Bonzo with Studdy signatureOriginal sketch of Bonzo by George Studdy, with a personal message from the artist. Credit line must read: Estate of George Studdy/Gresham Marketing Ltd./Mary Evan"
Brahms PhotoJOHANNES BRAHMS German musician with his autograph Date: 1833 - 1897
Samuel PepysSAMUEL PEPYS statesman, secretary to the Admiralty, kept a diary. with his autograph
George Lord ByronGEORGE GORDON, lord BYRON writer and champion of Greek independence with his autograph
King George VI - Thanking British ChildrenA certificate from King George VI to the children of Great Britain on 8th June, 1946 - issued as a momento for sharing in the hardships and ultimate triumph during World War Two
Thomas CromwellTHOMAS CROMWELL, earl of Essex statesman with his autograph
HENRY VIIIKING HENRY VIII with his autograph
Elizabeth Is SignatureA Facsimile of Queen Elizabeth Is signature on the death warrant of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex (this original published in 1807)
Sir William DugdaleSIR WILLIAM DUGDALE herald and antiquary with his autograph
Thomas Lord FairfaxTHOMAS lord FAIRFAX son of Ferdinand : military commander with the Parliamentary forces in the Civil War. with his autograph
John Owen, ChurchmnJOHN OWEN nonconformist churchman who was nevertheless much respected with his autograph
Cromwell / SignatureThe autograph of Oliver Cromwell
Catherine of BraganzaCATHERINE OF BRAGANZA Queen of Charles II Her seal and signature are also shown here
Caruso as PinkertonSigned self-caricature by the opera singer Enrico Caruso : Caruso as Lieutenant Pinkerton
Sir Robert CottonSir ROBERT BRUCE COTTON antiquarian who formed one of the worlds greatest collections of old manuscripts, documents, coins etc - with his autograph
George Calvert BaltimoreGEORGE CALVERT, lord BALTIMORE statesman and governor of Newfoundland - with his autograph
Ambrose Dudley WarwickAMBROSE DUDLEY, earl of WARWICK - soldier and statesman, fatally wounded fighting the French : with his autograph
Thomas Brassey - 1THOMAS BRASSEY engineering contractor with his autograph Date: 1805 - 1870
Sir Edward LakeSir EDWARD LAKE royalist soldier and statesman with his autograph
Oliver CromwellOLIVER CROMWELL Lord Protector with his autograph
Thomas CranmerTHOMAS CRANMER churchman, archbishop of Canterbury with his autograph
HENRY VIIKING HENRY VII with his autograph
The Autograph Album, by William Heath RobinsonA Souperscription. Illustration showing a missionary signing a little boys book whilst being boiled alive
Heneage NottinghamHENEAGE FINCH, first earl of NOTTINGHAM statesman, lord chancellor with his autograph
George Earl LinlithgowGEORGE LIVINGSTON. earl of LINLITHGOW - Scottish soldier and statesman, suspected of either cowardice or duplicity when opposing Covenanters. with his autograph
Arthur Earl AngleseyARTHUR ANNESLEY, earl of ANGLESEY Irish statesman with his autograph
Andrew MarvellANDREW MARVELL writer with his autograph
James Graham MontroseJAMES GRAHAM, marquis of MONTROSE - royalist soldier and statesman, did his best to subdue Scotland for Charles but defeated and hanged. with his autograph
Eliz Ctess ShrewsburyELIZABETH, countess of SHREWSBURY, known as Bess of Hardwick : four times married, keeper of Mary queen of Scots, benefactress. with her autograph
Catherine ParrCATHERINE PARR queen of Henry VIII with her autograph
Anita ElsonPortrait of Anita Elson (1898 - 1985), American singer and dancer with her signature given with her lipstick. Date: 1927
John BouvierJOHN BOUVIER Italian born American lawyer of French parentage : he compiled a Law Dictionary. with his autograph Date: 1787 - 1851
Alexander HumboldtALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT German traveler and naturalist with his autograph
George Lord DigbyGEORGE lord DIGBY statesman and diplomat, in exile during the Commonwealth. a catholic and an astrologer. with his autograph
Sir William WaadSir WILLIAM WaD statesman, diplomat and scholar - with his autograph
Thomas Brassey - 2THOMAS BRASSEY engineering contractor with his autograph Date: 1805 - 1870
Lord Hawke signs an autographLord Hawke, captain of the Yorkshire cricket team
W C Bryant (ButtreWILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT American writer, journalist and educator, known for his poem Thanatopsis. with his autograph Date: 1794 - 1878
Abraham WhippleABRAHAM WHIPPLE American n aval commander with his autograph
John Duke of ArgyllJOHN CAMPBELL, duke of ARGYLL and Greenwich soldier and statesman with his autograph
Robert Earl YarmouthROBERT PASTON, first earl of YARMOUTH royalist statesman who served and entertained Charles II with his autograph
William LenthallWILLIAM LENTHALL statesman whose conduct during the commonwealth was often ambiguous and controversial. with his autograph Date: 1591 - 1662
Sir John LawsonSIR JOHN LAWSON naval commander during the ommonwealth, though no friend to Cromwell with his autograph
Peter I of RussiaPETER I known as the Great ruthless reformer who set the style for equally ruthless successors. with his autograph
Marmaduke LangdaleSIR JOHN NORRIS military commander who spent his life fighting Englands enemies here, there and everywhere. with his autograph
Henry Lord JermynHENRY lord JERMYN, earl of St Albans courtier, in exile during the commonwealth, chiefly known for his greed and avarice with his autograph
Joseph Hall, BishopJOSEPH HALL churchman, bishop of Norwich with his autograph
Sir John OgleSIR JOHN OGLE military commander, reputed for his courage at the siege of Ostend and elsewhere - with his autograph
Sir Thomas BromleySIR THOMAS BROMLEY statesman, Lord Chancellor with his autograph
John Howard of NorfolkJOHN HOWARD, duke of NORFOLK statesman with his autograph
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
William C C ClaiborneWILLIAM CHARLES COLES CLAIBORNE American soldier and statesman wih his autograph Date: 1775 - 1815
Richard Brinsley SheridanRICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN playwright and politician. With Signature
John Earl BridgewaterJOHN EGERTON, second earl of BRIDGEWATER statesman with his autograph
CHARLES II with his autograph
Thomas SuttonTHOMAS SUTTON - statesman and merchant venturer, which earned him enough to found the Charterhouse, at first a Carthusian monastery but later a school - with his autograph
Spain. Peninsular War (1808-1814). Letter of Napolon to his brother Jos頉, king of Espa SPAIN. Madrid. Army Museum
ALBENIZ, Isaac (1860-1909). Spanish pianist and" ALBENIZ, Isaac (1860-1909). Spanish pianist and composer. Autograph score of " Triana" for the suite " Iberia" by Isaac Alb鮩 z
Thomas PinckneyTHOMAS PINCKNEY American soldier and statesman with his autograph Date: 1750 - 1828
William Carey, BishopWILLIAM CAREY Bishop of Exeter with his autograph Date: 1769 - 1846
William CaponWILLIAM CAPON Architect and scene-painter. with his autograph Date: 1757 - 1827
The Post ManPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (25 April 1964)
Canova (Jackson)Marchese ANTONIO CANOVA Italian sculptor with his autograph Date: 1757 - 1822
Ludolf CamphausenLUDOLF CAMPHAUSEN Prussian statesman with his autograph Date: 1803 - 1890
Thomas Campbell - 3THOMAS CAMPBELL Scottish poet with his autograph Date: 1777 - 1844
Thomas Campbell - 4THOMAS CAMPBELL Scottish poet and editor of the New Monthly with his autograph Date: 1777 - 1844
Edmund Calamy (Younger)EDMUND CALAMY (YOUNGER) Nonconformist churchman, biographer, grandson of the Puritan churchman of the same name. With his autograph Date: 1671 - 1732
George Washington CableGEORGE WASHINGTON CABLE American author, chiefly about the South in such books as Old Creole Days and The Grandissimes. with his autograph Date: 1844 - 1925
Charles I BushnellCHARLES I BUSHNELL American editor with his autograph Date: 1826 - 1883
Ambrose Burnside - 3AMBROSE EVERETT BURNSIDE United States military commander during the War between the States. with his autograph Date: 1824-1881
William Chalmers BurnsWILLIAM CHALMERS BURNS Missionary in China with his autograph Date: 1815 - 1868
John Burns, PoliticianJOHN ELLIOT BURNS Radical statesman, member of parliament for Battersea. with his autograph Date: 1858 - 1943
Thomas BurgonTHOMAS BURGON Numismatist, aged 51. with his autograph Date: 1787 - 1858
Thomas Burgess, Bishop 1THOMAS BURGESS Anglican bishop of St Davids and subsequently of Salisbury. with his autograph when at St Davids Date: 1756 - 1837
William Burdett-CouttsWILLIAM BURDETT-COUTTS (husband of Baroness B-C) Statesman with his autograph Date: 1851 - 1921
Bunyan (With Faith Etc)JOHN BUNYAN Author of Pilgrims Progress and other religious works, depicted with Charity, Hope and Faith. with his autograph Date: 1628 - 1688
Bunyan (Anon)JOHN BUNYAN Author of Pilgrims Progress and other religious works. with his autograph Date: 1628 - 1688
Jabez Bunting - 1JABEZ BUNTING Churchman, Wesleyan Methodist. with his autograph Date: 1779 - 1858
William BulmerWILLIAM BULMER Printer with his autograph Date: 1757 - 1830
Ole Bull, ViolinistOLE BORNEMANN BULL Norwegian violinist with his autograph Date: 1810 - 1880
William Carleton, WriterWILLIAM CARLETON Irish author of such works as Fardorougha the Miser. with his autograph Date: 1794 - 1869
Portraits and autograph signatures of the framers and signers of the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia, July 4th. 1776
Writing by VoltaireFrancois Voltaire (1694-1778) His Francois Voltaire (1694-1778) His creed, February 1778 Date: 1778
John Brown, ShipbuilderJOHN BROWN shipbuilder with his autograph Date: 1816 - 1896