al mercat lliure. Veneu-los a traves dels sindicats agricoles (Don't send you produces to the free market)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Eat More Valencia Oranges. Poster
Kaiser Wilhelm II Visiting Children in a School 1907German Emperor taking high tea with children at Highcliffe School, during his stay at Highcliffe Castle
FMA IA63 Pampa EX-02, a contender for the JPATS primary trainer competition for the USAF (won by the T-6 Texan II, a development of the Pilatus PC-9). Date: circa 2000
School photograph of Class IVSchool photograph of the girls and boys of Class IV. 19th century
Napier Road Boys School, Newham, East LondonClassroom photo, Napier Road Boys School, Newham, East London, taken on 7 May 1924. 1924
Folkeskolens idraetsstaevne or Folk Sschools Sporting Prowess. Danish poster to advertise the national primary schools sporting competition. This poster appeared in a 1931 graphic degign publication
Method of sealing an ancient letter - Paston correspondenceMethod of sealing an ancient letter, an item from the correspondence of the Paston family in the time of Henry VI and Richard III (15th century). Date: 15th century
Ancient items from the Treasury of Great BritainAncient items from the Treasury of the Exchequer of Great Britain, following an inventory conducted by Sir Francis Palgrave, archivist and historian - a medieval leather pouch. Date: 1840s
Children at a London County Council infants school, doing musical drill in the playground, supervised by their teacher. Date: 1922
Emerson Primary School, Maywood, Illinois, USA, with children posing for their photo. Date: circa 1910
United States Navy - Pratt-Read XLNE-1 31506, competition #32, at Harris Hill, Elmira, NY in 1946 for the first US soaring contest held after WWII
Military Education in Japanese Primary SchoolsMilitary education in a Japanese primary school. Date: 1907
Scene of fire at Crowlands Primary School, RomfordFire at Crowland Road School, in Crowland Road, Tottenham N15. A hydraulic lift in action
Fire at Crowland Road School, Crowland Road, Tottenham N15A 10 Pump Fire at Crowland Road School, in Crowland Road, Tottenham N15
Gym Class in ProgressPhysical Exercise - gym class in progress at Danesfield County Primary School, Buckinghamshire
Ruth Hargrove Seminary, Key West, Florida, USARuth Hargrove Seminary (or Institute), a boarding and day school for boys and girls in Key West, Florida, USA. Date: circa 1905
Reconstruction of a Spanish mission as those built from 16th century by Jesuit and Franciscan orders to evangelize territories in Central and South America
Suggested design for warship by G. H. DavisThe capital ship of tomorrow? A suggested design for a combined battleship-cum-aircraft-carrier
Primary School 1957Pupils at Bramfield Primary School. Date: July 1957
Children / Playground 1957Children on the climbing frame in the playground of Branfield Primary School, Suffolk. Date: July 1957
Union Workhouse, Southam, WarwickshireThe Southam Union workhouse on Welsh Road in Southam, Warwickshire. A man, perhaps the workhouse porter, stands on the doorstep. A greenhouse is attached at the left of the building
Mr Whitestone, teacher, Ealing, West LondonMr Whitestone, teacher at Durston House School, Ealing, West London, seen here at his desk in a classroom. Date: circa 1900s
Botanical illustration Sempervivum arboreumSempervivum arboreum: plate from John Sibthorps book on the plants of Greece Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana published 1806-40 in 10 volumes
Botanical illustration Glaucium phoenicum (Sibthorp)Glaucium phoenicum: plate from John Sibthorps book on the plants of Greece Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana published 1806-40 in 10 volumes
Botanical illustration Morina persica from SibthorpMorina Persica: plate from John Sibthorps book on the plants of Greece Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana published 1806-40 in 10 volumes
Schoolchildren in Mahe, Seychelles, Indian Ocean, including John Jewell (top row, left) and Norman Jewell (bottom row, left). circa 1910s
TV station at Holmesdale Primary SchoolTeacher showing a three-dimensional model of a room set out with TV cameras at Holmesdale Primary School, where they had their own TV station which transmitted programmes to the classrooms. Date: 1974
Girls school. Engraving, 19th century. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana. Colored
Around Fier. Rural scenary. Republic of AlbaniaRural scenery around the ruins of Apollonia. Fier. Republic of Albania
Wooden carvings in primary church, Vilvorde, BelgiumOrnate wooden carvings in the primary church, Vilvorde (Vilvoorde), Belgium, dating back to the 17th century. Date: circa 1910
Primary class, Avenue de Villiers, ParisA primary class at the Institution Jeanne d Arc, a girls school in the avenue de Villiers, Paris. Date: circa 1912
Fleet 16B Finch II -Over 600 of these primary trainers were built for Canada by the Canadian subsidiary of the American firm Consolidated
Primary school and class Date: 1925
Vase depicting men packing tea (1348-1644). Detail. Chinese art. Ming period. China / Porcelain. IRAN. Tehran. Golestan Palace
SEGANTINI, Giovanni Battista (1858-1899). Two mothers. 1889. Oil on canvas. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Milan. Galleria d Arte Moderna (Gallery of Modern Art)
Parmentier, Antoine Augustin (1737-1813). Vocal promoter of the potato as a food source for humans in France and throughout Europe. Engraving
Fragment of a woody branch of vine attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium
MOLES, M. F. (second half 19th century-begin 20thMOLES, M.F. (second half 19th century-begin 20th century). The grape harvest. 1900. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. CATALONIA. BARCELONA. Sitges. Maricel Museum
HOUASSE, Michel-Ange (1680-1730). The Harvest. Baroque art. Oil on canvas
Disease of the vines. Engraving of 1853Bunch of grapes partially attacked by the vegetative part of a fungus or mycelium in the first days of July
Civitatis Orbis Terrarum. EcijaBRAUN, George (1541-1622). Civitatis Orbis Terrarum (Theatrum orbis terrarum). 1572-1617. Ecija (1567). Etching. SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Salamanca. Salamanca University Library
A Wallaces Flying Frog hides in a leaf in undergrowth of primary rainforest (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus (Boule). river Danum valley conservation area, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; night in June
A canopy of primary rainforest in a rainy and misty day. river Danum valley conservation area; Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June
A Leaf Katydid feeds on a leaf in undegrowth of primary rainforest. river Danum valley conservation area, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June
Primary rainforest on hill-slopes in river Danum conservation area. Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June
Fresh-water crab (unidentified) waits for prey to come with the current in a small stream in primary rainforest. river Danum valley, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; night in June
Large nocturnal moth is on a branch in the undergrowth in primary rainforest. in river Danum valley conservation area; Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; night in June
A Many-lined Sun Skink (?) sleeps at night on a branch in the undegrowth of a primary rainforest. river Danum valley conservation area, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June. Mabuya multifasciata (?)
A large fluorescent worm (unidentified) lies on a boulder near a stream in a primary rainforest. in river Danum valley conservation area; Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June
Spotted Stream Frog watches for prey from an old tree-fungi, near a small stream in primary rainforest (Rana picturata (Boulenger))
A visitor, accompanied by a quide, on a Sky Walk / Trail bridge / Suspension Bridge / canopy walkway over a small stream, surrounded by primary rainforest
Fungi on a fallen tree branch (unidentified), on rainforest floor in primary rainforest. river Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June
File-eared Tree Frog - hides among giant leaves of a ginger plant in primary rainforest (Polypedates otilophus (Boulenger). Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; night in June
River Danum and primary rainforest on its banks. near Borneo Rainforest Lodge; Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia; June