Pinus cembra, Arolla pine - Coloured copper engraving by Warner based on a watercolour by Ferdinand Bauer. A.B. Lambert, A description of the genus Pinus, London, 1803, t. 23 Date: 1803
Lilium speciosum. Illustration by Walter Hood Fitch from Henry John Elwes, A monograph of the genus Lilium. Date: 1877-80
Male Lyrebird - huge tail fanned out in courtship displayMale Lyrebird in full display - a ground-dwelling Australian bird most notable for their superb ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment
Araucaria columnaris & A. heterophyllo - Coloured copper engraving by Warner based on watercolours by Ferdinand Bauer, A.B. Lambert, A description of the genus Pinus, London, 1803, t.39 Date: 1803
Lilium cernuum. Hand coloured lithograph by Lillian Snelling from A. Grove, A supplement to a monograph of the genus lilium by H. J. Elwes Date: 1933
Aepyornis SkeletonA Victorian couple admire a restored skeleton of aepyornis ingens, a genus of flightless birds native to Madagascar
Map of the continents and seas in the Upper Triassic period. North America, Atlantis, Europe, Asia, Gondwanaland
Extinct dinornis or moa, aepyornis ingensAn artists impression of how the extinct dinornis or moa (aepyornis ingens), a genus of flightless birds native to Madagascar, might have looked
Green-throated carib, Eulampis holosericeus. Male adultGreen-throated carib, Eulampis holosericeus (Trochilus holosericeus). Male adult
Animals at a French Zoo - African Elephant - Elephant giving ride to a group of people.. Part of Box 209 Boswell collection - Old and New French Zoo
Africa - African Lions and LionessAfrica - Lions (Panthera leo) and a Lioness, a large cat of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. Date: circa 1970s
Africa - Male African Lions (Panthera leo), large cats of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. Mount Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania. Date: circa 1970s
Africa - Male African Lion (Panthera leo) with mouth open wide (showing off some impressive teeth), a large cat of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. Date: circa 1970s
Africa - Male African Lion (Panthera leo), a large cat of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. Date: circa 1970s
Africa - African Lion and LionessAfrica - Lion (Panthera leo) and Lioness, a large cat of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. Date: circa 1970s
Reconstruction of a Mesonyx, genus of extinct mesonychid mesonychian mammal, Early to Late Eocene. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of a Basilosaurus, genus of large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale from the late Eocene. Zeuglodon or Urwale. Colour printed illustration by F
Species of turtles and tortoisesYellow-footed tortoise, Chelonoidis denticulatus 1, European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis 2, endangered spotted turtle, Clemmys guttata 3, painted turtle, Chrysemys picta 4
Sphinx moths or hawk moths of the genus Sesia, Sphinx, and Zygaena. Copperplate engraving by J
Megacerops, extinct genus of odd-toed ungulates, rhinoceros-like browsers, endemic to North America during the Late Eocene. After a reconstruction by Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn of New York
Meiolania species, extinct genus of stem-turtle from the Middle Miocene to Late Pleistocene/Holocene. Riesenschildkrote, Meiolania. Colour printed illustration by F
Extinct Ceratodus latissimus among reeds on the ocean floor. Ceratodus (Greek for horned tooth) was a genus of extinct sarcopterygiian lungfish from the middle Triassic to the late Cretaceous
Archegosaurus decheni by a river in a primordial jungleArchegosaurus decheni by a river bank in a tropical primordial jungle of ferns and pines. Archegosaurus is a genus of temnospondyl amphibian, Asselian to Wuchiapingian stages of the Permian
Extinct Diplodocus longus on the plains. Diplodocus, genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaur, Late Jurassic. Diplodokus
Rhamphorhynchus pterosaurs flying in the moonlight. Rhamphorhynchus (Greek for "beak snout") is a genus of extinct long-tailed pterosaurs of the Jurassic period. Pterodactylus longicaudus
Megatherium americanum in the moonlightMegatherium americanum (Great Beast) in the moonlight. Megatherium is an extinct genus of elephant-sized ground sloths native to America from the Pliocene through Pleistocene eras. Riesenfaultier
Dorcatherium, extinct genus of tragulid ruminant, Miocene to Pliocene. Hirschferkel, Dorcatherium or Hyaemoschus
Tarsius, haplorrhine primate genus of tarsiers that can be traced back to the Eocene. Tarsius. Koboldmaki
Mastodon of the extinct genus MammuthusMastodon, proboscidean belonging to the extinct genus Mammuthus, late Miocene to the Pleistocene
Palaeomastodon, extinct genus of Proboscidea, late Eocene and early Oligocene, ancestors of elephants or mastodons
Moeritherium, extinct genus of proboscidean of the EoceneMoeritherium, extinct genus of primitive proboscidean mammal of the Eocene
Protoceras, extinct genus of ArtiodactylaProtoceras celer, extinct species of Artiodactyla, Oligocene to the early Miocene. Giraffe ancestor
Stenopterygius quadriscissus, extinct ichthyosaurStenopterygius quadriscissus Quenstedt. An Ichthyosaurus, genus of extinct ichthyosaurs from the late Triassic and early Jurassic. Ichthyosaurus quadriscissus (Fisch-Eidechse) Jura-Zeit
Mosasaurus hoffmannii, extinct aquatic reptileMosasaurus hoffmannii. Mosasaur, extinct genus of aquatic squamate reptiles, Campanian and Maastrichtian stages of the Late Cretaceous. Mosasaurus Conybeare. Colour printed illustration by F
Fossil skeleton of an extinct Brontosaurus excelsus. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Skeleton of an extinct Rhamphorhynchus genusComplete skeleton of an extinct long-tailed pterosaur, Rhamphorhynchus genus. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Extinct scale tree, Lepidodendron of the Carboniferous era. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Sombre hummingbird, Aphantochroa cirrochloris (Ornismya simplex, Trochilus cirrochloris), albino variety
Northern cassowary by JG KeulemansHand-coloured lithograph of cassowary head by JG Keulemans (c. 1898), based on the live animals at Walter Rothschilds Museum at Tring
Africa. Palm tree (Raphia vinifera)History of Africa. 19th century. The Congo. Palm tree (Raphia vinifera). Engraving. El Congo y la Creacion del Estado Independiente de este nombre
Africa. The Congo. Palm (Hyphaene guineensis)Africa. Palm (Hyphaene guineensis). Engraving. El Congo y la Creacion del Estado Independiente de este nombre
Papaya tree (Carica papaya). Engraving, 19 th centuryHistory of Africa. 19th century. Papaya tree (Carica papaya). Engraving. El Congo y la Creacion del Estado Independiente de este nombre
Africa. The perfect Banana (Musa paradisiaca)History of Africa. 19th century. The perfect Banana (Musa paradisiaca). Engraving. El Congo y la Creacion del Estado Independiente de este nombre
The remains of the animal the MylodonFive separate images showing the remains of the animal the Mylodon. Mylodon is an extinct genus of ground sloths that lived in South America; Patagonia
Bladderwort, Utricularia vulgaris. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837
Reconstruction of a Diplodocus, Cretaceous periodReconstruction of a Diplodocus genus dinosaur in a coniferous and cycad forest, Cretaceous period. About 22m long and 34500kg alive
Extinct giant Pterosaurs, Pterandodon genus, CretaceousExtinct giant Pterosaurs, Pterandodon genus, with a 9m wingspan, of the Niobrara sea, North America, Cretaceous period
Reconstruction of an extinct Pterodactyl. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Extinct sea crocodile, Teleosaurus genus, Jurassic period. Illustration by Hugo Wolff-Maage from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Winged dragon, mythological creature. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Araucaria tree. Illustration by Hugo Wolff-Maage from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Skull of an extinct Ichthyosaurus genus. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Extinct arborescent horsetail, Calamite genus, of the Carboniferous era. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Extinct arborescent plant, Sigillaria genus, CarboniferousExtinct arborescent plant, Sigillaria genus, of the Carboniferous era. Coal forest era. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Swallow-tailed hummingbird, Eupetomena macroura (Ornismya hirundinacea). Mature adult
Canivets emerald, Chlorostilbon canivetii. Almost adultCanivets emerald, Chlorostilbon canivetii (Ornismya canivetti). Almost adult
Amazilia hummingbird (dumerilii), Amazilia amazilia dumerilii (Ornismya dumerilii). Adult male
Green-tailed trainbearer, Lesbia nuna (Ornismya nuna)
Long-billed starthroat, Heliomaster longirostris. JuvenileLong-billed starthroat, Heliomaster longirostris (Ornismya superba). Juvenile
Racket-tail hummingbird, Ornismya platura, juvenile
Berylline hummingbird, Amazilia beryllina. Adult maleBerylline hummingbird, Amazilia beryllina (Ornismya arsinoe). Adult male
White-eared hummingbird, Basilinna leucotis, femaleWhite-eared hummingbird, Basilinna leucotis, Ornismya arsennii, female
Wieds hummingbird, Ornismya wiediiWieds or Neuwieds hummingbird, Trochilus cyanogenys or Ornismya wiedii
Amethyst woodstar, Calliphlox amethystina. Almost adultAmethyst woodstar, Calliphlox amethystina (Ornismya amethistina). Almost adult
Plovercrest, Stephanoxis lalandi (OrnismyaPlovercrest or black-breasted plovercrest, Stephanoxis lalandi (Ornismya delalandii), juvenile
Wedge-tailed sabrewing, Campylopterus pampa. MaleWedge-tailed sabrewing, Campylopterus pampa (Ornismya pampa). Male
Allens hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin. Juvenile femaleAllens hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin (Ornismya sasin). Juvenile female
Lucifer sheartail, Calothorax lucifer, juvenileLucifer sheartail, Calothorax lucifer (Ornismya cyanopogon), juvenile
White-bellied woodstar, Chaetocercus mulsant, juvenileWhite-bellied woodstar, Chaetocercus mulsant (Ornismya cyanopogon), juvenile
Blue-throated mountaingem, Lampornis clemenciae, femaleBlue-throated mountaingem, Lampornis clemenciae (Ornismya clemenciae), female
Annas hummingbird, Calypte anna, juvenileAnnas hummingbird, Calypte anna (Ornismya anna), juvenile
Violet-crowned hummingbird, Amazilia violiceps, female. (Oiseau-mouche a couronne violette, Ornismya sephanioides)
Gilded sapphire, Hylocharis chrysura. Adult maleGilded sapphire, Hylocharis chrysura (Ornismya chrysura). Adult male
Green violetear, Colibri thalassinus (Ornismya anais)
Green-breasted mango, Anthracothorax prevostii. JuvenileGreen-breasted mango, Anthracothorax prevostii (Trochilus prevostii). Juvenile
Pale-tailed barbthroat, Threnetes leucurus (Trochilus leucurus)
Antillean mango, Anthracothorax dominicus aurulentus (Trochilus aurulentus). Adult male
Black-throated mango, Anthracothorax nigricollis (Trochilus mango). Adult
Green mango hummingbird, Anthracothorax viridis. MaleGreen mango hummingbird, Anthracothorax viridis (Trochilus viridis). Male
Purple-throated carib, Eulampis jugularis, malePurple-throated carib, Eulampis jugularis (Trochilus auratus). Male
Dusky-throated hermit, Phaethornis squalidus (Trochilus squalidus)
Crimson topaz, Topaza pella, femaleCrimson topaz, Topaza pella (Trochilus pella). Female
Crimson topaz, Topaza pella, juvenile maleCrimson topaz, Topaza pella (Trochilus pella). Juvenile male with incomplete plumage
Crimson topaz, Topaza pella (Trochilus pella). Adult male