General Dempsey, General Hodges, Field-Marshal Montgomery, GPhotograph showing (left to right) Lieut-General Sir Miles Dempsey, British Second Army; Lieut-General Hodges, US First Army; Field-Marshal Montgomery; Lieut-General Simpson
Douglas Dakota picking up a glider, Normandy; Second World WIllustration showing a Douglas Dakota, C-47 Skytrain, swooping down with a hook trailing to pick up a Waco glider, Normandy, France, 1944
The Duchess of Richmond and Gordon, formerly Elizabeth Grace Hudson, wife of the 9th Duke and daughter of Rev. Thomas William Hudson. She and the duke were married for sixty-one years. Date: 1938
Beethoven / Home in ViennaLUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN His home in Vienna - the room in which he composed his ninth symphony Date: 1770 - 1827
Caricature of the actor J G Taylor -- Much More Than The Ninth Part. circa 1880s
Rabbits, I believe by George StuddyBonzo and brother cannot think what a nice round hole if for unless it be a rabbits doorway
Herakles and the AmazonsThe ninth labour : In order to obtain the Girdle of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, he must first vanquish the Amazons themselves
Savoy Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, USASavoy Hotel, West 9th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Date: circa 1906
Beethoven / Ninth SymphonyLUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Beethoven sits, head in hands, and struggles with his inner demons as he composes his Ninth Symphony
Combat knife, 9th-10th centuries. LatviaHistory of Latvia. Middle Ages. Combat knife, 9th-10th centuries. Latvian War Museum. Riga. Latvia
Benedictine monastery of Vezelay, in Burgundy, France. The monk Baudillon brought relics of Mary Magdalene from Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume to Vezelay
Foundation of the secular abbeys of Mons, Maubeuge and Nivelles. The canonesses gathered in Nivelles, where Walcaud, bishop of Liege (810-832), urges them to adopt a Rule
Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878). Russian camp. Field military workshop of the 9th Corps. Engraving by Smeeton Tilly. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War). Volume I. 1877
Detail of a column with memorial inscription of Kopsis Kopan. Time of Omurtag, Great Khan of Bulgaria (814-831). National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Column with memorial inscription of Kopsis Kopan. Time of Omurtag, Great Khan of Bulgaria (814-831). National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Remains of a column with the text of a peace treaty. Provenance unknown. First half of the 9th century AD. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Treaty of 815. Detail of a column bearingTreaty of 815. 30-year peace agreement signed in Constantinople between the Bulgarian Khan Omurtag (814-831) and the Byzantine Emperor Leo V the Armenian (813-820)
Treaty of 815. Column bearing the text ofTreaty of 815. 30-year peace agreement signed in Constantinople between the Bulgarian Khan Omurtag (814-831) and the Byzantine Emperor Leo V the Armenian (813-820)
Iberian Peninsula. Siege of Barcelona, 801. FrankishIberian Peninsula. Siege of Barcelona in 801. Louis the Pious (778-840) began the conquest of the Muslim-held city of Barcelona
United States Army Air Force Douglas C-47-DL Skytrain 41-18608 (MSN 4769) to USaF 25 October 1942, bailed to the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment (A&AEE), Boscombe Down
Al-Kadhimiya Mosque, Baghdad, IraqAl-Kadhimiya Mosque (Masjid Al-Kazimiyyah) or Al-Kadhimayn Shrine (Ḥaram Al-Kazimayn) - a Shi'ite Islamic mosque and shrine located in the Kadhimayn suburb of Baghdad, Iraq
Don Ramiro's dream. The King of Asturias Ramiro IDon Ramiro's dream. Illustration that represents one of the moments before the Battle of Clavijo (May 23, 844)
The Hotel Statler, St. Louis, Missouri on Washington Avenue at Ninth and Saint Charles Streets. Date: circa 1930s
Henry III granting licence to dig coal in 1234. Different historical moments when coal was first noted to be used. The King is seen here giving permission to men in Newcastle to dig coal
McDonnell Douglas F-15A-4-MC Eagle 71-0287United States Air Force (USAF) - McDonnell Douglas F-15A-4-MC Eagle 71-0287 (MSN 0009/A008), the ninth F-15 built, used for a wide variety trials and testing at Edwards Air Force Base
Front cover, Daily Graphic, General Strike Emergency Edition - ninth day of the strike. Date: 1926
Thermidorian Reaction. Ninth Thermidor. 27 July 1794. Result. End of the Reign of Terror. Paris. France. Engraving. 19th century. Date:
Ninth Carriage of the Royal Household in Queen Victoria sNinth Carriage of the Royal Household in Queen Victorias coronation parade
10th Carriage of the Royal Household in Queen Victoria s10th Carriage of the Royal Household in Queen Victorias coronation parade
Aerial view of Broadway, near Ninth Street, Los AngelesAerial view of Broadway, looking north from near Ninth Street, Los Angeles, California, USA
February the Twenty-Ninth - Perhaps Leap Year ProposalFollowing in the tradition that the once in four years 29th February is a chance for women to ask men to marry, one man appears to have a plethora of suitors to choose from. Date: 1912
Borabadur, Indonesia - a 9th century Mahayana Buddhist Monument/Temple
9TH HEAVEN OF PARADISEDante and Beatrice, standing on a cloud, contemplate the Ninth Heaven of Paradise
Joy Bells! revue, Hippodrome Theatre, LondonJoy Bells! Albert de Courvilles 9th Hippodrome revue, with Shirley Kellogg and George Robey, at the Hippodrome Theatre, Cranbourn Street, London. circa 1919
KV6 tomb or tomb of Ramses Setepenre Neferkare-IX. Valley ofKV6 tomb or tomb of Ramses Setepenre Neferkare-IX. Eighth Twentieth Dynasty pharaoh. New Kingdom. He reigned from 1126-1108 B.C
50th Anniversary of the vision of Bernadette at LourdesPostcard commemorating the 50th Anniversary (in 1908) of the vision of the Virgin Mary, which appeared to Marie Bernarde Bernadette Soubirous (18441879) at Lourdes in 1858
LCC-LFB Brigade HQ Annual Review hook ladder drillThese coordinated hook ladders drills were a popular feature during the annual displays at Lambeth Headquarters
Gotham National Bank, New YorkGotham National Bank, 59th Street & Columbus Circle, Interior, Safe Deposit Vaults, Inside of Vault. -ninth Street (New York, N.Y.)
Ilya EhrenburgILYA EHRENBURG : Russian revolutionary, fled to Paris 1908, returned 1917, authored novels on political subjects - The fall of Paris, The Storm, The ninth wave, etc
King Christian IX inspecting a new cavalry repeating rifleChristian IX (18181906) - King of Denmark from 1863 to 1906 - inspecting a new cavalry repeating rifle. Photograph taken by his daughter (Queen) Alexandra, wife of King Edward VII. Date: circa 1905
Hotel Seville, Madison Avenue and 29th Street, New York, USAHotel Seville, Madison Avenue and 29th Street, New York, NY, USA. Date: circa 1906
Khartoum, Sudan - welcoming RamadanKhartoum, Sudan - welcoming the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the month in which the Quran was revealed
Ninth Hussars.Coloured aquatint by and after William Heath, published by J Watson, Vere Street, Bond Street, London
William Henry Harrison (1773-1841). Engraving. ColoredWilliam Henry Harrison (1773-1841). 9th President of the United States. Engraving in The Universal History, 1892. Colored
Treaty of Verdun (843)
Monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll. Catalonia. SpainRomanesque Art. Monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll. Founded by the Count Wilfred the Hairy in 879 or 880. Historic-artistic monument since 1931. Sculptural portic
Isabella Ctss DundonaldISABELLA countess DUNDONALD, second wife of Archibald, ninth earl Date: ? - 1808
Emily Countess of CorkEMILY DE BURGH, countess of CORK and ORRERY wife of Richard Boyle, ninth earl Date: CIRCA 1840
Mabel Baroness CliffordMABEL baroness CLIFFORD of Chudleigh, wife of Lewis Henry, ninth baron. clutching her brolly. Date: CIRCA 1890
Robert 9th Earl KinnoullRobert Auriol Hay-Drummond, ninth earl of KINNOULL aristocrat, depicted in all his glory - knee-breeches, cape, insignia, sword, coronets, staff, medallions Date: 1751 - 1804
Ninth Duke MarlboroughCHARLES SPENCER CHURCHILL, ninth duke of MARLBOROUGH Date: 1871 - 1934
Charles, 2nd Duke of Saxe-CoburgCharles Edward, 2nd Duke of Albany, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha from from 30 July 1900 to 14 November 1918, (1884-1954). in the uniform of Ninth, Charlie became Duke of Saxe-Coburg in 1899
Children playing golf driving from the 9th tee, Mount PleasaChildren playing golf driving from the ninth tee, Mount Pleasant golf links, New Hampshire, USA Date: 1900s
Ninth Lancers in Great War Deeds, WW1The Ninth (Queens Royal) Lancers charging to recapture British guns temporarily in the hands of the Germans, a deed that won the Victoria Cross for Captain F O Grenfell
Eight girls hold aloft ninth on gym bench posing with hoop Date: 1930s
Charge of Ninth Lancers during great retreat from MonsThe charge of the Ninth Lancers during the Great Retreat from Mons to Cambrai in World War One, in a rather patriotic British depiction
Harriot, Duchess of St AlbansHARRIOT (nee Mellon) duchess of St ALBANS, actress in the role of mistress Page in Shakespeares Merry wives. Wife of banker Thos. Coutts, later of William ninth duke. Date: 1777 - 1837
Harriot Dss. St AlbansHARRIOT (nee Mellon) duchess of St ALBANS, actress, wife of William ninth duke; previously married to banker Thomas Coutts. Date: 1777 - 1837
Lord Cosmo RussellLord COSMO RUSSELL ninth son of the sixth duke of Bedford. depicted riding a pony accompanied by a dog; he is wearing highland dress. Date: 1817 - 1875
9th Earl NorthumberlandHENRY PERCY, ninth earl of NORTHUMBERLAND statesman and scientist Date: 1564 - 1632
Lady Selina HastingsLADY SELINA HASTINGS daughter of the ninth earl of Huntingdon : she died unmarried. Date: 1737 - 1763
Lady Anne HamiltonLADY ANNE HAMILTON daughter of Archibald, ninth duke; lady-in-waiting to Queen Caroline and a key witness at her trial in 1820. Date: 1766 - 1846
Card commemorating life of King Christian IX of Denmark (1818-1906). Date: 1906
Buenos Aires - Argentina - Avenida 9 de Julio. The widest boulevard in the world at 130 metres wide. Date: 1950s
BOCCACCIO, Giovanni (1313-1375). Italian writer, author of the Decameron. Decoration of an ark with a scene of the ninth
Ninth annual New England Fair, at Lowell, Mass. Sept. 3, 4, 5 & 6 1872. View of fairground, with horses racing, tents, and crowds, and railroad train in foreground, Lowell, Massachusetts. Date 1872
Youth forums Leader EW Balduf of Des Moines Public Forums at the YWCA Ninth & High Street. Poster announcing a series of public youth forums with EW Balduf to be held at the YWCA. Date 1937
Col. Michael Corcoran, at the Battle of Bull Run, Va, July 2Col. Michael Corcoran, at the Battle of Bull Run, Va.-July 21st 1861: The desperate and bloody charge of the Gallant Sixty Ninth, on the rebel batteries. Date 1861?. Col
Pictures of all the Roman Pontiff from Saint Peter to Pius the Ninth. Date c1878
Pope Clement the ninth
Jimmie Chinquanana, 11 Hamilton Street, New York. In dark, inner room of his home, in the rear of their store. He is the ninth child, six of whom are dead. Father abused the wife; drinks
Brig. -Genl. Michael Corcoran - of the Irish Brigade late colBrig.-Genl. Michael Corcoran - of the Irish Brigade late colonel of the gallant N.Y. Sixty Ninth
Continental Hotel, corner of Chestnut & Ninth street Philadelphia. Continental Hotel, corner of Chestnut & Ninth street Philadelphia
Washington, DC President Roosevelt on the steps of St John sWashington, DC President Roosevelt on the steps of St Johns Episcopal church after he had attended prayer services marking the ninth anniversary of this first inauguration. Date 1942 Mar
New York, New York. Looking north from the Ninth Street station on the Third Avenue elevated railway as a train leaves on the local track. Date 1942 Sept
New York, New York. Thomas Gilmartin is seen bowling at the Lighthouse, an institution for the blind, at 111 East Fifty-ninth Street. The rail on the left is a guide to the starting line
Colonel Michael Corcoran
Death of William Henry Harrison (1773-1841), ninth American President, I wish you to understand the true principles of the Government. I wish them carried out. I ask nothing more
49th Street Rail Station, Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY49th Street Rail Station, Borough Park, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America. Date: 1908
German Generals on the Romanian Front during the First World War, looking at a map
Two Scouts from Aden at the 1957 World Scout Jamboree, held in Sutton Park, Birmingham, UK. 1957
General von Falkenhayn, German Army CommanderGerman General Erich von Falkenhayn (1861-1922), Commander of the Ninth Army during the First World War. Date: 1914-1918
A Scout from Aden at the 1957 World Scout Jamboree, held in Sutton Park, Birmingham, UK. 1957
Archduke Friedrich and General von FalkenhaynArchduke Friedrich Maria of Austria ((1856-1936), Supreme Commander of the Austro-Hungarian Army during the First World War, speaking with General Erich von Falkenhayn (1861-1922)