The Wild BunchMembers of The Wild Bunch in Fort Worth, Texas: sitting (l to r): Harry A Longabaugh, alias the Sundance Kid, Ben Kilpatrick, alias the Tall Texan, Robert Leroy Parker
Salvatore GiulianoThe Italian bandit, Salvatore Giuliano, posing outside his mountain hideout in Sicily. Date: 1950s
Dick Turpin shoots fellow highwayman, Tom King Date: 1839
Criminal, Thomas CarrTHOMAS CARR Clerk of respectable family gone to the dogs. Crimes included theft with violence & using his legal expertise to assist criminals
The Banner Cross MurderView near Darnall, the scene of the escape and recapture of the prisoner, Charles Peace
The Flight (La Fuite) by Pierre Paulus - a Belgium family flee the advancing terror of the German army and the atrocities which ensued. Date: circa 1914
MARIGNY HANGED - 1When Philippe IV dies his unpopular minister, Enguerrand de Marigny, is accused (unjustly) of various crimes including corruption, and hanged at Montfaucon. Date: 30 April 1315
MARIGNY HANGED - 2When Philippe IV dies his unpopular minister, Enguerrand de Marigny, is accused (unjustly) of various crimes including corruption, and hanged at Montfaucon. Date: 30 April 1315
Sacheverell CardsHenry Sacheverell (1674-1724) was an English high church Anglican clergyman who achieved nationwide fame in 1709 after preaching an incendiary 5 November sermon denouncing the Whig government
Ned Kellys cave in the Strathbogie RangesThe rugged and wild countryside of the Strathbogie Ranges in Victoria, Australia, showing the opening to Ned Kellys cave. 1878
Dick Turpin holds up fellow highwayman, Tom King Date: 1735
Ned KellyThe Australian bushranger, Ned Kelly. 1878
Heads of captured Greek banditsA gruesome engraving showing the severed heads of seven Greek captured bandits nailed to a wall. 1870s
Cole Younger, American train robberMember of the notorious James-Younger gang, Cole Younger, after his capture. 1889
Ned Kelly- The Glenrowan InnThe ruins of the hotel in Glenrowan after the siege. Ned Kelly and his gang attempted to derail a train carrying a number of police officers
Max Hodel, the German would-be assassin of Kaiser Wilhelm I Date: 1878
The Australian bushranger, Frank Gardiner arrested at Apis Creek, Queensland. 1863
Assassination attempt on Kaiser Wilhelm IOskar Beckers attempt on Wilhelm I in Baden Baden. 1861
Highwaymen punishedA new plan is proposed fo the punishment of highwaymen by hard labour on the roads. Date: 18th Century
Russia / 1918 / Cheka PrisonPrisoners held by the Cheka, a secret police force established in December 1917 to investigate counter- revolutionary crimes
Amina Becomes a HorseReceive the reward of your crimes ! - Amina receives the magic potion in her face from her husband Sidi-Nouman, and is forthwith transformed into a horse - permanently
Sarcastic take on the Rigours of war on Home Front - WW1WW1 - Sarcastic take on the Rigours of war on Home Front by Phyllis Spence
Beccaria, Cesare
CHESTERTON, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936). British novelist. Les Crimes d Anglaterre, French edition published in Parг (1916)
Exposition du 1er au 30 octobre 1917... organisee par la Ligue Souvenez-Vous... documents, photographies, affiches, ... aux crimes allemands
John Bellingham, assassin of the British Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, in the lobby of the House of Commons on 11th May 1812. Date: 1812
Buck Balfour. Cartoon of Arthur Balfour (later British Prime Minister) when he was Chief Secretary for Ireland on the cover of Funny Folks
Highwaymen at Kentish TownTwo women are robbed and bound by highwaymen in the fields near Kentish Town. Date: 19th Century
French gang of robbersTwo female members of a French gang of robbers, known as chauffeurs who spread terror across France during the last years of the 18th century. Date: 1790s
Frontispiece to Dodds DiscoursesThe frontispiece to a publication by William Dodd, an English forger and cleric. Date: 19th Century
Charles PriceThe notorious swindler and bank-note forger, Charles Price, who committed suicide in 1786. Date: 18th Century
Highwaymen in GermanyA carriage is attacked in the woods by a gang of highwaymen in Germany. Chaos ensues. Date: 13th Century
Bandits in ItalyA group of Italian bandits accost an unsuspecting traveller, threatening him with their rifles and stealing anything of value. 19th Century
Bandits in GermanyGerman bandits attack their victims, one thrown to the ground and one pinned against a tree, during the Thirty Years War. 1643
Bulgarian banditPortrait of a Pomak bandit, Yako, hanged at Sophia in June 1889. 1889
Vincenzo CibollaThe Italian brigand, Vicenzo Cibolla who was eventually caught in 1861. 1860s
German highwaymenA group of mounted highwaymen ride out from the woods to attack a passing convoy of wagons, presumably laden with things that the bandits might like to steal. 14th Century
The bandit, Antonio Gomez RiveraAntonio Gomez Rivera, El Herrero (The Blacksmith), is flanked by two police officers following his capture in 1908. 1908
Harry Power, Australian bushranger is capturedThe Australian bushranger, Harry Power is captured by Superintendents, Nicholson and Hare. 19th Century
ChiavoneThe Italian brigand, Chiavone, chief of the robbers. 19th Century
A Balkan mountain brigand, rifle in hand, sword in holster, uses his vantage point to search for unsuspecting victims. 1779
Ned Kelly kills Police Officer LoniganWhile the Kelly gang were in hiding, the police launched a mission to find them, setting up camp at Stringbark, near where they suspected the gang were staying
Italian banditsA family of Italian bandits including a very young child, hide out in a ruined building, hoping that the officers scouring the countryside below, don t discover them. 17th Century
George Sontag, American train robber who was imprisoned in 1894, and pardoned in 1908. Date: 19th Century
Brothers rob a train at Rocky CutBrothers rob a train on the Missouri Pacific Railway at Rocky Cut. 19th Century
A mother dedicates her infant son as a thief Date: 1910
Discovery of Captain Grant and his bandCaptain Grant and his gang of Irish freebooters are discovered by a group of officers whilst hiding in a cave 1816
TIburcio Vasquez, Mexican bandit in California; he was hanged on 19th March 1875. Date: 19th Century
Charles J. Guiteau, assassin of American President, James A. Garfield, on 2nd July 1881. 1881
Rosolino PiloThe Sicilian mafia bandit, Rosolino Pilo. 19th Century
Russian brigandsA group of Russian brigands attack Luganski Monastry to steal precious icons. They retire after killing four people and losing four of their own men too. 1909
William FredericksThe American stage robber, William Fredericks who was eventually caught and hanged. Date: 19th Century
Ned Kelly- Fight at GlenrowanAttack on the Kelly gang at Glenrowan. The police finally managed to overcome the gang, killing three of its members and capturing Ned Kelly himself. 1880
The StranglerA menacing portrait of the Strangler Date: 1883
Charles Bole, American stage robber, known as Black Bart. Date: 19th Century
Bandits attack an express train in America Date: c. 1870
Anarchists attack a religious procession in Barcelona. 1898
Carl Herman, who discovered the loots of the Browning-Brady train robbery but could only carry away $30, 000 of it. Date: 19th Century
German robbers during the Peasants WarA chaotic scene during the Peasants War showing a group of German robbers, some preparing for their next attack whilst others count the loot from a previous haul. 1530s
Assassination attempt on Alfonso XII of SpainAssassination attempt by a pastry chef, Otero, on Alfonso XII of Spain, while the King was honeymooning in Madrid. 1879
John Younger, American train robberMember of the notorious James-Younger gang, John Younger. 1889
Train robbers in AmericaTrain robbers steal $12000 in New Mexico
chris, evans, american, train, robberChris Evans, American train robber, who worked with the Sontag brothers; he was caught and imprisoned in 1894. Date: 19th Century
Ned Kelly- Ann Joness The Glenrowan InnThe hotel in Glenrowan after the siege. Ned Kelly and his gang attempted to derail a train carrying a number of police officers
Oskar Becker, assailant of Wilhelm I, in Baden Baden Date: 14th July 1861
frank, reno, american, banditFrank Reno, American bandit Date: c. 1866
Grattan Dalton, American train robber, who was killed in a bank raid in 1892 Date: 19th Century
James Whitney seized by a bear while cattle stealing Date: 1680s
John Sontag, American train robber who died in jail in 1893 from wounds inflicted in his last fight. Date: 19th Century
John Brady, American train robber, who worked with Sam Browning and was sentenced to life imprisonment on 27th November 1895. Date: 19th Century
Gustav III of Sweden is killed at a masked ballGustav III, king of Sweden, is assassinated while attending a masked ball at the Opera House, by Jakob Johan Anckarstrom. 1792
James Whitney is caught by a bearThe highwayman, James Whitney is caught by a bear Date: 17th Century
Greek brigandsA group of Greek brigands attack Lord Muncasters coach party near Athens. 1870
Frank James, American train robberMember of the notorious James-Younger gang, Frank James, brother of Jesse James. 1910
Traveller attacked during the Thirty Years WarA German bandit attacks a traveller with a bat, while another gang member rushes across with extra supplies including an axe. 17th Century
Ned Kellys armourArmour belonging to the Irish-Australian bushranger, Ned Kelly, considered by some to be a cold-blooded killer, and by others, a folk hero. 19th Century
Sergeant Boston Corbett, killer of President Lincolns killer, John Wilkes Booth. Date: 1865
James WhitneyThe highwayman, James Whitney, attacks Mr Hull, a money-lender on Hounslow Heath, and ties him backwards on his horse. Date: 1694
The InveiglerThe inveigler, who entices his victim. Date: 1883
Bob Younger, American train robberMember of the notorious James-Younger gang, Bob Younger, photographed two weeks before his death. 1889
Jim Younger, American train robberMember of the notorious James-Younger gang, Jim Younger. 1889
Samuel Browning, American train robber, who worked with John Brady and was killed during a robbery on 30th March 1895. Date: 19th Century
Attempted assasination of Wilhelm IWilhelm I and the Archduchess of Baden in their carriage after Max Hodels assassination attempt. Date: 1878
Anti-bandit campaign in CorsicaArmoured cars and armed guards protect the police and army officers as they scour the countryside around Calcatoggio, during the anti-bandit campaign in Corsica. 1932