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210 Metal Prints
Durio zibethinus, durian fruitPlate 146 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Ara ararauna, blue-and-yellow macawPlate 41, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
Strelitzea sp. bird of paradise flowerPlate 911 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterflyA mounted specimen of Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly from Papua New Guinea. Male specimen measuring 188 mm across wingtips. See 14964 for the female which is larger
Parus caeruleus, blue titA blue tit (Parus caeruleus) in flight, U.K.The blue tit is common throughout Britain living mainly in deciduous woodland. Photographed by Frank Greenaway
Xanthopan morganii praedicta, sphinx mothDarwins sphinx moth, found in Madagascar. The species as a whole is known as Morgans sphinx
Angraecum sesquipedale, Madagascan orchidThis species of orchid was used by Darwin to prove his theories of evolution. Illustration from The British Museum (Natural History) by Peter Whitehead and Colin Keates, 1981
Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterflDigital image of the upperside of a mounted specimen of a Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly from the family Papilionidae
20th Century Art: Weevil (Rhopalomesites tardyi), 1998 by MaWatercolour. Russell is an example of a scientist turned artist. Trained initially as an entomologist his combined love of beetles and art resulted in a series of exceptional drawings of weevils
Oenothera grandiflora, evening primroseUnnumbered drawing (Tab IV) from the Botanical and zoological drawings (1756-1788) by William Bartram. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Cactua moluccensis, salmon-crested cockatooLarge Series plate 24, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China. The plant is Erythrina arborescens
Ornithoptera croesus, Wallaces golden birdwing butterfly
Viola tricolor, heartseaseFolio 62 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Daucus carota, carrotIllustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London
Varecia variegata, ruffed lemurLS Plate 74 of the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China, 1774-1856
Cirtus paradisi, grapefruitTab 65 from Histoire naturelle des Orangers 1818-1820 by Antoine Risso. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London. This illustration is entitled Pompelmouse chadec
Bougainvillea spectabilis visited by butterflies Date: circa 1840
Cladognathus sp. stag beetleA specimen of a large stag beetle from Asia. Stag beetles belong to the family (Lucanidae). Only male stag beetles have horns or antlers
Idea idea, idea tree nymphPlate 24, an illustration of a pair of idea tree nymphs from Insects of India by Edward Donovan (1768-1837)
Theobroma cacao, cocoa plantPlate 178 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Butterflies in LarousseVarious decorative butterflies Date: 1913
Euchroma gigantea, giant jewel beetleA specimen of a giant jewel beetle a member of the family (Buprestidae) from South America, from the collections of the Natural History Museum, London
Ornithoptera allottei, birdwing butterflyImage of the underside of a mounted male specimen of a birdwing butterfly (Ornithoptera allottei)
Dicronorhina sp. rose chafer beetleA rose chafer beetle from Africa from the family Scarabaeidae; Cetoniinae. Chafer beetles have a characteristic V-shape where their wings meet and are a member of the same family as dung beetles
Orangier des Gcnes, Arancio di GenovaTab. 8 from Histoire naturelle des Orangers 1818-1820, by Antoine Risso (1777-1845)
Ara macao, scarlet macawPlate 25, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
Plate 102 from the John Reeves Collection (Zoology)Plate 102 from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China 1774-1856
Helianthus annuus, sunflowerPlate 578 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Inachis io, peacock butterflyPlate 23 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892
Limonier sauvage, Limone sylvaticoTab. 70 from Histoire naturelle des Orangers 1818-1820, by Antoine Risso (1777-1845)
Adonis blue butterfly from the collections at the Natural History Museum, London
Erithacus rubecula, European robinAn European robin (Erithacus rubecula) in flight, U.K. Photographed by Frank Greenaway
Ramphastos vitillenus, channel-billed toucan
Nyrustuca moschata, nutmegIllustration by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn (1829-1928). Held at the Natural History Museum, London
Tropaeolum majus, nasturtiumDrawing by Arthur Harry Church, 1903. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Idea tambusisiana, tree-nymphButterfly discovered on the slopes of Gunung Tambusisi on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia in 1981 by Anthony Bedford-Russell
Pieridae sp. clouded yellow butterfliesOriginal drawing for a plate in A field guide to the butterflies of Britain and Europe. Artwork by Brian Hargreaves. This picture must not be used without permission from Brian Hargreaves
Moduza nuydai, butterflyPhotograph of the Moduza nuydai, Family Nymphalidae (Limenitidinae). Photographed by Harry Taylor
Crenidomimas concordia, butterflyPhotograph of the underside of a Crenidomimas concordia, Family Nymphalidae (Nymphalinae). Photographed by Harry Taylor
Chaetodon sp. butterflyfishPlate 30 by Louis-Isidore Duperrey from his Voyage de la Coquille 1822-1825, Zoologie Atlas, 1826. Lower fish labelled Holocanthe
Parthenos sylvia lilacinus, clipper butterflyA subspecies of the clipper butterly from the Malay Peninsula. The clipper butterfly ranges from Sri Lanka, India and Thailand through Indonesia to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Parthenos sylvia virens, clipper butterflyA subspecies of clipper butterfly from southern India. The clipper butterfly ranges from Sri Lanka, India and Thailand through Indonesia to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Portunus pelagicus, flower crabCut out from Plate 49, watercolour by Ferdinand Lucas Bauer from his collection of Zoological drawings
Balistoides conspicillum, clown triggerfishA close up of plate 178 (LS) from the John Reeves Collection
Limulus polyphemus, horsehoe crabLS Plate 95 from the John Reeves Collection. John Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Nelumbo nucifera, sacred lotusPlate 45 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
LS Plate 159 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Flower Illustration from the Reeves CollectionPlate 219 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Artocarpus spPlate 826 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
LS Plate 177 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
LS Plate 183 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
LS Plate 186 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Lorius garrulus, chattering loryPlate 44, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
Aetobatus narinari, spotted eagle rayLS Plate 190 from the John Reeves Collection. John Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Chaenomeles cvPlate 426 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Tragopan temminckii, Temmincks tragopanLarge Series plate 56, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China. The plant is Gentiana sp
Gallus gallus, red junglefowlLarge Series plate 39, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
Flower Illustration from the Reeves CollectionPlate 434 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Bubo bubo bengalensis, Eurasian eagle-owlLarge Series plate 9, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
Plate 80 of the Reeves Collection (Zoology)LS Plate 80 of the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China, 1774-1856
Probosciger aterrimus, palm cockatooPlate 42, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
Psittacula sp. parakeetPlate 47, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China. The plant is Solanum sp
LS Plate 158 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Ptilinopus insolitus, knob-billed fruit dovePlate 52, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China. The plant is Bombax ceiba
Plate 146 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Plate 122 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Plate 90 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Flower Illustration from the Reeves CollectionPlate 313 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Gallicolumba luzonica, luzon bleeding-heart and another doveLarge Series plate 32, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
LS Plate 139 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Chrysanthemum x morifolium, chrysanthemum. Plate 582 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Chaetodon lunula, raccoon butterflyfishFf. 27a Vol 2. Watercolour painting by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage to explore the southern continent 1768-1771
Thespia tiliaceousPlate 781 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
LS Plate 155 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
LS Plate 175 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Paeonia sp. paeonyPlate 4 from the John Reeves Collection of Botanical Drawings from Canton, China. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London
Melogale moschatta, Chinese ferret badgerLS Plate 76 of the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China, 1774-1856
LS Plate 193 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
Paradisaea minor, lesser bird-of-paradisePlate 11, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
LS Plate 162 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings
LS Plate 14 from the John Reeves CollectionLarge Series plate 14, a watercolour from the John Reeves Collection of Zoological Drawings from Canton, China
LS Plate 156 from the John Reeves CollectionJohn Reeves, a 19th Century Tea Inspector, travelled to Canton, China in order to develop a large collection of Chinese natural history drawings