Viscountess Castlereagh in her famous necklace & tiaraEdith Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Viscountess Castlereagh, later Marchioness of Londonderry DBE (3 December 1878 23 April 1959), noted society hostess,
Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry (1769-1822) - Irish and British statesman. Date: circa 1820
An illustrated advertisement for Marcus Clark & Co, promoting the Cleveland Six, The car with a conscience, the image shows a yellow model of the car speeding down the country lane. Date: circa 1921
Herbert S. Gilkes AdvertisementAn advertisement illustration of Charles Schaw Lord Cathcart, 1721-1776, a British soldier and diplomat. The portrait was used as an advertisement of print dealer, Herbert S
Ira L. & A. C. Berk Packard AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement for Ira L. & A. C
Western Electric Company AdvertisementAn advertisement photograph for the Western Electric Company of Australia. The image shows an electric washer machine. Date: circa 1924
Home Recreations Ltd AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement for Home Recreations Ltd, promoting The Salonola, a phonograph or record player. The image shows two women looking at their record collection. Date: circa 1921
W. A. Little and McIveen AdvertisementAd advertisement photograph showing the interior of a laid out auction sale room, belonging to W. A. Little and McIveen Ltd, expert valuers and auctioneers of fine art and furniture. Date: circa 1922
Tyrrell's Limited AdvertisementAn image used as part of an advertisement for Tyrrell's Limited, booksellers, art dealers and publishers
Marcus Clark & Co AdvertisementAn advertisement illustration for Marcus Clark & Co, Ltd, based in Sydney. The image showcases The Chandler Six under the slogan Evolution of Transport. outside the Marcus Clark showrooms
Taking a stroll at the Hurlingham Club, FulhamLady Helen Grosvenor (1888-1970), Lady Castlereagh (1878-1959), Lord Charles Beresford (1846-1919), Lord Hugh Cecil (1869-1956) and Miss Chaplin take a summer stroll at the Hurlingham Club in Fulham
Edith Helen Chaplin, Viscountess Castlereagh (1878-1959), wife of the 7th Marquess. 19th century
Royal visit to Northern Ireland - examining a handloomPrincess Margaret and the Queen (Queen Elizabeth)
Lady Castlereagh (later Lady Londonderry) by Lallie CharlesEdith Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Marchioness of Londonderry DBE (3 December 1878 23 April 1959), noted society hostess,
Robert CastlereaghROBERT STEWART, viscount CASTLEREAGH, second marquess of Londonderry, statesman Date: 1769 - 1822
Congress of ViennaThe Allied leaders gather at Vienna : Metternich stands with raised arm, Castlereagh lounges at centre, Talleyrand sits with arm on table, Wellington watches far left Date: 1814 - 1815
Paranormal apparation: shining infant & Viscount CastlereaghRobert Stewart(1769-1822), Viscount Castlereagh, staying in an Irish castle, is visited by this shining infant, known to appear there; later he sees it in the Commons. Date: circa 1800
Cartoon, Delicious Dreams! Castles in the Air! Glorious Prospects! Vide An Afternoon Nap after the Fatigues of an Official Dinner, by James Gillray
Looking East towards the Castlereagh Hills from Malone, Arthur James Wards Cottage in Foreground. Trobridge, George F. 1856 - 1909
Castlereagh Street, SydneyCastlereagh Hotel on Castlereagh Street in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Viscountess Castlereagh, Marchioness of Londonderry formerly Miss Romaine Combe (died 1951), wife of the 8th Marquis of Londonderry
Inhabitants of a bog village, near Castlereagh, IrelandSketches from Ireland showing inhabitants of a bog village near Castlereagh. They illustrate men, women, children and couples
Viscountess Castlereagh, 1913Viscountess Castlereagh, formerly Hon. Edith Chaplin, from a painting by Philip A de Laszlo, 1913
Amelia Vcts CastlereaghAMELIA ANNE, (nee Hobart) viscountess CASTLEREAGH, marchioness of Londonderry wife of Robert Stewart, viscount & marquess