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Cone Collection

Background imageCone Collection: St Pauls Cathedral - Section through Wrens Dome

St Pauls Cathedral - Section through Wrens Dome
A section drawing through the dome of St Pauls Cathedral, the architectural masterpiece of Sir Christopher Wren

Background imageCone Collection: Pinus cembra, Arolla pine

Pinus cembra, Arolla pine - Coloured copper engraving by Warner based on a watercolour by Ferdinand Bauer. A.B. Lambert, A description of the genus Pinus, London, 1803, t. 23 Date: 1803

Background imageCone Collection: Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, and European

Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, and European larch, Larix decidua.. Scots pine tree, Pinus sylvestris, flower 1a and cone 1b, and common European larch tree, Larix decidua, flower 2a and cone 2b

Background imageCone Collection: Reichstags Dome by Norman Foster (b. 1935). Berlin. Germany

Reichstags Dome by Norman Foster (b. 1935). Berlin. Germany
Dome of the Reichstag, seat of the German Parliament, designed by Norman Foster (b.1935). Interior. Berlin. Germany

Background imageCone Collection: Encephalartos horridus, Eastern Cape blue cycad

Encephalartos horridus, Eastern Cape blue cycad
A watercolour illustration of the Eastern Cape blue cycad (Encephalartos horridus), native to South Africa

Background imageCone Collection: Alnus glutinosa (Willd. ) XXI 4, alder

Alnus glutinosa (Willd. ) XXI 4, alder
An illustration of alder tree fruit and foliage from the Natural History Museum Botany Library Plate Collection

Background imageCone Collection: Chrysler Jupiter-C sounding rocket at Cape Canaveral

Chrysler Jupiter-C sounding rocket at Cape Canaveral on 8 August 1957 prior to the third and final sub-orbital test of a re-entry nose cone

Background imageCone Collection: Araucaria columnaris & A. heterophyllo

Araucaria columnaris & A. heterophyllo - Coloured copper engraving by Warner based on watercolours by Ferdinand Bauer, A.B. Lambert, A description of the genus Pinus, London, 1803, t.39 Date: 1803

Background imageCone Collection: Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda

Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda
Loblolly pine, oldfield pine or frankincense pine, Pinus taeda

Background imageCone Collection: Pine cone

Pine cone
Decorative flower study by Jeannie Foord. 1899

Background imageCone Collection: Swiss pine or arolla pine, Pinus cembra

Swiss pine or arolla pine, Pinus cembra, and stone pine, Pinus pinea.. Swiss pine or arolla pine, Pinus cembra 1, branch with flower a, cone b, nut c, and stone pine, Pinus pinea 2, branch a, cone b

Background imageCone Collection: Pinus wallichiana, pine tree

Pinus wallichiana, pine tree
Plate 848 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageCone Collection: Balloon event, Green and Cocking

Balloon event, Green and Cocking

Background imageCone Collection: Scotch fir, Pinus sylvestris

Scotch fir, Pinus sylvestris. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880

Background imageCone Collection: German design, Summer and Winter

German design, Summer and Winter, after watercolours by H Schmidt. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageCone Collection: Alnus glutinosa (W. ) DCXXXI, alder

Alnus glutinosa (W. ) DCXXXI, alder
An illustration of an alder tree, fruit and foliage from the Natural History Museum Botany Library Plate Collection

Background imageCone Collection: Loxia pytyopsittacus, parrot crossbill

Loxia pytyopsittacus, parrot crossbill
Plate 46 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 3 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph

Background imageCone Collection: Parus bicolor, tufted titmouse

Parus bicolor, tufted titmouse
Plate 39 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London

Background imageCone Collection: Strato volcanic eruption

Strato volcanic eruption
A strato volcano has a steep volcanic cone built up by dense lava flows and pyroclastic debris. One of a series (including image numbers 185 to 190) showing various forms of volcanic eruption

Background imageCone Collection: Festive Nutty Squirrel 3

Festive Nutty Squirrel 3
Festive tableau with a stuffed red squirrel perched amongst the holly berries with his nut and pine cone hoard gathered in for the winter

Background imageCone Collection: Lady presenting the prize of the tournament

Lady presenting the prize of the tournament. Chromolithography by Regamey after Tournois du roi Rene, ca. 1489. Vie Militaire et Religieuse au Moyen Age et a l'Epoque de la Renaissance

Background imageCone Collection: History of France. 1400. Ladies and gentlemen

History of France. 1400. Ladies and gentlemen of the nobility. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885

Background imageCone Collection: History of France. 1400. Ladies and gentlemen

History of France. 1400. Ladies and gentlemen of the nobility. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885

Background imageCone Collection: History of France. 1400. From left to right: Knight

History of France. 1400. From left to right: Knight
History of France. 1400. From left to right, 13: Knight of the Golden Fleece, 14: princess, 15: bourgeois woman. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885

Background imageCone Collection: Tombstone. Pine cone, dolphins and trident. 2nd-3rd

Tombstone. Pine cone, dolphins and trident. 2nd-3rd centuries AD. From Archar (Ratiaria), Vidin province, Bulgaria. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria

Background imageCone Collection: Confectioner selling candies to customers in a store

Confectioner selling candies to customers in a store
Confectioner selling sweets and candies to mother and daughter customers in a store. Balance scales and gelato cones on the counter, boxes and jars of sweets on shelves

Background imageCone Collection: Maritime pine or cluster pine, Pinus pinaster

Maritime pine or cluster pine, Pinus pinaster. Pinus maritima. Pin maritime

Background imageCone Collection: Yew tree, Taxus baccata

Yew tree, Taxus baccata. The Yew Tree

Background imageCone Collection: Norway spruce or European spruce, Picea abies

Norway spruce or European spruce, Picea abies. Spruce Fir Tree, Pinus abies

Background imageCone Collection: European silver fir, Abies alba

European silver fir, Abies alba. Silver Fir Tree, Pinus picea

Background imageCone Collection: Eastern white pine, Pinus strobus

Eastern white pine, Pinus strobus. Weymouth Pine Tree

Background imageCone Collection: Scots pine tree, Pinus sylvestris

Scots pine tree, Pinus sylvestris. Scotch Fir Tree

Background imageCone Collection: Catalonia, Les Garrigues, Lleida province, La Floresta

Catalonia, Les Garrigues, Lleida province, La Floresta
Spain, Catalonia, Les Garrigues, Lleida province, La Floresta. Ice well dating from the 14th-16th centuries

Background imageCone Collection: Catalonia, Les Garrigues, Lleida province, La Floresta

Catalonia, Les Garrigues, Lleida province, La Floresta
Spain, Catalonia, Les Garrigues, Lleida province, La Floresta. Ice well dating from the 14th-16th centuries

Background imageCone Collection: The petard, a medieval explosive device

The petard, a medieval explosive device in the form of a metal cone filled with gunpowder attached to a gate to blow it open. Invented in France in 1579 for Henri IV, King of Navarre

Background imageCone Collection: Cone Roving machines in a woollen mill in Bradford

Cone Roving machines in a woollen mill in Bradford, Yorkshire, late Victorian period

Background imageCone Collection: Cone reducing machines in a woollen mill in Bradford

Cone reducing machines in a woollen mill in Bradford, Yorkshire, late Victorian period

Background imageCone Collection: Cone Finishing Box Woollen Mill Bradford Wool

Cone Finishing Box Woollen Mill Bradford Wool

Background imageCone Collection: Cone Drawing machines in a woollen mill in Bradford

Cone Drawing machines in a woollen mill in Bradford, Yorkshire, late Victorian period

Background imageCone Collection: Cone Gill machines in a woollen mill in Bradford

Cone Gill machines in a woollen mill in Bradford, Yorkshire, late Victorian period

Background imageCone Collection: Bristol Vase

Bristol Vase
A large porcelain vase made by the Bristol factory, in the possession of Messrs. Stoner & Evans, 3, King Street, St. James Square

Background imageCone Collection: Sir Harry Lauder recording with an orchestra

Sir Harry Lauder recording with an orchestra Date: 1949

Background imageCone Collection: George Formby Snr and Luisa Tetrazzini, recording studio

George Formby Snr and Luisa Tetrazzini, recording studio
George Formby Snr recording his voice, with opera singer Luisa Tetrazzini watching Date: 1949

Background imageCone Collection: Basket Trap for Salmon

Basket Trap for Salmon
A basket trap, used for catching salmon in the River Severn. Date: 1933

Background imageCone Collection: Henry cartoon, Cone Envy, by Carl Anderson

Henry cartoon, Cone Envy, by Carl Anderson Date: 1936

Background imageCone Collection: Italian stone pine, Pinus pinea

Italian stone pine, Pinus pinea, Pino domestico. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837

Background imageCone Collection: One-flowered broomrape, Orobanche uniflora

One-flowered broomrape, Orobanche uniflora. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy, 1837

Background imageCone Collection: African bowstring hemp, Sansevieria hyacinthoides

African bowstring hemp, Sansevieria hyacinthoides. Aloe guinensis radice geniculata foliis ex atro undulatim variegatis, Commelin, Aloes de Guinee

Background imageCone Collection: Girl with forget-me-nots

Girl with forget-me-nots
The head of a lovely young girl adorned with forget-me-nots. Artist: Frances Brundage Date: 1902

Background imageCone Collection: Varieties of the hennin headdress

Varieties of the hennin headdress
Varieties of the late medieval hennin headdress. 1906

Background imageCone Collection: Two men playing bowls, 13th century

Two men playing bowls, 13th century
Medieval bowling. Two men playing bowls with target cones or marks, 13th century

Background imageCone Collection: Medieval bowling games

Medieval bowling games: Two men playing bowls, 14th century (top), two men playing bowls with target cones or marks, 13th century (middle), and three men playing bowls with a jack

Background imageCone Collection: Tulip cone, Conus tulipa

Tulip cone, Conus tulipa. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, London, 1802

Background imageCone Collection: Orange flag and cobweb cone shells, Conus

Orange flag and cobweb cone shells, Conus ammiralis arausiacus and Conus araneosus (as Conus arausiacus and Conus arachnoideus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCone Collection: Admiral cone varieties, high admiral and cedo nulli

Admiral cone varieties, high admiral and cedo nulli, Conus ammiralis, Conus cedonulli (Conus ammiralis var. summus, Cedo nulli). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCone Collection: Merveilleuses eating ice cream at a Paris cafe

Merveilleuses eating ice cream at a Paris cafe
Fashionable women or merveilleuses eating ice cream with their dogs at a cafe, circa 1800. The menu includes lemon, orange, pistachio, and creme blanche

Background imageCone Collection: Zamia roezlii

Zamia roezlii. Near threatened species of cycad. Drawn and chromolithographed by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1873

Background imageCone Collection: Jeanne de Flandre wearing the conical hat called la Syrienne

Jeanne de Flandre wearing the conical hat called la Syrienne
Jeanne de Flandre, wife of Jean de Montfort, Duke of Brittany. Wearing the costume she wore entering Nantes with her husband 1341

Background imageCone Collection: European larch, Larix decidua

European larch, Larix decidua. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by Walther Muller from Hermann Adolph Koehlers Medicinal Plants, edited by Gustav Pabst, Koehler, Germany, 1887

Background imageCone Collection: European silver fir, Abies alba

European silver fir, Abies alba. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by Walther Muller from Hermann Adolph Koehlers Medicinal Plants, edited by Gustav Pabst, Koehler, Germany, 1887

Background imageCone Collection: Norway spruce, Picea abies

Norway spruce, Picea abies (Picea excelsa)

Background imageCone Collection: Various shell specimens

Various shell specimens
Whelk, Buccinum undatum 1, Noahs ark, Arca noae 2, noble pen shell, Pinna nobilis 3, Tusus brevis 4, Caltrop murex, Murex tribulus 5, Admiral cone, Conus admiralis 6, volute, Voluta arenata 7

Background imageCone Collection: Shells and seaweed on the shore

Shells and seaweed on the shore
Sea snail, Haustellum haustellum 1, black and white cone, Conus ebraeus 2, Episcopal miter, Mitra mitra 3, dog conch, Laevistrombus canarium 4, limpet, Patella scutellaris 5, and rosy razor clam

Background imageCone Collection: Prosobranchia sea snail shells

Prosobranchia sea snail shells: triumphant star turban, Guildfordia triumphans 1, imperial cone, Conus imperialis 2, Madras harp, Harpa davidis 3, Venus comb, Murex pecten pecten 4, branched murex

Background imageCone Collection: Admiral cone, larval stage of lamprey, and extinct ammonite

Admiral cone, larval stage of lamprey, and extinct ammonite
Admiral cone, Conus ammiralis 1, ammocete or larval stage of lamprey, Petromyzon marinus 2, and extinct ammonite mollusc fossil 3

Background imageCone Collection: Larch tree, cuckoo bee and melipona honey bee

Larch tree, cuckoo bee and melipona honey bee
Cuckoo bee, Melecta albifrons 1, European larch tree, Larix decidua 2, and stingless melipona honey bee, Melipona favosa 3. Melecte, Meleze, Melipone

Background imageCone Collection: Corsican pine tree, Pinus nigra subsp. laricio

Corsican pine tree, Pinus nigra subsp. laricio. Pin Laricio

Background imageCone Collection: Scots pine and Norway pine

Scots pine and Norway pine
Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris 1-5, and red or Norway pine, Pinus resinosa 6, weaver beetle, Lamia textor 7 and pine beetle, Tomicus piniperda 8. Pin sauvage, Pin rouge

Background imageCone Collection: Coral reef araucaria or Cook pine, Araucaria columnaris

Coral reef araucaria or Cook pine, Araucaria columnaris

Background imageCone Collection: Female seed cone of the monkey puzzle tree

Female seed cone of the monkey puzzle tree
Mature female seed cone of the monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana (Araucaria imbricata). Endangered

Background imageCone Collection: Sikkim larch, Larix griffithii

Sikkim larch, Larix griffithii, tree and cones

Background imageCone Collection: Kauri tree, Agathis australis

Kauri tree, Agathis australis (Dammara australis), timber tree native to New Zealand

Background imageCone Collection: Cilician fir or Taurus fir cone, Abies cilicica

Cilician fir or Taurus fir cone, Abies cilicica

Background imageCone Collection: Francois Peron examining an aborginal tomb

Francois Peron examining an aborginal tomb on Maria Island, Tasmania. Complete (left), half opened (right) and dismantled (centre). The grave consists of a cone of wooden fibre over long poles

Background imageCone Collection: El Jorullo, a cinder cone volcano in Michoacan

El Jorullo, a cinder cone volcano in Michoacan, central Mexico

Background imageCone Collection: Wild pine tree, Pinus sylvestris

Wild pine tree, Pinus sylvestris

Background imageCone Collection: Yunnan pine, Pinus yunnanensis, with squirrel

Yunnan pine, Pinus yunnanensis, with squirrel
Le Pin de la Chine. Yunnan pine, Pinus yunnanensis, with squirrel

Background imageCone Collection: Chinese silk-cord or silk-twist makers, Qing Dynasty

Chinese silk-cord or silk-twist makers, Qing Dynasty. Women twisting silk thread on an uprtight cone

Background imageCone Collection: Oyster, cone and wentletrap shells

Oyster, cone and wentletrap shells
Hammer oyster, Malleus malleus 1, cone shell varieties, Conus cedonulli 2, Conus ammiralis 3-5, precious wentletrap, Epitonium scalare 4, and common wentltrap, Epitonium clathrus 6

Background imageCone Collection: Balsam fir, Abies balsamea

Balsam fir, Abies balsamea
Balsam fir or balm of Gilead fir, Abies balsamea (Pinus balsamea)

Background imageCone Collection: Spruce fir or Norway spruce, Picea abies

Spruce fir or Norway spruce, Picea abies (Pinus picea)

Background imageCone Collection: Larch, Pinus larix

Larch, Pinus larix. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880

Background imageCone Collection: Maritime pine or cluster pine, Pinus pinaster

Maritime pine or cluster pine, Pinus pinaster. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880

Background imageCone Collection: Silver fir, Abies alba

Silver fir, Abies alba (Pinus picea). Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr

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