Gjermundbu Viking Helm. 10th c. Decorative Arts. NORWAY. Oslo. University Museum of National Antiquities. Proc: NORWAY. BUSKERUD. Ringerike
Old houses in the Butcher Row, London The right-hand corner house on St. Clements Lane reputedly used by the leaders of the Gunpowder Plot
Princess Elizabeth and Margaret at the British MuseumPrincess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret pictured visiting the British Museum with their grandmother, Queen Mary and viewing with interest the Rosetta Stone in the presence of the Museums Director
Rev Gilbert White at his sundialThe Rev Gilbert White at his sundial - the right time by the sun Date: 18th century
Musket exercises. Taken from John Blackwells Account of the Artillery Company
Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt, with soldiers and horses outside. Date: circa 1910s
Iberian Peninsula. Ancient History. Phoenicians. Figures 1 to 5: illustrations inspired by antiquities from the Cerro de los Santos. Figure 6: Phoenician from a small lamp in the Museum of Tarragona
Iberian Peninsula. Ancient History. Phoenicians. Figures 2 to 5: illustrations inspired by antiquities from the Cerro de los Santos. Figure 6: Phoenician from a small lamp in the Museum of Tarragona
A goddess and her handmaidens - in unique figurines of 4500 years ago, part of the royal treasure of Dorak from the Yortan culture
Ancient monument of a bishop in Temple Church, LondonAncient monument of a bishop under the southeast window of the 12th century Temple Church, London
North or inside view of Traitors Gate, Tower of LondonNorth or inside view of Traitors Gate
The petard, a medieval explosive device in the form of a metal cone filled with gunpowder attached to a gate to blow it open. Invented in France in 1579 for Henri IV, King of Navarre
Extraordinary pieces of artillery: view and section of the culverine of Nancy, a triple cannon, a twin cannon and an ancient screwpiece
Saxon swords, daggers and crossbow boltSaxon weapons: ancient iron sword 1, 2, and dirks and daggers 3, 4 found in the River Wytham, Lincolnshire, and a crossbow bolt found in the camp at Danbury, Essex 5
Asian and Turkish matchlock gunsAsiatic arms. Asiatick matchlock guns 1, 2, brazen apendage serving as a rest 3, Turkish guns 4, 5 and Turkish matchlock gun enlarged
Asiatic weapons. Polygar sword 1, Colleree stick 2, Malay dagger or kris, sheath, pommel and hilt 3-8, Malay cresses or kris daggers 9, 10, Malay sabre and sheath 11, 12, Malay dagger 13
Infantry armour and weapons, 17th century. Breastplate, musket, arquebus, sabre, sword, halberd, helmet and lance. Copperplate engraving by N.C
Diana the huntress with her bow and arrow. Copperplate engraving by Tommaso Piroli from his Antiquities of Herculaneum (Antichita di Ercolano), Rome, 1789
Painting of the nymph Chloris or Flora, wife of Zephyrus, holding a vase of flowers and picking a bloom from a bush
Bust of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)Alexander the Great (356-323 BC). Macedonian King. Portrait of Alexander the Great idealized. 1st-2nd centuries AD. Marble. Probably from Alexandria
Colossal male head. 560-540 BC. From Kition, CyprusColossal male head with square beard in Assyrian fashion, wearing pointed helmet. Limestone. 560-540 BC. From Kition, Cyprus. Museum of the Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities
Male sculpture. 450 BC. From Mersinaki, Cyprus. Museum of the Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities. Stockholm, Sweden. Date: 2015
Monument of Thomas Bancroft, Lord Mayors Officer, in the church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Street
View of Clarendon House, 17th centuryView of Clarendon House from St. James Street, , from a rare print in the collection of Thmoas Allen. Classical mansion built by Roger Platt for Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, in 1664
Remains of Winchester Palace in 1800South remains of Winchester House, Southwark. The Winchester Palace was built in the 12th century and burnt down in 1814
British King Lud and his sons Angrogeus and Theomantius (Temantius), repairer of the walls of Trinovantum, later Caer Lud or Luds Town, 66AD
Lambeth Palace, LondonView of Lambeth Palace, London. Fishermen on shore and in a boat hauling a net in the lake. From a painting by William Marlow
Edmund Plowdens monument in the Temple ChurchEdmund Plowdens monument on the north wall in the Temple Church. Plowden was a Tudor lawyer and legal scholar, 1518-1585
Ancient monument in the chancel of St. Mary le Savoy (now the Savoy Chapel). Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T
Monument of Sir Edward Wynter, died 1685, on the south wall of St Marys Church Battersea. With bust, cherubs, drapes and depictions of him fighting a tiger and Moors
South view of the Bloody Tower within the Tower of London. Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T
Tomb of royal engraver William Woollett, died 1735, in the churchyard of St. Pancras, Middlesex
Bust of King James I of EnglandKing James I of England taken from a bronze bust over the entrance of the Banquetting Room at Whitehall
The ruins of the South Gates of Dukes Place, built by Sir Thomas Audley (1488-1544) near Aldgate
Statue of King James II of England in costume as a Roman emperor, Jacobus Seundus, designed by Grinlin Gibbons, in the Privy Gardens
A curious gate called St. John Gate, the oldest houseA curious gate in variegated brickwork called St. John Gate, the oldest house in Stepney
Entrance to Mr. Holdens Family Vault in St. Bride sEntrance to Mr. Holdens Family Vault in St. Brides churchyard, one of the few relics after the Fire of London 1666. Built in 1657 with coat of arms above the door
Grave monument to Coya Shawsware or Khwaja ShahsuwarMuslim altar-style grave monument to Coya Shawsware, or Khwaja Shahsuwar (1582-1626), a merchant and secretary to Nogdi beg the Persian embassador, formerly in St Botolphs, Bishopsgate
Monument of Lady Frances Kniveton, Duchess of Dudley, wife of Sir Gilbert Kniveton, in the church of St. Giles in the Fields. Depicted in a shroud
Watch Tower or Barbican in the City Wall, LondonFront view of the Watch Tower or Barbican in the City Wall discovered near Ludgate Hill, May 1 1792
Sir Paul Pindars monument in St. Botolph s, BishopsgateSir Paul Pindars monument near the communion table in St. Botolph s, Bishopsgate. Sir Paul Pindar (1565-1650) was a London merchant and ambassador
Winchester House in Winchester Street, London Wall. Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T
Part of the London Wall in the churchyard of St. GilesPart of the ancient London Wall in the churchyard of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London. Built in the third century, and repaired by London Mayor Ralph Joceline in 1477
John Speeds monument in the chancel of St. Giles, Cripplegate. Speed was an Elizabethan cartographer and historian 1551-1629, depicted in lace ruff and doublet, holding a book and skull
Portraits and grave monument of the TradescantsOval portraits of naturalists and collectors John Tradescant the Elder and Younger, and their grave monument in the churchyard of St. Mary Lambeth
Monument to Richard Fishbourne Mercer, died 1625, in the Ambulatory in Mercers Chapel, Cheapside
Sir John Crosbys monument in the church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Street. Sheriff of London, died 1476
Portrait of King Richard II of EnglandKing Richard II of England, from an original picture hung in the Choir of St. Peters Westminster
Remains of the London Wall in St. Giles, CripplegateRemains of the Roman London Wall in the churchyard of St. Giles, Cripplegate. Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T
William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven, 1608-1697, soldier under William Prince of Orange, son of William Craven, Lord Mayor of London
Prince Ruperts House, Beech Lane, Barbican. 17th century house built for Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland 1619-1682
An old Tudor house standing on Little Tower Hill, London. Built in the time of Henry VIII with heads of Roman Emperors in plaster or stucco on the front
Lord Thomas Darcys monument in St. Botolph sLord Darcies monument in St. Botolphs church, Aldgate. Lord Thomas Darcy, 1st Baron Darcy, depicted wrapped in a shroud
Monument to lawyer Richard Martin in the Temple ChurchMonument to lawyer Richard Martin, recorder of London (1570-1618), in the Temple Church
Monument to Robert Dow in St. Botolph s, AdgateMonument to merchant taylor and philantropist Robert Dow in St. Botolph s, Adgate. Died 1612 aged 89. Depicted holding a skull
Ruins of the Roman London Wall exposed by the fire of May 1792 on Ludgate Hill
Rectorial House, Newington Butts. Singular building made of oak, chestnut and cedar, with roof in 14 casts or directions forming a well in the centre
The Gate of the Ancient Abbey of St. Saviours Bermondsey. Founded 1082 by Aylwin Child for Cluniacs from France
Staples Inn, Holborn, 1800Staples Inn, Holborn. Tudor building originally attached to Grays Inn, one of four Inns of Court
London Stone in Cannon Street, LondonLondon Stone in Cannon Street, supposed to be the milestone or Milliarium of the Romans
Mrs. Salmons Waxworks Museum, Fleet StreetMrs. Salmons Waxworks Museum, at the Horn Tavern, 17 Fleet Street. It had 140 wax figures and was run by Mrs. Clark from 1760 until 1812
The Principal Gate of the Priory of St. Bartholomew, Smithfield. Founded as an Augustinian priory in 1123
Sir Paul Pinders Lodge in Half Moon Alley. The facade decorated with plasterwork designs. Was the keepers lodge to the park beloning to merchant Sir Paul Pindar (1565-1650)
Barber Surgeons Hall, Monkwell Street. Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T
Bas-relief of a gardener on the wall of Mr. Holylands stables, Gardiners Lane. Man in doublet and breeches holding a spade, dated 1670
Barber Surgeons Hall, Monkwell Street, LondonBarber Surgeons Hall, Monkwell Street, from the church yard of St. Giles, Cripplegate
Pedlar and his dog in the window of Saint Mary-at-LambethPedlar and his dog in the stained glass window of the church at Saint Mary-at-Lambeth
The Old Fountain in Minories parish, London. A Tudor-era timber-frame inn built in 1490 Demolished in 1793
Guild-hall Chapel, rebuilt in 1440, part of the 12th century Guildhall in London
Kitchen of Leathersellers Hall, London. Demolished in 1799. Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T
Tombs of Royalist Richard Penderel and poet George ChapmanTombs of Royalist Richard Penderel (d.1671) and poet George Chapman (1559-1634) in the churchyard of St. Giles in the Fields
Guy, Earl of Warwick, from a basso-relievio in Warwick Lane. Crusader hero killed the Danish champion, the giant Colbrand, for Athelstan of England
Sion College, at London Wall, near Cripplegate. Founded by Royal Charter in 1630 as a college, guild of parochial clergy and almshouse, under the 1623 will of Thomas White
Grave monument of Theodore I of Corsica, Theodor Stephan Freiherr von Neuhoff, 1694-1756, in St. Ann, Westminster
Tomb of artist William Hogarth, Chiswick churchyard, Middlesex. Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T
Grave effigy or Lady Arabella, Countess Dowager of Nottingham, in the chancel of St. Mary le Savoy
Grave effigy of Sir Nicholas Throkmorton, St. Catherine CreeGrave effigy of Sir Nicholas Throkmorton, 1516-1571, Chief Butler of England, in the church of St. Catherine Cree, Aldgate
Grave effigies in St. Saviours Southwark. Wooden figure of a Knight Templar and monument to Old Overie, father of Mary Overie, foundress of the Priory
Grave monument to the Elizabethan herald William CamdemGrave monument to the Elizabethan antiquarian and herald William Camdem, died 1623, in Poets Corner, Westminster Abbey
Crypt of the ancient priory of Black-NunsRemains of the crypt part of the ancient priory of Black-Nuns, adjoining St. Helens Church, Bishopsgate Street
A specimen of ancient building, King Street, LondonA specimen of ancient building. Old timber-frame houses situated on the west side of King Street, Westminster
Monument of Samuel Cooper in St. Pancras in the FieldsMonument of miniature painter Samuel Cooper (1609-1672) in St. Pancras in the Fields
Cornelius Van Duns almshouses in Petty FranceVan Duns almshouses in Petty France, with his mural monument in St. Margarets Church, Westminster. View of Elizabethen timber frame almshouse for 20 poor widows and portrait of Cornelius Van Dun
Rosamonds Pond, St. James Park, circa 1758 (filled up in 1770). Copperplate engraving by John Thomas Smith after original drawings by members of the Society of Antiquaries from his J.T