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45 Framed Prints
Norse Mythology Collection17 Framed Prints
Myth / Freyja & NecklaceFreyja and the necklace
Odin and HoundsOdin (Wodan), Scandinavian supreme god of the dead etc with his hounds Hugin, Munin, Geri and Freki, fierce enough but they will not save him from the wolf Fenrir
Myth / German and NorseThe wolves Skoll (repulsion) and Hati (hate) pursue Sol (sun) and Mani (moon) across the skies; if they should catch them, the world will be plunged again into darkness
Beowulf & DragonBeowulf, now an old man, uses his young companion Wiglafs shield to defend himself against the fire dragon
Atlantis (Avotin)The Atlantean capital as described by Plato
Poseidon / Vase PaintingPoseidon/Neptune with his chariot and winged horses
Icarus and DaedalusDaedalus and his son Icarus escape from Crete with man- made wings, but Icarus flies too near the sun : the heat melts the wax on his wings, plunging him into the sea
Folklore / Wild HuntAsgaardsreiden, Norwegian myth of the Wild Hunt
Pan & PsychePan is consulted by Psyche concerning her relationship with Cupid
Wotan and Frea look out from the windows of the Heavens
Calypso & OdysseusCalypso takes pity on homesick Odysseus and agrees to allow him to return to his wife, Penlope. "
The Odyssey / ScyllaScylla, the six-headed monster who lived in a cave next to the deadly whirlpool Charybdis, attacks Odysseus men
Saint George and a RainbowSAINT GEORGE on horseback, with a rainbow in the background
Eros & Psyche - 4Eros/Cupid on the cypress tree
The Golden BoughThe GOLDEN BOUGH, discovered by Aeneas, was a focal point of Roman belief; for the full story, read Sir James Frazers multi-volumed investigation into its significance
Medea in her ChariotThe sorceress Medea flies through the Greek airspace in her serpent-powered chariot
Perseus / Hesperides / FordPerseus in the garden of the Hesperides
Bellerophon & ChimeraOne of the tasks he has to perform for Iobates, king of Lycia, is to slay the CHIMERA, which he does with the aid of the winged horse PEGASUS
Pandora Opens the BoxPandora opens the box - and lets loose a horde of monsters
Aphrodite and CupidAphrodite with Cupid
Atlas & SphereA Titan, condemned by Zeus to carry the heavens on his shoulders
Cadmus and the DragonCadmus confronts the dragon
Medusa (Anon)The chief of the Gorgons, her face is so terrible that anyone who sees it is turned to stone : but Perseus slays her by looking in a mirror as he removes her head
Stealing the FleeceMedea, daughter of Aeetes, king of Colchis, who possesses the Golden Fleece, falls in love with Jason and helps him steal it
Myth / Classical Myth / Lunacrossing the night sky in her deer-drawn chariot
Asgard DestroyedThe destruction of Asgard, home of the gods, following the final battle of Ragnarok or Gotterdammerung. But don t worry, a better and friendlier realm will replace it
YMIRA frost giant
Mars, Vanus, CupidMars, Venus and Cupid enjoy the sunshine
Myth / Father Time / MaximsAllegorical illustration of Father Time with a child and two young women Date: 1887
Perseus & Andromeda / FordPerseus rescues Andromeda from being sacrificed to the monstrous fish with walking feet by showing Medusas dismembered head to it and thereby turning it to stone
Theseus Slays MinotaurThe Minotaur, the monster kept by King Minos in his labyrinth on Crete and fed each year on the flesh of seven youths and seven maidens from Athens, is slain by Theseus
Odysseus Attacks SuitorsOdysseus shoots the first arrow at the suitors who have tried in vain to woo Penelope while he has been away
Chinese DragonOrnamental Chinese dragon
Berry / MarchMARCH Plowing and tending vines near the chateau de Lusignan : the fairy Melusine, in the form of a dragon, is seen flying over the chateau
Myth / Classical Myth / MarsMyth/Classical Myth/Mars
Avenant and DragonAvenant confronts a fearsome dragon - fortunately, a helpful owl is bringing him a magic phial, and all are able to live happily ever after, hero and dragon alike
Indian Cosmic SystemIn Indian myth, our world is supported by four Elephants standing on the back of a giant Turtle who swims with it through the Sea of Infinity
Myth / Father TimeTime propels our planet through Eternity
Sorcerers ApprenticeThe Sorcerers Apprentice accidentally lets the dragon out of the bottle where the Sorcerer has managed to incarcerate it
End of AtlantisThe end of Atlantis - a single vessel escapes the catastrophe
ICARUSIcarus, with a quite inadequate pair of wings
Demon - Dragon KingThe DRAGON KING emerges amid the flames of his natural habitat
Chinese DragonA fierce dragon is vanquished by the Chinese patriarch Hoei-neng, who shrinks it so small that it fits into a tiny rice-bowl