The Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen; Second World War, 1945Photograph of the Ludendorff Bridge, viewed from the Remagen end of the bridge, 1945
USS Monitor and CSS Virginia ironclad naval battleTerrific Engagement Between the USS Monitor with 2 Guns, and the CSS Virginia (aka Merrimac) with 10 Guns, in Hampton Roads, March 9th 1862. The First Fight between Ironclad ships of War
2nd Regiment of Life GuardsA group of 2nd Regiment of Life Guards, was a cavalry regiment in the British Army, part of the Household Cavalry. Date: 1894
Churchill AVRE Tank in France; Second World War, 1944Photograph showing a Churchill AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers) tank moving up to the front, France, 1944
Henry V / AgincourtAct IV, Scene I Henry V, victorious after the battle of Agincourt; H: " Praised be God, & not our strength for it!"
WW2 Poster -- Formation SignsFormation signs, dated 8 May 1945
The British Second Army in Valkenswaard, Holland; Second WorPhotograph showing advance units of the British Second Army in the Dutch village of Valkenswaard, September 1944. This was the first settlement in Holland to be liberated
H. M. S. CressyLead ship of the Royal Navy Cressy class of armoured cruisers, the Cressy was launched in December 1899
HMS Kent, British armoured cruiserHMS Kent, British Monmouth-class armoured cruiser, launched 1901, served during the First World War, decommissioned 1920. Date: early 20th century
Badge of the Royal Armoured Corps. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
German Armoured Vehicles; Second World War, 1944Illustration showing a selection of German armoured vehicles used during the Battle for Normandy in 1944
Good jobs. Good money. Good times. Colour photolithograph recruiting poster published by Her Majesty?s Stationery Office, 1973. Printed by Impress Limited, 1973
Czech armoured train 1918A Czech armoured train (Orcik). These were used by the Czechoslovak Legion to control the trans-Siberian railway during the Russian Civil War
Indian Military ElephantElephant employed in war by Indians in ancient times : only his head and trunk are armoured, and he carries a howdah equivalent to a miniature fort
British machine gun carriers passing through French villageBritish Bren Machine-Gun Carriers passing through a French village on the way to a rendezvous in the early weeks of World War Two. Date: 1939
Tank Corps RecruitmentA recruitment poster for the British Tanks Corps Armoured Car Companies - Become a Motor Enginerr and see the World!
French Dragoon. French Army. Napoleonic Empire. 1807. Engraving. Colored
H. M. S. DevonshireThe lead ship of the Royal Navy Devonshire class of armoured cruisers. The Devonshire formed part of the Grand Fleet for the first two years of World War One
German FreikorpsThe German Freikorps with an armoured car and a flame thrower
Belfast riots, August 1920A double page spread from the Illustrated London News, reporting on rioting in Belfast that began on the night of the 23rd August, and continued for a week
British BE2C biplane on an airfield, WW1A British BE2C armoured biplane on an airfield during the First World War. Date: 1914-1918
RICHARD I 1157 - 1199RICHARD I, THE LIONHEART Depicted riding into battle, broadsword in hand, armoured from head to foot. His shield bears three lions passant, the English Kings royal symbol
HMS Leviathan, Drake-class armoured cruiserRoyal Navy - HMS Leviathan, a Drake-class armoured cruiser. HMS Leviathan was one of four Drake-class armoured cruisers built for the Royal Navy around 1900
Three Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineer craftsmenPhotograph of three Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineer craftsmen repairing the engine of an A Squadron, 15/19th Kings Royal Hussars Saracen Armoured Personnel Carrier, Malaya
Sir Martin Frobisher (1535-1594). Engraving. ColoredSir Martin Frobisher (1535-1594). English seaman. Engraving. 19th century. Colored
6th Battalion Royal Tank Corps - manoeuvres in Egypt6th Battalion Royal Tank Corps - manoeuvres in the Egyptian desert near Cairo from their base at Abbassia. This photograph shows light tanks in action over some rough ground. Date: 1936
Euoplocephalus tail clubEuoplocephalus was a heavily armoured ankylosaur dinosaur with a huge tail club formed by two bony knobs fused together. They lived around 71 million years ago during the Upper Cretaceous period
East African Reconnaissance Regiment in BurmaPhotograph of a soldier from the East African Reconnaissance Regiment, checking a machine-gun, Burma, 1945
Armoured bayonet curler by W H RobinsonFor rendering useless the sentrys arme blanche. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans 1915
HMS Shannon, view of the armoured cruiser, taken from the fighting top, shows the deck and some of the chief guns. Built in Chatham Dockyard, England, fro the Royal Navy in the mid-1900s
A Ferret armoured scout car at Belize with a RAF Short SC-5 Belfast CMk1 in the background. 1975. Date: 1975
AcanthopholisA 12 foot long herbivorous armoured dinosaur which lived around 90 million years ago. Fossil evidence has been discovered in England. Painting by Neave Parker
Recruitment poster for H M ArmyRecruitment poster for His Majestys Army, showing different forms of transport and equipment
Monitor / Merrimac / CardThe Battle of Hampton Roads. The Confederates armoured frigate Merrimac destroyed many Federal vessels, but retreated following action with Monitor, a turret ship
16th Century CavalryA young man in the suite of the emperor Carl V : his horse is partially armoured, and both rider and mount are heavily ornamented as befits an imperial courtier
French Leon Gambetta-class armoured cruiser Jules FerryFrench cruiser Jules Ferry was one of three Leon Gambetta-class armoured cruisers built for the French Navy during the first decade of the 20th century
Future War / ZukunstkriegZUKUNSTKRIEG A German prediction of the next war - their airborne divisions attack an armoured French fortress Date: 1894
HMS Argyll, British protected cruiserHMS Argyll, British Devonshire class protected cruiser. Date: circa 1910
Survivors from Blucher, Battle of Dogger Bank, WW1Survivors from the disabled German armoured cruiser SMS Blucher being picked up from the sea by British destroyers during the Battle of Dogger Bank, in the North Sea, First World War
British tank Mark IIA by G. H. DavisBritish Tanks: No. 1. Infantry (heavy) tank Mark IIA. Heavy tanks in action: an explanatory drawing of Matilda and some of her sisters, in action during the Second World War. Date: 1941
British Troops Parading in Berlin, Second World War, 1945Photograph showing British troops, of the Seventh Armoured Division, parading in front of the German victory column in Konigsplatz, Berlin, 1945. Date: 14/07/1945
British Soldiers on a ship bound for Russia; First World WarPhotograph showing a group of British soldiers leaning over the rail on the deck of a transport ship bound for Russia, 1916
A Royal armoured car, 1940A Royal armoured car: their Majesties protected in London visits
Illustration by Edmund Dulac to Tamerlane, a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Tamerlane on horseback leading his army. Date: 1912
Easter Rising, 1916. Soldiers with gun and armoured car in the streets of Dublin outside Dowling or Dowling's pub. Date: 1916
British troops by an improvised armoured car made of locomotive engine smoke-boxes, in Dublin, Ireland, outside the Granville Hotel in 1916 during the Easter Rising
Zofingen, Switzerland - Zofingue FraternityZofingen is a city in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland. It is the capital of the district of Zofingen. Zofingen is a walled city and home of an ancient monastic settlement
A soldier fighting against Death. At his feetThe Sergeant. A soldier fighting against Death. At his feet lie the bodies of other warriors. In the background is shown a battlefield and a skeleton playing a drum
The champion of the tournament. Engraving by Burgmayer, 19th century version from a compilation entitled Vita Imperatoris Maximiliani. Drawing by Albrecht Durer, 15th century
Judgement of God. Two knights fight a duel. EngravingMiddle Ages. Judgement of God. Trials by means of duels and combats to elucidate who was the possessor of the truth or to be right. Each side chose a champion to act on their behalf
Raimbaut de Moreuil defended the cause ofAs the clerics were not allowed to fight, Raimbaut de Moreuil defended the cause of the Abbot of Saint-Denis in single combat with Guyon de Losenne
Exercise of the quintain. Medieval chivalry trainingExercise of quintain. Medieval chivalry training. A dummy, mounted on a rotating pivot with a shield, was used by mounted riders to simulate real combat situations
The chivalry represented by allegorical characters
King Arthur fighting the giant, protected byKing Arthur fighting the giant, under the protection of the Virgin. 19th-century facsimile after an engraving in Chroniques de Bretagne, 1514
Seventh Crusade (248-1254). Led by Louis IX of France (1214-1270). Conquest of Damietta. Disembarkation of the Crusaders at Damietta (Nile Delta) on 5 June 1249
Godfrey of Bouillon (1060-1100). Military leader during the First Crusade. First ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1100), choosing for his mandate the title of Defender of the Holy Sepulchre
Man-at-arms. Diver using an armoured sealed diving suit to breathe. Facsimile of an engraving from L Art Militaire, by Vegece, 1532
Joan of Arc (1412-1431) went to Chinon for an audience with the Dauphin of France, the future Charles VII. Charles received Joan of Arc on 6 March 1429
History of Germany. 1350-1400. From left to right, 9-10: knights in battle dress, 11: nobleman. Chromolithography. Detail. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Right: Ludwig IV of Bavaria (1282-1347). Holy Roman Emperor (1328-1347). Left: Gunther von Schwarzburg (ca. 1304-1349). King of Germany in 1349. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu
History of Germany. 1300-1350. From left to right, 12: Louis IV the Bavarian (1282-1347), 13: queen, 14: dame. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Gunther von Schwarzburg (ca. 1304-1349). King of Germany in 1349. Descendant of the Counts of Schwarzburg. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of Germany. 1300-1350. From left to right, 3-4: noblemen, 5: armed citizen, 6-7: menestrals, 8: knight, 9: Landgrave of Thuringia. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu
History of Germany. 1300-1350. From left to right, 1-2: dames, 3-4: noblemen, 5: armed citizen, 6-7: menestrals, 8: knight, 9: Landgrave of Thuringia. Chromolithography
History of England. 1450-1500. From left to right, 11: Margaret Tudor (1489-1541), Queen consort of Scotland, 12: knight, 13: Earl of Warwick. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu
Richard III of England (1452-1485). King of England and Lord of Ireland (1483-1485). Margaret Tudor (1489-1541). Queen consort of Scotland by her marriage to King James IV. Chromolithography
History of France. 1400. From left to right: knightsHistory of France. 1400. From left to right, 3-4: knights, 5: mourning gown, 6-7-8-9: noblemen. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of France. 1400. From left to right: crosbowman, knights, and mourning gown. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of France. 1400. From left to right: crosbowmenHistory of France. 1400. From left to right, 1-2: crosbowmen, 3-4: knights, 5: mourning gown, 6-7-8-9: noblemen, 10: citizen. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of France. 1300. From left to right: knightHistory of France. 1300. From left to right, 14: knight, 15: warrior, 16: king. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of England. 14th century. From left to right: lady, Edward of Woodstock (1330-1376), called the Black Prince, and Philippa of Hainaut (1314-1369), Queen consort of England (1328-1369)
Edward of Woodstock (1330-1376), known as the Black Prince. Duke of Cornwall (1337-1376) and Prince of Wales (1343-1376). Edward with a lady. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu
History of Spain. 1300. From left to right: huntersHistory of Spain. 1300. From left to right, 1-2: hunters, 3-4-5: noblemen, 6-7: noble ladies, 8-9: warriors, 10: noble lady. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of Spain. 1300. Warriors and noblesHistory of Spain. 1300. From left to right, 8-9: warriors, 10: noble lady, 11-12: noblemen. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of Spain. 1300. From left to right: noblemenHistory of Spain. 1300. From left to right, 4-5: noblemen, 6-7: noble ladies, 8-9: warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
History of Spain. 1300. From left to right: huntersHistory of Spain. 1300. From left to right, 1-2: hunters, 3-4-5: noblemen, 6-7: noble ladies, 8-9: warriors, 10: noble lady, 11-12: noblemen. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu
History of Italy. 1300. From left to right: warriorsHistory of Italy. 1300. From left to right, 11-12-13: warriors, 14: soldier. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Histoy of Italy. 1300. From left to right: BernaboHistoy of Italy. 1300. From left to right, 15: Bernabo Visconti (1319-1385), Lord of Milan (1349-1385), 16: Venetian warrior (at the background)), 17: Roman senator. Chromolithography
History of Italy. 1300. From left to right: RomanHistory of Italy. 1300. From left to right, 17: Roman senator, 18: Doge of Venice. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885
Louis de Mallet (1438-1516). Lord of GravilleLouis de Mallet (Louis Malet de Graville) (1438-1516). Lord of Graville and Admiral of France. Portrait in costume of war and tournament. Facsimile from a 16th-century engraving
Philip IV (1268-1314). King of France (1285-1314), called Philip the Fair. King Philip IV in battledress on his entry into Paris in 1304 after having defeated the Communes of Flanders
Holy Roman Empire, 1000-1100. Warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume V, 1884
Holy Roman Empire, 1000-1100. From left to right, 2: warrior, 3-4-5-6-7: prince, princess and nobles of the 12th century. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume V, 1884