Hercules honoured by the Hesperides.. Engraving by Johann Friedrich Greuter, from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Frontispiece. Date: 1646
Master of the Asteroid, Wonder Stories Scifi Magazine CoverMASTER OF THE ASTEROID - A stranded astronaut is honoured as a god when he crashes on a distant planet
Samuel Johnson & George IIIIn February 1767 Samuel Johnson was honoured by a private conversation with his Majesty George III in the library at the Queen's House. Date: 1931
Memorial, Kimberley, Northern Cape Province, South AfricaHonoured Dead Memorial, Kimberley, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Date: circa 1908
BURMESE DEAD HONOUREDHonouring the spirits of the dead in a Burmese (Myanmar) village. Date: 1909
GARIBALDI HYMNGIUSEPPE GARIBALDI Italian patriot, honoured in The Garibaldi Hymn - To Rome or Death !) Date: 1807 - 1882
PERU FUNERAL HONOURSThe body of a dead Peruvian noble is honoured, then he is buried with his womenfolk (still alive) for company Date: 1737
PETAIN HONOURED 1941Once upon a time there was a marshal of France - 1941 propaganda publication inviting chldren to honour Petain, saviour of France during the German occupation. Date: 1856 - 1951
Mordecai, Esthers cousin and foster-father, is honoured by King Ahasuerus
Envelope signed by the famous Actor-Manager Fred TerryA small envelope signed by the famous Actor-Manager Fred Terry (1863-1933) and accompanied by a rather fine quote from The Scarlet Pimpernel (Act III)
DUNMOW FLITCH COUPLETHE DUNMOW FLITCH Thomas and Ann Shakeshaft win a gammon of bacon, when their claim to be a happily married couple is honoured Date: 20 June 1751
MARTYRS HONOUREDPOMPE FUNEBRE Martyrs of the Revolution (victims of the attack on the Tuileries) are honoured in the Jardin des Tuileries, now named the Jardin National Date: 26 August 1792
GEESE HONOURED BY ROMEGeese, whose cackling warned the Romans of the approach of Brennus and his Gauls, are municipally honoured Date: 390 BC
Safe-Conduct Pass to be honoured by all Vietnamese AgenciesSafe-Conduct Pass (Passport) to be honoured by all Vietnamese Government Agencies and Allied Forces. Inset photograph of Nguyen Van Thieu was the president of South Vietnam from 1965 to 1975
Bernard PalissyBERNARD PALISSY French inventor of pottery technology, harassed for being a protestant but honoured by posterity. Date: 1510 - 1589
Vasco Da Gama and KingVASCO DA GAMA On his return to Portugal, he is honoured by a visit from king Manoel I
Arlington, Virginia, USA - USS Maine Mast Memorial - honouring those who died aboard the USS Maine (ACR-1) on February 15th, 1898
Statue of Edward Jenner - Vaccination Pioneer - BoulogneStatue of Edward Jenner (1749-1823) - Vaccination Pioneer - Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Date: circa 1909
Joseph made Governor and honoured by order of Pharaoh, King of Egypt - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 41.43. 1787
General Prendergast winning the Victoria Cross at BetwahGeneral Sir Harry North Dalrymple Prendergast (1834-1913) winning the Victoria Cross for his actions at Mundisore (where he saved the life of Lieutenant Dew) and at Betwah (Betwa)
WW1 - Lieutenant William Leefe Robinson, awarded the V. CWW1 - " Going!, Going!!, Gone!!
Greek art. Offering to Artemis Bendis. Piraeus. 329-328 B. CGreek art. Offering to Artemis Bendis. Harbor of Piraeus. Greece. 329-328 B.C. Marble. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Copenhagen. Denmark
Franciss Body HonouredThe body of FRANCIS OF ASSISI is on its way to burial when it is halted at Saint-Damian so that St Clare and other pious ladies may pay their respects. Date: 1182 - 1226
Francis Honoured by PopeSAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI is honoured by pope Sixtus V, who creates the brotherhood of the Cordon in the basilica of Assisi, and opens the treasure of indulgences in his favour. Date: 1182 - 1226
Count Otto HonouredCount Otto of Wittelsbach is given the duchy of Bavaria by the Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich I and ruled as Otto I Date: 1153
Dreyfus Affair / PantheonWhen Zola is honoured in the the Pantheon, Dreyfus is attacked Date: 1908
Verdi Ilz GenovaGIUSEPPE VERDI the Italian opera composer honoured by the city of Genova on the occasion of his Jubilee Date: 1813-1901
Japan - A famous wisteria in bloomHand coloured slide showing people gathered on a bridge over water and wisteria blooms in the foreground and side. Part of Box 157 Japan Boswell Collection
Some Honours Men by Lieutenant Fred MayCaricuatures of some officers who had won military honours in the First World War. Bottom left is Captain Brown who got his DSO in 1914, was a prisoner in Germany but managed to escape
Cartoon, Kaiser Wilhelm discarding uniforms, WW1Cartoon showing Kaiser Wilhelm II discarding the uniforms and orders he has previously received from Britain, now that the First World War has started
Thorvaldsen HonouredThe anniversary of Thorvaldsens birth is celebrated with a torchlight procession to his tomb through the streets of Copenhagen. Date: 1770 - 1844
Stowe HonouredThe author of Uncle Toms cabin is honoured at a banquet in the Music-Hall, Edinburgh. Date: 1853
Schiller HonouredSCHILLER is honoured by Parisians with a Festival - his bust is crowned in the Cirque de l Imperatrice, in the Champs Elysees. Date: 1859
Palissy HonouredBERNARD PALISSY pioneer of ceramic technology is honoured with a statue in his native town of Saintes. Date: 1510 - 1589
Amy Mollison was honoured at an official luncheon by the Royal Aeronautical Society
Soldier and sailor, United Service Waltz music cover
Kenilworth - VarneyMay not my poor poniard serve, honoured madam? - Robert Varney, steward to the Earl of Leicester, presents his wrapped knife to Queen Elizabeth I
Armand Carrel HonouredAt the cimetiere de Saint- Mande, a crowd pay homage to Armand Carrel, a fervent republican who died of his wounds after a duel with Girardin
70-Gun SaluteNapoleon is honoured by a 70- gun salute at the Invalides, Paris
Fable / the PeacockTHE PEACOCK The peacock is honoured by Juno with a magnificent train, and parades his beauty in front of all the other birds
De Lesseps HonouredDE LESSEPS HONOURED - the French engineer is guest of honour at a reception at the Dutch consulate at Alexandria - a young girl presents him with a beribboned pick !
Magistrature HonouredCeremony to honour the institution of the magistrature, Paris
Victims HonouredVictims of the Revolution are honoured at the Colonne de Juillet. Date: circa May 1850
Virgil HonouredPUBLIUS VIRGILIUS MARO (70 - 13 BCE) is honoured at a festival at Mantova
Fete De LA VieillesseLa fete de la vieillesse - the festival of old age - is a public relations exercise designed to make the Revolution popular with the populace
Marshal Petain / P JournalMarshal PHILIPPE PETAIN French soldier in 1917, honoured when he visits re-taken Alsace
Liberators HonouredA memorial to the heroes of liberated Spain is set up in the Prado, Madrid
Pan Honoured by LadiesPan - also known to the Romans as Sylvanus or Faunus - is honoured by half-a-dozen ladies who drape his statue with garlands
Lord Mayors ProcessionThe Entente Cordiale is featured in the Lord Mayors Procession, through the streets of London
Flag HonouredThe flag of the second regiment of French zouaves, campaigning in Italy, is awarded battle honours by Marechal MacMahon
Vondel HonouredThe Dutch poet Joost van den Vondel is honoured with a literary and musical fete at Ruremonde, Netherlands
Joseph Reveals IdentityHe reveals his identity to his brothers : frankly, they are astonished that he is alive, let alone an honoured state official
May Queens GarlandsThe May Queen is honoured by villagers with garlands
Confucius HonouredThe emperor Kao Tsu (personal name Liu Pang), founder of the Han dynasty, sacrifices a pig, a goat and a cow at the tomb of Confucius, who surely would not have approved !
King of the DevilsJoosje Goezar (the spelling is not reliable !), lord of the Underworld, honoured by Japanese worshippers
Ernest Renan / QuichotteERNEST RENAN French philosopher, specialising in religious subjects - honoured by all, except the Church!
Louis Pasteur / Pjournal93LOUIS PASTEUR French chemist and microbiologist honoured at the Sorbonne on the occasion of his Jubilee
Legionnaire / 1918The Regiment de Marche of the Legion Etrangere is honoured for gallantary in World War One
America / Ribaults ColumnThe French coloniser, Jean Ribault sets up his column in Florida, which is honoured by Native Americans
Indians Honour EuropeanA European voyager (Drake?) is honoured by Indians in, possibly, California
Henry Vi / Part IAct II, Scene III (Part I) Talbot & the Countess of Auvergne; " With all my heart, & think me honoured/To feast so great a warrior..."
New Year, Ancient PeruANCIENT PERU To the Incas, the new year - which commences in June - is a solar festival, the solar disc is honoured as the giver of life and prosperity
Aviators as DeitiesWhen aviators in a seaplane arrive on a Polynesian island, they are honoured as deities from the sky, and gifts are brought to them as placatory offerings
Marshal Che-Kan-TangMarshal CHE-KAN-TANG the spirit of a stone, which protects against evil spirits, depicted with his bow, has been honoured at least since the year 770
Transcendental FrogTRANSCENDENTAL FROG Frogs are honoured at Kiang-si and at Tche-kiang : they have healing and divinatory powers, and temples are dedicated to them
Andaman Is. PiroguesThe construction of pirogues, used by the Andaman islanders for fishing, is the time- honoured dug-out method, providing a strong (if heavy) and watertight hull
Geese Honoured by RomeThe Romans honour the geese of the Capitol, who, alarmed by the approach of Brennus and his Gauls, honked like crazy and thereby gave the alarm which saved the city
Alexei Tolstoy, PhotoALEXEI TOLSTOY Russian author, a distant relative of Leo T. After 1917, a White Russian emigre in Paris, returned to USSR and became an honoured writer
Colonial Hero 1910The heroes of colonialism (in North Africa) are honoured
Cobden HonouredRICHARD COBDEN Radical statesman, honoured at a soiree at Rochdale, Manchester
Month of April C18ThThis month is honoured by a wreath of myrtle and burnt incense given as offerings to the goddess Ceres
Nelson HonouredHORATIO, LORD NELSON the well-known sailor is honoured at a banquet - the artist Benjamin West offers him a drink
Trajan Goes to WarTrajan enjoys victories in in the East - here he is camped on the Danube receiving tribute from defeated tribes. His successes will be honoured by Trajans Column at Rome. Date: 53 - 117
Science & Art HonouredSCIENCES ET ARTS Festival honouring the sciences and the arts : the triumphal procession
Voltaire HonouredVOLTAIRE is honoured as one of the founding spirits who inspired the Revolution : a massive procession passes through the streets of Paris
CERNUNNOS horned deity of fertility and abdundance, honoured by the Gauls and other Celtic peoples
Month / DecemberJe suis decembre le courtoys, car en mon temps le roy des roys fut enfente (..the most honoured month, when the king of kings was born)