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28 Photo Mugs
London Collection55 Photo Mugs
America Collection14 Photo Mugs
Blackheath Collection17 Photo Mugs
England Collection38 Photo Mugs
France Collection16 Photo Mugs
Japan Collection32 Photo Mugs
Tutankhamun, PharaohTUTANKHAMUN, PHARAOH Egyptian ruler of the 18th dynasty of Egypt 1361-52 BC
Arriving at New YorkArriving in New York harbour aboard the Normandie - few ports give you the chance to anchor in the heart of a big city, and none quite so spectacularly as this
Brazil / Rio De JaneiroRio de Janeiro: distant view, with Sugar Loaf Mountain
India / Agra / Taj MahalAgra: view of the Taj Mahal, with the gardens in the foreground
Pyramids of Gizeh, EgyptThe Pyramids of Gizeh in Egypt, with water, trees, and camels in the foreground
ALEXANDRIAA view of Alexandria, with Pompeys Pillar in the foreground and the remains of the Pharos Lighthouse (now used as a fort) on the left
CURTISS GOLD BUG NYThe Gold Bug biplane designed and flown by Glenn Hammond Curtiss for the Aerial Experiment Association, depicted flying over New York harbour
New York / Broadway / LightsNew York: the White Lights of Broadway
Napoleon & the SphinxEGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN L Oedipe - Napoleon face to face with the Sphinx
New York / Broadway 1895New York: Lower Broadway, looking north from Bowling Green
New York at NightLower New York at night, taken looking down town from Walker Street
Moscow / St Vasili 1905Moscow: Cathedral of St Vasili Blazhenni (St Basil)
Measuring the SphinxDenon, archeologist attached to Napoleons Egypt expedition, measures the Sphinx, which is in much better condition than it is today
French Army in EgyptForty centuries of history look down on Napoleon and the French army
Grand Central StationBy Grand Central Station I sat down and wept wrote Elizabeth Smart, but if she had gone inside she must surely have marvelled at the magnificent New York terminal
7 Wonders / Pharos / AnonConstructed by Sostratus of Cnidus, for Ptolemy Philadelphus: its light could be seen 50 km out to sea
NY Subway Passengers 1Typical passengers on the New York subway (1 of 3)
NILE BOATSBoats on the Nile
Moscow ViewTowers and spires of the Moscow Kremlin, seen across the river
Cleopatra VII on NileCLEOPATRA VII she sails down the Nile in her barge
KREMLIN / CARD / 1905A view of the Kremlin taken from across the river
7 Wonders / Pharos / WhiteConstructed by Sostratus of Snidus, for Ptolemy Philadelphus. Its light could be seen 50 km out at sea