Poster for French railways to MoroccoPoster advertising French railways to Morocco, via Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Madrid, to Tangier, Casablanca, Marrakech, and other exotic places
Michel De MontaigneMICHEL EYQUEM DE MONTAIGNE French writer. Famous for his philosophical Essais. He was also mayor of Bordeaux
Venus of Laussel. 25 mil. -18 mil. BC. Venus holding a horn. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. Relief on rock. FRANCE. Bordeaux. Mus饠 d Aquitaine (Aquitaine Museum). Proc: FRANCE. LOT-ET-GARONNE
France MargauxLe chateau de Margaux, in the Bordeaux region, justly reputed for its wine
Rue Vital-Carles, Bordeaux, France with a view toward the imposing North Transcept of the 11th century Catholic Cathedrale Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. circa 1900
EDWARD OF WOODSTOCK The Black Prince (1330-1376). Prince of Wales, first-born son of Edward III of England
Plum Bottling / FranceCharles Clarks plum bottling factory, Bordeaux
Two Youthful Chinese Businessmen in Singapore sharing a glass of imported Bordeaux. The gentleman on the right has placed his boater hat on the small table
Pro-German AlsacienneALSACE - A pretty Alsacienne and her German boyfriend smile at a wretched French soldier who asks the way to Bordeaux. Germans claimed that Alsace wanted to be part of Germany
St Julien, MedocBeycheville Saint-Julien, Medoc - a wine chateau in the Bordeaux region
The Bacalan, Bordeaux, France, Victorian period Date: circa late 19th century
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Exterior viewFranco-Prussian War (1870-1871). During the war, the city of Bordeaux temporarily (from 8 February to 20 March 1871) became the seat of the French government
The Bordeaux Challenge, 1283. Peter III of AragonThe Bordeaux Challenge. On December 1282 Charles of Anjou (1227-1285) challenged Peter III of Aragon (1240-1285) to a duel
Man of Aragon, Spain. In conical hat decorated with ribbons, wool tunic over a jerkin, short cape, culottes, gaiters and shoes, holding a cudgel. Homme de l'Aragon
Costume of a king of Congo, AfricaCostume of a king of Congo, In turban, robe with long train, sash belt, scimitar and stick. Perhaps a portrait of King Alfonso I (c. 1456-1543)
Woman of Aragon, Spain. In a gown with laced corset, contrasting amadis sleeves, full skirts, lace ruff collar standing up from the chemise. Femme de l'Aragon
Woman of Salamanca, Kingdom of Leon, Spain. In wide brim hat with ribbons, chaperon or kerchief tied to an embroidered corset, blouse with embroidered sleeves, apron and long skirts
Man of Salamanca, Kingdom of Leon, Spain
Catalan woman, SpainCatalan woman, Catalonia, Spain. In a long black veil, laced corset, kerchief a la francais over the bust, long skirts, apron, shoes, holding a basket of vegetables and fish. Catalanne
Catalan man, Catalonia, Spain
Evenks or Tungusic woman of Siberia. Hair in pigtails, wearing a long elegant coat, gown, breeches and boots of reindeer skin decorated with beads and fringes. Femme Tounguses
Woman of the Mari people (Cheremisa or Cheremis) of Russia. In bonnet of birch bark covered in cloth with shells, embroidered linen tunic, sash belt, culottes, gaiters and shoes. Femme Tscheremisse
Man of the Mari people (Cheremisa or Cheremis) of Russia. In furred jerkin coat, embroidered linen shirt, sash, culottes, gaiters, shoes, holding a staff and fur cap. Homme Tscheremisse
Kabardian woman, one of the 12 Circassian tribes. In veil, bodice, blouse, wide skirts, gaiters and shoes, holding a fish. Kabardinienne. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Kabardian man, one of the 12 Circassian tribes. In turban, mustache, domino coat with open sleeves, tunic with belt and scimitars, wide pantalons, and tall boots. Kabardinien
Evenks or Tungusic man of Siberia. Hunter in hat, facial tattoo, coat, breeches and apron of deer skin, decorated with beads and fringes. Armed with spear, bow, quiver and arrows. Homme Tounguses
Samoyedic woman of Siberia: Nenets, Enets, Nganasans or Selkups people
Ostyak woman of Siberia: Khanty or Ket people. In hooded coat of bear or reindeer skin, with beaded necklaces, striped apron, leggings and leather bootlets. Femme Ostyack
Ostyak man of Siberia: Khanty or Ket people. He wears a cloak, trousers and boots of bear or reindeer-skin, walking on carved skis with wooden ski pole. Homme Ostyack
Samoyedic man of Siberia, Nenets, Enets, Nganasans or Selkups people
Costume of a native girl of Tahiti. Her short hair is perfumed with coconut oil and herbs, adorned with flowers. She wears a long tunic over a gown. Fille de Taiti
Khoikhoi woman of South Africa wearing a feather headdress, animal-skin cape, dakka or talisman hanging from a cord, loincloth, holding a staff. Hottentote. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Costume of a native woman of Tahiti. Her short hair is perfumed with coconut oil and herbs. She wears a turban of horsehair, a cape and skirt with belt. Femme de Taiti
Itelmen peasant woman and child of Kamchatka. Woman in reindeer-skin coat and trousers, boots, belt with tassels, boy strapped on her back. Paysanne de Kamtschatka
Polynesian man of Tahiti, Pacific Islands. Wearing a long robe tied at the waist with a belt. Homme de Taiti. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Ceremonial costume of a King of Tahiti. Perhaps Otoo, King Pomare I. He wears a tall headdress of feathers, a cloak and tunic, and holds a large carved wooden deity. Roi de Taiti
Woman of Kamchatka, Itelmen, Koryak or Ainu. In kerchief headdress, fur-lined gown over skirts, leather shoes. Femme de Kamtschatka. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Itelmen peasant of Kamchatka in front of summer dwellingItelmen peasant of Kamchatka in front of a pehm or summer dwelling. He wears a furred hooded reindeer-skin coat, animal-skin trousers and boots, armed with bow and quiver of arrows
Itelmen or Kamchadal woman. In striped turban, high collar shirt, fur-lined coat, animal-skin gown dressed with fringes, sandals, holding a basket of vegetables
Costume of a man of Kamchatka, Itelmen, Koryak or Ainu. In furred hat and coat, trousers and leggings, leather boots, holding a club. Homme de Kamtschatka. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Woman of the Kalina or Carib people, South AmericaWoman of the Kalina or Carib people, French Guiana, South America. In apron or coyon decorated with beads, shawl, beaded gaiters, carrying a basket of flowers on her back. Sauvagesse de la Guiane
Itelmen or Kamchadal man. In fur-lined jerkin, skirt, trousers, boots, armed with spear, low and arrow, dagger. Aboriginal people of Kamchatka, decimated by Cossacks and smallpox in the 18th century
Piaye of the Kalina people, French Guiana, South AmericaPiaye of the Kalina or Carib people, French Guiana, South America. Medicine man or ceremonial person with feather headdress, skirt, and wooden club. Piaye-Medecin de la Guiane
Man of the Kalina or Carib people, South AmericaMan of the Kalina or Carib people, French Guiana, South America. In loincloth or camiza, armed for hunting or battle with ironwood club or putu, bow and quiver of arrows. Sauvage de la Guiane
Warrior of the Iroquois Confederacy. In breechcloth and moccasins, armed with musket and ax, smoking a pipe tomahawk. Guerrier Iroquois. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Costume of an African Amazon warror, lived near the Kingdom of D'mt in Ethiopia
Male dancer of the Sandwich Isles, now Hawaii. In makini, a gourd helmet and mask with feather crest and tapa strips, short cape and loincloth
Chief Kanaina of the Sandwich Isles, now HawaiiChief of the Sandwich Isles, now Hawaii. In feather helmet or mahiole, feather cloak or ahu'ula, and loincloth, holding a mace embedded with shark teeth
Woman of the Sandwich Isles, now Hawaii. In shawl, short skirt decorated with colourful shells, garlands, necklace and bracelets of feather
Unangan woman and child of Unalaska, Aleutian IslandsUnangan or Aleut woman and child of Unalaska, Aleutian Islands. With facial tattoos and piercings, wearing a long jacket or parka of birdskin, holding a baby swaddled in a woven-grass basket
King of the Sandwich Islands, now Hawaii. In ceremonial feather helmet or mahiole, feather cloak or ahu'ula, feather skirt, holding a war club or leiomano. Roi des Isles des Sandwich
Polynesian woman of Tonga, Pacific Islands. In woven mat taʻovala or wrap, and kiekie or ornamental girdle, necklace, bracelets and anklets. Femme des Isles des Amis
Polynesian man of Tonga, Pacific Islands. In ceremonial feather headdress, woven-grass waist mat or taʻovala, and flower garland or kahalla. Armed with bow and arrow. Homme des Isles des Amis
Great Chief of the Iroquois Confederacy warriors. in tricorne hat, French justacorps coat with epaulettes, shift and moccasins, smoking a pipe tomahawk, holding a mace or casse-tete
Unangan man of Unalaska, Aleutian IslandsUnangan or Aleut man of Unalaska, Aleutian Islands. In carved wooden headdress decorated with feathers and fish bones, jacket or parka of sealskin, boots, holding a fishing net
Native American man of Tierra del Fuego, South America. In sealskin cloak and loincloth, leather shoes, his body painted in red. Armed with bow and quiver of arrows
Native American woman of Tierra del Fuego, South America. In sealskin cloak, skirt with belt, necklace and bracelets of shells, leather shoes, her body painted in red. Holding a basket of fish
Man of the island of Sifnos, Ottoman Empire, with karamuzaMan of the island of Sifnos, Ottoman Empire, dancing with karamuza. In cap, mustache, tunic, sash belt, harem pants, holding a karamuza or reed instrument. Greek island in the Cyclades archipelago
Native American chief of Patagonia, South America. In feather headdress, necklace, cloak and robe, gaiters and sandals. Holding a hoop decorated with bells used in a ceremonial dance
Native American woman and child of Patagonia, South America. In feather headdress, tunic of guanaco skin with the fur inside, culottes and gaiters. Perhaps of the extinct Yahgan people
Native American hunter of Patagonia with bolasNative American hunter of Patagonia, South America. In feather headdress, tunic of guanaco skin with the fur inside, culottes and gaiters. With bolas or bolases. Perhaps an extinct Yahgan
Woman villager of the island of Tinos, Ottoman EmpireWoman villager of the island of Tinos or İstendil, Ottoman Empire. In turban, long robe, sash belt, carrying a basket of fruit. Greek island of the Cyclades. Villageoise de l'isle de Tinne
Woman of the island of Tinos, Ottoman EmpireWoman of the island of Tinos or İstendil during the Ottoman Empire. In hat with veil, sleeveless dolman, tunic dress with large belt, harem pants. Greek island of the Cyclades
Woman of the island of Sifnos, Ottoman Empire. Hari in pigtails tied with ribbons under a veil in the ancient Athenian style. Furred dolman, apron and skirt. Greek island in the Cyclades
Woman and baby of the Iroquois Confederacy. She wears a fringed cloak, skirt, and holds a baby in a cradle board. A basket hangs on her back from a cord on her forehead. Sauvagesse Iroquois
Girl spinning yarn on the island of Santorini, Ottoman EmpireGirl spinning yarn on the island of Santorini or Thira, Ottoman Empire. Hair in a turban, wearing a short tunic, small apron, silk camisole, slippers. Greek island in the Aegean Sea
Woman of the Kingdom of Candia, Ottoman Empire, dancing with a kerchief. In pearl-trimmed turban, tunic dress with buttons to the waist, long Chinese sleeves, harem pants
Man of the Kingdom of Candia, Ottoman Empire. In turban, short coat, sash belt, harem pants and slippers. Now the Greek island of Crete. Homme de l'isle de Candie
Woman of the island of Santorini in the Ottoman EmpireWoman of the island of Santorini or Thira in the Ottoman Empire. Hair in a kerchief tied in a turban, furred dolman coat, long skirt, slippers. Greek island in the Aegean Sea
Costume of a nomadic highlander of ancient MexicoCostume of a nomadic highlander or Chichimeca of ancient Mexico. Bearded man in cap with feather, cloak of leaves, culottes and sandals. Montagnard du Mexique
Man of the island of Santorini during the Ottoman EmpireMan of the island of Santorini or Thira during the Ottoman Empire, Greek island in the Aegean Sea. In turban, jacket, striped shirt and pantalons, slippers, with dagger at waist
Woman of the island of Lemnos, Ottoman EmpireWoman of the island of Lemnos under the Ottoman Empire, She wears a veil, bodice, skirts, apron, harem pants, slippers. Mythical land of Hephaestus or Vulcan, gods of the forge
Woman of the Greek island of Patmos. She wears a turban, a distinctive full-sleeved tunic, unlike the Turkish dolman or the Greek robe, harem pants, slippers, and carries a water jug
Man of the Greek island of Patmos. In cap, moustache, jacket, harem pants, with long tobacco pipe, next to a row boat. Homme de l'isle de Pathmos. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Multiracial Aztec freeman of ancient Mexico. In hat, woven cape with fringe worn over a tunic. Mulatre Libre du Mexique. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by J
Warrior of the Iroquois Confederacy. In animal skin cloak, breechcloth, mitasses and moccasins, holding a pipe tomahawk and casse-tete or mace, with ax in belt. Sauvage Iroquois
Warrior of the ancient Aztec or Mexica people, Mexico. In animal-skin cloak with leopard head worn as hood, breastplate with sun motif, feather skirt, sandals, armed with spear
Topiltzin or high priest of the ancient Aztec peopleTopiltzin or high priest of the ancient Aztec or Mexica people, Mexico. In feather headdress, long fringed simar robe, sun pendant on his chest, sandals
Ceremonial person of the Iroquois ConfederacyCeremonial person or medicine man of the Iroquois Confederacy. He wears an animal skin cloak, holds a medicine bag and chickikoue drum, sits before a tipi lodge
Inuit woman of Hudson Bay with gogglesInuit woman of Hudson Bay. In hooded long parka coat of sealskin, bead apron, fur culottes and boots. Holding a pair of goggles to protect the eyes from cold. Sauvage de la Baye de Hudson
Inuit man of Hudson Bay with canoeInuit man of Hudson Bay. In hooded coat, trousers and boots of sealskin and beaver fur, armed with bow and arrows. Behind him a canoe made of whaile bone and sealskin. Sauvage de la Baye de Hudson
Maori warrior of New Zealand. With hair comb or heru, black and red facial tattoos or ta moko, short cloak, woven skirt, armed with spear and patou-patou ax. Guerrier de la Nouvelle Zeelande
Maori girl in her finery, New Zealand. With feather headdress, flowers in her long hair, bone necklaces, armlets, striped woven grass skirt, holding a rose. Fille paree de la Nouvelle Zeelande
Maori woman and child of New Zealand. With feather headdress, striped cloak with fringe, woven grass skirt with feather fringe. Sauvagesse de la Nouvelle Zeelande