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339 Poster Prints
Michelangelo (1475-1564). Sistine Chapel. The Last Judgement. 1537-1541. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
EYCK, Jan van (1390-1441); EYCK, Hubert van (1370-1426). The Ghent Altarpiece or Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. 1425-1432. BELGIUM. Ghent. Saint Bavo Cathedral
Breugel, Pieter II, The Younger. Winter Scene with Ice SkatersBreugel, Pieter, II, The Younger, called Hell Bruegel (1564-1638). Winter Scene with Ice Skaters skating and Birds. Flemish art. Painting
Breugel, Pieter, The Elder. Hunters in the SnowBreugel, Pieter, The Elder, called Peasant Bruegel (1525-1569). Hunters in the Snow. Work belonging to a series
SPINOZA, Benedict de (1632-1677). Portrait of Baruch Spinoza. Oil on canvas. Private Collection
MEMLING, Hans (1433-1494). Passion of the Christ. 1840. Flemish art. Oil on wood. ITALY. Turin. Galleria Sabauda (Sabauda Gallery)
Haitian women. Naive art. Painting. Private Collection
Winter Landscape with skaters. Pieter Brueghel II, The YoungerWinter Landscape with Skaters and Bird Trap 1601. Brueghel, Pieter, II, The Younger, (1564-1638). Oil on wood. Date: 1601
SOROLLA, Joaqu(1863-1923). Walk on the beachSOROLLA, Joaqu (1863-1923). Walk on the beach. 1907. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Sorolla Museum
ZURBARAN, Francisco de (1598-1664). Saint Bruno. 17th c. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Cᤩ z. Museo de Cᤩ z
DE BARBARI, Jacopo (half 15th century-1515). Portrait of fra Luca Pacioli with a pupil. Pacioli demonstrating one of Euclids theorems. Renaissance art. Oil on wood. ITALY. Naples
PIUS V, Saint (1504-1572). Pope (1566-1572). Portrait by an anonymous author. Italian school. Painting
GASCO, Juan (16th century). Holy Face. c. 1513. Gothic art. Tempera on wood. SPAIN. Vic. Vic Episcopal Museum. Proc: SPAIN. Vic. Cathedral
SMITH, Adam (1723-1790). Oil on canvas
EBOLI, Ana Mendoza de la Cerda, princess of (1540-1592). Spanish dame of the court of Philip II. Portrait by an anonymous author. Painting. Private Collection
VERMEER, Johannes (1632-1675). View on Delft. 1660 - 1661. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. NETHERLANDS. The Hague. Mauritshuis
Raphael (1483-1520). The Sistine Madonna. 1512-1517. Lower detail with the figures of two cherubs. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. GERMANY. Dresden
ITALY. Pompeii. Villa of Mysteries. Scenes of initiation to a Bacchian rite. Detail with a naked danser. Roman art. Painting; Fresco
China. Han Dynasty (206 aC-220 BC). Invention
HENRY the Navigator (1394-1460). Portuguese" HENRY " the Navigator" (1394-1460). Portuguese prince, son of John I. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Paris. National Library."
Interior of a jacal (shack). 1853. Oil. MEXICO
The Stevedores in ArlesGOGH, Vincent van (1853-1890). The Stevedores in Arles. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas
SEBASTIANO del PIOMBO, Sebastiano Luciano, also called (1485-1547). Vittoria Colonna (?). 1520-1525. Renaissance art. Oil. SPAIN. Barcelona. National Art Museum of Catalonia
BERJON, Antoine (1754-1843). Bouquet of Lilies
Discovery of America (1492). The caravels that Christopher Columbus set out on his expedition: Pinta, Ni nd Santa Mar Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. Americas Museum
Birth of Venus. Alessandro (Sandro) BotticelliBOTTICELLI, Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi, also called Sandro (1445-1510). The Birth of Venus. ca. 1485. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Oil on wood
England (18th C. ). Industrial Revolution. ExplotationEngland (18th C.). Industrial Revolution. Explotation of a coal mine using a Newcomens engine. Oil on canvas. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND. Liverpool. Walker Art Gallery
SOROLLA, Joaqu(1863-1923). White Horse. 1909SOROLLA, Joaqu´┐¢(1863-1923). White Horse. 1909. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Sorolla Museum
France (15th c. ). The hierarchy of the socialFrance (15th c.). The hierarchy of the social class. Picture belonging to a codex owned by king Charles VIII, where are represented the characteristic estates of the medieval society. Gothic art
Philip I the Handsome (1478-1506). King of the Netherlands (1482-1506) and Castile (1504-1506), married to Joanna the Mad. Painting
HOLBEIN, Hans, the Younger (1497-1547). Portrait" HOLBEIN, Hans, " the Younger" (1497-1547). Portrait of Henry VIII. 1540. Renaissance art. Oil on wood. ITALY. Rome. Barberini Palace and National Gallery of Ancient Art."
ARCIMBOLDO, Giuseppe (1527-1593). The Spring. mid. 16th c. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil. ITALY. Brescia. Civic Pinacotheca Tosio Martinengo
Galleons and other spanish sailing ships of the 17th century. Painting. SPAIN. Barcelona. Sant Jordi Catalan Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Barcelona. The old waterfront of the city, with
CANOVA, Antonio (1757-1822). The Graces and Venus dancing in front of Mars. Circa 1798. Neoclassicism. Tempera. ITALY. Possagno. Museum of Antonio Canova
JOHN I of Aragon (1350-1396). King of Aragon (1387-1396), son of Peter IV of Aragon. Anonymous. Oil on canvas
PEREDA, Antonio de (1608-1678). The Knight sPEREDA, Antonio de (1608-1678). The Knights Dream. c. 1670. Detail of the table, full of objects that symbolize the mundane nature of the existence. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. St
Vigee-Lebrun, Elisabeth (1755-1842). Marie-Antoinette of Austria, Queen of France. 1783. Rococo. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles
Elizabeth of Bourbon (1603-1644). Queen of Spain (1621-1644), third wife of Philip IV. Portrait placed in the Meeting Room of the Castilian Monarchs. Painting. SPAIN. Segovia. Alcazar (castle)
MURILLO, Bartolom項steban (1617-1682). The GuardianMURILLO, Bartolom項 steban (1617-1682). The Guardian Angel. c. 1665. SPAIN. Sevilla. Cathedral. Baroque art. Oil on canvas
FRANCE. Industrial Revolution (1835-40). Inside of an hydrogen factory. Engraving
View of the city de Damascus, Syrian anonymous. Oil on canvas. SYRIA. Damascus. National Museum
MANET, ɤouard (1832-1883). At P貥LathuilleMANET, ɤ ouard (1832-1883). At P貥 Lathuille. 1879. Impressionism. Oil on canvas. BELGIUM. Tournai. Fine Arts Museum
Edouard Manet (1832-1883). Argenteuil. 1874MANET, Edouard (1832-1883). Argenteuil. 1874
Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Arles)GOGH, Vincent van (1853-1890). Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Arles). Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas
HILL, John William (1812-1879). View of New York from Brooklyn Heights. ca. 1836. Watercolour. SPAIN. Madrid. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum of Art
RUBENS, Peter Paul (1577-1640). Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by Fauns. 1638-1640. Detail. Flemish art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
NIǁRD, Pere (15th century). Altarpiece of SaintNIǁ RD, Pere (15th century). Altarpiece of Saint George. c. 1468-1470. In the background, the bay of Palma and Portop Gothic art. Tempera on wood. SPAIN. Palma de Mallorca
Bosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). The Garden of Earthly Delights. Center Panel. 1503-1504. Central panel of the triptych
Bosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516)
VOS, Maarten de (1531-1603). The Abduction of
TIRSO DE MOLINA, Gabriel T鬬ez also called (1584-1648)TIRSO DE MOLINA, Gabriel T鬬 ez also called (1584-1648). Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
MONLEON Y TORRES, Rafael (1835-1900). Lighthouse
SOROLLA, Joaqu(1863-1923). Rompeolas de SanSOROLLA, Joaqu (1863-1923). Rompeolas de San Sebastiᮮ 1916. Impressionism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Sorolla Museum
Spain (1842). Barcelona. Members of the revoltedSpain (1842). Barcelona
VILADOMAT i MANALT, Antoni (1678-1755). The Winter. Left detail. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Barcelona. National Art Museum of Catalonia
SANCHEZ COELLO, Alonso (1531-1588). The Port of Sevilla. end 16th c. Detail. Renaissance art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Americas Museum
GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). The snowfall. 1786. Painted for El Pardo, where the tapestry is preserved. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
MARTI i ALSINA, Ramon (1826-1894). River pool. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Monistrol de Montserrat. Museum of Montserrat
VAN LOO, Louis Michel (1707-1771). Portrait of Do Ტ ara de Braganza. Detail. Rococo. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. St. Fernando Royal Academy Museum
VAN LOO, Louis Michel (1707-1771). Fernando VI. Rococo. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
SOROLLA, Joaqu(1863-1923). People from SalamancaSOROLLA, Joaqu (1863-1923). People from Salamanca. 1912. Painted in La Alberca. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Sorolla Museum
BALACA y CANSECO, Eduardo (1840-1914). Alfonso
GARTNER DE LA PEс, Jos頨1866 - 1918). DestructionGARTNER DE LA PEс, Jos頨 1866 - 1918). Destruction of the Spanish Armada. 1892. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Malaga. Fine Arts Museum
SOROLLA, Joaqu(1863-1923). After the bathSOROLLA, Joaqu (1863-1923). After the bath. 1916. Post-Impressionism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Sorolla Museum
GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). Pilgrimage" GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). Pilgrimage to the Church of San Isidro. 1788. Before the church, " majos" and " majas" drink water from the miraculous fountain
VILADOMAT i MANALT, Antoni (1678-1755). The Winter
SANCHEZ COELLO, Alonso (1531-1588). The Port of Sevilla. end 16th c. Left detail. Renaissance art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Americas Museum
Regis, Augustin (1813-1880). Surrender of Abd-el-Kader. 2nd half 19 c. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Chantilly. Mus饠 Cond頨 Cond頍 useum)
THOMAS of Cantimpr頨1201-1276). Codex GranatensisTHOMAS of Cantimpr頨 1201-1276). Codex Granatensis
GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). The Spell or The Witches. 1797-1798. Romanticism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Lạ ro Galdiano Foundation
Russia (19th c. ). Moscow. LitographyRussia (19th c.). Moscow. Litography
Juan de Austria, Don (1545-1578). Spanish prince, natural son of Charles V. Education of the Prince John of Austria. 1877. Work by MARTINEZ CUBELLS, Salvador (1845-1914). Oil on canvas. SPAIN
Spain. Second Republic (1931). First meeting
Battle of Rivoli, circa 1797. Detail. The French troops leaded by Napoleon defeated the Prussian army. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Versailles. National Museum of Versailles
THOMAS of Cantimpr頨1201-1276). Codex GranatensisTHOMAS of Cantimpr頨 1201-1276). Codex Granatensis: De natura rerum. 15th c. Illustration about the cornflower. Edition of Granada of the original of the 13th C. Gothic art. Miniature Painting
MANTEGNA, Andrea (1431-1506). The Resurrection. 1459. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Oil on wood. FRANCE. Tours. Fine Arts Museum
PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA (1416-1492). Battle between Heraclius and Khosrau. ca. 1460. ITALY. Arezzo. Church of St. Francis. Central detail of the fighting between the Byzantine and the Persian armies
LANE, Fitz Hugh (1804-1865). The Fort and Ten Pound Island, Gloucester, Massachusetts. 1847. Romanticism. Hudson River School. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum of Art
America (1519). Diego Velằuez entrusting toAmerica (1519). Diego Velằ uez entrusting to Cort鳠 the conquest of Mexico. Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. Americas Museum
BALACA y CANSECO, Eduardo (1840-1914). Mercedes of Orl顮 s. 1878. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo de Historia
DUPLESSIS, Joseph-Sifr褥(1724-1802). LouisDUPLESSIS, Joseph-Sifr褥 (1724-1802). Louis
FATTORI, Giovanni (1825-1908). The Italian Camp at the Battle of Magenta. 1862. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Florence. Galleria d Arte Moderna. Palazzo Pitti (Gallery of Modern Art. Pitti Palace)