Angels of Mons, cover design for piano musicAngels of Mons (Reve Mystique), cover design for solo piano music by Sydney C Baldock, inspired by rumours of angelic intervention in the fighting (Battle of Mons, Belgium)
Liberty Loan / Wwi PosterAgainst a backdrop of the American flag and fighting US troops, the American public are urged to buy US Government war bonds
9th Hampshire Regiment in VladivostockThe 9th (Cyclist) Battalion of the Hampshire Regiment march through the streets of Vladivostock, about to set off for Omsk in Siberia
Lancelot Saves ArthurKing Arthur is spared by Sir Bors at the intervention of Sir Lancelot
9th Battalion Hampshire Regiment in SiberiaIn Siberia, soldiers of the 9th (Cyclist) Battalion of the Hampshire Regiment instruct American officers in the British method of physical training
Brooke and SuppliantsSIR JAMES BROOKE Rajah of Sarawak, listening to suppliants who come to him asking for his help or intervention
US Navy Poster / WwiA recruitment poster for the US Navy during World War One, showing the American eagle flanked by sailors
Trans-Siberian Railway Terminus, Vladivostok, RussiaTrans-Siberian Railway, Vladivostok, Russia
American sailors in Vladivostok, RussiaThe arrival of American sailors from the USS Albany in Vladivostok, Russia, as part of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War. Date: circa 1919
General Rawlinson and General Ironside, ArchangelGeneral Sir Henry Rawlinson (1864-1925) (left) and Field Marshal William Edmund Ironside (1880-1959) (right), British army officers, seen here with others on the quay at Archangel (Arkhangelsk)
Golden Horn Bay, Vladivostok, Russia, with battleships
Francois Achille Bazaine (1811-1888). Marshal of France. He took part in the Algerian War, the Crimean War, the Second French Intervention in Mexico and the Franco-Prussian War. Portrait. Engraving
Siege of Gerona (Girona) (27 June to 10 September)Siege of Gerona (Girona) (27 June to 10 September 1285)
Kidnapped Sabine women stop the war between the Romans and SabinThe kidnapped Sabine women intervene to stop the war between the Sabines led by king Titus Tatius and the Romans under Romulus, 8th century BC
First Carlist War (1833-1840). Taking of the town of IrunHistory of Spain. First Carlist War (1833-1840). Northern Front. Taking of the town and fort of Irun (17 May 1837)
First Carlist War (1833-1840). Third Siege of BilbaoHistory of Spain. First Carlist War (1833-1840). Third Siege of Bilbao (5 November to 25 December 1836). Taking of the bridge of Luchana
Spain. Madrid. Fire at the Ministry of WarSpain, Madrid. Fire at the War Ministry. Aspect of the central courtyard in the early morning hours on 12 December. Engraving. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, December 15, 1882
Egypt. Occupation of Cairo by the British. Entry of the British cavalry into the citadel through the Gate of Bad-el-Azab, where it took place the slaughter of the Mamluks in 1811
Egypt. Occupation of Cairo by the English. Esbekiyeh Street, called by Europeans Hotel-Sepheard, in which several British generals hosted. Engraving. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
Military intervention and conquest of Egypt by the BritishEgypt. Military intervention and conquest of Egypt by the British
Intervention of the British army in Egypt, 1882. Events of Alexandria. The British steam gunboat HMS Condor (launched on 28 December 1876), Royal Navy Condor-class
Egypt. Disembarkation of British sailors and bluejackets from the Invincible near Fort Mex, after the bombardment. Engraving by Tomas Carlos Capuz. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
Egypt, Suez. General view of the city. Engraving, 1882Egypt, Suez. General view of the city from the lakes on the adjacent banks of the canal. Engraving. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
British occupation of Egypt. Events of Alexandria. In June 1882 a British squadron opened fire on the city and occupied it. Forts on Pharos Island, bombarded by the British squadron on July 11
British occupation of Egypt. Events of Alexandria. In July 1882 a British squadron opened fire on the city and occupied it. Forts on Pharos Island, bombarded by the British squadron on July 11
Ahmed Urabi (1841-1911). Egyptian revolutionist. Nationalist military officer in the Egyptian Army
The Khedive of Egypt, Tewfik Pasha (1852-1892)Egyptian financial and political crisis
Mexico 1860s Mexican Comic Humour Death Macabremexico, 1860s, mexican, comic, humour, death, macabre, morbid, calavera, skeletons, skeleton, skull, skulls, satire, satirical, sword, uniform, soldier, soldiers, military, battle, war, intervention
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). L'Espagne envahie. Un an de non intervention. Picture from the French magazine A l'ordre du jour (August, 1937). SPAIN. Monistrol de Montserrat
Clement Attlee and General Jose Miaja give the Socialist SalPhotograph showing Clement Attlee (left), General Jose Miaja (centre with glasses) and Giner de Los Rios giving the Socialist clenched-fist salute from balcony of a government building in Madrid
Clement Attlee and General Jose Miaja, Madrid, 1937Photograph showing Clement Attlee (right) and General Jose Miaja in conversation, Madrid, 1937
Russian men in US Army coats, Omaha, Nebraska, USAGroup photo of eleven Russian men (described as Bolsheviks) in US Army long coats, at Fort Omaha, Nebraska, USA, on 27 December 1918
Defense in a Church from GuerillasFrench soldiers fire from the Church of St. Nicholas, using it as a defensive position against Mexican guerillas
People board warship to sing Te Deum for Military VictoryThe French population of Rio de Janeiro board the Astree to sing the praise hymn Te Deum, to celebrate the capture of Puebla in the second siege of Puebla by the French army. Date: 1863
Sitting Tight 1914" Sitting Tight" - A satirical cartoon from Punch Magazine. An American eagle perches on the hind of a donkey, which is wearing a bell with Mexico written on the ribbon
A Penultimatum - Huerta and U. S. Intervention" A Penultimatum" - A Punch magazine satirical cartoon of the American intervention with the Mexican Revolution in 1914
Insurrection at Union PortThe general district of insurrection at Union Port in San Salvador, organised by Barrios, with insurgents retreating.Men in the distance run from the shore and port town
Officer and Soldiers at Fort-de-FranceAn officer and soldiers of the Austro-Mexican brigade, in passage at Fort-de-France, part of the Creole volunteers of Martinique. Date: 1865
A regiment of Belgian troops en route to MexicoThe Belgian-Mexican regiment on board The Louisiana on their way to Mexico. A group of soldiers sit around a pot of food, eating
Entrance of Romero to Mexico 1865Entrance of Matias Romero into Mexico, surrounded by soldiers, as people nearby watch
French elevate their position on the Devils BackboneThe 51st line and a company of the 7th battalion of chasseurs on foot advancing on the Devils Backbone. Date: 1865
French camp at IndaparapeoThe encampment of the Bertier Brigade, at Indaparapeo. Just outside the town walls, rows of army tents line the field and soldiers mill about. Date: 1864
Entrance of the Expeditionary Corps to GuadalajaraFrench soldiers on horseback line the front, as regiments of soldiers on foot stand at rest on the far side of the square. Various other soldiers group around the central fountain. Date: 1864
The Defeat and Flight of the guerillas before Saint-Nicholas. Guerilla soldiers are routed by the French on horseback on a rocky outcropping, a few buildings in the distance. Date: 1864
Expeditionary Corps at QueretaroThe entrance of the French expeditionary forces in the town of Queretaro. Soldiers march down the street as crowds of people line the street and surrounding buildings, waving and throwing their hats
Zouaves take the position of MajomaFrench zouaves secure victory on 21st September 1864 as they take the position at Majoma. Regiments of soldiers on horseback break off, as lines of foot soldiers protect the hill
Reception of French Troops in DurangoThe reception of French troops in the city of Durango. Mexican women and children rush forward to give the french soldiers on horseback flowers and garlands. Date: 1864
Emperor and Empress of Mexico at Vera CruzEmperor Maximilian and Empress Charlotte of Mexico visit Vera Cruz in a procession leading under the arc de triomphe in the parade square. The procession is lined by soldiers. Date: 1864
Parade and Fort of Angostura, near SaltilloThe parade and Fort of Angostura, near Saltillo, on 18th August 1864. The Buena Vista hacienda was the district of general d Ortega
The Battle of MajomaThe battle of Majoma on 21st September 1864. Soldiers on horseback and foot, run towards the opposition, with horses pulling chariots and cannons into place
Skirmish outside TepeacaSkirmish occurring on 18th February 1863 outside the town of Tepeaca, within view of the village de los Reyes and Popocatepetl volcano. Men on horseback charge across a flat scrubland
The Prince Imperial Announces the Capture of PueblaThe Prince Imperial, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, is gestured towards balcony, surrounded by men and women watching
Detachments Attack the Red Battery at AcapulcoThe detachments Pallas and Cornelie attack the red battery at Acapulco. Boats of soldiers row to shore to attack at Acapulco. Date: 1863
The climb of Rio-Frio barricaded by the MexicansA battalion of soldiers march up the Rio-Frio pass, with two officers on horseback watching as groups of soldiers ahead try to drag fallen trees and logs from the path. Date: 1863
The Bombardment of TampicoThe bombardment of Tampico and the debarkation of troops, on 9th August 1863. French ships fire at the port of Tampico as soldiers in longboats row to the shore. Date: 1863
French army marching to Mexico City 1863The french army march to attack Mexico City, with the Comoscolate aquaduct in the background. 1863
Troops camp at the Church of San Sebastian in TecamachalcoFrench troops camp at the Church of San Sebastian in Tecamachalco. Rows of tents are set up before the church of San Sebastian in the municipality of Tecamachalco. Date: 1863
The Lance under fire at the port of TampicoThe ship the Lance under fire by Mexican artillery in the port of Tampico
The French Occupation of TehuacanThe French occupation of Tehuacan by the column of Colonel Jolivet. Soldiers march towards the town of Tehuacan in the near distance. 1863
French Military ParadeA French military parade is enacted in a large square in the centre of a Mexican city. People watch from the roofs of various buildings 1863
French encampment at PueblaA column of soldiers march away from the french camp set up outside Puebla. Date: 1863
French engagement with Mexican Cavalry at San AndresA squadron of premier African hunters on horseback engages with the cavalry of General Alvares at San Andres, Veracruz. Date: 1863
French arrival at Plan-del-RioA column of General de Berthiers soldiers cross through a river and over a bridge on horseback, and advance into Plan-del Rio. Date: 1863
The Brigade of General de Berthier arrives before XalapaThe brigade of General de Berthier arrives before Xalapa Horses pulling cannons and soldiers on horseback and on foot march along the road that leads in the distance to the city of Xalapa
The Square of AcatzingoIn the main square of Acatzingo, crowds watch as soldiers on horseback and in carriages enact a military parade. 13th March 1863
Entry of General Forey into the City of MexicoThe triumphal entry of French General Forey into mexico City
INTERVENTION IN CUBARoosevelt keeping a close eye on insurrection and revolution in Cuba: if the pot boils over, America will intervene Date: 1906
Zola-Inspired DuelDuring the Dreyfus Affair in France, colonel Henry and M Picquart cross swords in regard to Zolas intervention, Date: March 1898
Cartoon, The London Mission -- Loading the Gun at Exeter Hall. Punch mocks evangelical calls for British military intervention in Tahiti
History of medicine. Chloroform anesthesia. Engraving, 19th century. Colored
Liberty Loans Wwi USAPatriotic American poster encourageing people to buy USA bonds or Liberty loans to help pay for the war
Trepanation. Miniature. 14th c. Treatise on anatomy by MondiIllustration of trepanation. Miniature. 14th century. Treatise on anatomy by Mondino de Liuzzi (1270-1326). Italian anatomist nad profesor of Bologna
Henry-Picquart DuelDuring the Dreyfus Affair in France, colonel Henry and M Picquart cross swords in regard to Zolas intervention
Temporary Treatment of Bone Fractures, including rifle used as a splint, cricket bat used as a splint, slings, triangular bandages, shawl caps, huntsmans whips used as splint
Methods of Arresting Bleeding with various tourniquets, clamps, manual pressure, forceps, knotted handkerchiefs and bandages. Date: circa 1880s
Americans in Paris 1917Crowds gather to watch the arrival of the first assignment of American troops as they march over a bridge across the River Seine in Paris, France. Date: 1917
British Entice Uncle SamGerman propaganda commenting on American intervention in World War Two: the British tart entices Uncle Sam to go with her.. Date: 1941
US Intervenes in MexicoFrench comment on Uncle Sams (America s) intervention in the the Mexican civil war. Date: 1914
The new (1911-12) Vladivostok railway stationThe new Vladivostok railway station: a real-photographic postcard published during the Allied Intervention of 1918-20 Date: circa 1919
China - Tien Tsin RuinsLantern slide of Tien Tsin Ruins
Czech Forces in Vladivostok - Siberian expeditionIn the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution, the port of Vladivostok in far eastern Russia was of great military importance for the Far Eastern Republic, the Provisional Priamurye Government
HMS Suffolk in harbour at Vladivostok, RussiaJanuary 1918. British Royal Naval Cruiser HMS Suffolk in harbour at Vladivostok, Russia
Vladivostok, Russia - Trans-Siberian Railway TerminusTrans-Siberian Railway, Vladivostok, Russia