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215 Poster Prints
Florence NightingaleIn Scutari, Florence Nightingale attends a patient. Date: 1854-5
Duchess of York leaving 17 Bruton Street - Baby ElizabethThe Duchess of York (1900-2002) (later Elizabeth, The Queen Mother) leaving 17 Bruton Street, London - the home of her parents the Earl and Countess of Strathmore - a nursemaid is following
Large group of male nurses and probable superintendent on steps of institution. Date: 1945-60
1970 Commonwealth Games Nursing Team. Five nurses (one male) running on track Date: 1970
Group of nurses in front of Houses of ParliamentGroup of seven nurses standing on the South Bank of the river Thames with Houses of Parliament and Big Ben in background. Date: 1988
St John Ambulance-men on parade. Outdoor group of seven men in uniform with white webbing, standing behind table at which a women in a nurses veil and a gentleman are seated
Fancy Dress at the Royal Victoria Hospital Bournemouth. Large group in wide variety of costumes ? and matron in the centre. Reverse annotated Royal Victoria Hospital Bournemouth 1930s Date: circa 1930
Mrs Wardroper and group of nurses. Modern print of older photograph of Mrs Wardroper and nine nurses, posed formally outdoors. Date: circa 1870
Formal group of nurses in outdoor dress. Modern print of older photograph of 14 nurses in uniform short capes and bonnets, plus one in indoor uniform with apron, all posed on steps. Date: circa 1890
Professor Lambert Rogers and Surgical Unit, Cardiff Royal Infirmary. Formal group of 16 men in white coats, two women in white coats, and two sisters
Semi-formal group of nurses and possibly doctors. Colour photograph of semi-formal group of eight nurses (two in blue, others in white) and two men in white coats. Date: circa 1970
Nurses prize giving, Llandough Hospital. Formal group of 16 nurses, matron, probable mayor and mayoress, two other gentlemen. Date: 1936
Day staff of S2 Male ? group of nurses including Mary Gourley, outdoors.. Semi-formal group of 12 nurses outdoors. Reverse reads Day staff of S2 Male c.1941. Mary Gourley 3rd from left
Two nurses outside institution. Two modern reprints of two nurses outside institution, part of wheelchair visible behind. Date: circa 1890
Informal outdoor group of nurses and children. Informal outdoor group of five nurses in uniform, another woman without a cap, and nine small children of varying ages, two apparently coloured
Staff of Rangoon General Hospital, incl Lily Mary McKenzieStaff of Rangoon General Hospital, including Lily Mary McKenzie. Formal group of four rows
Seven nurses in the grounds of Brook Fever Hospital. Informal group of seven nurses in the grounds of Brook Fever Hospital, one marked with a dot
Formal Nurses? prize giving groupFormal Nurses prize giving group. Group includes 18 nurses, each holding a diploma tube and wearing a badge, some also with a book-like item, plus a senior nurse and elderly lady, both with bouquets
Informal group of nurses outside large institution. Seven nurses in relaxed group outside large poor law institution ?like building. Date: circa 1935
?Conga? line of 25 nurses, outside single-storey buildingConga line of 25 nurses, outside single-storey building with long veranda. Conga line of 25 nurses, outside single-storey building with long veranda. Small child in front right-hand corner
Very large mixed-age group, including some nurses, outside large institution. Very large (c.100) mixed-age group, including nurses, children, older people outside large institution. Date: circa 1945
The first members of the Norwich staff of Nurses. Formal group of eight nurses, posed indoors. Also two further copies and three negatives, plus notes on photograph and likely hospital
Formal group of ten nurses and Matron, West Middlesex HospitFormal group of ten nurses and Matron Miss Eva Huggins, West Middlesex Hospital. Formal group, posed outdoors. Reverse reads West Middlesex Hospital ?1925
Semi-formal group of 14 nurses, London. Semi-formal group of 14 nurses, outside church in Westminster London. Date: 1976
Formal group of ten nurses with collecting boxes, and lady, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle
Informal group of seven nurses at Bradford War hospital, including Miss Lizzie Baggott. Reverse annotated Nurses at Bradford War hospital. Miss Lizzie Baggott in right foreground
Sixteen ladies outdoors. Semi-posed group of 16 ladies (seven seated), not in uniform, outdoors. Date: 1875
Large informal group of nurses and children, Christmas tree in background, Royal Victoria Hospital, Bournemouth. Six nurses with ten children of mixed ages, toys and large Christmas tree
Formal group of ten nurses in ward, Boscombe Hospital Bournemouth. Formal group of ten nurses (seven standing, three seated) in ward. Reverse reads Boscombe Hospital Bournemouth Xmas 1932. Date: 1932
Group of nurses and children, Royal Victoria HospitalLarge informal group of nurses and children, Royal Victoria Hospital, Bournemouth
Gentleman and nurses outdoors (one with brassard), two with Sam Browne-type belts around a table with possible prizes.. Cut-down postcard Date: 1920-30
Nurses and babies, Royal Victoria Hospital, BournemouthNurses and babies, Christmas Day 1934, Royal Victoria Hospital, Bournemouth. Five nurses standing holding nine newborn babies round table with crackers, fruit, flowers
Formal group of ward staff, St Peters Hospital, including Gladys Sheen
Formal group of nurses, probably Manchester. Four rows of nurses (three standing, one seated), with senior nurse at centre of seated row. Includes modern print and photocopy
Formal group photograph, six nurses, senior nurse, gentleman. Front reads x Lilian. Reverse reads Lilian Cymla [?sp] 1919 Date: 1919
Three nurses, senior nurse, gentleman. Front reads Tregaron 1916 Date: 1916
Four nurses, Swansea Hospital. Reverse reads At Swansea Hosp 1920 Date: 1920
Sister Jenny and nurses, Talbot Ward, Swansea hospital. Reverse reads Sister Jenny in Talbot Ward, Swansea Hosp Date: 1915-25
Four nurses in uniform, with red cross armbands. Date: 1914-18
Talbot Ward Swansea Hospital, nurses and patients. Reverse reads May 1918 Talbot Ward S. H. Date: 1918
Three nurses on balcony, Bury St Edmunds Hospital. Reverse reads Balcony, Bury St Edmunds Hosp myself & Sisters Hawley & Marshall 1922 Date: 1922
Four nurses and woman in on steps. Date: 1940-50
Nurses and patients in ward. Three nurses, two children in foreground Date: 1925-35
Ward with nurses, patients. Date: 1920-35
Formal group of nurses outdoors. Date: 1915-25
Formal group of male nurses with probable matron and doctor_ superintendent. Photograph taken in possible boardroom, with three large paintings of probable doctors behind group Date: 1945-60
Nurses outdoors (one with brassard), two with Sam Browne-type belts, around a table with possible prizes, .. Date: 1920-30
Ernest King and other Marland Hospital Staff, including six male nurses. Reverse reads Ernest King is 2nd row centre. Charge Nurse Marland Hospital nr Rochdale, Lancs. Approx 1949. Date: circa 1949
Formal group of nurses. Date: circa 1910
Six nurses and cat, Montgomery House, Mauchline. Reverse annotated Montgomery House Mauchline Ayrshire. Muriel Adlington c1939-40 Date: 1939-40
Nurses and probable airmen outside Montgomery HouseGroup of nurses and probable airmen outside Montgomery House, Mauchline. Reverse reads Montgomery House Mauchline Ayrshire. Annotated Muriel Adlington c1939-40
Nurses and women in dressing gowns. Date: 1940-55
Formal group of doctors, nurses, possible clerical staffDate: 1917-20
Stroud Baby Show winnersDate: circa 1919
Four sisters at the entrance to Highgate Hospital. Reverse reads Highgate Hospital London at the entrance 1936. Four sisters out of 26 Date: 1936
Four nurses and possible male nurse ordoctorFour nurses and possible male nurse or doctor. Date: 1930-40
The prize-winners, Newcastle General Hospital. Reverse reads The Prize-winners June 1934 N_C General Hospital
Nurses, Father Christmas and children at Christmas party. Date: 1945-55
Nurses, sister, matron outdoors. Date: 1950-60
Matron, Gold and Bronze Medallists, Acton Hospital. Reverse reads Gold & Bronze Medallist with the Matron Acton Hospital Date: 1950-60
Nurses in sitting room, St Thomas?s HospitalNurses in sitting room, St Thomass Hospital. Taken from album. Annotated St Thomas Hosp Date: circa 1910
Probably pupil midwives, St Mary Abbot?s HospitalProbably pupil midwives, St Mary Abbots Hospital. Reverse reads Midwifery 1933. Me G. Thomas. Annotated St Mary Abbots Hosp G Thomas Date: 1933
Nurse coming off night duty. Reverse reads Just off first night duty SMAH 1929. Fisher Harvey Marwick [?sp] Williams. Note our night boxes contained 1 potatoe. Chop. Egg
Nurses and children. Reverse reads My first ward at St Mary Abbots Hospital. Note I am now in uniform. Me age 20 yrs 1928 Sister Chapman Staff Nurse Two childrens nurses. Annotated G Thomas Date: 1928
Two nurses and woman in mufti. Annotated Acc.No. 1136 Date: 1940-50
Midwives and babies, outdoors. Reverse reads S.M.A. Hospital 1933 Midwifery. Annotated St Mary Abbots) Date: 1933
Nurses at Highgate Hospital. Reverse reads Some of my staff on isolation at Highgate Hospital 1937. Staff Nurses Watson, Pro. Salisbury, Cromix, Albiston, Cobbett, Wareing, & myself
Nuns and nurses, South London Hospital for Women & Children Nuns and nursesNuns and nurses, South London Hospital for Women & Children. Reverse reads Outside back of Balham Hill Walls still not repaired after bombing during 1939-1945 War
Nurses at patients bedside. Reverse reads Highgate Hospital. Anderson Meningitis patient 1938. Junior Nurse, Junior Nurse, Staff Nurse, Sister g. Thomas, Staff Nurse. Date: 1938
Nurses and babies outdoors. Date: 1945-60
Group of nurses and Sister, Maryfield. Reverse reads Maryfield ? Paisley crossed out. Date: 1959
Queen Alexandras Imperial Military Nursing Service sistersLarge group of Queen Alexandras Imperial Military Nursing Service sisters at the Sphinx, Giza, Egypt ? plus camels, guides etc. Date: 1940-45
Formal group of matron, nurses and sister outdoors, at General Hospital Tunbridge Wells, Kent. New print from older photograph
Christmas in Windsor Ward, West Herts Hospital. Reverse reads Windsor Ward ? West Herts Hospital, Hemel Hempstead. Sister A.M. Smith & Nurses about 1949 Date: circa 1949
Four nurses, probable doctor. Date: 1925-40
Six nurses, outdoors. Date: 1925-40
Group of nurses and Christmas tree Date: 1945-55
Formal group of nurses and sister outdoors Date: 1920-35
Four nurses and wounded servicemen on stepsInformal group of nurses and servicemen in hospital blues on steps of Clandon Hospital Guildford. Nurse Lucy Crosse is second from right. Date: 1918
Five nurses, Orpington. Reverse reads Orpington April 1941 Annotated Edith V. Britt Date: 1941
Four nurses, Royal Victoria Hospital Bournemouth. Reverse annotated Royal Vic. Hosp Bournemouth 1930s. Date: 1930-40
Voluntary Aid Detachment nurses at military hospitalLarge group of Voluntary Aid Detachment nurses outside military hospital. A man in military uniform stands at far left and another in central row next to doctors and chaplain
The maids at St Peter?s HospitalA large group of maids in mob caps and two orderlies with matron at centre. Reverse reads The maids at St Peters Hospital Date: 1922-26
Nurses, doctor, orderlies and domestic staffGroup of nurses, orderlies and doctor in grounds of hospital. Central row sit in deckchairs. A Voluntary Aid Detachment Nurse stands in back row. Date: 1914-1918