Jurisprudence by H. M. BatemanJurisprudence by H. M
French Boules PlayersFour French peasants in sabots and a barefoot boy judge the skill of the players in a game on a bumpy grassy field. Date: early 20th century
The Rules of Life by H. M. BatemanA baby in a highchair is presented with a long list of rules for life by a queue of influential people including his nurse, his parents, teacher, police officer, judge and vicar. Date: 1930
Woman suffrage headquarters in Upper Euclid Avenue, Cleveland - A. (at extreme right) is Miss Belle Sherwin, President, National League of Women Voters; B. is Judge Florence E
Sir C Russell / Vfair 1890SIR CHARLES RUSSELL BARON RUSSELL of KILLOWEN British judge, born in Ireland; Liberal MP
Mr. Justice FieldWilliam Ventris Field(1813-1907), shown here in 1875 when newly appointed as one of the judges of the Court of Queens Bench
Jack London / Call of WildBuck, sitting on the porch of Judge Millers house
Cat as a Judge / WainA cat dressed as a judge
Ingeborg KoberNorwegian medium Ingenborg Kober, whose father Judge Dahl died in mysterious circumstances, which were finally judged to be accidental
The Linesman Who Snored at WimbledonA linesman disrupts play at Wimbledon by letting out a loud snore mid-point. 1928
Tango craze: the Pope assesses the tango, 1913Pope Pius X carefully watches as a couple perform the tango for him, so he can judge if the dance morally acceptable
At the Old Bailey: Lord Darling, Sir Herbert Austin and the late Richard Muir Date: C.20th Century
Henry Steel Olcott - 2HENRY STEEL OLCOTT American co-founder, with Blavatsky and Judge, of the Theosophical Society : occultist and psychical researcher. Photo 1883. Date: 1832 - 1907
Lord Howard de Walden in libel suitLord Howard de Walden (Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis, 8th Baron Howard de Walden, 4th Baron Seaford, 1880-1946) in the witness box
Notebook and wig of Justice HawkinsA notebook and wig once belonging to the English Judge, Justice Hawkins (Henry Hawkins, 1st Baron Brampton), given to Horatio William Bottomley, Liberal MP
Justice AvorySir Horace Edmund Avory (1851-1935) was one of the most noted English criminal lawyers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and was the most dreaded hanging judge of his age
The end of the Tichborne trialThe final hour of the long running Tichborne trial, for the conviction of Mr Arthur Orton for perjury. The claimants farewell to the judge
Sir John DaySIR JOHN CHARLES FREDERICK SIGMUND DAY Judge in the Queens Bench Division. Date: 1826 - 1908
George HardingeGEORGE HARDINGE writer and judge, MP for Old Sarum, most notorious of the rotten boroughs. Date: 1743 - 1816
Titanic - Lord Mersey, head of inquiry into the disasterFront cover of the Illustrated London News featuring a portrait of Mr Justice Bigham, Lord Mersey who was appointed as chairman of the Court of Inquiry into the Titanic disaster. Date: 1912
Ancient Irish JudgesA BREHON, a judge of ancient Ireland, with his FILIDH, whose job it was to know all the laws and be able to quote them. With them is an Irish wolfhound. Date: early centuries AD
John Earl of EldonJOHN SCOTT, first earl of ELDON, judge, lord chancellor. Date: 1751 - 1838
Court Scene / Newgate / 1862A trial at Newgate Date: 1862
Lord Chief Justice of England and WalesCharles Arthur Russell, Baron Russell of Killowen (1832 - 1900). British statesman and Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
Judge Bacon at his desk. Possibly the Judge Bacon, ie Sir James Bacon (1798-1895)
JEFFREYS (1648 - 1689)GEORGE JEFFREYS, 1st Baron Jeffreys, Lord Chief Justice (JUDGE JEFFREYS); Siezed at Wapping, attempting to flee the country disguised as a sailor in 1688
Richard Baxter (Trial)RICHARD BAXTER English puritan clergyman and writer, depicted at his trial before the infamous Judge Jeffreys
Freiheit Trial / 1881The Freiheit prosecution - trial of Herr Johann Most at the Cebtral Criminal Court (Old Bailey). Mr A M Sullivan (Counsel for the Defence) is speaking
Pyne - JudgeA JUDGE
Carroll / Alice / TrialThe trial of the Knave who (allegedly) stole the jam tarts, before the King of Hearts, acting as judge, and the Queen of Hearts
Curry&rice / British JudgeBritish Judge hearing a case
Sir Donald Somervell, Lord Justice of Appeal (1889-1960), British barrister, judge and Conservative party politician. Date: C.1948
Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading (1860 - 1935), British Liberal politician and judge, lawyer and statesman, attorney-general, lord chief justice. Date: 1924
"The English Daumier Looks on Life: English Types by Blampied. Series 3: Business and Leisure." A smartly-dressed and conspicuously wealthy woman consults with a lawyer. Date: 1933
Judging in progress at a dog show at Platt Fields Park, Manchester. Date: 1970
Tournaments. Review of helmets in the cloisterTournaments. The standards and helmets are kept in a cloister. The preliminaries are managed by the judges, in the presence of the ladies and participants of the tournament
Judgement of God. Two knights fight a duel. EngravingMiddle Ages. Judgement of God. Trials by means of duels and combats to elucidate who was the possessor of the truth or to be right. Each side chose a champion to act on their behalf
Raimbaut de Moreuil defended the cause ofAs the clerics were not allowed to fight, Raimbaut de Moreuil defended the cause of the Abbot of Saint-Denis in single combat with Guyon de Losenne
Women's Christian Temperance Movement, Ohio, USA, early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Felix-Julien-Jean Bigot de Preameneu (1747-1825). French lawyer and politician. He was one of the four legal authors of the Napoleonic Code, enacted on 21 March 1804. Portrait. Engraving
Marie-Jean Herault de Sechelles (1759-1794). French judge and politician who took part in the French Revolution. President of the National Convention (8 to 22 August 1793). Portrait
Tribunal of the King's Bailiff. Engraving. FacsimileTribunal of the King's Bailiff. Facsimile of a woodcut from Praxis Rerum Civilium by Josse Damhoudere. Antwerp, 1557
France. Trial of the Paris Commune. Cases proceedingsFrance. Paris Commune. Popular revolutionary movement that took power in Paris from 18 March to 28 May 1871, as a result of the Franco-Prussian War. Trial of the Paris Commune
Averroes (1126-1198). Muslim Andalusi philosopherAverroes (Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd) (1126-1198). Muslim Andalusi philosopher and physician, teacher of Islamic law and philosophy. Engraving by Serra Pausas
Judge Jeffrey's lodgings, High West Street, Dorchester, Dorset, England. Date: 1960s
Edward Littleton and Henry Montagu, British Judges, 17th centuryEdward Littleton, 1st Baron Lyttelton, Chief Justice of North Wales, 1589-1645. Edwardus Littleton, Mag Sigil Ang Custos
John Fortescue Aland, English lawyer and judge, 1670-1746John Fortescue Aland, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan, 1670-1746, English lawyer, judge and politician. In powdered wig and robes. John Lord Fortescue. From a drawing by R
Thomas Egerton, Baron Ellesmere, 1540-1617. English noble, judge and statesman, 1st Viscount Brackley, Lord Keeper and Lord High Chancellor of England
Edward Bruce, 1st Lord Kinloss, Scottish lawyer and judge, 1548-1611
A judge led by a page to the tournament lists, 1460A judge on caparisoned horse led by a page to the tournament lists, end of the 15th century. Juge-Diseur conduit par un page au lieu du tournoi. France, fin du XVe siecle
Tmolus, King of Lydia and mountain god, judge of the flute contest between the Phrygian satyr Marsyas and Pan or Apollo
Sir John Gilmour of Craigmillar, Scottish judge and politician, 1605-1671. President of the Court of Sessions of Scotland
Costume of a praetor or magistrate, ancient Rome. In toga, tunic and sandals, seated on a chair in a room decorated with screen, spear, sword, carved table. Preteur
Censor conducting a census at the Villa Publica, ancient Rome. He sits on a throne in toga and red pallium while the populace gathers outside the Forum. Censeur Romain
Costume of a French Magistrate, 1280Costume of a Magistrate in the reign of King Philip III the Bold of France, 1280. In velvet mantle with ermine trim, crimson robes, pointed shoes, holding a hat
A courtcase between animals, with lion and tiger as judgesA courtcase between animals, with a lion and tiger as judges. The wolf makes a claim against the sheep, while the kite and vulture give false evidence
Portrait of Sir Thomas More, 1478-1535. English lawyer, judge, [9] social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. Lord High Chancellor of England under King Henry VIII
Sir John More, lawyer and judge (1451-1533). Father of Thomas More, Henry VIII's Lord Chancellor. Iudge More, Sr. Thos. More's Father
Prince Henry sentenced by Sir William GascoigneHenry, Prince of Wales, later Henry V, sentenced to prison for contempt by judge Sir William Gascoigne. Young prince before Gascoigne. Copperplate engraving from M. A
Irish Brehons and Filidhs or judges, of the Roman era, with Irish wolf-hound. Brehon in cloak, coat, pantaloons, biorrad (cap), carrying laws engraved on bark
French nobles wrestling in a show bout, 16th century
Madrid School. Auto-da-fe, 1656. Toledo, Spain. DetailMadrid School. Auto-da-fe
Madrid School. Auto-da-fe, 1656. Toledo, SpainMadrid School. Auto-da-fe
Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy - French military officerFerdinand Walsin Esterhazy (1847-1923). French military officer from 1870 to 1898. Spy for the German Empire, he was the author of the acts of treason for which Alfred Dreyfus was condemned
Nuno Nunez Rasura (c. 789-c. 862), Count of AmayaNuno Nunez Rasura (c. 789-c. 862). Count of Amaya. Legendary judge of Castile. Portrait. Illustration by Llanta. Lithography
Japanese depiction of the Great Judge of Hell - YamaThe Great Judge of Hell
The Alledged Liberator Companies Frauds - the Trial of Jabez Balfour. Date: 1895
Gian Galeazzo Visconti and his three sonsGian Galeazzo Visconti 1 and his sons Filippo Maria 2, Gian Maria 3 and Gabriele Maria 4. Filippo holds a model of Certosa di Pavia, a monastery in Pavia, Lombardy
Elizabethan Lawyers Date: circa 1600
Judge Douglas
Court Lees Approved School, South Godstone, Surrey. Chairman of Managers, Judge Cohen (left), and Headmaster, Denis Haydon
Judge and Jury Owls, by Louis WainJudge and Jury comical owls drawn by Louis Wain Date: 1892
The Trial of Daniel O'Connell, Irish MP, February 1844 - he was sentenced to conspiracy, which was overturned on appeal to the House of Lords. Date: 1844
Ottoman Empire. Functionaries Janissary Agha and Kadi LechkeFunctionaries of the Ottoman Empire. Janissary Agha (left) top Ottoman military official) and Kadi Lechken (right) ruling judge of the Turkish territories). Engraving by Lemaitre, Masson and Monnin
President of the Supreme Court of Justice - Judge of HearingPresident of the Supreme Court of Justice (left) and Judge of Hearing (right). Chromolithography
Ex-Judge Moung Oon, Rangoon, BurmaThe ex-Judge Moung Oon (C.I.E.), Rangoon, Burma (Myanmar)
Horace Hodges in LightninActor Horace Hodges (1863-1951) performing in the play Lightnin at the Shaftesbury Theatre in London. Date: 1925
Legal leaders during the reign of King George VLegal leaders during the first 25 years of the reign of King George V: Earl of Reading, Earl of Birkenhead, Lord Sankey, Lord Carson, Sir John Simon. Date: 1935
President of the Supreme Court of Justice (left) and Judge of Hearing (right). Chromolithography
Sir Forest Fulton, Red Judge, The Recorder Date: 1903
Mr. Barron FieldA miniature portrait painting of Mr. Barron Field, a judge in New South Wales between 1817-1824, during the time of Governor Lachlan Macquarie. Date: circa 1921
Sir Redmond Barry's Old HouseAn etching of an ominous road, leading to the former home of Sir Redmond Barry, a colonial Judge in Victoria and inaugural Chancellor of the University of Melbourne
Sir Saul Samuel and Sir Alfred StephenA minimalistic pencil sketch of two gentlemen