La Grenouillere, 1869, by Pierre-Auguste RenoirPierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919). French painter. La Grenouillere, 1869. National Museum. Stockholm. Sweden
Paragon Park, Nantasket Beach, New England, USANighttime aerial bird's eye view of Paragon Park, Nantasket Beach, New England, USA - turn-of-the-century amusement park designed in the spirit of a world's fair. Date: 1905
Wonderland, Revere Beach, Massachusetts, USAAerial view of Wonderland, Revere Beach, Massachusetts, USA. Date: circa 1909
The Fox Theatre, Detroit, Michigan - The Auditorium. Opened in 1928 as a flagship movie palace in the Fox Theatres Chain
Pier Train / SouthendThe electric train carries passengers to the end of the one and a half mile long pier, the longest in the world
Jazz orchestra by the pool on board the MauretaniaA jazz orchestra entertains passengers by the pool on board the ocean liner, the Mauretania, just one of the many amusements available. Date: 1931
Londons new amusement: Up and down the escalatorIllustration from 1911 of the first escalators ever installed on the underground, between the District and the Piccadilly line platforms at Earls Court station
Dreamland, Margate, 1938Dreamland Amusement Park, Margate - a crowd waiting at the Scenic Railway station
Cockfighting in FranceCock fighting is a fashionable amusement in fin-de-siecle Paris, enjoyed by top-hatted gentlemen and their lady friends
The Wiener Riesenrad (German for Viennese Giant Wheel ), or Riesenrad is a Ferris wheel at the entrance of the Prater amusement park in Leopoldstadt, the 2nd district of Austrias capital Vienna
Coney IslandThe pier seen from Steeplechase Park roller coaster, Coney Island, New York, America
Long Beach, California, USA - The Pike Amusement ParkLong Beach, California, USA (with Warships on the horizon). The Pike in was a seaside amusement park on a pier and famous for its signature attraction the Cyclone Racer (pictured). Date: circa 1930s
Jacks Saloon, Happy Hollow, Hot Springs, ArkansasJacks Sallon Bar at Happy Hollow
Robin in the trenches, WW1 by Philip DaddSat on the End of my Bayonet like a bloomin Christmas Card, he did
Paragon Park, Nantasket Beach, Massachusetts, USANight view of Paragon Park and the Schlitz Palm Garden, Nantasket Beach, Hull, Massachusetts, USA. Date: circa 1908
Drunken man staggering home - about to hit lampostRacing Illustrated - " Some delay at the post!" - a gentleman who has had a serious session at the Old Blue Bell (see 10909661) endeavours to make his way home
Victorian Silhouettes by H. L. OakleyA page of silhouettes showing various Victorian pastimes and games including archery, croquet, skating and chess
Fairs / Electric Car RideMonte Carlo Rally electric car ride at Dreamland Amusement Park, Margate
Indian Puppet Show for European ChildrenKaut-pootlies, or Puppets exhibited by Native Jugglers, for the amusement of European children. (Plate 18 of 20). Date: 1813
ANGRY GOLFER 1897Having made an awful mess of his shot, a golfer vents his anger, much to the amusement of his caddy. Date: 1897
Car Ride at DreamlandThe Brooklands Racers car ride at Dreamland Amusement Park, Margate, Kent
Fairs / Electric BoatsElectric motor boats at Dreamland Amusement Park, Margate, Kent
Switchback at BlackpoolPeople riding the switchback, which opened in 1891, at Blackpool Amusement Park, Lancashire, England. Date: 1950s
The Barnum & Bailey greatest show on Earth, the worlds largest, grandest, best amusement institution. Date c1899
Building a wooden Rollercoaster - Ramsgate SeafrontHuge scaffolding erected for the construction of a wooden rollercoaster on the seafront - part of the Merrie England funfair at Ramsgate, Kent, England
Dreamland Cafe 1952A summers evening in the outdoor cafe at Dreamland Amusement Park, Margate
Celoron Park, Jamestown, New York State, USA, with Phoenix ferris wheel from Atlanta Expo 1895 and high diving tower. Now renamed as Lucille Ball Memorial Park. Date: circa 1906
Medieval monks playing the game of bob apple or swinging apple. The apple was hung on a rope and the players had to bite them without using their arms or hands
Court-fool. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia universalis, published in Basel in 1552
French court-fool in the 15th century. Chromolithography from a facsimile of a miniature. Detail. Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix
French court-fool in the 15th century. Chromolithography from a facsimile of a miniature. Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878
Village feast. Facsimile of an engraving from 1609Village feast. Facsimile after a woodcut of the Sandrin ou Verd Galant, edition of 1609. Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878
History of England, 1200. Buffoon and ladies. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume V, 1884
English gentleman at a music lesson, Regency era. A lady in plumed headdress dances with a violin master, while a dandy stands next to the pianist. Tom Takeall passes a love letter to Charlotte
A family drawing their children in a toy coach, Regency eraA family drawing their children in a toy coach on the road to Highgate, Regency era. Mr and Mrs Hobbs pulling daughter Kitty in a shay. Taking Pleasures
Bogeymen catching and punishing bad children, 1802A group of bogeymen catching and punishing bad children. Mr and Mrs Bogeyman beat kids while assistant Gatapiat brings a child in a wicker cage to a prison
Satirical engraving of the Eternal Masquerade, 18th centuryAllegorical figure of Time with an hourglass placing masks on the face of a woman and gentleman wearing multiple masks
Customers trying on masks for a masquerade, 18th centuryCustomers trying on masks for a festival or masquerade ball, 18th century. Masks for an ingenue, modest actor, inconsolable widow, parasite, etc
Costume of a French mask seller, 1700Costume of a French mask seller from Nicolas de Larmessin's Habits des Metiers et Professions, 1700. He wears masks, feathers, buckles, buttons, pins, ribbons, fabrics, fans, scissors, etc
Flyer advertising a troupe of acrobats, 18th century. The stunts include tumblers somersaulting over horses, swords, flames, and coaches, vaulting off springboards, etc
Rope dancer from a 16th century book of emblemsA tightrope walker with bells on his legs performing for an audience. Rope dancer from a 16th century book of emblems. Le danseur de corde. Apres un recueil d'emblemes du XVIe siecle
Magician using a baton to remove a coin from a woman's nose, ParStreet entertainer using a baton to remove a coin from a woman's nose without touching her nose. Audience of fashionable women in bonnets, shawls and dresses with frills
Magician performing sleight of hand, Chateau d'Eau, 1820sMagician at the Chateau d'Eau performing sleight of hand in front of an audience of soldiers and nurses. Cups and balls or the shell game trick
Stunts performed by acrobat Pierre Magarieu of Paris, 18th CPromotional flyer for acrobat Pierre Magarieu of Paris, 18th century. Showing his many stunts including tumbling and somersaulting over flames, swords, horses, etc
Street entertainers and their games, 18th century. Conjurers, magicians, and illusionists performing cups and balls and other sleight of hand. After a popular contemporary print
Medieval children playing the game of knock off the hat, 1587Medieval children playing the game of Knock off the Hat. Others play pince merille, a pinching game. A abatre le chappeau, et autres jeux
Children playing the game of Hot Hand, Paris, 1824. Le jeu de la main chaude. After a lithograph by Jean-Henri Marlet in Le Bon Genie
Fashionable people playing blind man's buff, 18th centuryFashionable people playing a game of blind man's buff. A fop buries his head in a beauty's skirts while other women tap his back. Le jeu a deviner
Merveilleuses playing the game of Hot HandsMerveilleuses in flimsy muslin dresses play the game of Hot Hands. One girl buries her head in another's lap, and has to guess which friend slaps her arm
Party goers playing the game of Seated Blind Man's Buff. A dandy in Regency fashion guesses the identity of the woman in muslin dress who provides his chair. Le Colin-Maillard Assis
Fashionable people playing the party game of Guess the KisserFashionable people at a party play the game of Guess the Kisser, a parlour game where a blindfolded girl has to guess who is kissing her on the cheek
Merveilleuses playing the game of blind man's buff. A blindfolded woman runs in a garden as one woman strokes her hand and another grabs her muslin dress
A fop grabs a lady's hand in a kissing game, 18th centuryA fop grabs a lady's hand in the kissing game of Pied de Boeuf (cow foot), 18th century.. They are surrounded by children in a glade
Fop and beauty playing a kissing game, 17th centuryFrench aristocrats playing the kissing game of Pied de Boeuf (cow foot), 17th century. A fop grabs the hand of a beauty. After an engraving by Nicolas de Larmessin, chez P. Houllie, rue St. Jacques
Fashionable people playing the party game, Gentle KnightFashionable people playing the memory game of the Gentle Knight. Players who make errors reciting a long sentence have to wear paper horns in their hair. Les Chevaliers Gentiles (Jeu de societe)
Party goers playing the parlour game of The King of Morocco is Dead
Regency party-goers playing the game of The Little Man Lives OnParty-goers playing the parlour game of The Little Man Lives On. Regency dandies and belles must pass around a lit match. Le petit bon homme vit encore. Non, non, il ne vit plus
Medieval girls playing the game of Open the Doors, 1587, where girls form arches with their arms for others to dance under. Others play the kissing game Sure or Suze, and play at being the queen
Gentlemen and ladies playing the kissing game The Clock. A woman asks the time and is kissed according to the hour on the clock. La Pendule
Chess pieces from the 17th century. King, knight, bishop, pawn, etc. Les differentes pieces du jeu des echecs. Engraving from New-erfundenes Grosses Konigs-Spiel by Christoph Weickhmann, Ulm, 1664
Gentlemen and ladies playing the kissing game, Cradle of Love. Couples link hands and form arches to trap others as they beneath. Freedom is granted with a kiss. Le Berceau d'Amour
Fashionable people in a garden playing the Whistle Game. A lady blows on a whistle tied to a gentleman's back. Le jeu du Sifflet. After a lithograph from the Bourbon Restoration
Gentlemen and ladies playing a kissing game, 1800sGentlemen and ladies playing a kissing game. A penitent holds a candle while his guide goes around kissing women at the party. Jeu de Societe. Le Chevalier a la triste Figure
Fashionable people playing the party game of Three Little Pats. A dandy bumps his buttocks on the floor three times as a forfeit. Women clap and chant: Trois petits pates ma chemise brule
Gentlemen and ladies playing the Bridge of LoveA man and woman embrace and kiss while seated on another gentleman's back. Scene from the kissing game, The bridge of love. Le Pont d'Amour
Various party games popular during the Napoleonic Era. Kissing games including the Convent Porter, Bridge of Love, Sultan, Base of the Candlestick
A girl dangles a cherry in front of a boy who tries to bite it without using his hands. Era of Louis XVI, late 18th century. Les Friands de Cerise
Peasants ducking for apples in a barrel, 18th centuryPeasants ducking for apples in a barrel. A man pushes down the heads of two competitors. English school caricature, 18th century
Woman teasing a parrot with a captive beetle, 18th centuryWoman teasing a parrot with a cockchafer tied to a stick, 18th century. The game of captive animals
Allegorical print showing a game of four-handed chess, The Royal Game or Le jeu du Roi
A boy playing with a bird tied to a perch with a string. The other boy holds a book and a glove. From a painting by Peter Paul Rubens
French woman addicted to the game of Tangram, 1818A woman playing a Tangram or Chinese puzzle game, 1818. A husband berates a wife addicted to the gamt, ignoring the baby crying in its cot. The game sparked a craze in the early 19th century
Peasants playing blind man's buff. 17th centuryA group of peasants playing a game of blind man's buff. 17th century. A soldier ties a blindfold on a young maid. Le Colin Maillard aux Piliers d'or
Medieval peasants watching a cockfight, while other hold roosters, and chase hens. A woman dsitributes nuts from her apron. Cockfighting and other games. Le jeu de coques, et autres jeux
French aristocrats playing a game of draughts, late 17th/early 18th century. A fop pushes a draught as a woman goes to pick up a piece. Another woman watches the game
Allegory of European politics as a game of draughts, 17th centurAllegorical print showing European politics as a game of draughts, from a 17th-century calendar
Peasants playing the game of hot hands, 17th centuryPeasants and shepherds playing the game of hot hand at a picnic, 17th century. From an engraving by Claudine Bouzonnet Stella in the Four Ages of Life. Le jeu de la main chaude
A noble woman and fop playing a game of chess, 1686A French noble woman and fop playing a game of chess, 1686. Another lady works on a piece of embroidery on the sofa. Le Jeu des Echecs
Pieces from a Tangram or Chinese puzzle game, 19th centuryDifferently shaped pieces from a Tangram or Chinese puzzle game. The game sparked a craze in Europe in the early 19th century. Les diverses combinaisons du Casse-tete Chinois
Anne de Rohan-Chabot playing solitaire, 1697Anne de Rohan-Chabot playing the game of solitaire, 1697. Princess Soubise, 1648-1709, was mistress of King Louis XIV. Madame la Princesse de Soubize, jouant au jeu du Solitaire
King Louis XIV and family playing bagatelle, Versailles, 1694King Louis XIV, family and courtiers playing the game of bagatelle in the First Apartment, Versailles, 1694
Ladies playing a game of bagatelle with a fop, 17th century. The game was also known as croc-madame or trou-madame. Dames Jouans au Jeu des Portiques
Aristocrats playing the game of bagatelle, 17th century. A gentleman rolls a ball at a target on a table while two women in lace ruff collars watch. Also known as portiques or croc-madame
Caricature of Biribi players at the Palais-Royale, 1780sThe game of Biribi or la Belle after a satirical print of the Revolutionary Era