Chez Auguste on Old Compton Street, SohoChez Auguste at 38 Old Compton Street, Soho, London; next to Coiffure Internationale, the international shaving saloon and hairdressers; on the end is F Gennari Ltd, wines and provisions. 1947
Charming coiffures for the spring season 1912Coiffures and headdresses shown in the photograph were very popular accessories from the latest fashion from Paris. 1912
Advert for Universal hair extensions 1915Using human hair extensions to change your hairstyle, in a range of colours. 1915
Ww1 Cartoon / Haircut 1916COIFFURE IN THE TRENCHES " Keep yer ead still, or I ll ave yer blinkin ear off!"
Advertisement for Steiner HairstylistsAdvertisement for Steiner Haute Coiffure and Beaute Hairstylists of 66 Grosvenor Street, Mayfair, London, W1 - outlets in Manchester, Glasgow, Leicester, Birmingham and the Gleneagles Hotel
Hat, soldier, shield, targe, quiver, bow, chariots, and archerHat, soldier with lance, helmet and shield, shield, targe, quiver, bow, chariots, and archer, 11th century. Coiffure, soldat, boucliers, carquois, arc, charriots, archer
Electric Permanent Waving Machine 1928A permanent electric waving machine, medusa, Serpents, exhibited at the Hairdressers Annual Exhibition. Date: 1928
Hairstyles through the agesA page of various womens and mens hairstyles through the centuries. Date: 1930
Advert for Emile Coiffure hairdressing. A Mayfair hairdresser which you could book appointments for in the private salon. Date: 1925
Advert for Emile, offering an expert Court coiffure service, including the attachment of veils and feathers. Date: 1932
Fashions for Humans and GreyhoundsAdvert for Marshall and Snelgrove, promoting their matching outfits for greyhounds and their owners. Date: 1932
Advertisement for extensions made from finest quality human hair. Date: 1910
Woman Having her Hair Dried 1928A woman sits under a chrome-plated hair dryer, exhibited at the Hairdressers Annual Exhibition. Date: 1928
Ray-Lamp Treatments 1928Strange metal Blinkers to achieve beauty: A client taking a Ray-Lamp treatment, exhibited at the Hairdressers Annual Exhibition. Date: 1928
Fashionable woman in English-style dress, era of MarieFashionable woman in English-style dress with Devonshire hat, era of Marie Antoinette. La blonde Melite se promenant sur le midi au Palais Royal
Girl in blue velvet jacket trimmed with skunk, with white suede gaiters. Manteau de fillette en velours bleu garni de skungs, guetres de suede blanc
Woman in waistcoat of pekine velvet over a printedWoman with parasol in waistcoat of pekine velvet over a printed sheath dress. Automobile with black boy in livery
Harrods advert, Hairdressing, Manicure and ChiropodyHarrods Stores advert, Hairdressing, Manicure and Chiropody Departments, Brompton Road, London SW. 1897
Hairstyle with large curls and a straw hatWoman in hairstyle with large curls and a straw hat decorated with flowers. Coeffure a grosses Boucles avec un Chapeau orne de fleurs
Woman in hairstyle with ringlets called the Jamaican, 1783Woman in hairstyle with ringlets called the Jamaican. Coeffure a la Jamaique
Woman in straw hat tied with a ribbon called the Jeannette. Coeffeur a la Jeannette
Woman in a new style of pouf called the Stradre, 1783Woman in a new style of pouf called the Stradre. Pouf d un nouveau gout dit a la Stradre
Rear view of womans chignon with curls and feathers called the Qu es-aco. Chignon en Qu es-aco
Woman in the Teresa coiffure with large hood over a bonnet. Coiffure a la Therese, named for Princess Maria Teresa of Savoy-Carignan
Wpman in a round bonnet called a turned-up calashWoman in a round bonnet with ribbon rosette and two ringlets. The bonnet is called a turned-up calash, Caleche retroussee, after the carriage with a folding top
Woman in her hair in a ponytail under a hunting hatWoman in a hunting hat, Chapeau de Chasse, with feathers, and hair worn in a ponytail called the flame of love, Flambeau d Amour
Woman in the Belle Poule hairstyle, 1778Woman wearing a model ship in her hair inspired by the Belle Poule, a naval frigate that distinguished itself in combat in 1778. Coiffure a la Belle Poule
Woman in hairstyle with ringlets and a Phrygian hat, Chapeau a la Phrygienne
Woman in a night cape and large Voluptuese bonnet. Coiffure de nuit, a la Voluptueuse
Woman in hairstyle called Feelings Returned, 1770sWoman in hairstyle with ringlets, plumes and miniature bonnet called Feelings Returned. Coiffure aux sentiments replies
Woman in the Kiss bonnet, Bonnet au Becquot, with tails hanging behind. Becquot was a slang term for a kiss among the gallants
Woman in a Voltaire bonnet on a high hairstyle with curls and tail. Bonnet a la Voltaire
Woman in a bathers bonnet with frills and ribbons. Bonnet a la Baigneuse
Woman in bonnet with bells and ribbons, Bonnet aux Clochettes
Woman in a Pulcinella bonnet with veil tied at the throat. Bonnet a la Polichinelle
Woman in a drapery bonnet, Bonnet a la Draperie, with pearlsWoman in a drapery bonnet, Bonnet a la Draperie, with two strings of large pearls and roses
Woman in the Victory bonnet crowned with leaves and feathers. Bonnet a la Victoire
Woman in high hairstyle crowned with an elegant bonnet with pearls, flowers and plumes. Bonnet elegant avec des perles
Woman in the Suzanne bonnet with lace, ribbons and plumes. Bonnet a la Suzanne, inspired by Mlle. Contat in the role of Suzanne in the Marriage of Figaro
Woman in a Milkmaid bonnet over hairstyle with curls, Bonnet a la Laitiere
Woman in the Harvester bonnet over a hairstyle with curls, Bonnet a la Moissonneuse
Woman in huge upcombed hairstyle with curls at the nape, surmounted with a bonnet and fichu. Coiffure a la Quinot
Woman in hairstyle and bonnet decorated with two garlands of flowers. Coiffure a la Flore
Woman in hairstyle topped by a bonnet calledWoman in tall hairstyle with curls topped by a bonnet called the Queens Rising. Coiffure au Lever de la Reine
Woman in the Coiffure a la Raucour, namedCoiffure a la Raucour named for the famous actress Francoise Marie Antoinette Saucerotte, called Mlle. Raucourt
Woman with her hair combed up and in ringlets, surmounted by a tiny bonnet
Woman in hairstyle decorated with roses, lace and a box called the Racy Parterre. Coiffure au Parterre galant
Woman in elaborate upswept hairstyle calledWoman in elaborate upswept hairstyle with curls, feathers and ribbons called Desire to Please. Coiffure au Desir de plaire with curls, feathers and ribbons
Woman in hairstyle with flowers, pearls and cap called the Circassian. Coiffure a la Circassienne
Woman in Moorish bonnet with pearls and flowers over upcombed hairstyle with ringlets. Coiffure a la Mauresque
Woman in the Oriental hairstyle with hat decorated with flowers and feathers, tied with a fur band. Coiffure Orientale
Woman in the sleeping dog hairstyle. Coiffure Chien Couchant
Woman in a hedgehog hairdo with feathers and flowers and string of pearls. Coiffure Herisson
Woman in hairstyle with ringlets and plumes tied with a love band, 1770s. Coiffure au Bandon d amour
Woman in hedgehog hairstyle with ribbonWoman in hedgehog hairstyle tied with a ribbon. Coiffure Herisson
Woman in the Mystery bonnet or the Sleeping Dog, decorated with flowers and feathers. Bonnet au Mystere ou Chien Couchant
Rear view of woman in chignon plaited in three parts with a fichu bonnet
Woman in the Junon Frigate hairstyle, 1778Woman with a model ship riding on waves in her elaborate hair inspired by the Frigate Junon, a famous French naval gunship, 1778. Coiffure la Fregate la Junon
Marie Antoinette in elaborate hairstyle crownedMarie Antoinette, wife of King Louis XVI of France, in elaborate hairstyle crowned with ribbons and pearls, 1770s
ILN cover - Golden head-dress of Queen Shub-adFront cover of The Illustrated London News showing a photograph of a reconstruction of a 5000 year-old head dress found at Ur, Iraq, in the royal Graves at Ur excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley. 1928
Curled hair in typical coiffures of 1930. 1930
Venetian hairdresser at work. early 17th century
Advert for Unwin & Albert womens coiffure 1908 Advert for Unwin & Albert womensLadies hairdressers in Regent Street, transforming your hair in anyway possible. Date: 1908
Advert for International Hair Co. 1910Latest transformation in wiglets for women. Date: 1910
High fashion hair styles 1912French models wearing the latest fashionable clothing and elegant hairstyles. 1912
The Eton Crop" The Eton Crop - beloved of the moderns, detested by the old." Worn here by a Lucien Lelong mannequin. 1927
Womens hairstyles 1864Selection of the latest styles of arranging the hair as adopted in Paris, and as practised by the leading Parisian hair-dressers
Advert for Hindes Limited hair curler 1893Hindes Limited hair curlers, used without heat. 1893
Advert for Universal human hair extensions 1915Transformations in any styles, extra is charged for light, grey, pale and auburn shades, guaranted only the finest quailty pure European hair used. 1915
Advert for International Hair Co. 1912Latest transformation in wiglets for women. 1912
Advert for Marius Heng hairpieces 1912New fashionable creations by incorporating fake hair to make attrative hair styles. 1912
Advert for Jourliac hairpieces 1912Latest fashion in hairpieces. 1912
Mrs Th. Petersen, nee Roepstorff, 1833, by Christen KobkeChristen Kobke (1810-1848). Danish painter. Portrait of Mrs Th. Petersen, nee Roepstorff, 1833. National Museum. Stockholm. Sweden
The Coronal of RussiaCoronal hairstyle, modelled by Andrea Majinski, a model for sculptor Jacob Epstein. 1927
Advert for Truefitt & Hill - hair stylists & products 1937Where Artistry Defies Comparison. Permanent wave, who are not mere slaves to fashion. 1937
Advert for Unwin & Albert fringes 1898Made of natural curling and waving hair, not affected by the sea air! 1898
Advert for Hindes Limited the new hair pin 1893A hair pin without points has good points! see the point? New patented at home and abroad, Hindes hair pin. Can t scratch the head and won t fall out
Advert for Thierry Schram, hair and beauty 1909Hairstyles designed by Thierry Schram, Paris. Showing women with increased volume to the width and back, using small accessories to finish off the style. 1909
Advert for Noirat hairpieces 1909Advertisement for Noirat hairpieces, showing women with increased volume on top to support their enormous hats. 1909
Advert for Marius Heng, hair and beauty 1909Latest creations for Marius Heng, hair styles with accessories. 1909
Advert for Marius Heng, hair and beauty 1912Advert for Marius Heng, lighter wigs with accessories. 1912
Advert for Marius Heng, hairpieces 1906Advert for Marius Heng, elegant hairstyles using hairpieces for women. 1906
Advert for Noirat, hairpieces 1910Advert for Noirat, pre-made fashionable wiglets for evening dress, an exhibition in Brussels, Noirat, won a prize for its hairpieces. 1910
Advert for Noirat, hair and beauty 1912Advertisement for Noirat, showing women with increased visual width at the back of the head using wavy wigs, also wearing discrete headbands with feather and combs. 1912