Cortis on OrdinaryNoted cyclist H L Cortis on a 59-inch (1.5 m) Invincible Ordinary, given a helping hand by his trainer
Four of the Eddystone LighthousesEngraving of the four Eddystone Lighthouses
Kirkstall Abbey, near Leeds, West YorkshireView of the ruins of Kirkstall Abbey (Cistercian), near Leeds, West Yorkshire. Date: 1882
Fd Roosevelt / Ilz 1932FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT 32nd President of the USA in the year of his election
Charles DarwinCHARLES DARWIN satire : Man is but a worm
Bradford Market StreetMarket Street, Bradford, Yorkshire
Virginia Woolf 1930VIRGINIA WOOLF English novelist
Whitby Abbey, Whitby, North YorkshireView of the ruins of Whitby Abbey (Benedictine), in Whitby, North Yorkshire. Date: 1882
Peppers Ghost IllusionThe Peppers Ghost illusion
Anthony Trollope / CenturyANTHONY TROLLOPE English novelist
HAYEZ, Francesco (1791-1882). The kiss. Romanticism. Oil on canvas
Hull Market PlaceThe Market Place, Kingston-upon-Hull
Eton Vs Blackburn 1882 / 3The Final of the Football Association Challenge Cup : The Old Etonians beaten by Blackburn Olympic
Dryburgh Abbey, on the River Tweed, ScotlandView of the ruins of Dryburgh Abbey (Premonstratensian), on the River Tweed, Scotland. Date: 1882
Queen Victoria at her deskPhotographic study of Queen Victoria at her writing desk. Taken in 1882, a framed portrait of her late husband Prince Albert on the desk
DREADNOUGHT HOAXVIRGINIA WOOLF as a young woman, with Duncan Grant, Adrian Stephen, Anthony Buxton, Guy Ridley and Horace Cole as " The Emperor of Abyssinia and His Suite"
Darwin / Elliott & FryCHARLES DARWIN Naturalist
Charles Darwin with a lookalike apeCharles Darwin holding up a hand mirror to an ape, showing how alike the pair of them are
Bolton Priory, Wharfedale, North YorkshireView of the ruins of Bolton Priory (Augustinian), in Wharfedale, North Yorkshire. Date: 1882
Sardar Afzal Khan, 1882Engraved portrait of Sardar Afzal Khan, the British envoy to Kabul, Afganistan, pictured in 1882
Bedford Park / Bath Rd 4 / 9Bedford Park, Chiswick, London, considered the prototype of later garden cities and suburbs: Bath Road, looking east (4 of 9)
Sylvia PankhurstSYLVIA PANKHURST artist & suffragette. Daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst & younger sister of Christabel, she was instrumental along with them in founding the WSPU
Walter Passmore / IolantheWALTER PASSMORE Comic actor and singer, best known for his Gilbert & Sullivan roles, seen here in Iolanthe
Charles Darwin / PhotoFRENCH EXPEDITION Juarezs guerrillas led by Pedro Mendez set light to a warehouse at Tantoyuquita
Shellfish stall in Les Halles, Paris, FranceAdults and children at a shellfish stall in Les Halles, in Paris, France
Anthony Trollope / PhotoANTHONY TROLLOPE English novelist
Switzerland St BernardThe hospice of the Great Saint Bernard, where the monks keep dogs to rescue travelers lost between Switzerland and Italy
Clock Mechanism 1882A clock mechanism
Watercress Girls / 1882Watercress girls buying their stock at Farringdon Market in London
Jack Hobbs / CricketerJack Hobbs (Sir John Berry Hobbs), English cricketer (1882-1963)
Parsifal - Liebig 6Act three : Parsifal heals Amfortas with the sacred Spear
Sport / Cricket / AshesThe Ashes - The original announcement mourning the loss to the Australians ina test series
Sheepdog Trials. Bringing in the sheep, starting the dog, driving the sheep and finally trying to get them into the pen
Darwins Study, DownCHARLES DARWINs HOME The study in which he wrote On The Origin Of Species
Charles Darwin / ColumnCHARLES DARWIN Naturalist
Garibaldi / Collette 1860GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI Italian patriot
Ww Gull / Cabinet PortraitCHARLES DARWIN English naturalist
Schiaparellis two hemispheres of the planet MarsThe two hemispheres of the planet Mars as drawn by the Italian astronomer and historian of science, Giovanni Schiaparelli
James JoyceJames Augustine Joyce Irish Writer
Rossetti / GraphicDANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI Poet and Pre-Raphaelite artist
Rouen / Rue Epicerie 1882Rouen: Rue de l Epicerie
Australian Team of 1882The Austalian cricket team of 1882 who beat the English in the first Ashes series, captained by W. L. Murdoch
Greece, Corfu island. Mon Repos Palace in Corfu TownGreece. Corfu island. View of the Palace of the English Governors (Mon Repos Palace) in Corfu Town. It was built in 1826 by the British Commissioner Frederic Adams
Ballet Petrouschka. Vaslav NijinskyBallet Petrouschka, music by Igor Stravinsky (1911). Illustration by Georges Lepape with the dancer Vaslav Nijinsky. Art Deco. Drawing
Reginald Malby, photographerReginald Malby (1882-1924), official photographer to the Royal Horticultural Society. Seen here in a head and shoulders portrait with a pipe in his mouth
Reginald Malby working in his gardenReginald Malby (1882-1924), official photographer to the Royal Horticultural Society, working in his garden
Darwin / Greenhouse / 1882CHARLES DARWIN Greenhouse at his home in Downe, Kent, where the naturalist conducted his research
Battle of Tel-El-KebirBritish artillery entering the enemy lines at Tel-el-Kebir
Theodor Schwann, German physiologist who made many contributions to biology and coined the term metabolism
Caricature of Edgar Bruce, actor-managerCaricature of Tom Mead (1821-1889), English actor, frequently cast as the villain because of his deep voice
Caricature of Nellie Farren and Edward LedgerCaricature of Nellie Farren (1848-1904), English actress and singer, and Edward Ledger (18??-1921), editor of The Era theatrical newspaper
Furness Abbey, Barrow-in-Furness, CumbriaView of the ruins of Furness Abbey (Cistercian), Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. Date: 1882
Geoffrey de Havilland, OM, CBE, AFC, RDI, FRAeS, (27 July 1882 21 May 1965) holding a model of the de Havilland Mosquito
Christmas scene at the Evelina Childrens HospitalChristmas comes but once a year -- a scene at the Evelina Childrens Hospital, founded in Southwark, London, in 1869. A sick little girl is visited by her mother and younger sister
Caricature of Harry Paulton, actor and dramatistCaricature of Harry Paulton (1842-1917), actor and dramatist. Seen here outside the Avenue Theatre, London, in cloak and hat -- Manteaux Noirs; or, a Tale of the Embankment
Caricature of P T Barnum and Jumbo the elephantCaricature of Phineas Taylor (PT) Barnum (1810-1891), American showman and businessman, and Jumbo the African elephant which he bought for his circus from London Zoo in 1882
Rievaulx Abbey, near Helmsley, North YorkshireView of the ruins of Rievaulx Abbey (Cistercian), near Helmsley, North Yorkshire. Date: 1882
Melrose Abbey, Roxburghshire, ScotlandView of the ruins of Melrose Abbey (Cistercian), in Roxburghshire, Scotland. Date: 1882
GARIBALDIGIUSEPPE GARIBALDI Italian soldier and statesman with his autograph Date: 1807 - 1882
Fort Augustus TowerThe Clock Tower of the Monastery of Fort Augustus, near Loch Ness, Inverness- shire, Scotland. Built c. 1870, it was raised to the dignity of an Abbey in 1882. Date: built circa 1870
Reginald Malby with a giant camera in his gardenReginald Malby (1882-1924), official photographer to the Royal Horticultural Society, using a giant camera in his garden at Woodford, Essex
Salford Union Infirmary / Hope HospitalHope Hospital, Eccles Old Road, Salford. The hospital was opened in 1882 as the Salford Union Infirmary, more usually known as Hope Hospital
Workman & Boss / Doffs CapA workman walking in the street with his wife puts his finger to his cap when his employer rides past
James JoyceJAMES AUGUSTINE JOYCE Irish writer; holding a copy of Ulysses
Sudan Wars: Tel-El-KebirBATTLE OF TEL-EL-KEBIR Wolseley defeats Arabi Pashas army decisively, quashing the revolt : henceforward Egypt will be under British rule
Frances Kelly ActressFrances " Fanny" Kelly, immensely talented and popular Irish actress, appeared mostly at Drury Lane for 36 years with undiminished acclaim, renowned for comedy roles
Visiting Paris ZooJARDIN D ACCLIMATATION Some children choose to ride the ostrich cart, some the elephant, some the camel
Darwin (Collier)CHARLES DARWIN towards the end of his life
Fd Roosevelt / Mag PhotoFRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT 32nd President of the USA
Darwin / Basket ChairCHARLES DARWIN English naturalist sitting in a chair
Charles Darwin studying a wormA satire on Charles Darwin -- after charting the Descent of Man he goes even lower and studies worms
Sigrid Undset / Nobel 1928SIGRID UNDSET Norwegian novelist
London, Edinburgh & Glasgow Assurance Company Ltd. - advertorial flyer Date: 1882
Sir Geoffrey de Havilland (1882-1965)Sir Geoffrey de Havilland, 1882-1965. Date: 1965
Malby family group photoMembers of the Malby family (four adults and a child) pose for a group photo in a garden
The Duke of Edinburgh as musicianEngraving showing Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh playing the violin to accompany the singer
Australian Cricketers of 1882Engravings of some of the members of the Australian Cricket Team of 1882. From left to right: George Giffen; Frederick Robert Spofforth; William Lloyd Murdoch; Alexander C
Croatia SplitGeneral view of the harbour
Bedford Park / Church 7 / 9Bedford Park: church and parsonage, looking south-west (7 of 9)
Mixed Doubles 1882Mixed doubles on the lawn of a country house
Virginia Woolf / MorganVIRGINIA WOOLF English novelist
Auntie Says Goodnight 2 of 2Auntie kisses her two little nieces goodnight
Darwin / Downe / StudyCharles Darwins home at Downe, in Kent - the study
Scene of the murder of Mr Bourke and Corporal WallaceMr Walter Bourke and Corporal Robert Wallace were murdered at Ardrahan, near Gort, in Galway in Ireland