Lochness MonsterA dramatic picture of the supposed giant water creature that lives in Loch Ness, Scotland and its small offspring, followed by divers holding underwater cameras
Loch Ness MonsterFishermen on Loch Ness are surprised by the creature - as well they might be, for this is the largest depiction of the monster known to us
Fossils from the palaeozoic eraLife forms of the palaeozoic era (for identification of individual items, refer to the book page 13-14)
Giant octopusPlate 26 from Histoire naturelle des Mollusques by Count Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon, 1805
Religion / Egypt / TaweretThe hippopotamus goddess, she is a likeable and benevolent creature who protects women during pregnancy and in childbirth
A fantasy illustration of marine reptilesThe Sea-Dragons as they lived. Frontispiece by John Martin from The Book of the Great Sea-Dragons by Thomas Hawkins, 1840
Trail left by the Loch Ness Monster?Photographic results from a four week search organised by Sir Edward Mountain into the existence of the Loch Ness Monster
Primitive men with spears hunting a glyptodon, large, armored mammal of the family Glyptodontidae
Iguanodons were herbivorous dinosaurs from the mid-Jurassic to late Cretaceous.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
Blue Bird (Bird Sirin) - Sergey Solomko. Date: circa 1903
A glamorous female model with her trusty Goblin TeasmadeA stylish female model wakes up fresh-faced and ready now to face the day thanks to a few sips from a hearty brew prepared by her faithful bedside Goblin Teasmade. How Delicious! Date: 1960s
Aepyornis on the RampageButcher pursued by an Aepyornis Ingens, the prehistoric creature which emerges from the egg
Daedalus Sea SerpentMarine creature sighted from HMS Daedalus in the south Atlantic between the Cape and St Helena : the creature passes under the stern of the ship (picture 2 of 3)
Mosasaur, Mosasaurus hoffmannii, extinct genus of carnivorous aquatic lizards.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Clam, mussel, oyster, scallop, etcVarieties of bivalve molluscs including clam, Tridacna, mussel, Mytilus, oyster, Ostrea, pen shell, Pinna, jingle shell, Anomia, and scallop, Pecten
Book of Revelation or The Apocalypse. Book of New Testament. Miniature. 15th century. The fifth Angel playing trumpet. Chateau of Chatilly. France
Dodo, Didus ineptus or Raphus cucullatus.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F. John from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
European cave lion, Panthera leo spenaea, extinct subspecies of lion
A long-horned European wild ox attacked by wolves.. The aurochs or urus (Bos primigenius), the ancestor of domestic cattle, was a type of wild cattle which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa
Pteranodon, large flying pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous period.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
FOLKLORE / JERSEY DEVILWinged creature with horse- like head seen by Mr & Mrs Nelson Evans on shed roof at Gloucester City, New Jersey - and by many other witnesses over a long period
Scene from Shakespeares Midsummer Nights DreamA scene from Shakespeares comedy, A Midsummer Nights Dream (Act II, Scene ii), in which Puck drops a love potion into the sleeping Titanias eyes
Map of the continents and seas in the Upper Triassic period. North America, Atlantis, Europe, Asia, Gondwanaland
Extinct Nothosaurus, mid-Triassic periodNothosaurus, extinct genus of sauropterygian reptile from the shell-bearing limestone seas, mid-Triassic period
Wels catfish and Blochs catfishWels catfish, Silurus glanis 74, and Blochs catfish, Pimelodus blochii 75
Skate, stingray and thornback raySkate, Dipturus batis 8, 9, stingray, Dasyatis pastinaca 10, and thornback ray, Raja clavata 11
Blue lobster, Homarus vulgaris.. Handcolored engraving from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle (Universal Dictionary of Natural History), 1849
Plesiosaurus, large marine sauropterygian reptile from the early Jurassic.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
The woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis, extinct species of rhinoceros.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
Ceratodus latissimus, extinct sarcopterygiian lungfish from mid Triassic to late Cretaceous
Bear Feeds Fish to Cubs Date: 1948
Terracota antefix tarantini. GorgonTerracota antefix tarantini that represents the head of a Gorgon. Late VI century early V century B.C. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary
Different types of colorful sea urchins and their spines.. Handcolored engraving from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle (Universal Dictionary of Natural History), 1849
Hyaenodon, extinct genus of carnivorous creodonts.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
Merycoidodon or Oreodon, extinct genus of herbivore endemic to North America
Aepycamelus, an extinct genus of camelid which lived during the Miocene
Physalia pelagica, Portugese-man-of-warIllustration by Rene Primevcre Lesson from Voyage of the Coquille (1826-1338)
PhororhacosA huge bird-like creature from Patagonia, Miocene period
Gevaudan Beast AttackedDER WOLF VON GEVAUDAN Children defend one of their comrades against a creature which may or may not have been a wolf
Reindeer 1597A German depiction with notes on hunting - in Germany, the reindeer is a creature to be hunted, rather than bred for its attributes as in Lapland
Argentina CreatureArgentina countryfolk report sighting of a plesiosaur-like creature : an expedition is planned in Buenos Aires.. but the creature is not found
Archegosaurus, extinct genus of temnospondyl amphibian which lived during the Permian.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Ichthyosaurus, extinct genus of ichthyosaur from the Early Jurassic period.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
Once Upon A Time by Laura Wildig; music Lewis Anthony. First produced at St. Martins Theatre, 22nd December 1919. This image is for the tour to the Playhouse, Liverpool, 23rd December 1920. Date: 1920
Osborne SerpentHead, shoulders and flippers of the ridged marine creature sighted from the royal yacht Osborne off the coast of Sicily (picture 2 of 2)
Platypus (Bewick)ORNITHORHYNCHUS ANATINUS At the time Bewick engraved this, the animal had not been named : some naturalists even suspected the creature was a fake
FENNECCanis zerda. Fox-like creature from Africa, notable for its very long ears. All the better to hear you with
Reconstruction of a Dimetrodon, extinct genus of non-mammalian synapsid with spine sail from the Cisuralian (Early Permian). Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of a Nothosaurus, extinct genus of sauropterygian reptile from the Triassic. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of a Mastodonsaurus and PareiasaurusReconstruction of a Mastodonsaurus, (right) extinct genus of giant large-headed temnospondyl amphibians of the Triassic, and Pareiasaurus, (left) extinct genus of anapsid reptile from the Permian
Reconstruction of two dinosaurs in battle. Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, extinct species of tyrannosauroid that lived during the latter Cretaceous. Laelaps aquilunguis Cope
Mythical Reunion stork, Leguatia giganteaMythical Reunion stork, extinct giant bird discovered on Mauritius called Le Geant by Francois Leguat in the 17th century. Based on a description of the Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus
Reconstruction of a Mesonyx, genus of extinct mesonychid mesonychian mammal, Early to Late Eocene. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of Protorosaurus speneri and Menaspis armataReconstruction of a Protorosaurus speneri, lizard-like archosauromorph reptile of the late Permian, preying on a Menaspis armata, holocephalian cartilaginous fish
Reconstruction of a Dinichthys herzeriReconstruction of a Dinichthys catching a wave. Extinct monospecific genus of giant, marine arthrodire placoderm from the Late Devonian (Famennian stage). Dinichthys herzeri
Reconstruction of a Geosaurus giganteusReconstruction of a Geosaurus, extinct genus of marine crocodyliform of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Geosaurus. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of Aetosaurus ferratus in a sand stormReconstruction of Aetosaurus ferratus, extinct species of archosaur reptile, in a sand storm, Norian era. Aetosaurus. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of a Phytosaur with CeratodusReconstruction of a phytosaur, Nicrosaurus kapffi, of the Late Triassic. Krokodil, Belodon kapffii. It holds a a Ceratodus lungfish in its jaws. Phytosaurus. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of a Basilosaurus, genus of large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale from the late Eocene. Zeuglodon or Urwale. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of Steller's sea cow, Hydrodamalis gigasReconstruction of a herd of Steller's sea cow, Hydrodamalis gigas, an extinct sirenian described by Georg Wilhelm Steller in 1741. Hunted to extinction in the 18th century. Stellersche Seekuh
Reconstruction of a cave cave bear, Ursus spelaeus. A prehistoric species of bear from the Pleistocene that became extinct in the Last Glacial Maximum. Standing on prey, a dead Palaeoloxodon
Reconstruction of the Irish elk, Megaloceros giganteus, extinct species of deer in the genus Megaloceros, from the Pleistocene. Riesenhirsch. Colour printed illustration by F
Reconstruction of a woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, an extinct species of mammoth that lived during the Pleistocene until its extinction in the Holocene. Mammut
Reconstruction of a Compsognathus longipes, small, bipedal, carnivorous theropod dinosaur of the Jurassic. Colour printed illustration by F
Mythical creature sukotyro, Sukotyro indicus, from a drawing by Dutch traveller Johan Nieuhof 1. Copperplate engraving by J
Endangered Indian elephant and mythical creature sukotyroEndangered Indian elephant, Elephas maximus indicus 2, and mythical creature sukotyro, Sukotyro indicus, from a drawing by Dutch traveller Johan Nieuhof 1. Copperplate engraving by J
Extinct giant lemur of Madagascar, Megaladapis madagascariensisExtinct giant lemur or koala lemur of Madagascar, Megaladapis madagascariensis, hunted to extinction between the 13th and 15th centuries. Depicted with a vasa parrot, Coracopsis species, in its paw
Helicoprion bessonowi and Xenacanthus decheniHelicoprion bessonowi, shark-like eugeneodontid holocephalid fish with tooth whorl from the Permian, and prehistoric prickly shark species Xenacanthus decheni of the Devonian and Triassic
Torosaurus latus and Monoclonius crassusTorosaurus latus (foreground) and Monoclonius crassus foraging from a tree, extinct herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaurs from the late Cretaceous. Riesenechsen, Torosaurus latus und Monoclonius
Tylosaurus species hunting a Rhynchocephalia speciesTylosaurus, a type of mosasaur, a large, predatory marine lizard from the Cretaceous. In its jaws is an extinct Rhynchocephalia species, Simaedosaurus erquelinensis (Champsosaurus dolloi?)
Extinct equid, Protorohippus venticolumExtinct equid species of the Eocene, Protorohippus venticolum. Protorohippus. Colour printed illustration by F
Cave bear, Ursus spelaeus, standing on a mammothCave bear, Ursus spelaeus, standing on the carcass of a mammoth. Hohlenbar, Ursus spelaeus. Colour printed illustration by F
Mythical Reunion stork, extinct giant bird discovered on Mauritius called Le Geant by Francois Leguat in the 17th century. Leguatie, Leguatia gigantea. Colour printed illustration by F
Nothosaurus mirabilis, sauropterygian reptile of the Triassic. Bastardechse, Nothosaurus mirabilis. Colour printed illustration by F
Diplodocus carnegii, diplodocid sauropod dinosaur of the Jurassic. Reconstruction from the skeleton in Pittsburgh's Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Diplodocus carnegiei
Basilosaurus cetoides, prehistoric whaleBasilosaurus cetoides, large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale of the late Eocene. Urwale, Zeuglodon. Colour printed illustration by F
Dimetrodon dollovianus, extinct non-mammalian synapsid of the Cisuralian, Early Permian. With large neural spine sail. Segelechse, Embolophorus dollovianus. Colour printed illustration by F
Cricosaurus suevicus, extinct marine crocodyliformCricosaurus suevicus, marine crocodyliform of the Late Jurassic. Schwimmkrokodil, Geosaurus suevicus. Colour printed illustration by F
Horned gopher, Ceratogaulus hatcheri, extinct rodent of the late Miocene to early Pliocene. Naseichhornkaninchen, Epigaulus hatcheri. Colour printed illustration by F
Geikia elginensis and Sclerosaurus armatusGeikia elginensis, dicynodont therapsid of the late Permian, and Sclerosaurus armatus, procolophonid parareptile of the Triassic
Woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, Pleistocene to Holocene. Das Mammut, Elephas primigenius. Colour printed illustration by F
Mesonyx, extinct genus of mesonychian mammalMesonyx, extinct genus of mesonychid mesonychian mammal of the Eocene. Mesonyx tenuidens, Creodontier. Colour printed illustration by F
Protorosaurus speneri feeding on a Menaspis armataProtorosaurus speneri, lizard-like archosauromorph reptile of the late Permian, and Menaspis armata, holocephalian cartilaginous fish. Urechse, Protorosaurus speneri, und Stachelhai, Menaspis armata
Extinct phytosaur, Nicrosaurus kapffi, of the Late Triassic. Krokodil, Belodon kapffii. It holds a a Ceratodus lungfish in its jaws. Colour printed illustration by F