Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by J Mulder, from a visit to Suriname, South America
Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by P Sluyter, from a visit to Suriname, South America
Map / Africa / Ethiopia 18CMap of Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
Map / Asia / Sri Lanka 1719ISLE DE CEYLAN and southern India
William PatersonWILLIAM PATERSON Scottish economist, founder of the Bank of England
Crusoe on his RaftCrusoe on his raft, salvages as much as he can from the wrecked ship
Robinson Crusoe & PetsRobinson Crusoe with his family of domesticated animals
Geocentric SystemThe pre-Copernican system of the Planets - Earth at the centre orbited by the other planets including the sun, and surrounded by the stars
Crusoe & FootprintCrusoe finds the footprint of Friday and realises that he is not the only inhabitant of the island
Crusoe Title Page 1719Title page of the first edition
Pedro Antonio Veciana (Pere Anton Veciana i Rabassa) (Sarral, ca. 1682-Valls, 1736). Catalan peasant and politician
The Battle of Glen Shiel, a narrow pass in the north-west Highlands of Scotland, 10 June 1719, part of the Jacobite rising of 1719, an attempt to restore James Francis Edward Stuart
LA SALLE AFTER DEATHJEAN-BAPTISTE DE LA SALLE French churchman, educator and benefactor, founder of the Freres Chretiens (Christian brothers). Portrait done as he lay on his death bed. Date: 1651 - 1719
A bird's eye view of an English country town - Tunbridge Wells, Kent - the prominent white building is probably the town's chief coaching inn and hostelry. Date: 1719
CRUSOE & DEAD PARRROTRobinson Crusoe shoots a parrot which he and Friday eat for supper. Date: First published: 1719
CRUSOE REVISITS ISLANDAfter his wife's death, Crusoe revisits the island & meets the Spaniard whose life he saved. Date: First published: 1719
FRANCOISE D'AUBIGNE - Marquise de Maintenon - secretly married Louis XIV after Marie Therese's death Date: 1635 - 1719
Tunbridge Wells, Kent: an aerial view Date: 1719
Fishmongers AlmshousesThe almshouses were on the area west of Newington Butts and south of St Georges Road. Erected in two phases: firstly St
Armillary sphere with zodiac. Date: 1719
GREENLANDERS An eskimo family, and a hunter in his kayak. Date: 1719
SIR HENRY CHAUNCY lawyer and judge with his autograph Date: 1632 - 1719
MAP / AFRICA / SAHARA 1719Map of the Sahara Desert with Nubia, part of Egypt and part of Abyssinia Date: 1719
MAP / AFRICA / MOROCCO 1719LEmpire du Cherif de Fez, Maroc, Sus &c. the Moroccan empire in the early 18th century, with the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Date: 1719
MAPS, ASIA, INDIA 1719Crude map of northern India, previous to any extensive colonisation, including parts of Pakistan & Bangladesh & the sources of two great rivers the Ganges & Indus
Precious stonesFishing for pearls in the Pacific Date: 1719
Robinson Crusoe / BoatCrusoe in the boat he built for himself. Date: First published: 1719
Map / Nw Africa 1719North-west Africa, showing portions of Barbary, land of the Berbers, known to Europeans as barbarians (today Morocco, Tunisia &c)
Heinrich CocceiusHEINRICH COCCEIUS German lawyer in the service of the king of Prussia, possessor of an exceptionally fine wig, paid for by his clients fees... Date: 1644 - 1719
Margaret HughesMARGARET HUGHES actress, mistress of Prince Rupert of the Rhine Date: ? - 1719
Paris, France - La Samaritaine. Date: 1719
Magnus LichtwerMAGNUS GOTTFRIED LICHTWER German writer, statesman in the service of the elector of Saxony Date: 1719 - 1783
J-B De LA SalleJEAN-BAPTISTE DE LA SALLE French founder of order, Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes (brothers of Christian schools) Date: 1651 - 1719
Crusoe and FridayRobinson Crusoe rescues Friday from being eaten by cannibals and thus becomes Crusoes greatful servant and companion
Addison / Thomson / ThurstonJOSEPH ADDISON English essayist, poet and statesman
Robinson Crusoe / SpyingRobinson Crusoe spies a ship on the horizon
Crusoe and his WifeCrusoe longs to revisit the island; his wife offers to accompany him, but she is pregnant & he abandons the project
Crusoe & the CaptainCrusoe offers his assistance to the English captain and helps to recover his vessel
Crusoe Escapes the MoorsRobinson Crusoe escapes from the Moors
CRUSOE AND FAMILYCrusoe with his family of domesticated animals
Robinson Crusoe & BoatRobinson Crusoe and Friday build the boat
Ludwig Gleim - 3JOHANN WILHELM LUDWIG GLEIM German writer Date: 1719 - 1803
Ludwig Gleim - 1JOHANN WILHELM LUDWIG GLEIM German writer Date: 1719 - 1803
Ludwig Gleim - 2JOHANN WILHELM LUDWIG GLEIM German writer Date: 1719 - 1803
Elie Catherine FreronELIE CATHERINE FRERON French journalist and critic Date: 1719 - 1776
Francois Jacques FleuryFRANCOIS JACQUES FLEURY French churchman, cure of saint Victor d Orleans, died in the Bastille - but we can t find out why he was there... Date: ? - 1719
Thomas Dyche, EducatorTHOMAS DYCHE Churchman and educator Date: FLOURISHED 1710 - 1719
Louis Ellies Du PinLOUIS ELLIES DU PIN French churchman from Normandie, ecclesiastical historian, best known for his Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. Date: 1657 - 1719
Sir Henry ChauncySIR HENRY CHAUNCY Serjeant at Law, author of a History of Hertfordshire, where he lived. Date: 1632 - 1719
Robinson Crusoes HouseThe dining room of the Robinson Crusoe House Bremen, Germany. In Daniel Defoes novel (1719), Crusoes father was a Bremen merchant who emigrated to Hull, England. Date: 1930s
Pedro Conde De ArandaPEDRO PABLO ABARACA DE BOLEA, conde de ARANDA, Portuguese soldier and statesman. Date: 1719 - 1798
Cardinal Alberoni - HeadGIULIO ALBERONI Italian cardinal, 1719 statesman in Spain where his foreign policy will lead to a disastrous war and his banishment from the country. Date: 1664 - 1752
Maintenon / CollignonFrancoise d Aubigne, madame de MAINTENON, widow of the poet Scarron and second wife (secret) of Louis XIV. Date: 1635 - 1719
Maintenon / MiniatureFrancoise d Aubigne, madame de MAINTENON, widow of the poet Scarron and second wife (secret) of Louis XIV. Date: 1635 - 1719
John Harris / TheologianJOHN HARRIS English theologian and scientist who compiled Lexicon Technicum in 1704. Date: 1666? - 1719
John Boydell (Anon)JOHN BOYDELL London alderman and benefactor Date: 1719 - 1804
Sir Samuel GarthSIR SAMUEL GARTH doctor and poet Date: 1661 - 1719
Maintenon (Laure)Francoise d Aubigne, madame de MAINTENON, widow of the poet Scarron and the second wife (secret) of Louis XIV Date: 1635 - 1719
Maintenon / TavernierFrancoise d Aubigne MADAME DE MAINTENON widow of the poet Scarron, and second wife (secret) of Louis XIV Date: 1635 - 1719
Carlo Cignani, Italian painterCARLO CIGNANI (1628-1719), Italian painter from Bologna
James GardinerJAMES GARDINER soldier who lived a licentious life until 1719, when a supernatural vision converted him to behave himself Date: 1688 - 1745
Addison / Hogarth / ButtonsJOSEPH ADDISON Essayist, poet and statesman at Buttons Coffee House in Covent Garden, London Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / Home / Bilton HseJOSEPH ADDISON English essayists residence, Bilton House, Warwickshire Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / Birthplace / MirroJOSEPH ADDISON English essayists birthplace at Milston, near Amesbury, Wiltshire Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / Swaine / KnellerJOSEPH ADDISON English essayist, poet and statesman Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / BirthplaceJOSEPH ADDISON English essayists birthplace at Milston, near Amesbury, Wiltshire Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / Anon / OvalJOSEPH ADDISON English essayist, poet and statesman Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / Gardner / PicartJOSEPH ADDISON English essayist, poet and statesman Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / ChapmanJOSEPH ADDISON English essayist, poet and statesman: the Pegasus symbol below represents his poetic imagination Date: 1672 - 1719
Addison / DartonJOSEPH ADDISON English essayist, poet and statesman Date: 1672 - 1719
Maintenon / PingretFrancoise d Aubigne, madame de MAINTENON, widow of the poet Scarron and second wife (secret) of Louis XIV. Date: 1635 - 1719
Maintenon / MignardFrancoise d Aubigne, madame de MAINTENON, second wife (secret) of Louis XIV, depicted with a charity girl from St Cyr, a foundation to which she was much devoted. Date: 1635 - 1719
Crusoes Ship WreckedThe ship is wrecked & Crusoe is left stranded, clinging to a rock for his dear life... Date: First published: 1719
ARANDA, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, count of (1719-1798). President of the Council of Castile, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, count of Aranda (1719-1798)
Fontainebleau AerialA bird s-eye view of the palace in the early 18th century : apart from the extensive gardens, the nearby forest provide magnificent facilities for hunting. Date: 1719
Jean Joseph VadeJEAN JOSEPH VADE French writer, bon citoyen et ami fidele Date: 1719 - 1757
Charles De Vergennes - 3CHARLES GRAVIER, comte de VERGENNES French statesman Date: 1719- 1787
Sir Henry TorrensSIR HENRY TORRENS British military commander with his autograph Date: 1719 - 1828
Gabriel SnodgrassGABRIEL SNODGRASS shipbuilder and surveyor to the East India company with his autograph Date: 1719 - 1799
Sheridan as OedipusTHOMAS SHERIDAN actor in the role of Oedipus, in the play of that name by Sophocles : he was the father of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Date: 1719 - 1788
Ge0Rge SelwynGEORGE SELWYN statesman and wit, standing, with his friends Richard Edgecumbe and Gilly Williams. Date: 1719 - 1791
Robert RoddamROBERT RODDAM British naval commander, Admiral of the White Squadron. Date: 1719 - 1808
Pasquier QuesnelPASQUIER QUESNEL French churchman, priest of the Oratoire, of Jansenist views, Date: 1634 1719
Pierre PoiretPIERRE POIRET French churchman of mystical temperament. Date: 1646 - 1719