Mr and Mrs W. E. GladstoneColour illustration of William Ewart Gladstone, English Liberal statesman, (1809-98) together with his wife, Catherine Gladstone (1812-1900), nee Glynne, enjoying tea in the garden at their home
Gladstone / Vanity Fair 69WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British statesman
We Gladstone / Pound / MayalWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE English politician MP sitting in a chair
Gladstone in LibraryWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE in his library : he was a classical scholar of considerable ability. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / Hawarden StudyWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE The study at Hawarden Castle, home of the British MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone and the Midlothian CampaignSketches of four-times Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone on his tour of Midlothian during a US-style campaign which saw the elderly statesman come out of the retirement to take the ultra-Tory
Gladstone (V. Fair) 1879WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British statesman
Advert for Ewart's B Califont 1925Just turn the tap - hot water to bath, basin or sink upstairs and downstairs. Date: 1925
Sergeant Ewart capturing the French eagle at WaterlooSergeant Charles Ewart capturing the French 45th Regiment's eagle standard at the Battle of Waterloo - The Bird Catchers, Royal Scots Greys Date: 1815
Cartoon, His Valentine, W E Gladstone at his deskPolitical cartoon, His Valentine, William Ewart Gladstone at his desk, holding a portrait of Charles Stewart Parnell, Irish politician Date: 1891
Cartoon, On the Line - Captious CriticsPolitical cartoon, On the Line - Captious Critics - Free Education Budget, George Goschen (then Chancellor of the Exchequer) depicted as an artist, William Ewart Gladstone and William Harcourt
Catherine Gladstone, wife of William Ewart GladstoneCatherine Gladstone (1812-1900), wife of William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister. She was the founder of convalescent homes and orphanages. Date: circa 1890s
William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal politician and Prime Minister Date: circa late 19th century
Gladstone's State Funeral in Westminster Abbey, LondonThe state funeral of William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898), British Prime Minister and Liberal politician, at Westminster Abbey, London. Date: 28 May 1898
The House of Lords during the HOme Rule debate, Lord Chancellor (Lord Herschell) about to put the question. Date: 9th September 1893
William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898), English Liberal statesman, addressing the House of Commons during a debate on Irish Home Rule
GLADSTONE'S FUNERAL 1898William Ewart Gladstone's funeral : Removing the body from the funeral car on its arrival at Westminster Abbey, London. Date: 1898
Cartoon, The Bag-Fox (Gladstone)Cartoon, The Bag-Fox -- a satirical comment on the Liberal Prime Minister, William Gladstone, at the start of the Autumn Session of parliament
Cartoon, Gladstone, Hartington and Chamberlain
Statue of Gladstone in The Strand, LondonStatue of William Ewart Gladstone by Hamo Thornycroft in The Strand, London. circa 1901
Prime Minister, William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898), delivering the Peroration of his Speech on the Introduction of the Home Rule Bill, granting Ireland limited self-rule within the British Empire
William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898), British statesman and Liberal politician. In a career lasting over 60 years, he served for 12 years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Date: late 1890s
W. E. Gladstone watching a steam-driven saw, Tulse Hill, 1878Engraving showing William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), the English Liberal statesman, watching a trial of a new patent steam tree feller, near Tulse Hill, South London. Date: 1878
GLADSTONE PICNICSWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE and his wife picnicking with friends Date: 1890s
Gladstone addresses a crowd on BlackheathWilliam Ewart Gladstone addressing the constituents gathered at Blackheath, South East London, regarding the Hungarian atrocities. Date: 1876
Cartoon, Next Weeks Bashers, W E GladstoneCartoon, Next Weeks Bashers -- Waiting for the Old Man. Showing William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister, with ruffian MPs waiting for him round a corner. 1884
We Gladstone / TartanWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister depicted as a Highland Chief in his own seat of Midlothian, August 1884 Date: 1809 - 1898
Advert for Ewart & Son boiler 1888Advertisement in a trade book for 1888, New Crown boiler, instant hot water in five minutes, available from Ewart & Son in Euston Road, London. 1888
William Gladstone as twinsWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE (1809-1898) as both First Lord of theTreasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, ensuring a single- minded approach to finance
Sir James Porter Corry Bt. MP 1826-91 (1892). Lockhart, William Ewart 1846-1900. Date: 1892
W. E. Gladstone and Queen Victoria, 1892Illustration of William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) kissing the hand of Queen Victoria on the occasion of his return to office as Prime Minister of Great Britain, for the fourth time, 15th August 1892
Lord Gladstone. Part of Box 104 Boswell Collection
The Illustrated Daily Postcard - Gladstone StatueThe Illustrated Daily Postcard - November 4th, 1905 - Bronze Statue of William Ewart Gladstone - unveiled on this day by Mr John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn on The Strand
GLADSTONE, William Ewart (1809-1898). British statesmanGLADSTONE, William Ewart (Liverpool Hawarden, 1809-1898). British statesman. Conservative MP (1832), went to the Liberal Party (1852) and was Minister of Finance (1852-1855 and 1859-1866)
Gladstone Woos ScotsWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Electioneering in Edinburgh, he hopes to win the heart of Midlothian... Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone in GreenwichWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Electioneering in Greenwich, he hopes to keep out of hot water. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone as ActorWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE In his actors dressing-room, he prepares the act with which he hopes to wow the Edinburgh electorate. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone as GilpinWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE As John Gilpin, he rides the Liberal Party towards the election, wearing the cloak of Home Rule for Ireland. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone LeapfrogsWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE In his 80s, he displays his (political) agility, leapfrogging over Harcourt. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone as CyclistWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE As a cyclist, he rides a penny-farthing - but wishes he were on a safety model at election time ! Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone as ButlerWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE As a butler, he hopes he has given satisfaction : but Britannia is not wholly satisfied, and Gladstones government is unpopular. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone and PurchaseWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE He abolishes the system of purchasing commissions, against the wishes of the House of Lords. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone and the WelshWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE He praises Welsh culture - but advises them to learn english... Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone and the PapacyWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE he has a smack at papal infallibility - he was a staunch protestant. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone in 1881WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE The good people of Leeds fate him with a torchlight procession... Date: 1881
Gladstone and IrelandWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE he takes his new girl-friend - Hibernia (Ireland) - for a ride in his donkey-cart... Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone in 1888WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE As a deaf old man in the House of Commons, he strains to hear what the opposition has to say... Date: 1888
Brit Officer Ewart 1881Officer (Colonel Henry P Ewart) Date: 1881
Gladstone / Speech / 1892WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Giving a speech at the Music Hall, Edinburgh, on 30 June 1892, as part of his Midlothian campaign Date: 1876
Gladstone with SailorsWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Addressing the officers and crew of the Grantully Castle
WE GLADSTONE / 1809-1898WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / UmbrellaWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister struggling with an old umbrella (alias the Liberal Party) Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / Thorny WoodWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister making his way through a thorny wood, in an attempt to catch the Irish Vote Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / Question TiWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister looking completely confident at Question Time in the House (a la Mr Micawber) Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / SingingWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister sitting under a tree and singing, while politics go on without him Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / GummidgeWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister depicted as Mrs Gummidge, " thinking of the old un", alias the departed Disraeli Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / MicawberWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister depicted as Mr Micawber: the Liberal Majority as Mrs Micawber will never desert him Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / SittingWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / Sword DanceWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Liberal MP and Prime Minister depicted as a Scottish sword dancer, on the strength of his Scottish parentage Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / Many HeadsWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Various caricatures of the Liberal MP and Prime Minister from 1859 to 1888, by various Punch artists Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / ThaddeusWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister in 1888 Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / Spotty TieWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / C of ExchWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1865 Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / 1886 PmWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister in 1886 Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / RichmondWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / HawardenWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Hawarden Castle, home of the British MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / ColossusWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Gladstone as The Colossus of Words. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / Hawarden RoomWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE The room in Hawarden Castle where the British MP and Prime Minister died Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / MillaisWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / Gf WattsWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British Liberal MP and Prime Minister Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / StodartWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE English politician MP sitting at his desk Date: 1809 - 1898
William Ewart GladstoneWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE English politician MP Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / Whitehall RevWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE Statesman & Primeminister Date: 1809 - 1898
We Gladstone / Pen&pencilWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE statesman, scholar &c Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / Walker / CassellWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British statesman. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / GardnerWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British statesman. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / Meyer / 1885WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British statesman. Date: 1809 - 1898
Gladstone / Cole / ScribnerWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE British statesman. Date: 1809 - 1898
Miniature - Major Sir Frederick FitzWygram, MCMiniature portrait of Major Sir Frederick FitzWygram, M.C. 2nd Battalion Scots Guards. Born 1884, died 1920. Captured on the 17th May 1915 (Battle of Festubert) commanding F Company
GLADSTONEWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE liberal statesman, prime minister with his autograph Date: 1809 - 1898
Caricature of William Ewart Gladstone by Phil MayCelebrities and Personages - The Grand Old Man - William Gladstone (18091898). Date: 1893
Birthplace of William Ewart GladstonePhotograph of 62 Rodney Street, Liverpool; the birthplace of William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), the English Liberal Statesman and British Prime Minister (1868-1894). Date: 1910
United Kingdom (1886). Prime Minister William