The Sphere Memorial Number of the Scott Antarctic ExpeditionFront cover of The Sphere Memorial Number of the Scott Antarctic Expedition in which Captain Scott and his four comrades perished after being beaten to the South Pole by Norwegian, Roald Amundsen
Guardian Angel at BedA guardian angel raises an arm in blessing while a girl helps her younger sister to say her evening prayers
Saint Teresa of AvilaSAINT TERESA OF AVILA (upper left) she narrates her vision to her confessor; (lower left) she dies; (right) an angel wounds her heart with divine fire
Angels of Mons [Pearse]The so-called Angels of Mons halt the German advance at Mons, Belgium - the first engagement of World War One
Archangel Gabriel
The Assumption of the Virgin Mary, 1642, by Guido Reni (1575Guido Reni (1575-1642). Italian painter. The Assumption of the Virgin Mary, 1642. Alte Pinakothek. Munich. Germany
Angels of Mons, cover design for piano musicAngels of Mons (Reve Mystique), cover design for solo piano music by Sydney C Baldock, inspired by rumours of angelic intervention in the fighting (Battle of Mons, Belgium)
Piero della Francesca (c. 1420-1492). Italian painter. The BaRenaissance Art. Italy. 15th century. Piero della Francesca (c.1420-1492). Italian painter. The Baptism of Christ (c. 1450). Detail. Tempera on panel. National Gallery. London. England. UK
Illustrated London News Christmas number cover, 1904A beautiful fairy with wings, looks thoughtful as she gazes out to the sea and starry sky. Front cover of The Illustrated London News Christmas Number 1904. Date: 1904
Islington AngelThe Angel at Islington is one of North Londons best- known landmarks at the site of one of its busiest crossroads. Date: 1895
UK Dairy Show - Feeding the goatsFeeding the prize goats at the UK Dairy Show of 1911, held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington
MURILLO, Bartolom項steban (1617-1682). The GuardianMURILLO, Bartolom項 steban (1617-1682). The Guardian Angel. c. 1665. SPAIN. Sevilla. Cathedral. Baroque art. Oil on canvas
Guardian AngelA Guardian Angel walks hand in hand with a good little French girl
Romanesque altar from Sagas. The Visitation, Nativity and AdSpain. Romanesque art. 12th century. Altar from Sagas. The Visitation, Nativity and Adoration of the Magi. Diocesan and regional Museum of Solsona. Catalonia
Ramon Llull (1235-1316). Breviculum Codex. Miniature. BadenRamon Llull (1235-1316). Breviculum Codex. Miniature. Llull preaching. Parchment 92. Page 5r. Baden Memorial Library. Karlsruhe. Germany
Fra Angelico (1387-1455). The Coronation of the VirginFra Angelico (1387-1455). Tuscan painter of early Renaissance, part of the Florentine school. The Coronation of the Virgin. 15th Century. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Islington / Angel 1916Islington: The Angel
Musical Instruments 1883Various musicians playing various instruments: a harp, a lyre, pipes, hunting horn. Pipes of Pan are also in evidence
Angel Islington 1930SA cyclist stops and takes in the night-time scene as a policeman directs the traffic at the crossroads on Upper Street, the Angel Islington, London
Mother of God (Glykophilousa). Crete, 15th-16th century. National Gallery. Prague. Czech Republic
Wallingford Screen, St Albans Abbey, HertfordshireView of the 15th century Wallingford Screen (high altar) in St Albans Abbey, Hertfordshire. The statues were destroyed during the Dissolution, but were replaced in the 19th century
Horn-bearing datura, Datura cornigera Angel sHorn-bearing datura, Datura cornigera. Angels trumpet, Brugmansia arborea
France - Amiens - The Cathedral - The Crying Angel Statue Date: circa 1910
The Feast of Venus, after 1635. Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640). Oil on canvas, 217 x 350 cm
Holy Monastery of Kykkos, Troodos Mountains, Cyprus: mosaic, Jacob wrestling with an angel, Genesis 32 and Hosea 12 Date: 2011
Advert for Malcolm campbell 1931Dunlop Tyres pay tribute to Malcolm Campbell when he drives his Bluebird on Daytona Beach, Florida, at a speed of 395 km/h. Date: 1931
Poster for 1938 Eucharistic Congress, BudapestPoster for 34th International Eucharistic Congress, Budapest. The poster shows an angel flying over the globe holding a chalice with the bright moon forming a glowing orb above the cup
7-Branch CandlestickCeremonial objects : The GOLDEN CANDLESTICK (Menorah) with seven branches, used in the Temple at Jerusalem, is shown to the prophet Zechariah by an angel
Adam & Eve Driven OutClosing Time in Eden : the sinful couple have to leave Paradise, driven out by an angel with a red-hot sword
ADVERT / ENOs SALTS 1897Enos Fruit Salt for digestive problems
Tarot Card 21 - Le Monde (The World). Date: 20th century
Chromolithograph Devotional Card - Guardian AngelChromolithograph Devotional Card - Protection provided by your Guardian Angel. 1911
London Birdseye 18Bird s-eye view of London at the end of the 19th century : the City Road, Finsbury Circus to the Angel, Islington
Saint MichaelSAINT MICHAEL, the warrior angel, has weighed the devil in his scales and found him wanting; so now he raises his sword to slay him. Alas, Satan will not stay dead
Saint Brigid WritingSAINT BRIGID Irish abbess, depicted receiving help with her writing from an angel
Britannia (Dugdale s)An imperious Britannia with her foot on the shield of Europe
Saint Joseph DreamsSaint Joseph dreams that he is visited by an angel who tells him that he is going to be the father of Jesus
Picture of a gin shop or dram shopSlide showing a picture of a very ornate spirit store or gin shop, called The Angel. Part of Box 366. Relates to the set of slides 2012.392 to 2012.402 Date: circa 1900
Tobias Meets an AngelTobias, son of Tobit, encounters an angel while travelling on a journey, who has been sent to guide him on his way
Guiding Xmas AngelAngels make themselves useful at Christmas time : this one is directing Santa to a house in the Swedish forest where there are well-behaved children awaiting presents
Poster, Allied Forces Sports Council, Berlin, GermanyPoster, Allied Forces Sports Council, Olympic Stadium, Berlin, Germany, 7-8 September 1946, Armed Forces Track and Field Championships Date: 1946
Brass rubbing, Adrian, grandson of Bartholomew RoelandMonumental brass rubbing, Adrian, grandson of Bartholomew Roeland, Breda, Holland. 1550
The Annunciation, 1597-1600, by El GrecoEl Greco (1541-1614). Cretan painter. The Annunciation, 1597-1600. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Angel playing a lute, Melozzo da ForliMelozzo da Forli (1438-1494). Italian painter. Fresco depicting an Angel playing a lute. From the Church of the Twelve Holy Apostles. Pinacoteca Vaticana. Vatican City. Date: circa 1480
Palace of the Normans. Byzantine mosaics at the Palatine ChaItaly. Sicily. Palerm. Palace of the Normans. Byzantine mosaics at the Palatine Chapel. Christ with Saint Peter and Paul above the throne stage. 12 th century
The Mond Crucifixion by RaphaelRaphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) (1483-1520). Italian painter. The Mond Crucifixion. 1502-1503. National Gallery. London. United Kingdom
Knight of the mid 15th century in battle armor with weapons.. He wears a checkered tunic over stocking, with two angels above holding his coat of arms. The weapons include a war hammer A and sword E
Dream of GerontiusA Visitant is knocking his dire summons at my door
Gyorgy Zala, sculpture of the Archangel Gabriel holding the Holy Crown of St Stephen and and the apostolic double cross (Millennium Monument, Heroes Square, Budapest, Hungary). 19th century
Book of Revelation or The Apocalypse. Book of New Testament. Miniature. 15th century. The fifth Angel playing trumpet. Chateau of Chatilly. France
Nativity of Christ. 16th century, by OnufriNativity of Christ. 16th century. Painted by Onufri. National Museum of Medieval Art. Korce. Republic of Albania
Wellington Arch, Constitution Hill, LondonView of the Wellington Arch, Constitution Hill, London, a triumphal arch to the south of Hyde Park, designed by Decimus Burton and built between 1826 and 1830
A pair of AngelsA very beautiful chromolithographic postcard depicting a pair of angels, one bowed in prayer and one holding a long thin scroll. Date: circa 1910s
Winged Victoria figure, Siegessaule, Berlin, GermanyThe winged bronze Victoria figure on the top of the Siegessaeule (Pillar of Victory)
Edward VII Memorial unveiling at Brighton and HoveThe unveiling of a Memorial to the late King Edward VII on the boundary dividing the boroughs of Brighton and Hove
German Guardian AngelA guardian angel watches over a small child as it gathers flowers in the German countryside on a fine summers day
Rene Descartes / TombRENE DESCARTES French mathematician and philosopher: his tomb, at Stockholm
Angels & PresentsAn angel shows two small children their Christmas presents
Angel Playing HarpAn angel plays a harp
Concepts / AngelsA Guardian Angel watches over a child as she crosses a dangerous bridge
Grotto of the Annunciation, NazarethView inside the Grotto of the Annunciation in Nazareth, where by tradition Mary is said to have received a visit from the Angel Gabriel
Great Eastern Railways Locomotive works at StratfordA view along the north side of the Great Eastern Railway
Angel on the front of the Orthodox Church Saborna Crkva. Belgrade. Republic of Serbia
Romanesque Art. France. 12th century. Moissac Abbey. Tympanum of the south-west portico. Tetramorph and Pantocrator
The Ascension. First half of the 17th century. Byzantine Museum. Zante. Ionian Islands. Greece
St Teresa of Avila with angel of justiceSaint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), Carmelite nun and visionary, pleads for mercy with the angel of justice
MUHAMMAD (570-632). Prophet and founder of Islam. Muhammad in ecstasy. Islamic art. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Legend Of The Christmas RoseThe Legend of the Christmas Rose - this poor girl had no gift for the infant Jesus, so a kindly angel showed her this flower which she forthwith picked and gave him
Photograph of Angel Inn, Castle Cary, Somerset. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
Marlene Dietrich in the German film The Blue Angel, 1930Marlene Dietrich in the German UFA film The Blue Angel, 1930, directed by Josef Van Sternberg Date: 1930
Altarpiece of Saint Quiteria, 1332, by Joan Loert. SpainJoan Loert, Master of Privileges. 13th-14th centuries. Altarpiece of Saint Quiteria, 1332. From the Hospital of Saint Anthony, Palma of Majorca. Museum of Majorca. Spain
The Angel of the Lord appears to the Prophet Elijah. circa late 19th century
Francis Assisi / German ChFrancesco (Francis) di Assisi receives the stigmata
Tobias and the AngelTobias, while travelling, meets a helpful angel
Wessex / Bindon Abbey MillWessex scenery: Bindon Abbey Mill, Dorset, where Angel Clare in Thomas Hardys novel Tess of the d Urbervilles proposes to learn milling
HEAVEN AS A GARDENHeaven depicted as a walled garden, with the Virgin Mary reading a book, saints, an angel, a monkey and a dead dragon Date: 15th century
Scene from Wagners opera Tannhauser. late 19th century
Annunciation to the Shepherds. 14th CenturyGothic art. 14th Century. Annunciation to the Shepherds. Chapel of the Church of St. Peter of Olite. Museum of Navarre. Pamplona. Spain
Angel commanding Hagar to return to SarahThe Angel of the Lord commanding Hagar to return to her mistress Sarah - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 16.9. 1787
The first authentic stage TessPhotographs of the first production of Thomas Hardys own dramatic version of his novel Tess of the d Urbervilles on 26th November 1924 by the Hardy Players at the Corn Exchange, Dorchester
Loyola, Saint Ignacius of (1491-1556). Spanish religious man, founder of the Society of Jesus. Painting
Match Girl (Hey) 1921The little match girl, dead of cold, is carried by an angel to heaven, where it is warmer without going to the extreme of the other place
Angel Playing HarpAn angel plays the harp as Easter dawns
Ms - C15 French Breviarypage from a French Breviary: the miniature depicts the Annunciation to Mary by an angel, watched by God from up there Date: early 15th century