American Revolution - Arrest of Major Andre at Tarrytown
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Mary Evans Picture Library Photo Prints and Wall Art
American Revolution - Arrest of Major Andre at Tarrytown
American Revolution (1775-1783). John Andre (1750-1780). British military officer who negotiated with the American general Benedict Arnold. Arrest of Major Andre at Tarrytown in 1780, by John Paulding, David William and Isaac van Wart, while returning to New York after the surrender at West Point Fort. After being found with suspicious documents, he was accused of spying and sentenced to hang. Engraving by Vernier. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G. Roux de Rochelle's Etats-Unis d'Amerique in 1837. Spanish edition, printed in Barcelona, 1850. Later colouration
Media ID 40103892
© Thaliastock / Mary Evans
1780 1837 1850 Accused Americans Andre Arnold Arrest Benedict Catching Colonies Colouration Condemnation Condemned Continent Damerique Detention Documents Edition Etats Unis Fort Found Hang Isaac Lemaitre Major Militiaman Negotiated Point Pointing Returning Revolution Revolutionary Rifle Rochelles Roux Sentence Sentenced Spying Surrender Suspicious Tarrytown Thirteen Traitor Treason Universal Vernier Wart Weapon
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