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24 Items
Falcate trizeuxis orchid, Trizeuxis falcata
Shaving brush tree, Pseudobombax grandiflorum (or Bombax album). Native to Brazil, introduced by George Loddiges, and sent by John Shepherd of the Liverpool Botanic Garden
Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum oppositifoliumSolomon's Seal, Polygonatum oppositifolium. Sent from Nepal by Dr. Nathaniel Wallich to nurseryman George Loddiges in 1819. Opposite-leaved Solomon's Seal, Convallaria oppositifolia
Dendrolirium lasiopetalum orchidDendrolirium lasiopetalum or Eria lasiopetala orchid. Native to India, sent from Calcutta by plant hunter Dr. Nathaniel Wallich to Liverpool Botanic Garden in 1820
Stelis multirostris orchid. Introduced from the West Indies by nurseryman George Loddiges. Racemed pleurothallis, Pleurothallis racemiflora
Anthurium acaule. Native to the Lesser Antilles, introduced to England by Elcock Esq. from Barbados. Stemless pothos, Pothos acaulis
Alpine braya, Braya alpina. Native to the Alps of Carinthia and Salzburg, Germany, received from German botanist Dr. Christian Friedrich Hornschuch
Liparis nervosa orchid. Native to the tropics of Asia, Africa and America. Specimen sent from Nepal by botanist and missionary Dr William Carey to John Shepherd at the Liverpool Botanic Garden
Sudamerlycaste barringtoniae orchid. Native to Jamaica, flowered in Mrs Jane Barrington's garden at Mongewell in 1791. Drawn from a specimen in John Shepherd's Liverpool Botanic Garden in 1824
Palinurian primrose, Primula palinuri. Endangered. Native to the rocks of Palinuri, near Salerno, Naples, Italy
Oleandra articulata fern. Sent from St Vincent in the Caribbean by botanist Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Knotty-stalked shielf-fern, Aspidium nodosum
Prescottia plantaginea orchid. Native to the West Indies and Latin America, sent from Rio de Janeiro by English botanist John Forbes in 1822. Plantain-leaved prescotia, Prescotia plantaginea
Halberd fern, Tectaria plantaginea. Sent from St. Vincent in the Caribbean by naturalist Rev. Lansdown Guilding. Plantain-leaved polypodium, Polypodium plantagineum
Weeping fig, Ficus benjaminaWeeping fig, benjamin fig, Ficus benjamina. Native to Malabar, India, and the East Indies. Shining-leaved fig, Ficus nitida
Delicate violet orchid, Ionopsis utricularioides
Paullinia meliifolia. Native to South America, and introduced from Brazil by Richardson Harrison of Aegsburgh, flowered at Liverpool Botanic Garden. Azederach-leaved paullinia, Paullinia meliaefolia
Bolbitis appendiculata fern or Egenolfia appendiculata fern. Native from India to southeast Asia, found at Nabovi, eastern Camrupa, by Scottish botanist Dr. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton in 1801
Walking maidenhair fern, Adiantum caudatum. Specimen discovered by Scottish botanist Dr. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton at Gualpara, India, in 1808. Attenuated mainden-hair fern
Bolbitis nodiflora fernBolbitis nodiflora or Egenolfia vivipara fern. Native to Asia, found by Scottish botanist Dr. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton in Gualpara, India, in 1808. Viviparous polybotrya, Polybotrya vivipara
Small American skullcap, Scutellaria parvula. Discovered by Andre Michaux in Illinois, and seeds brought by Scottish botanist John Goldie from Canada to flower at Monkswood Grove, Ayr
Splendid Chinese primrose, Primula sinensis
Greater yellowspike orchid, Polystachya concreta. Native to tropical Asia, America and Africa, and sent from the East Indies by plant hunter Dr Nathaniel Wallich
Pigeonplum tree, Coccoloba diversifoliaPigeonplum tree, tietongue tree, or various-leaved seaside grape, Coccoloba diversifolia. Native to the West Indies, and received by John Shepherd at Liverpool Botanic Institution
Leucheria senecioides or Leucheria oligocephala. Native of Chile, seeds sent by Scottish plant hunter Alexander Cruikshanks. Groundsel-like trixis, Trixis senecioides