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Copper Collection (#7)

Background imageCopper Collection: Wales / Anglesey

Wales / Anglesey
Amlwych, Anglesey, Wales, once a busy seaport, shipping ore from the Parys Mountain copper mines, where the Romans are said to have obtained much of their copper

Background imageCopper Collection: Copper Beeches - 1

Copper Beeches - 1
Holmes and Watson - he lights his pipe from a glowing cinder from the grate

Background imageCopper Collection: Monopolies Kill Commerce

Monopolies Kill Commerce
Commerce is strangled by the monopolists - the coffee-ring, the spirit-ring, the copper- ring, the oil-ring

Background imageCopper Collection: Neath Copper Works / 1779

Neath Copper Works / 1779
The Copper works at Neath Date: 1779

Background imageCopper Collection: Restaurant Kitchen

Restaurant Kitchen
A scene in a busy restaurant kitchen

Background imageCopper Collection: Copper mine at Colcoath, Camborne, Cornwall

Copper mine at Colcoath, Camborne, Cornwall
A copper mine with men and women at work, at Dolcoath, Camborne, Cornwall

Background imageCopper Collection: The Brazier 1827

The Brazier 1827
A brazier hammers kettles, pans, candlesticks and other utensils from brass, a metal which is compounded from copper and zinc

Background imageCopper Collection: Lancelot & Tarquin

Lancelot & Tarquin
Sir Lancelot strikes the copper basin in order to challenge Sir Tarquin - the haughty enemy of the Knights of the Round Table. Lancelot vanquishes Tarquin

Background imageCopper Collection: Scaremongering Newspaper

Scaremongering Newspaper
THE CATCH-PENNY Policeman - " Now then, you mischievous young rascal, - stop that!" (Scare-mongering newspapers)

Background imageCopper Collection: Suffragette and Copper

Suffragette and Copper
A lady demonstrating for Womens Rights has the good fortune to be picked up by a policeman - I m having the time of my life !

Background imageCopper Collection: Police / Friendly Copper

Police / Friendly Copper
A kindly policeman takes care of two young street children. He carries the youngest in his arms

Background imageCopper Collection: Hand-Drawn Engine / 1878

Hand-Drawn Engine / 1878
A hand-drawn chemical fire engine employed for fire extinction about 1878. The chemicals were held in copper cylinders mounted at the front of the vehicle

Background imageCopper Collection: Bristol Chemical Engine

Bristol Chemical Engine
Horse-drawn chemical engine, supplied by Merryweathers for the City of Bristol. The copper cylinders held the chemical fire-fighting compounds

Background imageCopper Collection: Holmes / Copper Beeches

Holmes / Copper Beeches
THE ADVENTURE OF THE COPPER BEECHES " I am so delighted that you have come." Holmes and Violet shake hands

Background imageCopper Collection: French Hotel Kitchen

French Hotel Kitchen
A scene in a French hotel kitchen

Background imageCopper Collection: Copper works in Cornwall, with smoking chimneys

Copper works in Cornwall, with smoking chimneys
Copper works in Cornwall, with many smoking chimneys

Background imageCopper Collection: Copper Drink Vessels

Copper Drink Vessels
Copper drinking vessels from Scandinavia

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