Scenes of Mestizaje. Circa 1750. Casta paintings" Scenes of " Mestizaje". Circa 1750. Casta paintings by Luis de Mena. Colonial baroque. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Americas Museum."
Dom Luis Bridge Porto, PortugalDom Luis Bridge over the River Douro, Portugal. Date: circa 1910
Argentina - Buenos Aires - Kavanagh Building and Parque Retiro
BORGES, Jorge Luis (1899-1986). Argentinian poet" BORGES, Jorge Luis (1899-1986). Argentinian poet, narrator and essayist. " The Aleph". Losada publishing house (1952)."
San Luis Potosi - Mexico - Public water fountainSan Luis Potosi - Mexico. A very fine decorative public water fountain
The Royal Parade, circa 1773. Paret y Alcazar, Luis (1746-1799). Oil on canvas, 232 x 365 cm
Dom Luis I Bridge, River Douro, Porto, northern PortugalDom Luis I Bridge over the River Douro, Porto, northern Portugal, opened in 1886. circa 1910
Praca da Ribiera and Luis I Bridge - Porto, PortugalThe Praca da Ribiera and the Luis I (or Luiz I) Bridge, a metal arch bridge that spans the Douro River between the cities of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia in Portugal. Date: 1909
Mexico City, Mexico - Calle de PuenteCalle de Puente, in San Luis Potosi (commonly called SLP or simply San Luis), the capital of the Mexican state of the same name. View toward one of the distinctive tower of the Templo del Carmen
Elks Theatre, San Luis Obispo, California, USA. Date: 1914
Isabel Aragon, portrait by Luis Ferrant LlausasLuis Ferrant Llausas (1806-1868). Spanish painter. Portrait of Isabel Aragon, 1854. Oil on canvas, 79, 5 x 65, 8 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Leopold II of Belgium (1835-1909). King of BelgiumLeopold II of Belgium (1835-1909), whose birth name was Leopold Louis Philippe Maria Victor of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. King of Belgium (1865-1909). Portrait as young, as heir to the throne. Drawing by C
Saint Anthony Abbot (251-356), by Luis Tristan (1580-1624)Saint Anthony Abbot (251-356). Christian hermit monk. Portrait by Luis Tristan (1580-1624), circa 1620. Oil on canvas. On loan from Prado Museum. El Greco Museum. Toledo, Spain
Christ Crucified, by Luis Tristan (1580-1624), ca.1620Luis Tristan (1580-1624). Spanish painter. Christ Crucified. Oil on canvas, circa 1620. El Greco Museum. Toledo, Spain
Saint Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562), by Luis TristanSaint Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562). Spanish Franciscan friar. Portrait by Luis Tristan (1580-1624), circa 1620. Oil on canvas (169 x 111 cm). On loan from Museo del Prado. El Greco Museum
Saint Jerome doing penance in his study, by Luis TristanLuis Tristan (1580-1624). Spanish painter. Saint Jerome doing penance in his study. Oil on canvas, circa 1618-1622. El Greco Museum. Toledo, Spain
Our Lady of Mercy, by Luis Tristan (1580-1624)Luis Tristan (1580-1624). Spanish painter. Our Lady of Mercy. Oil on canvas (219 x 132 cm), circa 1620-1623. El Greco Museum. Toledo, Spain
Saint Matthias, by Luis Tristan (1580-1624), circa 1620Saint Matthias. Portrait by Luis Tristan (1580-1624), circa 1620. Oil on canvas (130 x 104 cm). El Greco Museum. Toledo, Spain
Luis Fernandez de Cordoba y Valcarcel (1798-1840). Spanish lieutenant general
Luis Vicente de Velasco e Isla (1711-1762)Luis Vicente de Velasco e Isla (Noja, Spain, 1711-Havana, Cuba, 1762). Sailor and commander in the Spanish Royal Navy. Illustration by Llanta. Portrait. Lithography
Juan Luis Vives (1493-1540). Spanish humanist, philosopher and educator. Engraving after a statue by Jose Aixa (1844-1920), erected in the courtyard of the University of Valencia. Engraving
Journey to Portugal of the kings of Spain, Alfonso XII (1857-1885) and Maria Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena (1858-1929). Lisbon. Arrival of the monarchs at the main station, 22 January 1882
Madrid, Torrelaguna. Church of Santa Maria MagdalenaSpain, Community of Madrid, Torrelaguna. Church of Santa Maria Magdalena. Declared a Historic-Artistic Monument
Miles Hawk Speed Six G-ADGPMiles M.2L Hawk Speed Six G-ADGP. (msn 160) (M.2L G-ADGP and M.2U G-ADOD were built for brother and sister, Luis and Ruth Fontes, for racing.) Date: 1935
John of Austria (1547-1578). Spanish military. illegitimate son of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Presentation of John of Austria to Emperor Charles V at Yuste
Conferences between Luis Mendez de Haro and Cardinal MazarinModern Age. Conferences on Pheasant Island that took place between August and November 1659
Madrid, Inauguration of the Apolo Theater, November 23, 1873Spain, Madrid. Inauguration of the Apolo Theater on the night of November 23, 1873. Woodcut on paper. Tomas Carlos Capuz (1834-1899) and Jose Luis Pellicer (1842-1901)
Isabella II as a Girl before the Throne, circa 1838Isabella II (1830-1904). Queen of Spain. Isabella II as a Girl before the Throne, circa 1838. Portrait by Luis de la Cruz y Rios (1776-1853). History Museum. Madrid. Spain
The Shop of Geniani, 1772, by Luis Paret y AlcazarLuis Paret y Alcazar (1746-1799). Spanish painter. The Shop of Geniani, 1772. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain
Luis de Requesens y Zuniga (1528-1576). Spanish military, poltician and diplomat. Governor of the Duchy of Milan (1572-1573) and the Netherlands (1573-1576). Portrait, detail. Illustration by Llanta
Fray Luis de Leon (1527-1591). Spanish poetFray Luis de Leon (Belmonte, 1527-Madrigal de las Altas Torres, 1591). Spanish poet. Portrait. Illustration by Llanta. Lithography. Cronica General de Espana
Fernando Ferrant y Llausas(1810-1852), ca. 1845Fernando Ferrant y Llausas(1810-1852). Spanish painter. Portrait by Luis Ferrant y Llausas (1806-1868), ca.1845. Museum of Romanticism. Madrid. Spain. Date: 2019
Queen Isabel II as a child - Carlos Luis de Ribera y FieveIsabel II (1830-1904). Queen of Spain. Isabel II as a child. Portrait by Carlos Luis de Ribera y Fieve (1815-1891), 1836. Museum of Romanticism. Madrid. Spain. (On loan, Prado Museum, Madrid)
Pieta, ca. 1570, by Luis de Morales (1515-1586). DetailLuis de Morales (1515-1586). Spanish painter. Pieta, ca.1570. Detail. San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Madrid. Spain. Date: 2019
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). La guardia a bordo, el alma y el fusil espectantes (The guard on board, the soul and the gun expectant)
LUIS AT THE CORTES - 2Luis, second son of Maria II, succeeds to the throne when Pedro V dies : at the Cortes he accepts the constitution. Date: 1862
LUIS AT THE CORTESLuis, second son of Maria II, succeeds to the throne when Pedro V dies : he arrives in state at a session of the Cortes, Lisboa. Date: 1862
Milon as Don Luis in Ines, ou La Chute d un Ministre, 1845Milon as Don Luis in Ines, ou La Chute d un Ministre by Don Ramon de Navarrete, Theatre Royal de L Odeon, 1845
Praca Luis de Camoes, Lisbon, Portugal, with a statue of the 16th century epic poet. Date: circa 1908
1208-1276, 1515, catalan, catalonia, count, of, barcelona, crown, aragon, engraving, europe, horse, house, james, i, the, conqueror, king, balearic, islands, valencia, library, university
Camoes, Luis Vaz de (1524-1580). Portuguese poet. Engraving by Carretero. Colored
Paris International Exhibition. Spanish PavilionParis International Exhibition (1937). Sketch of the entrance to the Spanish Pavilion, designed by Josep Llu Sert and Luis Lacasa. SPAIN. CASTILE AND LEON. Salamanca
Luis QuixadaLUIS QUIXADA Spanish courtier, guardian of Don Juan of Austria. Date: CIRCA 1560
Spain and Portugal - Oporto, Bridge of Luis - View of metal arched bridge, houses in Background B/W. Part of Box 149 Boswell collection - Portugal and Spain
Praca de Luiz de Camoes, Lisbon, PortugalStatue of Luis Vaz de Camoes (considered Portugals and the Portuguese languages greatest poet), Praca de Luiz de Camoes, Lisbon, Portugal. Date: circa 1905
Luis de Gongora (1561-1627). Spanish Baroque lyric poet. EngLuis de Gongora (1561-1627). Spanish Baroque lyric poet. Literary movement, culteranismo. Engraving. Colored
The Flag. National Poems by Francisco Luis Bernardez (1900-1Francisco Luis Bernardez (1900-1978). Argentinian poet. National Poems. The flag. Title cover. Edition of Buenos Aires, 1950. Library of Catalonia. Barcelona. Spain
Amigo Ferrer, Luis ( 1854-1934). BustAmigo Ferrer, Luis ( 1854-1934). Capuchin friar. Bishop of Solsona and Segorbe (1907-1934). Bust at the Shrine of Our Lady of Montiel. Benaguacil. Province of Valencia. Spain
Vendor of pulque near Rioverde, San Luis Potosi, MexicoA typical vendor of pulque with her donkey-drawn cart on a country road near Rioverde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Pulque is an alcoholic drink made from the fermented sap of the maguey (agave) plant
Bible of Alba or Arragel. 1422 - 1430. CastilianBible of Alba or Arragel. 1422 - 1430
MENEZES, Luis de Miranda Pereira, Viscount of (1820-1878). Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil. Oil on canvas. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro. National Historical Museum
JIMENEZ ARANDA, Luis. The visit of the doctorJIMENEZ ARANDA, Luis (1845-1928). The Visit of the Doctor. 1889. Costumbrism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Sevilla. Fine Arts Museum
Codex Osuna, 16th C Spanish viceroyship in MexicoCodex Osuna (Cod e Osuna). 16th c
Eva Peron with delegation of teachers and studentsEva Peron (Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, 1919-1952), wife of the Argentinian President, receiving a delegation of teachers and students from the San Francisco School of San Luis, July 1951. Date: 1951
MADRAZO Y KUNTZ, Luis (1825-1897). Portrait of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. 1860s. Oval portrait. Engraving. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
LUIS DE GRANADA, Luis de Sarriᬠcalled FrayLUIS DE GRANADA, Luis de Sarriᬠ called Fray (1504-1588). Spanish clergyman, theologian and writer. Clergyman. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Spanish Royal Academy
Codex Osuna (Ce Osuna). 16th c. ManuscritCodex Osuna (Cod e Osuna). 16th c
SWITZERLAND. Geneva. Jorge Luis Borges tomb (revers), in the cemetery of Plainpalais. Sculpture
RIBERA, JOS (1588-1652). MARTYRDOMRIBERA, Jos (1588-1652). Martyrdom of St Bartholomew. Work from the Spanish gallery of Luis Felipe de Orleans at Paris. The plot flows the
Cuba - San Luis - Santiago Province - Street Scene Date: circa 1920s
Luis de Camoes (1524-1580). Portuguese poet. Monument in Lisbon. Engraving. Colored
Luis Coloma (1851-1914). Spanish writer. Engraving, 19th century. Colored
Juan Luis Vives (1493-1540). Valencian scholar and humanist. Portrait. He lived nearly his entire life in the Southern Netherlands. Engraving. Colored
Luis Matos de Potestad (b. 1828). Marquis of Heredia and Spinola. Politician. Engraving by Arturo Carretero. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1877. Colored
Luis Mayans y Enriquez de Navarra (1805-1880). Spanish noble and politician. Portrait. Engraving by Arturo Carretero. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1880. Colored
Visit from boyfriend. Engraving after a painting by Luis JimVisit from boyfriend. Engraving by Severini after a painting of Luis Jimenez Aranda (1845-1928). The Spanish and American Illustration, 1886. Colored
Luis de la Lastra y Cuesta (1803-1876). Priest, bishop and cardinal Spanish. Engraving bu Paris. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1876. Colored
Brother Luis de Leon (1528-1591). Engraving. ColoredBrother Luis de Leon (1528-1591). Spanish augustinian friar, poet and theologian. Engraving by M. Verges in The Universal History, 1917. Colored
Luis Jimenez Aranda (1845-1928). Spanish painter. Engraving by A. Carretero. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1889. Colored
Essay of a Opera. Versailles. Engraving. ColoredEssay of a Opera. Versailles. Painting of Luis Jimenez Aranda (1845-1928). Spanish painter. Engraved by R. Brend Amour. The Artistic Illustration, 1887. Colored
The Portrait, by spanish painter, Luis Jimenez Aranda (1845-1928). Engraving by La Ilustracion, 1890. Colored
Portugal. Lisbon. Church of Santa Engracia. National Pantheon. Tomb of Luis de Camoes (1524-1580). Portuguese poet
Tomb of Camoes in the Jeronimos Monastery. Lisbon. PortugalLuis Vaz de Camoes (1524-1580). Poet portuguese. Tomb of Camoes in the Jeronimos Monastery, Belem, Lisbon. Portugal. Esculpted by Cosa Mota, Neo-Manueline style, 19th century
James I the Conqueror (1208 A?i?1276) King of Aragon. EngraJames I the Conqueror (1208 A?i?1276) King of Aragon
Villa de la Concepcion or Penco. Chile. Plan by Luis AmadeoSouth America. Chile. Villa de la Concepcion or Penco. Plan and drawing by Luis Amadeo Frezier (1682-1773). 1712. French engraving published in Paris, 1716
Gothic Art. Spain. Lluis Dalmau (flourished between 1431-1460). Virgin of the Consellers (Councillors) (c.1443-1445). It depicts the five councilors of the city of Barcelona in adoration
Angel Carvajal y Fernandez de Cordoba (1841-1898). EngravingAngel Carvajal y Fernandez de Cordoba (1841-1898). Spanish politician. Engraving in The Spanish and American Illustration, 1872. Colored
Luis de Go?ngora (1561 1627). Spanish lyric poet. Works oLuis de Go?ngora (1561 1627). Spanish Baroque lyric poet. Works of Don Luis de Gongora Volume II. Cover. Published in Madrid, 1645
Recopilacion de privilegios reales del reino y la ciudad de16th century. Recopilacion de privilegios reales del reino y la ciudad de Valencia (Collection of royal privileges of the kingdom and the city of Valencia). Work written by the notary Luis Alanya
Megalithism. Bronze Age. Los Millares. Ruins. Santa Fe de MoPrehistoric Art. Megalithism. Bronze Age (Copper Age or Chalcolithic). Los Millares. Occupation site. Ruins. Santa Fe de Mondujar. Andalusia. Spain. Spain
Spain. Barcelona. Fonda Espa?a. Renovated by Luis Domench iSpain. Barcelona. Fonda Espa?a. Opened in 1859, it was renovated by the modernist architect Luis Domench i Montaner (1850-1923) between 1898-1903. Glazed mosaic frieze. Detail. Restaurant
Spain. Terrassa. Masia Freixa (1907-1910). Modernist building by Lluis Muncunill (1868-1931). Exterior
Luis de Morales, the Divine (c. 1510-1586). Ecce HomoRenaissance Art. Espana.16th century. Luis de Morales, the Divine (c. 1510-1586). Spanish painter. Ecce Homo. Cathedral Museum. Avila. Castile and Leon