Oracle of Zeus, DodonaZEUS / JUPITER DODONEUS whose oracle at Dodona was the oldest in Greece : the prophecies came from the sacred oak, which is depicted here as having human form
Delphi OracleTHE ORACLE OF DELPHI entranced
The PyhthonessThe Phythoness, was the event of when the Pythia, more commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi, would sit on a tripod interpreting her divination
Oracle of Jupiter-AmmonZEUS/JUPITER AMMON - the Libyan/Egyptian form of the god, who had a famous oracle at the oasis of Siwwa, Libya
TROPHONIUS, architect of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, subsequently had his own oracle at Lebadeia, Boeotia (Greece)
A Sibyl, female prophet or oracle of Ancient GreecePortrait of a Sibyl, female prophet or oracle of Ancient Greece. Sybilla. Abyssinian Sibyl
Sibyl, an oracle or prophetess, ancient Rome. In palla or shawl and stola. holding a book like the Tiburtine Sibyl or Albunae. Sybille chez les Romains
Two mantelpiece ornaments, an oracle figurine and woman with basket. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by D
Woman in fancy dress costume as the Oracle des ChampsWoman in costume as the Oracle des Champs in dress decorated with hearts, daisies and flowers, for a masquerade ball. Costume designed by M. Robin. Handcoloured lithograph published in Paris, 1880s
Woman in fancy dress costume as an AquariumWoman in costume as an Aquarium with dress decorated with fish, coral, seaweed and shells, for a masquerade ball. Costume designed by M. Robin. Handcoloured lithograph published in Paris, 1880s
Svetovid, Slavic deity of war and sun, depicted as a four-faced god with a horn of abundance and bow in a temple. A priest predicts the future by observing the behavior of a white horse
Morai or sacred cemetery on Kauai, Hawaii (Atooi)
Medals of Cyrenaean King Battus and Queen Pheretima 1, 2, 3, King Magas 4, the oracle of Ammon 5, 6, and Cyrenean priests 7, 8
DEUCALION AND PYRRHAAfter the Deluge, Deucalion and Pyrrha are instructed by the Oracle of Thetis to repopulate the Earth by throwing the bones of their mother behind them
Zeus - Jupiter AmmonZEUS/JUPITER AMMON - the Libyan/Egyptian form of the god, who had a famous oracle at the oasis of Siwwa, Libya
Oracle of DelphiThe ORACLE OF DELPHI, in a trance, utters prophecies which are taken down by a secretary
The ruins of the Temple of Apollo at Didyma. TurkeyTurkey. Didyma. Ancient Greek sanctuary. Coast of Ionia. Ruins of the Temple and oracle of Apollo, The Didymaion. Hellenistic period. Near Didim
The Oracle by Charles RobinsonColourful image of a party reveller holding a crystal ball and a jester toy
Greek OracleConsulting an oracle, in Ancient Greece
Styles of hair worn in the Roman periodHairdressing from antiquity to the present - Style of hair worn in the Roman period Date: circa 2nd century AD
Serpents / Apollos OracleThe tripod and serpents of Apollos Oracle. Date: 1886
TURKEY. Didyma. Temple of Apollo. Temple of the 4th century B.C.-II A.D. Designed by Paionios of Ephesus and Daphnis of Miletus. Residence of Oracle. Hellenistic art. Architecture
Consulting the Oracle. Male and female anti-suffragists consult the oracle on how to rid themselves of the child who personifies the womens suffrage movement
Greece DelphiThe spring of Castalia, at the site of the celebrated oracle. Date: circa 1840
Greek TripodA Greek ceremonial tripod, as used by the Oracle at Delphi and elsewhere
Oracle Workhouse, Reading, BerkshireThe ornate entrance and gates of Readings Oracle workhouse, established in 1628. A shopping centre of the same name now stands on the site
Madagascar - A Sorceror - using Sikidy Divination. The Diviner uses an elaborate system of computation using seeds, which can be seen in this picture
Oracle on her TripodThe Oracle on her tripod, inhaling the fumes which will put her into an altered state and enable her to utter her inspired predictions
Cadmus Consults OracleCadmus consults the Oracle of Delphi
PALICIThe PALICI, sons of Zeus and Thalia, whose oracle was consulted for matters of sterility and fertility
Jupiter DodoneusZEUS / JUPITER DODONEUS whose oracle at Dodona was the oldest in Greece : the prophecies came from the sacred oak, which is depicted here as having human form