Spain. Galicia. Santiago de Compostela. EngravingSpain. Galicia. Santiago de Compostela. Partial view of the city with the Cathedral in the background. Colored engraving of The Spanish and American Illustration by Otero (1870)
Sancho IV of Castile (1258-1295). King of Castille, Leon and Galicia from 1284-1295. Portrait. Engraving
Spain - Vigo - The Universal Hotel and Continental HotelSpain - Vigo, in the Spanish autonomous community of Galicia on the Atlantic Ocean. The Universal Hotel and Continental Hotel. Date: circa 1910s
The Newmarket Houghton MeetingVarious horse races relating to the Newmarket Houghton meeting, including the Limekiln Stakes won by Mr Fairies Bayardo
Vilagarcia de Arousa, Pontevedra, Entrada del muelleVilagarcia de Arousa is a Spanish municipality in the province of Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain - Entrada del muelle (Entrance to the Dock). Date: circa 1902
Urraca of Leo?n and Castile (10791126). Queen regnant of Leo?n, Castile, and Galicia (1109-1126). Portrait from Genealogies of the Kings of Spain (1526-1535). National Library. Madrid. Spain
Alfonso X of Castile, called The Wise (1221-1284). King of Castile and Leon. Portrait. Detail. Chromolithography. Historia Universal (Universal History), by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI
Spain, Galicia, A Coruna. Castle of San Anton (Archaeological and History Museum). Underground cistern to collect rainwater and access ramp to the high platform. 18th century
Treasure of Cicere. Ca. 2000 BC. Chalcolithic-Bronze Age. Gold. Flat gold sheet. From Santa Comba, La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Knife, axe and spearheads. 3rd-2nd centuries BC, SpainKnife, axe and spearheads. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. From Castro de Punta Ostreira. Pobra do Caraminal (La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Torcs of the Castro of San Lourenzo Pastor. Gold. 1st century BC. O Pino, A Coruna province (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Iron pick. From Castro de A Cidi¡ de Borneiro (Cabana de Bergantinos, La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain). Late Iron Age. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Treasure of Cicere. Ca. 2000 BC. Chalcolithic-Bronze Age. Gold sheet diadem. From Santa Comba, La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Torc of Orbellido. Gold. 1st century AD. Vimianzo, SpainTorc of Orbellido. Gold. 1st century AD. Vimianzo, A Coruna province (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Torc of Treasure of the Castro de Xanceda - 1st century BCTreasure of the Castro de Xanceda. Torc. Gold. 1st century BC. Mesia, A Coruna province (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Celtic Hermes. Quadriface. From Pontedeume, Galicia, SpainCeltic Hermes. Quadriface. Relief in the form of a capital, with faces on each of its fronts. Height: 0.23 m. Granite. From Pontedeume (La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain)
Celtic phallic idol. From Paderne, Galicia, SpainCeltic phallic idol. From Paderne (La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Altar to the Lares Viales. Inscription: To the Lares of the roads. He fulfilled his vow. From the Church of San Roman, As Encrobas, Cerceda (La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain)
Roman altar to the Lucoves Arquieni. Roman votive inscription to local Galician gods: Lucoubu Arquien (O) Silonius Silo Ex Voto. Silonius Silo fulfilled his vow
Castro culture. Treasure of Elvina. Gold necklaceCastro culture. Treasure of Elvina. Articulated and pendant necklace. Gold. From the Castro of Elvina. La Coruna (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Native pottery without decoration. 2nd-1st centuries BCNative pottery without decoration. Types S-shaped and in five. 2nd-1st centuries BC. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Decorated pottery. From Castro of ElvinaCastro culture. Fragment of a decorated pottery. From Castro of Elvina (5th century BC-2nd century AD). La Coruna (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Bronze and glass cinerary urn. Galicia, SpainBronze and glass cinerary urn. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Key. Gravity type. Iron. Spain. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Anchor stock. Lead. From Punta del Molino, Port of Palamos (Girona province, Catalonia, Spain). 1st century BC. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Altar to the goddess Fortuna. Second half of 2nd century ADAltar to the goddess Fortuna. Inscription: To Fortuna. Valerius Lupus, assistant of the centurion, accomplished his vow of free will. Second half of the 2nd century AD
Mosaic fragments. From the Roman Villa of Centrona (Pontedeume, La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain). Basalt, brick and marble. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Column base. From the Roman Villa of Noville. MugardosColumn base. Granite. From the Roman Villa of Noville, Mugardos (La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain). Inhabited during the 3rd and 4th centuries AD
Fragment of mosaic with geometric decoration. Deposit of Eirexa-Vella de Bares, Late Roman Villa of Bares. Manon (A Coruna province, Galicia, Spain)
Grey paste jug with burnished grid decoration. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Villa de O Canton Grande (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Circular mill. Roman Villa O Canton Grande. La CorunaCircular mill. Granite. From the Roman Villa of O Canton Grande. La Coruna, Galicia, Spain. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Ceramic fragments - Plaza de Maria Pita. La Coruna, GaliciaPainted ceramic fragments. From Plaza de Maria Pita (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Border, shoulder and neck of gray paste ceramic stampedFragment of border, shoulder and neck of gray paste ceramic stamped. Found in San Carlos Street, 5-9/ Tinajas, 24 (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Mouth and neck fragment of Dressel 1B amphora. From the Bay of A Coruna, Galicia, Spain. 2nd-1st centuries BC. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Roman coins (83-348 AD). Tower of HerculesRoman coins (83-348 AD). From the Tower of Hercules, La Coruna, Galicia, Spain. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Roman needle for hair (Acus crinalis) from Tower of HerculesNeedle for hair (Acus crinalis). From Tower of Hercules (A Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Roman period. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Coat of arms of Spain. From La Coruna match factory. Galicia, Spain. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Coat of arms of Spain with fleece. From wall of La CorunaCoat of arms of Spain with fleece. From the wall of La Coruna, Galicia, Spain. Ca.1650. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Royal Coat of Arms of Spain with the Bourbon emblem. 18th century. From the wall of La Coruna (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Coat of arms of Spain. From the ancient Gate of Aires (Puerta de Aires). Wall of La Coruna. Galicia, Spain. 18th century. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Spanish coat of arms with the arms of the Kingdom of Galicia. From gate of Maestranza wall in La Coruna, Galicia, Spain, 1607. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle)
Baroque coat of arms of the Duke of Uceda, 17th century. From Tower of Hercules (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Bas-relief depicting Jesus, the Virgin and Saint John - tombFrontal of a stone tomb. Bas-relief depicting Jesus, the Virgin and Saint John. 15th century. Probably from the Convent of Santo Domingo or the Church of Santo Tomi¡s (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Bas-relief sculpture depicting a pilgrim. Mid-15th centuryBas-relief sculpture depicting a pilgrim. Detail. Mid-15th century. Probably from the Church of Santo Domingo or the Church of Santo Tomi¡s (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Double capital depicting struggle between humans and animalsDouble capital depicting the struggle between humans and animals. Middle Ages. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Sarcophagus lid with sculpture of a knight in prayerSarcophagus lid with recumbent sculpture of a knight in prayer attitude. Second half of the 15th century. From the Church of San Xiao de Almeiras (Culleredo, La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain)
Coat of arms, Somoza, Patino, Vilardefrancos, RomeroNoble coat of arms of the Somoza, Patino, Vilardefrancos and Romero families. 18th century. Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Pasadi¡n sundial, 1678. Taboadela, Galicia, SpainPasadi¡n sundial, 1678. Taboadela (Ourense province, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum (San Anton Castle). A Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Tombstone with cord and scallop, Franciscan symbols. Bas-relief. 15th century. Convent of Saint Francis, La Coruna (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum of A Coruna (San Anton Castle)
Tombstone - bas-relief depicting a woman in Franciscan habitTombstone with bas-relief depicting a woman wearing the Franciscan habit. 15th century. From the Convent of San Francisco, La Coruna, Galicia, Spain
Tomb with depiction of a recumbent female figure and a dogStone tomb with depiction of a recumbent female figure and a dog in bas-relief. 1425-1450. Convent of Santo Domingo (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Fragment of tombstone with relief depicting a warriorFragment of a tombstone with relief depicting a warrior, ruler of La Coruna. 1475-1499. From the Convent of Santo Domingo (A Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Tombstone with inscription written in Galician language, 1446. From the Convent of Santo Domingo (A Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum of A Coruna (San Anton Castle)
Tombstone with prayer figure in bas-relief, 1411-1414. From the Convent of Santo Domingo (A Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum of A Coruna (San Anton Castle). Galicia, Spain
Tombstone with relief depicting two praying figures. 1400-1450. The upper part shows the marriage formed by Gomez Patino and Maria de Galo to whom the tombstone belongs
Voussoir with a relief depicting a dragon 14th centuryVoussoir with a relief depicting a dragon. 14th century. From the Convent of Santo Domingo (A Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum of A Coruna (San Anton Castle). Galicia, Spain
Capital showing six apostles. One of the figures carries a key (probably Saint Peter) and another seems to hold a sword and a book (possibly Saint Paul). 14th century
Capital with harpies, Monastery, Santa Catalina of MontefaroCapital with harpies (lion-headed bird). From the Monastery of Santa Catalina of Montefaro, 14th century (1370). La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain
Acroterion with fleury cross on wild boar of Andrade lineageAcroterion with a fleury cross on a wild boar of the Andrade lineage. From the Monastery of Santa Catalina de Montefaro, 14th century (1380). La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain
Spain, Galicia, Ourense province, Castro Caldelas. Castro Caldelas Castle. Galician noble fortress with medieval origin
Spain, Galicia, Ourense province, Banos de Molgas, Santa Eufemia. Pre-Romanesque Church of Santa Eufemia de Ambia. 9th century
Spain, Galicia, Ribadavia. Early Middle Ages NecropolisSpain, Galicia, Ourense province, Ribadavia. Early Middle Ages Necropolis (8th-9th centuries). Anthropomorphic tombs, with horseshoe heads, dug in stone inside the Sarmiento Castle enclosure
Spain, Galicia, Ourense province, Celanova. Chapel of San Miguel de Celanova. Founded by Froila and built in 940, in the gardens of Celanova monastery (Monastery of San Salvador)
Spain, Galicia, Pontevedra. The festivities of the city. Procession of La Peregrina in the afternoon of the 15th August. Drawing by Melendez. Engraving by Tomas Carlos Capuz
Spain, Galicia. Horreo of Carnota. 18th centurySpain, Galicia, La Coruna province. Horreo of Carnota. It was constructed by the architect Gregorio Quintela in 1768, although its current appearance is due to an enlargement in 1783
The Torbay forcing the boom at the Battle of Vigo Bay, Galicia, Spain, 23 October 1702, part of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714). Date: 1702
Street scene, Canton Grande, La Coruna, Galicia, Spain. Date: circa 1910
Mineral Spa Baths on the banks of the Lerez River, SpainMineral Spa Baths on the banks of the Lerez, a river in South West Galicia, Spainat Lerez, Spain. Date: 1912
Poster, Spanish stamp design, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, NW Spain Date: 1971
Safe. 16th century. SpainSafe. 16th century. Cast iron and fretwork. Maria Pita House-Museum. Corunna, Galicia, Spain
Small amphoras. 16th-18th centuries. Maria Pita House Museum. Corunna, Galicia, Spain (From the Archaeological Museum of A Coruna)
Nautical astrolabe, 1571. SpainNautical astrolabe, 1571. Maria Pita House Museum. Corunna, Galicia, Spain
Astronomical astrolabe, 1598. Maria Pita House Museum. Corunna, Galicia, Spain
Ballestilla. 16th centuryBallestilla (Jacob's staff). Navigational instrument used to calculate the height of the sun and other celestial bodies over the horizon for use in nautical navigation. 16th century
Maria Pita (1565-1643). Spanish heroine. Anonymous portraitMaria Pita (Maria Mayor Fernandez de Camara y Pita) (1565-1643). Spanish heroine
Maria Pita - Spanish heroine. Memorial of Maria PitaMaria Pita (Maria Mayor Fernandez de Camara y Pita) (1565-1643). Spanish heroine
Simon Arnao Date with Juan Caina, Mayor of Cambre and others on the restitution of properties owned by Maria Pita, 1586. From the Archive of the Kingdom of Galicia. Maria Pita House Museum
Maria Pita - Spanish heroineMaria Pita (Maria Mayor Fernandez de Camara y Pita) (1565-1643). Spanish heroine
Martin de Cavalar with Maria Pita on the ordinary writ concerning the place of Ledono (Lendoiro), 1616
Maria Pita - Spanish heroine. Death CertificateMaria Pita (Maria Mayor Fernandez de Camara y Pita) (1565-1643). Spanish heroine
Letter sent by King Philip II to City Council of La CorunaPhilip II (1527-1598). King of Spain
The English Armada. Statement of causes which moved the chief commanders of the Navy of Her Most Excellent Majesty the Queen of England on the Voyage and Expedition to Portugal