Eggs of elephant bird, ostrich, cassowary, condor, etc
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Mary Evans Picture Library Photo Prints and Wall Art
Eggs of elephant bird, ostrich, cassowary, condor, etc
Large bird eggs: elephant bird, Aepyornis maximus (extinct) 1, 2, ostrich, Struthio camelus 3, southern cassowary, Casuarius casuarius 4, Andean condor, Vultur gryphus 5, bearded vulture, Gypaetus barbatus 6, white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla 7, Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus 8, Baltimore oriole, Icterus galbula 9, song thrush, Turdus philomelos 10, ruby-topaz hummingbird, Chrysolampis mosquitus 11, etc. Handcoloured lithograph from Carl Hoffmanns Book of the World, Stuttgart, 1857
Media ID 23182698
© Florilegius/Mary Evans
Accipiter Aepyornis Andean Baltimore Barbatus Bearded Camelus Cassowary Casuarius Condor Eagle Elephant Eurasian Extinct Gryphus Haliaeetus Maximus Ostrich Southern Sparrowhawk Struthio Vultur Vulture White Tailed
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