Jeanne D arc at OrleansJeanne d Arc enters Orleans with the French army
Warwick / Kingmaker / RousRichard Neville, Earl of Warwick (" the Kingmaker" )
Almshouses, Stratford-On-AvonThis etching shows figures standing outside the Almshouses, a group of 15th century buildings in Church Street, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire
JOAN OF ARC AT CHINONJeanne dArc rides to meet Charles VII at Chinon Date: 6 March 1428
Masaccio / Tommaso GuidiTOMMASO DI GIOVANNI DI SIMONE GUIDI known as MASACCIO Italian painter of the Florentine school
Greece. Mystras. The Monastery of Our Lady of Pandanassa (TheGreece. Mystras. The Monastery of Our Lady Panagia Pantanassa (Queen of all). A womens convent founded in the 15th century (1428 AD) by John Phrangopoulos
MASACCIOTOMMASO GUIDO, IL MASACCIO Italian artist Date: 1401 - 1428
Fighting StralsundThe Danish fleet attacks vessels of its trading rivals, the Hanseatic League based at Stralsund, Germany
The Annunciation, 1425-1428. Predella depicting The BirthFra Angelico (1387-1455). Italian Renaissance painter. The Annunciation, 1425-1428. Predella depicting The Birth of the Christ Child. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Guillaume FilastreGUILLAUME FILASTRE French churchman : cardinal, bishop of Le Mans. Date: 1347 - 1428
Sir Thomas Erpingham 2SIR THOMAS ERPINGHAM soldier, made knight of the garter by Henry IV, with his two wives whom he married in series rather than in parallel, I trust... Date: 1387 - 1428
Sir Thomas ErpinghamSIR THOMAS ERPINGHAM soldier, made knight of the garter by Henry IV. Date: 1387 - 1428
Jean De Carondelet (Eld)JEAN DE CARONDELET Burgundian statesman, Chancelier de Bourgogne et de Flandres. Date: 1428 - 1501
Joan of Arc IdentifiesJOAN OF ARC identifies the Dauphin and proclaims her prophecy Date: 1428
French Court 1428Charles VII & courtiers: long houppelandes (gowns) with contrasting revers (one has hanging sleeves), an ermine trimmed huke & cape. They wear small close-fitting hats
Joan of Arc at ChinonJOAN OF ARC Arrives at the Chateau de Chinon, 6 March 1428
100 Yrs War Charles VIICharles VII is mocked by the English as he prays God to save France
Jeanne D arc at ChinonJOAN OF ARC She arrives at the Chateau de Chinon
EARL OF WARWICK 1428-71RICHARD NEVILLE, EARL OF WARWICK (" THE KINGMAKER" ) Aided Yorkists in the Wars of the Roses; virtual ruler in the early reign of Edward IV